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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You know what the bills offense was ranked in 2006 as per yard per game? 30th. People have this fantasy that the offense & JP in particular brokeout in 06'. It just did not happen. JP had a few good games surrounded by mostly mediocre games & a few horrible games. He did not have a breakout season. Tough to ignore the stats when comparing 06 & 07. Passing offense the bills ranked 28th in 06, averaging 169 yards per game & totaling 2,719 yards in JP's supposed breakout year. In 07', where everybody pretty much agrees the offense was a disaster & not to mention the fact that the bills played in two late season games where the weather made it virtually impossible to throw the ball, & they had a 3rd round rookie qb for half the season the stats are surprsingly similar to Jp's breakout year. 30th in passing offense, 164 yrds per games & total yrds of 2,668. 06 numbers were better in td/int ratio - 19/14 to 12/14 but other then that, the stats are very similar.
  2. Congratulations Bill, you must be very proud. With that being said, my older sister was a lawyer for 6yrs. Could not stand it. Her firm represented insurance agencies trying to get off paying out claims. She finally had enough & quit. Ended up becoming a FBI agent. Loves it. She actually discouraged me from going to law school. I went on to get my MBA instead. Can not say I really regret it. Work at a bank, make a fairly decent wage(for buffalo) & rarely work past 4:30 & no weekends. Banker hours are not bad.
  3. I gave my tickets away last year. The Miami rivalry has been dead since Jimmy Johnson left. Maybe if these 2 teams ever got their act together & actually played a meaningfull game late in the year, it could be rekindled. But right now to be honest with you, out of all the teams on the schedule, Miami is the least team I want to see this year. You got to remember with the new schedule format, we will not see Seatle or SF @ the Ralph for quite sometime after this year. I have been a season ticket holder for 12 years & went to my first Miami game in 1987.
  4. That's the spirit. I swear, bills fans are the most pessimistic bunch of whiners there are. Im really starting to believe that. Granted, 10yrs of horrible non playoff football will demoralize any fan base, but come on. It is April 16th & we are already thinking of ways that they could blow a potential wildcard birth.
  5. One more thing, I actually gave up my Miami tickets last year & watched it at Bar Bills because I thought it was going to be too cold outside. the older you get, the less you want to spend out in the elements if you dont have to.
  6. I dont think it should of been a division opponent, with only 6 of them now, those games are just too important but with that being said who cares. Miami is going to suck next year, it should be an easy win & we wont have to freeze our asses off in December. I think it is a win for all parties involved.
  7. Could we just stop with the I cant believe NE has the easiest schedule conspiracy theory? The schedules are preplanned years in advance & the only difference between our schedule & NE schedule is that they get to play the AFC division winners for 2 games(Indy & Pitts) & we get to play the 2nd place teams(Cleve & Jacks). The only reason their schedule is easier then our is because they get to play us twice instead of playing themselves twice. Not to mention playing the jets & phins twice.
  8. I dont mind playing miami in toronto. I would of rather had it San Fran but Miami would probably be the next team I would pick.
  9. Why are you assuming every club has an owner like Snyder or Jerry Jones that think like this?
  10. I did not even look at the site, just took the posters word for it.
  11. What a pisser. I should of known Jeremy White would be wrong. This was going to be the perfect excuse for me going to my wife's family for Thanksgiving. Oh well.
  12. I would be scared that Crabtree is a product of the system they run down there at Tech. I would not touch him until at least the third round.
  13. Your missing the point. If the owners would say it will be uncapped but free agency will not begin until a player has complete 6yrs of service, most of the players are going to be on the downside of their careers anyways after 6yrs & will not merit huge salaries. Their are going to be exceptions like your franchise qb etc... but for the most part, if a team drafts well, they should succeed under this proposal.
  14. I agree that is a might big if but I dont think the owners will agree to be uncapped unless they are guaranteed that they have exclusive rights with their draft choices for at least 6yrs.
  15. Dominique Rodgers Cromartie
  16. No we do not have a winner. They already said that the game in Toronto is going to be played after Thanksgiving so it does not interfere with the CFL season.
  17. Hey it is just a wild guess!!
  18. Your wrong in your analysis compafring football to baseball. Can not compare the two. The differnece between football & baseball is that football players careers are so much shorter. Teams would still be successfull if they built thru the draft. Say they go to an uncapped league, but make it mandatory that rookies must sign or can not hit free agency until 6 years of service. By the time their 6th year is up, a good % of players are going to be on the downside of their career anyways. Sure there is going to be guys that hit free agency & then will go to the highest bidder but, your success is still going to be keyed thru the draft. Baseball is different. Players do not hit the major leagues until 3 -4 years after being drafted. Most players do not hit the peak until their late 20s, where in football I think most players hit their peak in their mid 20s, where they would still be under contract with the original team that they were drafted by.
  19. My prediction is the browns are going to suck this year.
  20. Sounds good man. Good luck.
  21. Can't you wait until you get home from work to book the hotel rooms? Is a three hour head start that important?
  22. Gus Johnson gets a bad rap, I dont understand it. I like him too. Especially for the NCAA tourney. At least he brings some emotion to the game, not like some of these stiffs.
  23. They actually said the game will be played in buffalo not toronto.
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