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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I already counted my last 2 posts in that 800 figure.
  2. But do you always have to get your rocks off about calling people out on their dumb statements? So I made a dumb statement, so what? There is on average 800 dumb statements on this board everyday. Big deal.
  3. Remember that Raider game out in the coliseum the year after their 1st super bowl when he missed like 3 chip shot fgs & a few extra points. I believe he finally made a fg in overtime to win & Thomas was quoted as saying "if he missed that kick in overtime we were going to throw him out of the plane on the ride home over North Dakota". Norwood sucked.
  4. Alright fine, then 15 minutes. Do you have to nitpick everything?
  5. Funny you say that because it is supposed to be 88 on thursday & 90 on friday. I think summer has finally arrived.
  6. I always wonder why these guys do not do that. I would get a cab company, shoot the company like you said 1-2 grand for the year & expect them to pick me up wherever Im at within the hour. Shoot the cabbie $50 tip like you said. These guys have too much to lose.
  7. I have said this for years that playoff hockey just maybe the most exciting spectacle of all the team sports. With that being said, as far as the ratings are concerned, it just does not matter. The people in this country just do not care or unwilling to give it a chance. Saturday night, the nhl ratings were the same as that Martial Arts fighting on CBS. Think about that for a second. The NHL, in what they are calling a dream matchup in their finals, could not even outdraw a sport that is still for all intents & purposes still trying to find their way. Dennis Williams made a good point on the radio this morning. The NHL Finals are drawing their ratings from three markets. Detriot, Pittsburgh & WNY. The rest of the country could really care less.
  8. That is exactly what I mean. I feel bad for the Corp, but this story had a little bit of everything. Booze, Violence, domestic dispute, running over a kids basketball net & in the end noone got hurt too bad, except for maybe the dad, who was asking for it anyways.
  9. Not to mention the year the Flute & RJ came to Buffalo, the bills were coming off a 6-10 season & not a very good team. They started that 1st season off 0-3 before they beat an undefeated SF team.
  10. That is a pretty ignorant statement pal. How do you know people could barely afford bills season tickets?
  11. MY friend at work just got an email this morning stating on Wednesday that he could use his password to get tickets. The thing is he is not an argo season ticket holder or a buffalo bill season ticket holder. He just signed up. Something stinks here.
  12. With comments like this, I do not think it is outline for someone to question your support towards Edwards.
  13. He did play on a much better team, no arguement there, but unfortunately, for you to say he wins games is complete bullsh*t, unless you consider winning an average of three games a year in his last 3 seasons is winning games for us.
  14. Another brilliant post. Let's see, is he going to play better then what he did in his 2nd career start against a team that was undefeated at the time & many had picked to go to the superbowl, all in front of the spotlight of Monday Night Football & a national audience. My guess is he is going to show great improvement this year from his 2nd start of his career.
  15. In 2005 he started all 11 games for stanford. 2004 & 2006 he missed time due to injuries.
  16. Flutie had a career record here in buffalo of 21-9 as a starter. Losman has a career record of 10-21. How the hell with that record do you consider him as winning games for us over his tenure here? BTW, you call Edwards injury prone yet Losman has been injured 3 out of his 1st 4 seasons here in Buffalo. How do you not consider him injury prone?
  17. Yep, dont usually drink them but I was on a three day bender from beer & I did not feel drinking beer on sunday. Thought I would try something different. It was not bad.
  18. Maybe if the Casinos would start loosening the purse strings a little she would not have a tough time making the rent. I went to my father-in-laws cottage over the weekend & was bored on sunday(as I usually am there; whole different story in itself so I digress). Went to the senecca casino in Alleghaney & Sat down at the blackjack table & got knocked upside the head for $1,250 in a matter of 40 minutes. The dealer was pulling 19,20,21's from 5s & 6s as their base card. At one point I seen the dealer smile after I lost on a double down 10 when the dealer had 6 in the hole showing. Of course I pull a 3 & she pulls a 21. I felt like Joe Pecci in Casino. Felt like saying "how the F*ck can you sit there & smile? Hit me again, hit it up your mother's ass, take this one up your sister's ass. How many f*cking kings do you have in that deck" But Iam a gentleman so I just had another whiskey sour & grinned & beared it. Needless to say I was miserable to my wife for the rest of the weekend as she forced me into going to her dad's cottage this past holiday weekend. I know, a sick disturbed way of looking at it & my stupidity for losing all that money, but hey losing over a grand in less then an hour will do that to a person. I hope your wife's friend gets kicked out of the house she rents.(just kidding)
  19. That was my first game too. My dad took me. I was 6 at the time.
  20. I see it both ways. When me & my friends were all getting married(about 7yrs ago) we all had our stag parties. Some of us had strippers(I did) & some of us did not. I do not know what they charge now but at the time of my stag I got 2 girls & they charged $400 for the hour($200 a piece). Im sure the price of doing business has gone up. I did not get that much enjoyment out of it because I basically told the strippers to do whatever you want to my friends but take it easy on me as I knew the evil eye of my wife's father & grandfather would be watching closely. I had my real fun after the stag after me & about 10 of mine friends went up to Canada for the night. So I guess Iam trying to say, you know the people that are coming. Are they going to be mad if there are no strippers? Remember, your not only going to be out the deposit money, but probably at least another $500 for the girls. I would probably say at that price, it would not be worth it. Unless they are willing to raffle off blow jobs in the bathroom like the skanks I got.
  21. I have been thinking of that all along. She is obviously interested in the bills. Why would'nt she want to own them? & before someone says, $800 million reasons why, Im sure she will have enough money & live a rather comfortable life even without selling the bills.
  22. Your right, it is really sad what sports talk radio in this town has become.
  23. I know I should stop listening. I really do not listen at all anymore except for about 5-10 minutes a day to see what they are talking about. Bottom line in this area though, if you do not have satellite radio & want to listen to a sports station, they are the only game in town.
  24. In this case talk & predictions are cheap fellas. This team has handed us our lunch for this whole decade, winning 14 out of the last 15 games against us. That kind of streak is unheard of or should be unheard of in today's NFL. Until I see it happen, Im keeping my mouth shut.
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