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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I feel the same. One game & preseason fine, if they start splitting it 50/50 or anything close to that I will not renew my tickets & basically be done with the bills.
  2. You do make some solid points & there is reason for concern, but I really think there is still a market out there to increase the ticket prices dramatically. I really think the bills could bump up ticket prices $15 to $20 a piece across the board per game & people will still buy them around here. Do that, I bet that would put right around the league average or even above it.
  3. I agree with this to a certain extent. I will still argue though that the high taxes are more then offset by the low housing costs. The only arguement against this is that in other places the real estate appreciates alot more then in WNY.
  4. Oh I know man, I wasnt trying to give you a tough time. That is surprising about the golf. I have a few friends that live in Hoboken & they said if you want to golf on the weekends & do not belong to a country club, it is very difficult. IMHO on NYC, I think it would be a great place to live if you made a ton of money.
  5. I work with alot of people from NYC & I always get a kick out of how they think they are living the good life & thinking there sh*t dont stink. It is funny though, when I actually talk to them about the quality of life. They usually say they live in a small apartment, pay 2 grand in rent. If they want to go golfing they usually say unless you belong to a country club forget about golfing. Most of them said their commute time was at least an hour, no matter where you had to go. A few of my clients came in a few weeks ago. After work, I took them back to my house for a BBQ. They could not believe how nice the suburbs were in buffalo & when I told them how much I paid for my house in Lancaster 2 of them nearly fell off their chair. Never been impressed with NYC, & I go there for business once a month. Too crowded, too much of a rat race. The people on the subways just look beat & miserable. You could keep your 6 figure salaries & your claim to fame that you made it in the city, I will keep my $80K salary & my high quality laid back life.
  6. But stuff is happening & I think it rubs guys like endzone & myself wrong that guys like you who are 1,000 miles away continuously say nothing is happening in the city. Just as I look out my building I see construction workers building the foundation for the Casino, the inner harbor project & the high rise condos we have been talking about. But everytime someone brings this up one of the out of towners can not resist making some snide remark about how the city will f*ck it up or the kiss of death is that a picture was put in the buffalo news about it. & for Eric in VA, obviously you have not been reading these boards this offseason. It has been constant bashing of buffalo from many of the outoftowners that actually posted in this thread.
  7. He got banned for that???? If anything the man should be applauded for seeing something after 2 games that took most of us 30+ games to finally realize.
  8. & besides you keep Beltran. Be strong up the middle with beltran, Reyes. Unfortunately, we just gave castillo I believe a 4yr contract(brilliant move Omar). delgado will be gone after this year. Build the rotation around Santana/Maine/Pelfrey. That sh*thead Perez could go back to the Pirates as far as Im concerned.
  9. who in their right mind would take on Beltran's salary right now?
  10. The angels are a team that play the game the right way & probably have the best manager in the game. They just find ways to win even though some of their big sticks have not been producing like they usually do. In alot of ways, they are the antimets.
  11. could not agree more. This team is unwatchable. They are starting to remind me of the early 90 teams. You know what though, you are what your record is & this bunch of has been over the hill underachievers have been a 500 club for the better part of a year now. Totally disgusted.
  12. You know what, this board sucks during the offseason. I will see you guys in the fall.
  13. That is right, what else would I fear? I do not have a personal stake in this, I do not know lynch personally, it seems like the girl is going to be alright, what else are you scared of. Tom, I know you think your smarter then everybody else on this board, but what else would you possibly fear?
  14. I know most people go down to chippewa, stay out to 3:30 in the morning & do not have a drop to drink. I suppose lynch could be the exception. That is why I put the 99% in there. Also, you could honestly sit there & say you would not know if you hit/brushed up against a car or a person????? Seriously, & even if he did thought he hit a car he still left the scene of an accident, which brings me up to my first point that he was probably drinking & did not want to get a dwi. Im just using logic here.
  15. You guys are all such a bunch of homers. You have to be an idiot not to put this together. Pretty simple, Lynch went down to the Chip, had one too many drinks, clipped a girl, got scared & drove away. He was the driver in the car, im 99% sure of that. My guess is this information will come out next week, he will be arrested & when it is all said & done he will get probation & a small fine, plus find himself right in the middle of a civil lawsuit. MY biggest fear is that Goodell is going to suspend him for the 1st 4 weeks. Hopefully, since this is his 1st offense this is not the case. You guys that are flaming appu just because he could see the obvious really need to take the rose colored glasses off.
  16. I told you yesterday, stop it with the jokes. I have alot of work to do this afternoon, & now Im going to be laughing my a** off thinking about the family & the driveway powerbomb.
  17. Good point, for I am the son of satan.
  18. Are you kidding? This is what makes this ticket so valuable, that we are playing the Browns. There is only 2 other fan bases that travel as well as Cleveland fans & that Is Pitstburgh & Green Bay. Couple that with the fact that Cleveland is only a 3 wood down the 1-90 from the Ralph & this ticket is going to be in high demand.
  19. I wonder if it was your daughter that got hit, would you think the story was overplayed?
  20. Give me a break pal. The things that Kelly & the boys did back in the glory days would make this team look like choir boys. Alot of the stuff did not get reported in the paper at the time, but I have reliable sources that have told me some doozies.
  21. I have to disagree. Last year, 3 days after they opened tickets to season ticket holders(& remember last year they let you buy unlimited right off the bat) I bought 10 tickets to the dallas game. This game sold out in basically an hour with only being allowed to buy 6 tickets. I got $110 a ticket for the upper deck seats last year, Im thinking at least $125 this year. People would be smart to buy them on stubhub now, before the prices jump.
  22. That is why you sell them before the season starts.
  23. You better duck before eball & that other dickhead gets on your a** & calls you a greedy bastard with no morals.
  24. Thanks alot. I just spit my pop out onto my computer screen. That joke never gets old.
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