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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Maybe I used too strong of words. Turning the page was the wrong choice of words. I should of said , they had their doubts on him after the 06 season, maybe were not fully committed to him as being their guy. Once Edwards fell into their laps & they saw first hand his grasp of the offense, I really think they were looking for the first opportunity to get him in there. Horrible mindset to have by your coaching staff go into the season like that but it is what it is I guess.
  2. Well, like i said my opinion was just based on theory. I have no insider information, & the benching of Losman the first time probably did have to due with the bonus. It is truly sad if that is what it was totally about. The benching of him the 2nd time though I have to believe was due to his on the field performance & the lack of faith the coaching staff had in him.
  3. He was just giving the company line. What was he supposed to say "we pounced on Edwards because we think Losman stinks & will not be with us once his original contract is up"
  4. It does defy some logic that they would not pull the trigger on Edwards earlier, but my guess is maybe they were just good poker players that day. They gambled Edwards would still be around in the 3rd round, they loved Poz in trading up the 2nd & as luck would have it they got both their guys. I think I read somewhere where the only qb they had rated ahead of Edwards was Russell. Once Miami & philly took Beck & Kolb, maybe they decided this guy just maybe around with our 3rd rnd pick & let's roll dice & see if he is there, if not they could address the qb situation the following year. Point #2 is an interesting point but you have to remember that Losman came in against the Jets, threw the td to evans to win the game, played probably his best game as a BIll the following week against Cincy & somehow found a way to win against Miami even though the whole offense was pretty miserable that day. A week later(Edwards is still on the shelf) they get destroyed by NE. Losman had a horrible game but I think it is pretty safe to say so did the rest of the team also. If he pulled losman at that point, it would look like he was blaming him for the NE loss, which probably my guess is would not sit well in the lockerroom. Nah, DJ is a better politician then that. He was going to give Losman every opportunity to play himself right out of the lineup against Jacksonville with his poor play which is exactly what Losman did.
  5. It is a good theory & you lay out your arguements as usual very well. But... this is what I think. I think towards the end of the 06' campaign somewhere along the lines, the coaches came to the conclusion that they are never going to win with Losman leading the ship. Whether, it was the botching of the play clock on the last drive against tenn or whatever, somewhere along the line the coaches lost confidence in JP that they showed in him halfway thru the season. I do not think this arguable given the ultra conservative game plan they laidout for him to open the 07 season. Fast forward to the draft. I do think they had their sights set on drafting a QB with a first day pick. When Edwards fell in their lap in the 3rd round, their was much rejoicing at 1 bills drive & they did not hesitate to pull the trigger. It was very interesting listening to Modrak comment on the Edwards pick later that day saying they were very nervous when their pick was coming up, thinking that some team was going to jump them & pick Edwards. Those comments right there do not make it sound like they were ever enamored with Losman's ability & have already turned the page on him. The bottom line is if they ever believed Losman was their guy, noway were they sweating because they thought someone was going to pick edwards ahead of them. If they really believed in Losman they would of taken someone else with the 3rd rnd pick imo. Fast forward to training. Now I must say, I only went to 3 training camp practices, but the practices I did go to Edwards outplayed JP. He looked better. Maybe those were the only 3 practices he looked better but I doubt it. It was disturbing for me to watch Losman struggle to even complete the simplest of passes & make the right reads & have this 3rd round rookie come in & watch the offense look alot more smoother. I think after the preseason games, where Losman continued to struggle, the coaches all but made up their mind before the season even started that the first opportunity they get they are going to get Edwards some playing time. It probably came sooner then expected but such is life in the NFL. I highly doubt, even if Edwards struggles, they are going to go back to JP. The coaches just do not believe in him imo. They are going to stick with Edwards because he is their guy, he is the guy they choose to lead them. They have no affiliation to JP & my guess is they have seen this guy make enough boneheaded plays in not only the games but in practice to ever want to see him with the ball in his hands with the game on the line.
  6. Really??? Everybody, I have talked to that has went to Hawaii said there is no other place in the world like it. I wanted to go there last year, but the wife wanted to go back to Aruba. So of course we went to Aruba.
  7. Your not a hater just because you do not think Losman is a good QB. I do not think he is a good qb, I do not think he will ever be a good qb. It is just my opinion & I could be wrong but I do not think so. Losman's 2nd year here, his 1st as a starter, I ran into Van Miller at the mall. I asked him about JP & he said I have watched him play in practice & obviously in games & I do not think he will ever be accurate enough to become a viable starter in this league. I look back at that statement & IMHO those words have rung true over the years. In the NFL, you can have the best arm in the league, if you are unable to squeeze the ball into tight spaces, your not going to become a good qb. Losman has shown the inability time & time again to be unable to or even unwillingly to fit the ball into tight spaces. Can Edwards do this, I do not know the answer. We will find out this year.
  8. I understand your point. I just really do not think Losman is the gunslinger that everybody thinks he is. Only time will tell. I see too many shortcomings in Losman's game for him ever to be successfull for a long stretch of time. Could I be wrong? Sure. In all likelyhood, Losman will get another chance this year because chances that Edward will stay healthy enough to take every snap is probably less then 30%(not because he is injury proned, but because qbs tend to get hit hard & injured in this league). Hopefully he does prove me wrong. I am sick of watching the playoffs without having the bills in it.
  9. Yeah I know, looking back it probably was in bad taste trying to scalp tickets on here. I do agree with the above poster, it is great that they are selling tickets, but it does show that the bills still have leverage to raise tickets prices dramatically & people will still come. If you look on stub hub/ebay etc... from now until the season starts there will probably be at least 2K tickets available thru these markets at any one time. I do not know if it is any different then other cities though.
  10. Hey btw, I sold 6 of my extra Cleveland tickets for $125 a pop. I just thought I would let you know. I did not want you staying up at night worrying if I would get my money back
  11. Are we as fans not suppose to have any expectations when it comes to players? Have we been subject to such lousy qb play for the last decade or so that we are all suppose to do a happy dance whenever our qb does not fumble the snap or throw an interception? Sorry, Iam tired of seeing lousy qb play. My expectation of Edwards was zero last year considering that I did not think there was any chance he would even see the field. Since I had no expectations of Edwards, I was pleasantly surprised at the way he handled himself & played last year. My expectations of Edwards this year is that I expect him to keep progressing, helping this team along the way of winning football games & having a key hand to keep us in the playoff mix the whole season. Really, is that too much to ask? My expectation of Losman last year was I expected him to continue & progress off of his 06 season. I expected him to be a leader, leading this team to a wildcard spot. Well, we all know how it turned out.
  12. I understand your point & believe me it does have some merit but I think people when they say Losman sucks also realize the system was not doing him any favors but he should of been able to overcome the system's shortcomings. I mean the system did not make him overthrow wide open guys, or continuosly bounce simple 10yrd outs that your local varsity high school qb could make 8 out of 10 times. The system did not make Losman fumble on a 4th & inches qb sneak against jacksonville late in the 4th quarter with the game on the line. The system I believe is not responsible for the fact that the bill's record with Losman as the starting qb is 10-21 & in that same time span when anyone else starts at qb the bills record is 9-8. I think that is what people are referring too when they say he sucks.
  13. I think we need to get out of the shoots early this year. Every year we dig ourselves this incredible hole & we are just not good enough to get out of it. Got to go 4-1 or 5-1 right off the bat. That will give us a chance. We should be favored against the Seahawk/Raiders at home. If we could win those two & possibly take either the rams or the cardinals game we could be 4-2. My prediction is 11-5.
  14. I agree with you, the play calling that day was horrendous. Totally playing not to lose, but.... with that being said if Losman completes the pass to Evans, a pass that an NFL qb with a supposed great accurate long ball should be able to complete 9 out of 10 times the bills win.
  15. If you watched that game at all, you would of noticed he was lights out until the monsoon hit. I think he put up 14 points in the 1st quarter. The wind started up & no reasonable person could of expected to do much in the air once the weather hit.
  16. Funny, when I was getting enganged 8yrs ago, was not making real great money, but was doing alright for a 26yr old kid without many bills. We went to this jeweler & with the engagement ring & her wedding band I think I spent 6k. Then it came time for me to pick out my wedding band. The guy brings out this book as thick as a phone book & says they are listed from most expensive to least expensive. Well I flipped right to the back of the book & picked the cheapest ring the guy had. $59.99. Not a bad deal & it only turns my finger green when the mercury goes over 90 degrees.
  17. I do not know why you continuosly try to reason & use logic with this guy. He is not going to change his mind no matter what you say. He is going to be disgruntled & miserable & bitter all year because Losman is not going to get his 5th chance at the starting job. It is like talking to a wall. It is too bad too that he feels this way because I really think the bills are going to do some great things this year & he is going to be too bitter too enjoy it. I will say this one more time. Alot of the success of the season really depends on Edwards. He needs to play better then he did last year(which common sense tells you he will). If he plays the same as he did last year the bills will not make the playoffs again. I think he is really positioned to do some good things this year. All things considered he had he played well last year given the fact that he was a 1st year rookie qb. I think he has the makeup to progress, not regress, Iam really not concerned about his arm strength, he could make all the throws he has too, & I lovew his quick release & his mental makeup for the game. I think/hope he is going to be fine.
  18. If I recall, g*ddam JD Williams mistimed his jump by about 10 seconds. Was'nt it later that it came out that williams had some kind of depth perception problem. Im no football coach but isnt the skill of properly judging where the ball is at kinda of important to have for a cornerback playing in the nfl?
  19. I love Hoboken. Used to go down there all the time before I was married to party with my friends. My one friend moved down there & lives in Hobeken now. He actually bought 2 condos, right connecting with each other, had a contractor take down the walls & make it one big condo. Says he has about 2500 sq feet now. Has 2 kids so he definately needed the room. I think it cost him about 1 million to buy the places & do the construction. Talking to him the other day, he was a not worried but a little concerned if anything ever happened to his job, or if he wanted to move back to Buffalo, if he could be able to get out from under his mortgage now without losing a ton of money. He once told me that Hoboken per square mile has the most bars then any place in the country. I definately believe it. Had some wild times there.
  20. I have a question for you guys with these levees. Why does'nt the government just make the levees higher? I mean, was'nt there just a big flood in the miss river just about 5yrs ago. It is going to happen again. Some scientist came on nightline last night & said that with the increase precipitation caused by the changing environment, people can expect flooding on the miss once every 6 or 7 years now. For years, people knew that if a hurricane ever hit New Orleans straight on & was powerfull enough that the levees would not hold & it would flood the city. Eventually, supposedly intelligent people had to figure a hurrricane was hit NO, but still there was no upgrade to the levees. Am I missing something? One would think just raise the levees & the problem would be solved. Is it too expensive?
  21. That was kinda my point though. Who would want to play a 6hr round of golf when your waiting 10 minutes for every shot. We go every saturday morning, a foursome, & are done in 3hrs.
  22. Wow, that is pretty sweet.
  23. With all due respect this is very unusual for this time of year. Prior to this week the weather leading up the last few weeks was very warm,(temps in the mid to upper 80s on some days). The ave temp this time of year is 76 degrees & last year on this same date, courtesy of the buffalo news weather section today, was 89 degrees. So save the we could barely crack 60 degrees wise ass remark. Being this cold this time of year, is like the equivelent of having a 65 degree day in the middle of january. Highly unusual my friend.
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