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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. If he gets another opportunity. I really think unless he gets an opportunity to play this year(highly likely) & plays well (highly unlikely imo) there are going to be very few teams that will be willing to bring him in for anything more then a 2nd/3rd string position.
  2. Okay, your smarter then everybody else because you do not think (at least by knowledgable football people like yourself) QBs should get judged by their win/loss record. So what you are saying is QBs do not play no role on any given sunday in their team's outcome? Man you really are a f*cking retard.
  3. Fine, take the NE game off & the add the jets game & his record still stinks. Iam not saying it is all on him but if your like KRC that is saying that QBs do not get judged in this league, at least partially by their win/loss record, that is assinine. & dont you think that comparing a qb that just won the super bowl to a guy like Losman is ridiculous also?
  4. Yeah, because I do not think Losman is a good qb I do not know anything about football? Your a piece of work. Let me ask you something, when no team gives Losman a starting job next year, what excuse are you going to make for him then? He has had 2 coaching staffs now, that both pretty much thought he stunk. You guys are right & the guys that see him everyday in practice & our the supposed experts are wrong.
  5. Why is it when anybody questions losman, they are automatically idiots? That is one game(NE game), Iam pretty sure if Losman was in there they would of loss too. The starter thing is not BS. It is what it is. The jets game, Evans made a great play on a ball poorly thrown & into double coverage. Yeah we know, I will save you the time, you watched the tape & Losman did exactly what he was supposed to do, Looked off the safety for one second & threw a hail mary up to Evans.
  6. Look man, I do not make the rules but fair or not qbs are judged at least partially by their starting won/loss. When ytou have a starting record as poor as Losman's your probably not going to be a starter much longer as Losman is finding out this year.
  7. Fair or not, qbs in this league are judged by wins & losses. Is it all on the qb? Absolutely not, but unfortunately it is the nature of the position. After 31 starts, if Edwards has only 10 wins, I would hope the bills would be considering different options as well.
  8. I have stated this before but I will say it again, in the 3yrs that Losman has started games the bills with losman starting are 10-21 & with any other qb starting(Holcolmb/Edwards) in that same time frame are 9-8. To be fair, you should probably give Losman the KC 3yrs ago so 11-21 to 8-8. Has the situation been ideal? Of course not. Losman needed to overcome it & he simply did not get the job done. I do not know how anybody could sit their & defend Losman's play since he has been a bill. & comparing him to manning/big ben/rivers is downright laughable. Those guys were head & shoulders above him in College & they are head & shoulders above him in the pros. Ask 32 GMs who they would rather have leading their team, JP or E Manning & I guarantee you will get the same answer 32 times.
  9. Clemson is the team to beat in the ACC this year. They have top 10 talent. My guess is with Clemson though is that they will do what they do every year & lose 2-3 games they have no business losing. FSU, I believe has them in Tally, so I do not see why they could not beat them if they are on top of their game. Virginia Tech will be tough as usual, probably win 10 games or so, Miami is another team that will be tough. The one darkhorse to watch out for is Maryland. I believe they return 17 or 18 starters & they were not that bad last year. The rest of the conference I do not think is going to be very good. If they get a couple early breaks, FSU could make the ACC Championship.
  10. Wasnt Parcells coaching that team? Anyways, my guess is he is going to take it in the pooper again anything short of a Super Bowl appearance this year. Jones wants Garrett coaching this team & is just waiting for Phillips to give him the smallest reason to can his ass.
  11. From an outsider looking in I do actually watch quite a few Florida State games. Here is my take. For the last 4-5 years I have seen FSU become undiciplined, uncoachable team. What strikes me is odd is that I think both of you could agree in the 90s, FSU was the leader on the cutting edge of offensive schemes. They were the first to go no huddle with Ward, first to spread out the O & make the D cover the whole part of the field. I know they lost some quality coordinators but I have to assume, & maybe Iam wrong that Bowden had to have his hand in the offense a little. I find it hard to believe that Bowden refuses or is not smart enough to change with the times. I said this once on the board & I got ridiculed but Bowden & Jo Pa have not done their schools any favors by sticking around this long. The game has past both of them by & they are bringing their programs down with it. Both programs will not return to the glory days until both men step down. In fact I will go as far to say that FSU, will have a tough time winning 6-7 games this year. There is no reason in the world that FSU & Miami should not dominate the ACC pretty much every year in football. Most of the schools passion in that conference is basketball & they have their claws into the best recruiting region(florida) in probably the whole country. For some reason, both of those programs have struggled the last few years & the only thing I could blame this on is the men running the show at the top.
  12. Perhaps they need to boot the old geezer out & then maybe their luck will change?
  13. The last few years I have been drifting more & more towards the college game. I think I actually like it better then the NFL. I still love watching/going to all the bills games, but there is nothing like hunkerring down in my basement around noon on saturdays in the fall, watching a full day of college football. I love it. I do not know if you guys get this already, but the College Game plan & the sports pack is a great deal for Direct TV if your a college football fan. The game plan gives you up to 13-14 additional games every week & the sports pack give you late pac 10 & big 12 games that you would normally not see at least in WNY. I am going to buy the Athlon College Preview after work today & I am going to start reading up on the teams. I do not know if you guys bet on the games or not, but I do, & the Athlon Book is like the Bible to me, at least in the early part of the season. I got an early line on Utah plus 5 against Michigan in the Big house opening week. I think UM is going to be bad this year, I mean they may not win 4 games all year. I love Utah with the points. They should win the game outright.
  14. They did not hold a press conference. But they were asked about if any teams called to inquire about Losman on draft weekend & they said no.
  15. Can not find it. It was in the buffalo news though around few days after the draft.
  16. Well considering that the bills openly said not one team called them on draft weekend to inquire about Losman gives me a pretty good indication that teams were not very interested. I have no reason to suspect why the bills would say something like this if it was not true.
  17. I will tell you Bill. First time I seen Bledsoe in a bills uniform was a preseason game. The bills got the kickoff & I think one of the first few plays from scrimmage bledsoe drops back & fires across the hash marks to the opposite side line this 30 yrd rope to moulds. I mean the thing never got more then 10-12 feet in the air. Hit him in perfect stride with a guy only a step or two behind him. The pass was only 30yrds but given that it was 3 quarters of the way across the field probably traveled more like 50yrds. Kelly, johnson, or losman could not of made that throw on their best day. I looked at my wife when he completed that & I told her there are probably only 2 or 3 guys in the league that could make that throw & we got one of them. To say I was excited for the possibilities at that moment was an understatement. I would soon realize though that his shortcomings proved fatal no matter how good of an arm he had. I will say this for Bledsoe. Bledsoe probably had a top 10 arm & Im talking about top 10 of all time.
  18. I suppose anything is possible, & it is not like Jauron is at the pinnacle of the coaching profession. My guess though is Losman will be out of the league in three years.
  19. They started off really well, but faded. Everybody thinks they made the playoffs that year because Bledsoe lit it up the 1st half of the season. But he faded in the 2nd half. Boy that sounds familar.
  20. Doesnt anybody think it is odd that not one team called the Bills on draft day to inquire about Losman? I think that says it all about what the rest of the league thinks of Losman. The contract issue does not hold water with me either. If any team thought highly of Losman I would think they would have no problem shooting over a mid round pick & then having all offseason trying to get him to sign an extension. Hell, did'nt the bills give losman's agent permission to go seek a trade? & still no teams were interested. If Losman does not get any playing time this year, I really do not think he will be able to find a team next year willing to give him a shot as the starter. & that is saying something with the bad qb play all around the league.
  21. We did pick up a journeyman qb, his name was kelly Holcomb. Who, surprise, surprise, outplayed Losman his first year here.
  22. Actually Dallas did not make the playoffs with bledsoe starting. It was only half way thru bledsoe's 2nd year when Parcells replaced Drew with Romo that they made the playoffs. They missed the playoffs bledsoe's 1st year I believe.
  23. The Sloan public swimming pool is great. They have a diving board & everything.
  24. That 6 or seven season loser NFL Head Coach did win the coach of the year one year & was runner up another year. He took a young team last year, decimated by as many injuries as I have ever seen & guided the ship to a respectable 7 win season given the circumstances. He must of been doing something right.
  25. You failed to mentioned however that 105 of his yards & 16 of the 27 completions came half way thru the 4th quarter or later, when the Jags went up by 8 or more points. We needed Losman to play good the whole game, not just in garbage time when the Jaguars were in a prevent defense.
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