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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I sat in JKC once. Never again, it sucks in that section, I would rather sit in the parking lot & listen to the play by play by Murph on the radio.
  2. I was talking about the AFC championship game. I was at that game & it wasn't bad at all. That other playoff game against the Raiders was the divisional game I believe, & yes that weather was brutal. I remember thinking thank god I didn't go to this game. it actually was a sellout though because I watched it on TV. Lot of no shows that game.
  3. I got fired from a few jobs when I was a teenager. But the best was when I worked for this one department store that went out of business a while ago at the Galleria. I worked in the photography department. Keep in mind most of the people in that department were some kind of professional photographers or at least free lanced for the news & just did this on the side. Not sure why they hired me for this department since I had no idea about photography. What made matters worst was about a month into my stint a photographer from Australia was in town for something & he needs some underwater camera since his broke. He knew exactly what he wanted so I basically just got it off the shelve for him. It was all dumb luck that I made the sale, but since we worked on commission & it was sizeable sale you could imagine the anger some of my fellow employees had for me since I got a good commission check that month. Anyhow, about 6 months into my employment there, I still had no clue about cameras. MY one friend asked me if I could see if he could get a job there. I said I will talk to my manager. So I asked my manager, "I got a buddie that is looking for a job, is there any openings." My manager said "bring him in for an interview." So my buddie went for the interview. A few days later my manager calls me into the office & says "I got some good news & some bad news. The good news is we decided to hire your buddie." I said "that is great, what is the bad news?" He said "to make room for him, I got to let you go."
  4. That wasn't horrendous weather, at least in Buffalo standards. It was 30 degrees, little wind & light snow. It was actually a pretty good day to watch a football game.
  5. He has had a pretty good career both with San Fran & KC. There is no way he is coming back from this though, he might not want to retire but that decision won't be up to him is my guess. Pretty good system QB, would rarely get you beat. Funny thing is when he got benched in San Fran he was having a career year. That had to be tough pill swallow for him at the time.
  6. Haha, yes, to be a Mets fan, the heartbreak. The only thing I could compare it to is being a Bills fan. Unfortunately I am both. I told my son when he was 4 to be a Yankees fan, you will have less heartbreak in your life. He is now 15 & he didn't listen to me. Heis as big of mets fan as I am. & I do remember that Marlins game. Me & my son both threw our jerseys off after the final out & said we are going to be Red Sox fans. That lasted about 3 minutes. I never thought Glavine looked right in Blue & Orange.
  7. That was a great game, I got fond memories of Endy Chavez who was always a favorite of mine climbing the wall in LF to rob that homer. I agree with Gungy, I thought Wainwright hung it a bit.
  8. Totally agree. I Literally after that happened turned the Tv off & starred at the blank screen of the TV in the dark for a good hour. My wife was actually quite concerned for my well being that night.
  9. Not sure everybody in the banking industry does it though & I have worked for 4 different banks in my career. Millions is MM
  10. Haha I am a banker & we always put M after for thousand, but yes you are technically right. $274K.
  11. I am a lifelong Mets fan but also had extra incentive that year to route on the Mets. I put a futures bet at Harrah's in March for the Mets to make it to the World Series. Put in $150 bet at 8-1 odds which would of paid a cool $1,200. To this day I can't believe beltran struck out looking down a run with the bases loaded from that curve ball from Wainright to end the game. Unbelievable.
  12. My house in Lancaster was appraised 2 years ago for $274M. I pay $8 grand in taxes per year. Already told my wife when my daughter is a senior in High School, if she still wants to live in WNY I am downsizing & buying a townhouse. Either that or I am moving down south. The taxes up here are ridiculous. Sal Cappocio on the pregame said he has been doing this for a while now & never saw so many Bills fan invade a town like this before. Said it was even more than Jacksonville. He estimated there will be 30-35K Bills fans in attendance for the game. Well done!
  13. Obviously you never watched Manning's last 2 months of his career. He was down right horrible after putting up MVP numbers for the first 3 quarters of the season. I get a kick out of guys like you, thinking he could play forever. He is 42, the end is coming.
  14. Haha, very true, my wife was driving so she is a lot better at directions then I am.
  15. My friend who went to the game said he focused on Zay Jones quite a bit Sunday & said he was open a lot & Allen didn't get it to him. Not sure how true that is but can't blame the guy if Allen can't get it to him when open.
  16. Your are correct. That was the game where they had it first and goal & Ronnie Harmon ran back about 30 yards trying to make something out of nothing. They didn't even get a FG out of that drive.
  17. I dropped my seasons three years ago. I still go to 3-4 games per year. I didn't have tickets to this game but I met a few of my friends up at the stadium for the tailgate. My thinking was if the price goes down I will buy a ticket at the last minute. Had my wife drop me off at the stadium at 9, had a good time at the tailgate. Had a few beers with some friends I haven't seen in awhile & we grilled out, nice morning. At noon my one friend asked me if I was going to try to find a ticket, I said no my wife is picking me up in about 15 minutes. She picked me up, I was back at the house by 12:35 & watch the game in my basement. Grilled some lobster tails at my house after the game. Aside from the ending, it was a really enjoyable day. I am starting to think with all the nonsense & hassle of going to the game, & I have thought the tailgating for the least 15 years has been the most enjoyable part of the day anyways, is to just go to the tailgate & come home to watch the game. I should state, this is not feasible for everybody as I do live 15 minutes away from the stadium. I will state for the Ravens game in December, my son & I do planning on going to Hammers for the pregame festivities as all the guys I usually tailgate with are out of town that weekend. I have wanted to see first hand what that parking lot is all about for years. We always tailgate in Lot 5 off of Southwestern.
  18. Well done sir. That is really surprising about Kelly's stats in 88. Although, I stated in another thread that this game reminded me of a game in 88 when the Bills were undefeated & went into Chicago & the Bears defense made Kelly look horrible. The defense will carry us to 10 wins this year, Allen just needs to learn from his mistakes & move forward & keep improving.
  19. They didn't have to play perfect football to win that game yesterday. They made a ton of mistakes & still were in position for the go ahead score at the 2 minute warning. The Bills roster is as talented as the Patriots. The biggest difference between the two clubs right now is that the Patriot know how to win & close out games, the Bills are still in the learning process in that department. That will come with experience.
  20. This actually reminds me of a game back in 88 when the Bills were 4-0, came into soldier field & the Bears defense made life miserable for Kelly & the boys that day. it is one game, the key is how they respond in Nashville next Sunday, which will be another tough defensive game. Good things ahead my friends.
  21. There is a homeless problem across this country but it is far worse in Socal. Go down Hollywood and there are tents lined down the street as far as the eye can see. It is a combination of things. Kids go out there thinking they are going to be the next Tom Cruise & the industry chews them up & spits them out. Also, the real estate is so expensive out there, you fall behind a payment or two on your mortgage & it is very difficult to catch up. Like I said combination of things plus the beautiful weather factors into it too. But it is a huge problem in Socal, more so then other parts of the country.
  22. The traffic is not bad going north on southwestern. I am usually home in 20 minutes from lot 5. Once you get by California it usually moves pretty well. I live in South Lancaster.
  23. I like my way better. I live in South Lancaster, I park in lot 5 when I leave right after the game I am at my house by 4:35. The traffic is not bad at all.
  24. That is a good place to park. Bang a left on southwestern and take it all the way past Genessee past the buffalo airport. You could jump on thruway about a half mile past there on the left. You get on there & take it right to NF airport. That will be the quickest way. Going anywhere south of the stadium & you could be in trouble. If you leave right after the game you will get to the NF airport by 5:30, guaranteed. Plenty of time.
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