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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Once again K-9, excellent points all the way around. You are the one poster on this board that has a correct handle on the pulse of the QB situation on this team. As far as TC last season, let me first say I only went to three of them. But I became very concerned because all three camps that I went to the offense looked better when Edwards was under center then when Losman was.
  2. I also like Florida in that game. You got to believe that Meyer & the boys are still steaming over that endzone celebration. If you are a Florida fan, you need to pray to the football gods that a RB emerges out of camp by the time opening weekend roles around. Florida opens with Hawaii in the swamp, which they should absolutely destroy & then has to go to Knoxville I believe sept 20th. They should be able to handle tenn. I like them to come out of the sec against Auburn. LSU has to go to Auburn this year, & I think LSU is going to have trouble with the qb position all year. Plus, I know he won the NC last year, but I just do not think Les Miles is that good of a coach. There were 3 or 4 instances last year where dumb in game decisions should of cost them the game but they ended up pulling it out somehow. I will take Tubberville over him anyday.
  3. I also agree with you to a point. From my prior posts also, I gamble quite a bit but I usually gamble playing college bball, football & dabble into baseball a little. As much as I gamble, I very rarely go to the Casino. Maybe twice a year. I stay away from there because I have news for everybody, you can not win there. The odds are so stacked against you that if you think about it, your chances of winning there are so minute that you might as well just take the money you were going to gamble with & give it to the first bum you see on the street. Went to the Casino, memorial weekend, lost my shirt. The only thing I would argue with is that there is nothing there right now. Would'nt a beautifull Casino at least on the outside look better then some empty buildings? Degenerate gamblers are going to gamble some place, might as well have them come down to the city so Buffalo could benefit from it.
  4. My wife & I went last Wednesday. I have seen about 6 or 7 shows either at Shea's or on Broadway in my life so by no means am I an expert, but this was by far the best show I have been too so far. It was fantastic. $80 for 2 tickets sounds like a good price. I think my wife bought them for $60 a piece.
  5. That is crazy. I was in SF once about 10yrs ago. It was mid August & the weather felt like it was late October/early November in Blo.
  6. They do but the problem they are having is that his contract is for like 12 or 13 mill per season. They obviously did not budget for that & I do not think they want that kinda cap hit or to payout that kind of coin to him. If he does comeback, Pack are in a tough spot. Do they trade him, where they would probably get maybe a 4th rounder for him, & that way at least you could make sure he stays out of the conference/division, or do you outright release him or do they let him comeback, in by doing so knowing that they will probably do irreversable damage to the relationship they have with Rogers. Tough call.
  7. They had Clemson @ 10, VT @ 21, WF @ 24, Mary @ 42, Miami @ 43, BC @ 44, GT @ 56, NC State @ 57, Virginia @ 67 & Duke @ 80. Interesting, Clemson opens up with Alabama, which I thought was in Death Valley but they are actually playing that game in Atlanta. They should win but with a neutral crowd & a decent Alabama team, it is not going to be easy. As far as Georgia, they do say as far as talent they probably have the most returning talent in the country. They give the nod to Florida because Georgia's schedule is absolutely brutal. Got to travel to South carolina, Auburn & LSU in a 4 week span plus they play Florida in Jacksonville.
  8. Just picked up the Athlon College Preview book. They have the gators their #1 team. SEC looks loaded as usual. Florida, LSU & Georgia all in the top 10. FSU is at a respectable #26. They have UB @ #92. I have been buying this book for probably 5yrs now(it is great handicapper to get you thru the 1st few weeks of the college football season) & this is the first time they have had UB crack the top 100.
  9. One thing about the bay area that I always found fascinating is that how is it so much cooler in the bay area & then you go 40-50 miles inland or what have you, & then temps are like 100 degrees. I know it probably has something to do with the ocean but geez, you would not think it would have that much effect on the temps.
  10. Why do you get upset when people have a different opinion then you? & BTW, I agree with you, what I was contending was that he said was that winning 3 super bowls in 7yrs should not on it's own merit(cheating aside) was not enough to consider them a dynasty. I think that is incorrect.
  11. Dont be scared this year man. If we stay healthy & if Jauron & Edwards do not sh*t the bed, which I do not think they will this is going to be the most enjoyable season since the Kelly days.
  12. This is what I disagree with on your outlook. It is not just 18 months. It was winning 3 out of 4 super bowls. If that is not considered a dynasty, what do you consider a dynasty? Please note, it is fine to dismiss their accomplishments due to the cheating aspect, which I am leaning towards.
  13. Way to take one line out of my comments. I am not overlooking anything. All I was contesting was that the poster said their accomplishments on the field did not merrit them being considered a dynasty. Winning 3 super bowls in 7 years & appearing in another super bowl should be more then enough to be considered a dynasty. Now if want to discredit their dynasty for cheating, as I tend to do that is fine. I think that is the right way to view it.
  14. Totally agree. The cheating has tainted everything & your baseball analogy is perfect.
  15. I want to know why is it alright to assume he was drinking? Did'nt people get bashed for doing that with Lynch just 2 weeks ago before all the facts came out. Oh, I get it, he is not a bills player so it is okay to assume. I forgot the rules of ettiquete around here.
  16. The cheating aspect aside, they have won 3 superbowls this decade & have appeared in another super bowl. The only other teams that I could think of having as good of a run as them over the course of a decade our the 70's Steelers, the 80's 49ers & the 90's Cowboys. I mean say they are not a dynasty because they were caught cheating, but do not say the reason they should not be considered a dynasty since 2000 because they have not accomplished enough. You just sound like a sore loser.
  17. LOL. Oh they definately overpaid as my posts indicate.
  18. With all due respect, 10yrs of losing like the bills have lost would get to any fanbase. With that being said, I fully agree with Whitner's comments. This is the first year since Bledsoe's 2nd year that I am fully expecting the bills to make the playoffs. Hopefully this year turns out better then that year.
  19. I will say this. My wife's little cousins (they are 8,9 & 11) are going to Private grammar school. We have not decided yet where to send our 4yr old(he is in preschool now). I asked her how are her cousins doing in Private school. She said alot of the parents are transferring them to the public schools because they offer so much more in the way of computer skills & such where the private schools just do not have the funding to compete. & before anybody says anything, I went to private school in Grammar school & high school so I was kinda leaning towards sending him there before I heard that. Rock, just on a side note. I do not understand the reasoning behind home schooling your kids. Dont you want your kids to be around other kids as much as they can? My 2 friends our home schooling there kids & I just do not understand the advantages. I know I read a study where the home school kids learned 10% more then kids that went to regular school, but that 10% more that they learned is easily eclipsed by the social skills that they fail to get that imo are impossible to learn by being around your parents all the time. Please do not take offense either. I just want to know what you think the advantages are of home schooling your kids?
  20. Our company did it 4yrs ago. They had alot of talent jumping to other banks & they brought in a 3rd party consulting agency to see what the problem was. They determined 90% of the jumps were because of salary. I got a 15% raise in the middle of summer when my annual review is in february.
  21. One more thing. I am not saying that you could take results from the previous year & dictate what type of schedule you have, especially since teams change so much from year to year now but think about this. If you count SF's pick that they traded to NE, the bills play 8 out of their 16 games against teams that picked in the top 10 of the draft this past april. Not everyone of them is going to improve.
  22. Horrible analysis. We get it, everybody's easiest game or best chance of win is against the bills & everybody will be up for playing us. Yeah right. I love how you say against us Arizona has weapons & when they play the jets the jets should be on a bit of a roll playing the cards. Also, Arizona is a retractable dome so heat will not be a factor. It must suck being a bills fan & being this pessimistic about the bills chances before they even put the pads on @ SJF.
  23. I agree to a certain extent. You know it is funny you mention how special the late 80's & 90's were. I remember that Jacksonville playoff game, I think in 96 when Kelly got knocked out(his last game), I was only in college then I remember walking out of the stadium after the game that this was probably going to be Kelly's last game. At the end of that game, it just felt like that the final chapter to the glory days was written that day. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine that we would have gone thru the next 12 years being so unsuccessfull. I have some clients in Boston & I always tell them when they start gloating that enjoy it now, because it is not going to last forever. I also say do not take brady for granted because as us bill fans know all too well, it is not that easy replacing a franchise qb. It will be intersting to see if fans in Indi & NE are going to be willing to shell out big bucks when Manning & Brady retire. My guess says no. As far as Jauron goes, I think he needs to win this year. This is his team now, the excuses are over. The thought of starting over with a new regime though right now does not seem too fun so I hope it works out this year.
  24. I wonder what is going thru Rogers minds right now? He probably has to be thinking am I ever going to get a chance to play?
  25. Never been to Austin or FSU but the Big House is a bad example of fans getting rowdy. Was at an OSU/Mich game at the big house back in the late 90's. They are the biggest wine & cheese crowd I have ever seen. & that is supposed to be their big rival. Can not even imagine how indifferent they are when Northwestern comes to town.
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