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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I do not care how good the atmosphere is, you always want these important games on campus. I know it is the 1st game of the season but this IMHO is the defining game & could be the tone setter for Mizzou's whole season. Win this game, & they are instantly going to be in the National Title conversation. Lose this & their National Title hopes will be all but gone. Kansas will not be as good as last year. I expect them to lose 3 or 4 games this year. I do like their qb though. It is their defense that would have me concerned if I was a KU fan. BTW, from all that I have read so far, it does sound like Mizzou is loaded & in for a very special season.
  2. Do not overlook the Illini. Very scary game for Mizzou. Their 6pt favorites right now. The game is going to be played in St Louis right? I think that hurts Mizzou a little bit. They would be better off playing a game like that, against a top 20 team early in the season on campus imo.
  3. Michigan State should beat Notre Dame, especially in East Lansing. Pitt should also beat them, even though the game is in south bend. If ND is 10-1 going into the USC game I will shave my balls & try to get Charlie Weiss to sign them. THe Utah BYU game is very compelling. Both teams have an outside chance of being undefeated going into this game. BYU, as from what I have read, has top 15 talent. utah is not far behind. I fully expect Utah to go in to the big house opening weekend & lay the wood to UM. For the bettors, the early line is Utah +7, I will be all over that one opening weekend. Fresno State is another interesting non bcs team. I believe Wisky comes to the vally 2nd week of the season. If they win that they will put themselves right in the middle of the bcs discussion. For my money, Pat Hill is one of the best coaches in the country.
  4. But aren't the length of rookie contracts already determined. I believe the 1st round(it maybe the 2nd round too can sign 5yr deals & everything after that can sign maximum 4yr deals. I could be wrong though. I have read after the uncapped year you can not become an unrestricted free agent to after 6yrs of service.
  5. The one thing I do not understand(& I am not even talking about Wilson's case), if the father wants to keep the business in the family after he dies, to avoid the estate tax, why can't he just transfer ownership of his company over to his kids before he dies? I know there must be some sort of stipulation or something.
  6. Yeah, that is a good point. & I know their lives are on a totally different level then any normal person. I just think about that sometimes.
  7. I always wonder how these celebs live with themselves knowing that some of them hardly ever see their kids. Brady has a kid with another lady I think right? Everytime I see him in pictures I see him with Gissele, not once have I ever seen a picture of him with his kid. Same thing with Arod. I read in the post that Arod has seen his 3 month old daughter twice since she was born. I mean maybe they do spend time with their kids but the paper or media sure does not report that.
  8. Every year around this time someone brings up this concern & every year the guys are all signed by the first weekend. My guess is 1 or 2 guys will sign this weekend & the other guys will sign early next week. Mckelvin will be in camp by the end of the first weekend. I would be very surprised if there was a holdout.
  9. Wow, I thought they had a few bad years under Favre. Guess not, my apologies. I do remember when he came up here in 06' & IMHO pretty much cost the pack the game with his dumb decisions.
  10. That is what I meant, a guy like Favre, with his competiveness, IMHO would never be satisfied riding the pine, even at his age. It is kinda like Bledsoe when he hung up, but I imagine Favre's opinion & desire to play on this is 100 xs stronger. Favre played on some good teams & he played on some bad teams. Some of those bad teams, he had a pretty big hand in having those teams be bad IMO.
  11. Ah, it is so easy to get you worked up. His numbers were impressive last year though. 4,100 yrds, 28 tds/16 ints, 66% compl %. I do not care who he played against, those are some good numbers. His 06 season was pretty lousy though. My guess(& it is only a guess) is that if he does play this year at his age, his #s would be closer to the 06 #s then the 07 #s, but who knows.
  12. Not sure LA where you are going on this point. He was the starting QB for a team that went to the conference champoinship. If your boy Losman was the starting QB on a team that went to the Conference Championship & was one win away from the Super Bowl my guess is you would have a bonar extending from your home in LA to the parking lot of Ralph Wilson Stadium.
  13. No offense, but the packers were one game away from representing the NFC in the Super Bowl. How can you possibly compare or give the advantage to a bills team that has not accomplished anything as of yet to a team like that? One more thing, I do not believe for one second we will ever see the day Favre leaves his farm in Miss & comes out of retirment to backup Trent Edwards or JP Losman. The mere thought of that is pretty laughable.
  14. If your Peters or his agent would you go for that? What happens if he gets injured this year. Peters just maybe the most underpaid player in the NFL. Time to take care of him & not have to worry about the left side of your line for the next 5-6 years.
  15. Ah, whatever. I am a Finance Major, not an English Major.
  16. Fuddruckers has some good burgers. They have one right by the mall.
  17. Sorry, I am not on the board 24 hours a day like you are, I am usually only on the board during work hours. My apologies.
  18. I never said he was'nt(there is that proper grammar for you) as smart as me or smarter. All I said was that it was a stupid question. If you have watched the NFL even as a casual watcher, you would realize pretty quickly that this is how the networks work in televising games. But as usual, there are a couple posters on the board that just can not wait to correct somebody. I know it is probably about 120 degrees in Texas right now & you can not go outside your house until sometime in mid September due to the weather conditions, but really, get a life.
  19. If I ever look at the calorie content on most of the stuff I eat I would never eat it. I could use to lose a few pounds. I went for life insurance last week. My wife was approved at the quote they gave her. My quote jumped once they took my height & weight. 6-1 215. The guy said my ideal weight for my height should be 175. I told him I have not weighed that since my 1st year of college.
  20. I never put em in & I have been called out on it before. I just do not feel like taking the time. I also think it is pretty silly for people to call out other posters for proper grammar on a football board. But hey, if it makes you feel like a big man, go right ahead.
  21. hmm, maybe that is why I have put on 10pnds this summer. I usually lose about 10-15 pnds in the summer. Not this year.
  22. It is funny you bring this up. I never bought them until this year. I bought them one time on a saturday earlier this summer & I am hooked on them. They are the perfect size. I was skeptical also but have been pleasantly surprised. Now I can not get enough of them. Just last week I was cooking for dinner & my wife was like "not bubba burgers again".
  23. How long have you been watching the NFL? Your going to be asking a stupid question like this? Fox airs the games between the AFC vs NFC that the NFC team is the visitor & CBS airs the games where the AFC is the visitor. It has been like that for as long as I could remember.
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