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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. It is funny. My friend is out in LA this week & said he was there when the EQ hit & called me later that night saying, it scared the shiit out of him & he would take a blizzard over this any day. I guess it is all a matter of opinion. I will say this, Southern California probably does have the nicest weather in the country. I think anybody would have a hard time argueing against that. Funny story. I went to visit my uncle out in LA over Thanksgiving, maybe like 14 years ago. The lady on the weather channel said it was the coldest thnaksgiving in LA in the last 60 years. I think the low that day was 28 degrees!!! The weather in b-low that Thanksgiving, a balmy 66 degrees. Just my luck,.
  2. also, do not confuse the east side iof buffalo with places like Amherst, Orchard Park & Williamsville. There are nice areas wherever you go(& BTW, I have been to SD 3 times & I think the place kicks ass. LA, not so much)
  3. Here we go again. You just can not help yourself can you? Even when your hometown gets hit with something you still got to take a shot at buffalo's weather dont you? It would be funny if we were shoveling snow right now but alas, no luck. 83 & sunny here in WNY today.
  4. I really do not think you have a full understanding of how much pain I was in. Have you ever seen a 35 year old man cry in extreme pain in the middle of a softball diamond in front of his 4yr old son. Well that was me monday night. LOL
  5. This is the first time something like this has ever happened to me. My hope in the future is that this is not going to be a reoccurring problem now. From what I have been told, once you do it once you are more likely to have it happen again. The sports aspect, I just enjoy playing all different sport & want to continue without having any soreness or what have you. Because in the future it continues to be sore or happen again from playing sports, I will probably stop playing them. It is not like the MLB or the NHL are knocking down my door LOL. I am 35 years old.
  6. There was no ligament damge but there was a hairline facture in the shoulderr. He said it was a good sign that there was no ligament damage & that he was 99% sure I would not require surgery.
  7. It was rough. It feels okay now, I have it in a sling. But before they popped it back in & gave me some pain meds, I was in more pain then I have ever been in in my entire life. Not that I have a real high threshold for pain or anything, but man that hurt.
  8. No I did not. Hit the ground & it popped out of my glove. At that moment though, I was in so much pain I really did not care if I ever caught another ball again the rest of my life.
  9. Okay, monday night playing softball I separated my shoulder diving for a ball in left field. Very painfull. Could not move my right arm at all & actually had to be taken to the hospital by an ambulance. Once I got there, I had to wait in the emergency room for over an hour while I was in more pain then I ever thought imaginable, but I digress. So, they give me an IV, put me under & pop it back in. The doc told me it was so painfull because I had what he called an inferior separation, which means I popped it out from the bottom instead of the top. Said it was very rare. So I go to the ortho yesterday & he kinda got me scared. Saying it is going to take full rehab but you should have most mobility back but would not give me a guaranty on it. My question is, has anybody else separated their shoulder, & is their any long term effects from this? I like to play alot of sports. Basketball, softball, hockey, golf. He told me already no ice hockey until next spring, I am done with softball for the year & I could possibly play golf towards the end of sept. Needless to say I am a little bummed out right now. & I know I am an idiot diving for a ball in a bar league softball game. My wife has told me that about 500 times already.
  10. Your wrong Bill. There is a right way to do things & a wrong way. Peters just deciding to holdout with no dialogue or even an attempt to discuss with the bills is wrong. Read Bucky Gleason's article in the news today about the situation. Wilson is not going to blink & he is certainly not going to negotiate with a player that has made himself invisible all offseason. Peter's has no leverage. The simple fact is at $15K a day(already up to 60K) & 3 years left on his contract, Peters can not afford to sit out the whole season. He knows it, his agent knows it, & more importantly the bills know it. He will be in camp in time to play in the 3rd preseason game.
  11. Well maybe not $1,000 but I figure $220 for Majestic to open the pool(blowout the lines) & to close the pool each year. Bastards raised it $30 this year. I figure another $100 on Bromine(the big bucket which costs $180) lasts me 2yrs of use, probably an extra $100 in electric bills for the summer season, another probably $100 for the extra money in my heating bills for June - August(I like the pool at least 80 degrees), & this year my 4 year old threw one of his plastic toys in the pool & clogged the filter so I had Majestic come over for that. The bill was $81. $75 for the service call & $6 for the actual work(fuggin criminals). So this year I figure it is about $800 or so. & before you say why don't you just blow out the lines yourself. Let me explain something. I am the least handy person on the face of this earth. I would f*ck it up & then would have the pipes burst in the winter. At least when I have Majestic do it they guaranty it. As far as my crying wife is concerned, it is funny she has not even been in the pool hardly at all this year. Says it is too cold. Yesterday, I took the day off, went golfing in the morning & me & the little guy were in the pool all afternoon. She jumped in for a few seconds, got out & said it was too cold. She is a real piece of work.
  12. I am not so sure I agree with that. The bills have him signed for the next 3 seasons, starting friday if he is not there he will be fined just north of 15K per day, or $105K per week. I really think Peters has no other option then to report sooner or later.
  13. That is a good point. That is where I agree with Wilson. The cap should only be based on the revenue that is equally shared. The only point I was trying to make was it has got to rub some of these owners the wrong way that Wilson is always crying(in their mind) for a handout yet is probably the only team in the NFL that does not carry any debt load.
  14. It is an interesting arguement. I see it both ways. My guess is that these other owners who have huge debt loads because of them financing at least partially of their new stadiums, feel like why should we share our revenues from the corporate suites, extra revenues solely based on the building of the new stadiums with a guy that has played in a rent free/debt free stadium for the last 35 years & has not spent one dime on the stadium over that time frame? I actually see their point on that to an extent.
  15. I do not think it really does add any value to your home. You got to remember some people will rule out a house if it has an inground pool(safety reasons etc...). So in that sense you are probably cutting your market by 30% or so. I will never regret having the inground pool. We are having a crappy summer & I have still gone in it a ton. Last summer, when the weather was unreal, I was in it everyday. I am actually glad my wife talked me into it.
  16. First let me say 3yrs ago when we bought our 2nd house my wife insisted on having an inground pool. So we would rule houses out right away that did not have an inground pool. The one house she really liked, the guy told me, do not even bother putting an offer in if it is not the asking price. He said the price is non negotiable. I said why is the price nonnegotiable. He then whips out all these receipts, of the stamp concrete & what it cost to put the inground pool in with the surrounding patio. I do not know if the receipts were real(I assume they were) but the whole thing cost them about $40K. Well, I did not like the way he tried to bully me so I basically told the guy to screw off. Later that night, when we went home to our old house(a perfectly fine house I may add), my wife started crying, stating she lost her dream house. Well after about 4hrs of her crying, I finally called the guy & told him I would meet his price. My checking account has been in the sh*tter ever since. My point is this though. The short WNY summers, make it hard to justify dropping that kind of coin on a pool. For someone that is making fun of our weather all the time, you should understand that more then anybody. Let me say this though. I grew up in a house that had an above ground pool. It was fun & everything but you are right, there is no comparison between. The inground pools are alot nicer, however are not very cost effective given are short summers. It cost about $1000 a year to run. Not sure what an above ground pool would cost.
  17. Believe me I have thought about that. The demand is not out there right now. I will sell you the UTEP tickets for $40 a piece
  18. Sounds good. I could definately tell you right now I am going to the Temple game, the Army game & the night game on ESPN( I forget who they are playing). I am still debating whether to take the little guy to the UTEP or take him to the bills game that night. Not sure what I am going to do that for that one. Baseball is really his sport but he does tackle pretty well for a 4 year. I will throw his Poz jersey on. Let me know if your interested in tailgating for any of those games. I will definately meet you up there.
  19. I just bought a pair of season tickets also. Not a UB alum(went to Syracuse undergrad, Canisius grad) but I figure I could take my 4yr old son to the games. He loves the preseason game once a year I take him for the bills game so I figured he would really enjoy this. Maybe not go to every game, but I should be able to get to at least three of them. In fact I am probably going to skip the lone preseason game this year(I usually take my sone to one of the preseason games & give the other game away) & go see them play UTEP. From all that I read so far UB should give UTEP all they can handle & maybe even win that game. It could be a special season since the MAC is wide open. The one team that maybe too tough in the MAC for them is Bowling Green. Returning all their skill players, their qb Sheehan I think is name is, is pretty good. I am looking forward to it though.
  20. That is not true. The deep balls I remember he puts a ton of air under the ball. He throws it a long way, I will give you that.
  21. My guess is Rogers has some corporations lined up to buy the remaining seats if worse comes to worse.
  22. One thing Bill, why does everybody say his talent is beyond dispute, or he has all the talent in the world? Really. I do not know, I think he has some talent obviously but watching this guy for 3 years I just do not see the abundance of talent in him the way others do.
  23. Excellent points. Go back a rewatch the Pitt game last year. Losman had lanes open all day to run thru, but either refused to do it or waited to long & the lane closed down. I was at the game. It was one of the most pathetic displays of qbing that I have ever seen. Totally played scared. Now I am sure the losman supporters are going to say that SF told him or advised him to stay in the pocket & let the play develope. Eventually though I would think that if it was 3rd & 4 & you see 10 yards of open field ahead of you his instincts would take over & say "screw it, I am taking off getting 5 yards for the 1st & keep the chains moving". To me Losman just is not game smart, has no instincts & feel for the game. You could have all the talent in the world, but a qb that has no feel or instincts for the game is not going to be very successfull IMO.
  24. I will 2nd that opinion. Best wings in WNY, it is not even close. At least to the places I have ever been too.
  25. Ah, do not cut your longhorns short this year. Mizzou still has to prove it on the field. The thing is, with teams like Mizzou, they have never been in this position before(being the top dog), you never know how a team like that is going to handle the pressure. I fully expect them to lose a game or two that nobody expects & I am not so sure that Texas will not be the favorite against them especially when the game is being played down in Austin. I will say this. I do not think either team will beat Oklahoma this year(I do not think Mizzou plays them until of course the conference championship). One other thing, watchout for Texas Tech this year. Athlon says that this might be their best chance to win their side this year & make the conference championship.
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