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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Yep, he threw for 100yrds in the fisrt 3 & 1/2 quarters of the jville game. Or about 28 yrds per quarter when the outcome was in doubt.
  2. The wolverines are going to struggle to win 5 games this year. Utah is going to come into the big house & b*tch slap them in the opener. RR will get things turned around there but he needs a few years to get his kind of players. This next year or so is going to be rough.
  3. I do not think noone is arguing Peters deserves more money Bill. It is the way him & his agent have handled this. I mean to have no contact with the bills since January is just being childish. I am glad the FO is holding the line. He will come in eventually, my guess is once he starts missing the actualy game checks, which by my calculations come out to roughly a little more then 200K per game based on Peters current salary.
  4. You would of been better off just going to vegas & putting $100 on the bills to make it to the super bowl. My guess is they are at least 25-1 odds to make it. If they made it you would have had $2,500
  5. Let's not get carried away here. Edwards was very solid but it was just 2 drives in the preseason. He still has a long way to go. I do think(as I thought last year) he is on the right track to being a very good qb in the NFL. As far as Jauron, you have to remember, throughout his coaching career he has never had a good QB. I think it is pretty obvious except to the diehard Losman fans that this coaching staff never really trusted JP to open up the playbook, & I think they had good reason for feeling that way. I think Jauron finally has qb he feels comfortable with & trusts to put the game in his hand. I think you are going to see a wide open offense this year. One thing you have to remember is Schonert was a former QB in this league, he knows that you are setting your qb up for failure by running on 1st & 2nd down all the time. I think we are going to be alright.
  6. No offense, but this had rotten night written all over it the moment you decided to take a bus up to toronto. Why would you do that? Your going to drive all the way to buffalo & then take a bus to Toronto just makes no sense to me. I could of told you beforehand you going to have problems getting thru customs or at least a delay with all the people on the bus. Why didn't you just take your car up to TO? I think your lack of forsight caused you misery last night man.
  7. I used to party there all the time when I was younger. My friend lived in Hoboken. I used to fly in on sat morning, we would catch a Mets game in the afternoon & then would go back to Arizona's & drink our azzes off. Pretty cool setup in there. I miss that place. Have not been back there since I have been married(7yrs ago)
  8. It seems like the negative view of the city comes mostly from people that were from buffalo but have moved away. They are the ones that seem that they just can not resist taking cheapshots at the city. & it is not just this board either. I see it in my friends that have moved away also. For some reason they move away but they are stilled consumed by the area, checking the weather everyday, sending me emails whenever there is bad news about buffalo. & you see it on here too. As soon as there is a negative article on something about buffalo, someone from out of town just has to post it. To those people I say get a life. They claim they are apparently happy with where they live, so why still obsess about buffalo. Most of the people that are still here are perfectly happy & do not need other people's approval to live here. I do get a kick out of people that have moved to such worldly sophisticated places like Dansville, Ca, anywhere in NC(where every moron that was not smart enough to hack it & find a decent job in the northeast moves to) & Salt Lake City, Utah, where it has been said that the town was so boring & uptight with all their stupid rules due to the extreme Morman Religion there that the Olympics will never come there again, have the nerve to make fun of WNY.
  9. It has been ridiculous. It has pretty much rained here everyday. This year usually you are right, need to cut the lawn once every 2 weeks or so. This year if you do not cut it twice a week it looks like a jungle. It has not been the typical b-low rain either. It has been this lake effect shiit & it does not rain all day but a cloud will form over the lake & hit down pretty quick & drop these monsoons. I really have not seen anything like it. It is like a florida rain. About 5 weeks ago, I was playing softball on a monday night & it was sunny out. All of a sudden, the clouds turned dark grey & it started hailing. The clouds were so low it looked like a tornado was going to touch down at any minute. I was actually kinda scared. Maybe there is something to this global warming.
  10. Your lucky you did not come here last weekend. Last sunday it rained harder here then I have ever seen it rain here in my life. Plus it was only about 60 degrees. This weekend looks much better, sunny & temps in the low 80s.
  11. Afew years ago I had Marshall Faulk a year too late. The funny thing was the 2 years before that I drafted him the guys who had faulk won the league. Oh well.
  12. his agent already said that Losman will not be playing in buffalo next year. The only way I see Losman playing here next year is if Edwards gets hurt early in the year, Losman leads this team to the playoffs( & by leads this team I mean actually having a big hand in the outcome of some wins) makes the Pro Bowl & Wilson is pretty much backed in a corner & has to sign him to not piss off the fan base. This is highly unlikely but stranger things have happened. Who would of thought they would gave Flutie a big contract after his first season, a year after giving RJ the big contract.
  13. Guys it was the first game of preseason. Edwards did not look sharp but he only played 2 series & they said on the radio this morning that Hardy ran the wrong route down by the endzone & shouman ran a wrong route 2 that would of went for a big game. If he goes 3-5 maybepeople are not so hard on him this morning. Losman looked okay. It is still concerning that he can not hit a guy on the numbers on those slant routes throwing the ball over his head he is going to get someone killed. I thought the td pass to hardy was a beautifull throw. Laid it in there very nice.
  14. The one thing that really disturbed me about when we drafted McCargo was that a few board members that were either alumni or went to NC St were not really high on this guy. If the NC St Fans are not high on this guy that is saying something.
  15. Why do people insist on painting the Packers front office as the bad guys in this whole situation? They were basically cornered into a no win situation by a QB that could not make up his mind & held his team hostage for the last few years. I hope Favre flops in NY. F*ck Favre & F*ck the jets.
  16. I watched alot of steelers games last year & I am telling you he was one of their weak links on the line. He is a big name I will give you that but his better days are behind him. I find it kinda funny that the steelers, who pride themselves & have built their teams from the lines out were willing to let Faneca walk without even making him an offer. If he is as good as you & Bill say he is they would of franchised him or did soemthing to keep him there. Remember the Jacksonville playoff game last year, they had no confidence in running to faneca's side late in the game. But he is a big name & everybody has heard of him on the wall & one of our rivals signed him to a big time contract so I guess that makes him a top 5 guard in the league.
  17. Bill, I hate to question your football knowledge but you could not be more wrong about Faneca. Maybe 3 or 4 years ago he was the monster you describe but have you even watched the steelers play the last few years? He has been a human turnstile & is definately in the twilight of his career. It was no coincidence that Pittsburgh did not even make an attempt to keep Faneca this offseason, even though the steelers have major line issues of their own. Same thing with Woody. These guys are over the hill & have not played their best football in years. BTW, it is too early to hit the panic button on Peters. If this lingers into late next week, then we could officially start to be sick over it.
  18. You can not ridicule the SEC for scheduling a few cupcakes. The inconference schedule is usually brutal. The one thing I do think the SEC is wrong in is that they very rarely play tough OOC games outside their region. Very surprised Georgia is willing to go to tempe this year & Tenn was willing to go to Berkley last year. One other interesting thing I have read. USF wants to get annual series going against the three other Florida schools(FSU, Miami & Florida) but none of them are willing to come to Tampa. I think they said next year they are playing Miami in Tampa but it was scheduled so long ago when USF was just starting out. They said Miami will not do it again. I realize that programs like FSU & Flordia hate scheduling OOC away because they probably lose guaranteed revenues, but... this would be great for college football to setup these regional rivalries in the state of Florida.
  19. Is the place really crowded on thursdays? Maybe I will take the wife up there for dinner tomorrow night.
  20. It is $25 if you want to park in the stadium lots
  21. The one time a few years ago I did not go to a preseason game. The thing is though I did not give my tickets away or sell them, I did not do nothing with them. Someone must of moved down in our seats. Monday morning the bills office called me & told me we had several complaints about obnoxious behavior about people in my seats. I told the guy I did not even use the tickets. He said if it happens again my seats will be revoked. I was like okay pal, whatever.
  22. I have never been to texas but everytime I watch a game on tv when it is at texas even if it is a big game it does not seem loud there or intimidating. I know watching it from tv you do not get the full picture & atmosphere so this maybe way off base. It seems like the stands are pushed way back from the sidelines. It just seems louder at other big 12 stadiums like A&M, Oklahoma, Nebraska & Colorado. The SEC is in a whole different ball parkl. Those stadiums our flat out off the hook. I have been to Knoxville & I have been to Death Valley to see LSU play Oregon State a few years ago in their opener. They place is by far the loudest I have ever been to & it is not even close. The Ralph is the loudest NFL stadium I have been to(Benn to Tampa, Miami, Meadowlands - pretty loud, Dallas, Jacksonville, Arizona)
  23. Michigan is going to have a rough go of it this year. RR just does not have the players to fit his system yet. It was a big hit to his program when that qb choose to sit on the bench this year for Tressel rather then going over to Ann Arbor & start right away. It goes to show you just how far that program has fallen behind Ohio State since Tressel has become head coach over in Columbus. RR will get that program turned around, because he is a top notch coach & knows what he is doing, but it is going to take time. Kinda like taking one step back to move 2 steps forward. I do not see Michigan winning anymore then 7 games this year & could see them winning as few as 4. I would not be surprised if they got beat by Utah in the opener.
  24. I do think your right. But he will be in the discussion for alot of the years.
  25. Bringing up Vince Young is pretty lame. Of course noone is going to be discussing VY as a hall of famer. He just started his career. Let it play out first. As far as Bledsoe, make no mistake about it he will be in the discussion for the HOF. Whenever a qb thows for 45,000 yards & 257 td passes they are going to get some consideration. Bledsoe was the main cog in revitalizing that franchise. Alot of the people associated with the Patriots credit Bledsoe as the main cog or key piece in getting their new stadium built. He revitalized their fan base & no matter what anybody say he also revitalized the bills fan base although it certainly was shortlived. In the end I think he will remain on the fringe of the HOF with his denial being based on the fact that he lost his job 3 times to at the time were unproven qbs. But think of this when you want to automatically discredit bledsoe from being in the HOF. His career stats were 44,611 yrds passing, 251 tds & 206 ints. Kelly's stats were 35467 yrds, 237 tds & 175 ints. Passer ratings were 77.1 for bledsoe & 84.8 for Kelly. Kelly was a first ballot hofer, tell me one reason why after comparing these stats why Bledsoe will not even be considered for the HOF? & just to note I would take Kelly anyday of the week over Bledsoe but based on stats it is obvious bledsoe deserves consideration.
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