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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I stand corrected, the Big East is by far the worst conference out of the big 6 this year & probably worse then 2 or three other non BCS conferences(Mountain West & Boise/Fresno St conference comes to mind). Although Miami lost 26-3 to Florida, I thought their team defense looked pretty good. FSU was certainly impressive however tough to see where they are at given the competition they played saturday. We will get a better idea about them in the next few weeks. Wake Forest is a tough hard nose football team that probably beat any team in the Big east on a neutral field. USF has a big game at home against Kansas friday night.
  2. My theory for years has been take Brady out & NE becomes an average team with an average coach. We will see if my theory holds up this season. Unless Cassell is the next coming of Brady, I think they are really going to struggle. & Manning looked awfull last night. Maybe the shift in power in the AFC has finally begun.
  3. Bill, as usual your points are spot on. I will tell you what, if the bills host a playoff game this year, as I think they will(especially if Marcia is out for the year), you tell me what lot you will be in & I will have a 12 pack of your favorite beer waiting for you & we will toast to being bills fans.
  4. Peter king just said he is out for the year.
  5. It is not even going to be close to WNY on sunday. Well east of wny. But there are a couple a**holes on this board that got to put a damper on everything. Weather will be fine sunday. Partly sunny, low 70s. Trust me.
  6. The best chance for the ACC to climb up the so called power rankings is for Florida State & Miami to regain their dominance. Whether it happens or not, I guess we will have to wait & find out. My thought on the original ACC teams is that they just do not care enough about football. they are basketball schools & to be honest with you that will probably never change. Miami, FSU & V Tech are really the only schools in that conference that make football the priority. As far as the SEC, it is the attitude of the poster with the Bama logo that makes people hate them so much. The arrogance from that conference is unbelievable. No teams are willing to go outside the southeast to play a NC game & when they do(Tenn) they get bitched slapped. There is no doubt in my mind that if LSU or Florida would have the balls & go out & play a team like Oregon in Eugene this year they would lose. I am thouroughly amazed that Georgia is actually willing to go to the desert this year & play ASU in 2 weeks. They have nothing to gain from that game & they could lose. As far as the Big East, I would probably put it on par with the ACC right now giving the BE a slight edge due to the fact I think W Virginia & USF are better then any team in the ACC right now. As far as Syracuse goes, they are one of the 5 worst teams in all of D-1 football, which is unbelievable considering they are from a BCS conference. Louisville is not much better. As a SU alum, I am ashamed of what that program has become. Turner Gill would be a great hire to turn that program around.
  7. I would call the Patriots front office alot of things(cheaters etc..), Inept is not one of them.
  8. The MAC is actually going to be down this year. Usual tough teams like Toledo, Akron & N Illinois(they stunk last year too) are in full rebuilding jobs. That is why I really think UB has a decent chance to play for the MAC championship. Central Michigan is going to be pretty good & so is Bowling Green.
  9. Bingo. My friend played D-1 college ball & had the same injury as Merrimen. Doctors told him under no circumstances was he too play with his condition. They told him to have surgery & there was only a 50% chance he would be able to play football after that. Well he had the surgery, never was the same, never played football again & now 9 years later just had a knee replacement. Doctors have told him that he will probably be in a wheelchair by the time he is 55.(he is now 33). This is a serious injury. My friend is still messed up & he shut it completely down when he was 22 & had the surgery. Can not believe Merrimen is even contemplating playing with this injury & I can not believe the Chargers are letting him play. One shot to the knee & he really will be lights out. I can not stand the Chargers(almost as much as the patriots) ever since AJ Smith took over GM duties from Butler. He just seems like a real bastard.
  10. I do not think even Fairchild is dumb enough not to let Manning audible at the line.
  11. If we had Manning or Brady I am pretty sure we would not be talking about a 10yr playoff drought right now. Anyways, hopefully Losman could play alright this year, if/when called upon, because the %'s say he will get an opportunity & not because edwards is injury prone. Because QB's get hurt in this league. I read yesterday 62 different qbs started games last year.
  12. sadly enough of this board's demeanor, if this article was bashing buffalo you would have 5 pages of posts right now.
  13. posts like this show everybody why you are one of the best posters on this board. I may not always agree with you, but you know how to lay out your arguement & bring it home. & I am not being a wiseass either, I really think your one of the best posters on this board. BTW, I am voting for Obama also. The Republicans & Bush have had their chance for the last 8 years. Time for a change.
  14. Fine his record is 12-20. Does that make you feel any better?
  15. Alright, your right, we probably will need jp this year given edwards track record. Hopefully he plays more consistent then he has in the past if called upon.
  16. You know in that same time span that Losman compiled his 10-21 record, the same bills team without Losman starting & any other qb starting(Holcolmb/Edwards) compiled a record of 9-8. & btw, if we had Manning or Brady at QB over the last few years our record would be certainly better then 19-29 imho.
  17. based on what? His awesome 10-31 career record? We all know where you stand on the qb situation. You go to bed crying every night because your man love is not starting anymore. Get over it & stop wishing for Edwards to get injured just so Losman can play & somehow resurrect his career. Edwards is the starter, got it?
  18. This is an excellent point. You wait to see just how quick these fans turn on the colts & the patriots for the same reason, once brady & manning are no longer on the team. These fans do not know how good they have had it over thethe last 10yrs watching these 2 qbs play. & as we know, it is not that easy to replace a franchise hof qb.
  19. He got some touches earlier but they have went to Jackson & Omon from pretty much 2nd quarter on. I hope Walker is not going to miss some time, if he does I might rethink my whole stance on the JP saga if I were the bills
  20. This is a different offense then last year. They are miles ahead of what they looked like last year at any point in the season. Looks like the playcalling has purpose. Losman has looked pretty good, looks more decisive then he did anytime last year. I think Edwards is really going to excell in this offense & this is the first time I have felt this way this whole offseason but I am glad we got JP as a backup. I think this could be a very special season barring injuries & I am glad we got some insurance if edwards goes down.
  21. That is funnny, I do the same exact thing. Last year my friends were really high on Denver -3. Between the 5 of them they wanted me to put $800 on the Broncos. I got so liquored up I forgot to call it in & remembered at halftime when one of my friends mentioned the bet. i did not mention anything that I forgot to call it in( I think the game was tied at the time) & I would of paid them out if they won. Unfortunately for them, but lucky for me they did not cover & I collected a cool $880.(yeah I charged them the vig also ). Made the loss a hell of alot easier to stomach.
  22. Yeah 84 & sunny in WNY today. See, we do not have the worst weather in the country all the time.
  23. Sounds like you guys do it right! We always talk about doing the breakfast thing right off the bat but we never do. It seems like everybody is so intent on cracking that first beer who has time to eat. For us we get there at 8:15, start drinking right away, & I usually start the grill around 10:30. We do something different every week. Sometimes we are extravagant, sometimes it is just burgers & sausage or something like that. For the opener this year we are doing Ribeye Steaks, shrimp kabobs, baby back ribs, stuffed mushrooms, taco dip. We always get a keg for the opener & we should have about 10 people there. Always a good time. I just love the smell of the parking lots with all the grilling going on gamedays. There is really no place like it. We are in lot 5.
  24. Utah is a legit top 25 team even though they start the season unranked. Them, BYU & Fresno ST are all going to be really good this year. Fresno St probably will not sniff the bcs bowls because of their schedule(play rutgers, wisconsin & I think UCLA OOC) but I would not be surprised that the winner of the season finale between Utah & BYU gets a bid into the BCS. I think they will beat Michigan.
  25. I never thought this would last as long as it has. I hope the bills continue their hardline stance & do not even think about renegotiating his contract this year.
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