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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. The only 2 loss team that has any chance of playing in the NC is a SEC team. MY opinion is USC is done. Like you indicated, down year for the Pac 10, no marquee matchups left on the schedule. As far as Ohio St goes there is noway the BCS System is voting Ohio St in to get humiliated in the National Championship again. The BCS would rather see BYU or Utah before Ohio St gets another chance.
  2. Not true, Ohio State has played in recent years @ Washington, @ Texas & at USC. Michigan has had home & home series with Notre Dame & a while ago Colorado. Illinois has played Missouri home & home & Wisconsin recently just went out to Fresno State.
  3. What is so unbelievable is that Oregon State has looked horrible for most of the season. They could not get out of their own way against Penn St(who I do not think is that good) & they got beat by a sub standard Stanford team. They looked pretty good against UH last week at home. Just goes to show you, every road game is a tough game. I would like to say this to all you Penn St. Paterno should be ashamed of himself for the schedule he plays. It is not even the pushovers he schedules every year. I mean when the Oregon State game was scheduled he probably did think that would be a top 20 team. Would it kill the guy to play an early season out of conference game against a halfway decent opponent on the road? Why does he always have to play his early season OOC games in Happy Valley. My friend at work went to Pitt & hates Paterno more then anything. Now this is what he tells me so do not shoot the messenger. He says once Pitt started beating Penn St on a semi regular basis Paterno told Pitt that if they want to continue the series it needs to be a 2 for 1 format where Pitt has to play in Happy Valley twice for everytime Penn ST plays at Pitt. What kind of crap is that. Your going to tell one of your oldest rivals they need to do that. I heard he tried pulling the same crap with Alabama too. Your going to tell a school as prestigious as Alabama something like that???? They probably laughed in the old man's face. & Before you say they played SU at the dome last week, I am a disgraced alumni from SU, they are not a div 1 football team this year. I hope Penn St gets their clocks cleaned saturday night against Illinois.
  4. He changed his mind, but I have to question a guy's football intellect when before the season he calls him Dr Checkdown & can not give him props. I know the stats were not great last year, but anybody with a half a brain last year that watched Edwards play realized he was light years ahead of where he was supposed to be given that he was rookie QB. I mean for christ sakes, all you had to do was watch a game with Beck qbing or watch brady Quinn getting splinters in ass every week to realize Edwards was way ahead of the curve. H*ll, all he had to do was watch the game this week & see a Raiders coaching staff so scared of putting the ball in the #1 overall pick's hands with the game on the line that they allowed him to throw all of two balls in the 2nd half. I am just surprised that a guy that is supposed to be an expert in football was too ignorant or full of himself to give Edwards the proper respect going into the season.
  5. I will say this about Sully. He does come off as rude & thinks he could use his position with the news to go oin some power trip, & he has been critical about the bills, but if you look at alot what he writes most of the time he is right. I remember he ripped management for going with Johnson over Flutie in the tenn playoff game, even saying this is going to set the franchise back years. The guy has been negative but can you honestly blame him. Wouldn't you be negative to covering the bills for the last 10yrs?
  6. I have to question Sal's football knowledge. They had him on GR before the season started & he had nothing nice to say about Edwards. Calling him Dr Checkdown & saying that I just can not see this guy being a difference maker. He was also very negative about the bills in general. I do not get it. This guy covers the team for a living & he can not even get excited about an up & coming young team, especially given the fact of all the bad football we have had to endure over the last 10yrs. Some guys are just miserable I guess.
  7. We moved three years ago. It was only about a 2 mile move. We went with Zitto Movers & they were excellent. They did not charge us by the hour so I am a little confused by other posters saying make sure you jot down their time when they arrive & when they leave. How they charged us was it was $35 per heavy item(refrig, stove, washer/dryer, furniture, bedroom sets & $2 dollar per box. The only criteria with the box is that one guy had to be able to pick it up. I think they charged like $10 for smaller stuff like lamps & end tables. We ended up moving some of the lighter stuff ourselves in about 2hours. The day they came to move(it was a weekday) - weekdays were cheaper then weekends. I was at our old house, my wife was at the new house, the guys loaded everything up, brought it to the new house & my wife directed them exactly where she wanted everything setup & they did it. They even put the beds together. There was 4 guys & when I tell you they got their at 9 & my new house was all set up with the furniture in the place my wife wanted it by 1:00 I am not lying. These guys busted their a**es & were unbelievable how quick they were. It would of took 3 days for me & my buddies to move the stuff they did in 4 hours. I would do it again in a heart beat. The bill was $700 & I gave them a $200 tip too I was so impressed. The best part of the whole thing was that night my parents came to visit the new house & my dad asked me how much it cost & I told him with tip $900. He reached in his pocket, gave me 10 $100 bills & said "dont ask me for a house warming gift". I love that guy.
  8. I always found it weird that when watching NE games some of Brady's completions there was not even a defender on the screen. I wondered to myself, how could they time & time again dial up the right play at the right time & how could an NFL team blow so many coverages against NE? I will say this for Brady. He still had to deliver the ball & still had to be very accurate. If that was Losman in there, he would probably short hop a wide open 15yrd out to branch or over throw Troy Brown 10 yards out of bounce on a go route. Hopefully Losman is paying attention & is focused. From previous quotes by Turk, I question whether he is or not. Chances are we will need his services at some point this year. Hopefully he is ready.
  9. Interesting list. Who would you rather have qb of the bills right now? Edwards, Favre, Palmer or Big Ben. I could honestly say I would pick Edwards. Favre is done, Palmer I think is a little overrated. He really has not had a good year since coming back from his knee injury. Tough to tell on that team though since it is total chaos. Choosing TE over Big Ben is a tough one. I do not know, there is something about Rothlesberger that I just do not like. It seems like everything has got to be perfect for him in order for him to succeed. He needs a good running game, good line protection, good receivers. Even the announcers on sunday were saying he was holding the ball too long. Cutler is interesting also. This guy has got a cannon & he seems like he knows what he wants to do with the ball. Edwards is more of a game manager.
  10. See I did not see it like that. I saw it as a backhand slap @ Edwards from the losman fan club that was disapointed that JP was not the guy anymore & he was not going to get his 6th chance to win the starting job in training camp. I remember reading prior to training camp from certain posters that if they really opened it up to a true competition losman would win rather easily. Also saying Hamdan had Chroise was a total shot at Edwards. Anyways I really did not read the whole thread, I only read the first page before getting disgusted so maybe you are right & it did change into an actual thread about Hamdan.
  11. Your right about that. He reminds me of schope except he works for the news. He does not like football & is a hockey fanatic. He even wrote in one of his columns right before the season started, saying the bills were a few years away & hockey season can not come here fast enough so he does not have to waste his time watching another 8-8 team. FU Gleason, you piece of sh*t.
  12. Yep, where is that thread about Hamdan now? Some of the posters(and you know who you are) should really man up & admit they were wrong about Edwards. I have only seen one to date & that was 1billsfan.
  13. I really think Indy & NE our going to have a tough time making the playoffs this year. Indy just looks old & out of synch. I have my theories on NE. Tom Jackson said it best, Brady hid alot of NE's weaknesses, especially on defense. I will not try to argue that their d line is top 5 but their LBs are slow & the secondary has been average for years. They lost their best coverage guy in Samuel. I think alot of these weaknesses were covered up last year because NE was always playing with a lead. We will see what happens. I do not want to count them out, I have done that too many times & have been burned. My theory has always been take Brady out of the mix & they become an average team. I really think Brady is that good & brings that much confidence to his team. It will be interesting to see if my theory has been correct all these years.
  14. The poster actually does have a point. Although I think Tomlison is pretty dam good & definately a first ballot HOFer, RBs hit the wall pretty fast. Last 2yrs LT seems like he always has some kind of nagging injury & I remember the same thing happened to Faulk. I had him the one year in my fantasy towards the end of his career, & the year before the guy who had MF single handily won the league for him. The year I had him though he would light it up on some weeks, but other weeks he would just not play because he had some kind of injury or he was ineffective. LT is still dam good, but your seeing these nagging injuries come into play with him now that you never saw before. Happens to every back. Body takes a pounding being a RB. Favre has been overrated for years. I never seen a guy make so many dumb boneheaded plays & not receive any grief from the media. It is like there is an unwritten code that you can not speak bad about Brett if your in the media.
  15. What kind of league are you in where you could get LT, Turner & Bush???? Either your in a 2 man league or your in a league with a bunch of morons.
  16. Yeah I really feel bad for them. The problem with the jets offseason this year is the moves they made were alot of flash but little substance. Damien Woody, by all accounts has been a bust ever since he left NE. Jenkins has been injury prone for the last 2 seasons in Carolina. Fanceca(sp) has been entering the downside of his career at this point & Pace was a one hit wonder down in Arizona. Do not even get me started about Favre. I called it in the beginning when the trade was made that the Jets getting Favre did not scare me. He had a good year last year, but I think it was one of those years in Green Bay that everything went right. I remember 2yrs ago when he came up to Orchard Park & single handily lost the game for a Green Bay team that had no business losing that day. Favre is done, the guy is 38 yrs old & he should of stayed retired. The jets are a 7 win team at best. It is going to be us & NE battling for the division this year.
  17. The only problem with this speech is that Missouri has not been good or in the national spotlight in forever & my guess is their time is not over, that their time is right now & UB is probably in for a major A** Whoopin on Saturday.
  18. He was not outplayed by either one of those qbs. Their running games & our lack of a running game & our lack of run stuffing defense won those games for them. & Besides, Anderson & Manning are both veterans. Shouldn't they have outplayed a guy that was making his 6th career start? This year is different, I do not think we are going to be sittting here after games to many times saying our Qb got outplayed this game or our QB cost us the game, unless of course Edwards gets hurt & Losman has to play.
  19. Dean, I respect alot of stuff you say but the one thing that throws this arguement out the window the Cleveland & the Giants game was not just bad weather, it was probably the two worst weather games the bills have played in since I have been watching them(1984). I know being down in Florida for so many years, you probably have forgot what it could be like here in the winter time. If Cleveland had any weather like it was in buffalo that day, which by all indications they did, I am surprised either one of them could complete a pass. I was shoveling my driveway that morning & I was throwing the football around with my 4 year that day of the Cleveland game, the one ball I threw the wind gust caught it & actually blew it back behind me 10yrds. That is how bad the wind was that day. No qb is going to look good. The giants game, before the monsoon came, Edwards threw 2 td passes. The monsoons came, the wind picked up & neither qb could do anything. Manning did not even try, since they were running the ball so well. Edwards after his first INT return for a td, which should of been caught by evans but richochede off him right into a gman defender, was force to throw after that. If manning was forced to throw he would of had the same results. My point is, you guys are trying to take 2 of the worst weather games in the history of buffalo bills football & take that as an example to claim Edwards can not play in bad weather. Why doesn't anybody mention the Miami game last year where he threw for 4tds in the snow including a beautifull pass to Evans for a td.
  20. I think it is pretty apparent that Stewart is not the right coach for this team. The school made a rush decision after the Fiesta bowl & I think they are going to regret this for a long time. This guy was not qualified to run a big time program like West Virginia. I always kinda found it funny that if he was such a good coach why dis Rich R never even attempt to bring him with him to Ann Arbor. He brought alot of his other assistants. I see West Virginia being pretty lousy for the next few years until they get a real coach in there.
  21. He tried & succeeded to get Meathead to resign.
  22. How about we have a better team them then & should win this game going away? Bills 35 Raiders 14
  23. I remember Wander was saying on his show "I have been here for 55 years & this guys is going to tell me to get out of town. I do not think so." I think I was 12 or 13 at the time. Those were the good old days. Kinda off topic, but doesn't it seem like back then sports quotes were alot better & more controversial. All the athletes & people associated with sports teams nowadays are so conditioned to say the politically correct thing it kinda makes it boring to read the quotes sometimes. & when on the rare occasion now when an athlete does speak his mind or says something controversial we crucify him. Back then it just seems like athletes & such spoke their mind more freely. It made it for better entertainment IMO.
  24. I dont know, have you seen Syracuse play lately Dean, they are god awfull. Just maybe, besides probably Florida International, the worst team in D-1 College football.
  25. Remember when Polian said "Marv Levy is our coach, Jim Kelly is our QB & if you dont like it you could get out of town". I think he was referring to Wander when he said that. Still one of the classic quotes in Buffalo sports.
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