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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I am not pinning the loss on him. The defense sucked. But if you could seriously say after watching this game that Losman is a good qb I really do not know what to say to that.
  2. 10-31, that is why Dean. The guy is not a good qb. I do not know why there are some people that just can not admit that. He is not a winning qb. How much more proof does anybody need. You could take one look at that game & realize he does not have command of the game & probably never will. Jesus Christ, how many times does he have to sh*t the bed before you guys turn the page on him.
  3. He just manages the game better Gary, with losman it always feels like we right on the edge of one big mistake. & if Losman did walk away from turk like bill said(I did not see that), I would have no problem starting Gilbran against SD if edwards is not healthy.
  4. Do not call yourself a fan of the bills. You are a losman lover. That is all you are.
  5. If Edwards was in there, the bills still would of lost, but if you can not admit that Edwards is better qb after the way Losman played today you are a flat out idiot. Losman will be out of the league in three years.
  6. I agree, the defense was horrible.
  7. The world is not ending folks. Tough outing today. The defense looked horrible & lost the game for us. With that being said, anybody that thinks losman is a starting QB in this league should really turn their nfl fan card in today. The guy does not process information quick enough & news flash he never will. Hopefully Edwards could come back against SD because if he can not, it is going to be an uphill battle with Losman under center. Flame away.
  8. Different time, different place deano. Back then a qb did not have to contend with all the complicated blitz schemes & such. I think back when Bradshaw played 70% of being a good QB was physical & 30% was mental. In today's league, it is more 70/30 mental to physical imo.
  9. I was kinda trying to be funny, but for every joke there always is a little truth.
  10. Actually, it probably is in a ticket raise next year. Here is the deal. It was alot of money & Evans is not a top 5 receiver. He is not Fitzgerald, he is not TO, he is not Steve Smith & the fact is he probably never will be. I think he falls in that 2nd tier of #1 receivers. With that being said, this is a deal the bills had to get done. You want to take the next step you need to take care of your young good players. Evans is one of them. If the Bills lost Evans, their #1 priority in the offseason would of been searching for his replacement. It is a good deal for both sides & remember only 18 mill is guaranteed. Not only that, Evans is a true professional, he is not some prima donna wr that most of the big names are. He handled his contract situation with true class & integrity & should be a force on this team for years to come.
  11. The one thing that aggravates me is that people still talk how Losman was served some kind of grave injustice last year by being benched. Can everybody at least agree that DJ made the right call benching Losman after the Jacksonville game & by doing so giving Edwards some very valuable playing time. As far as him not being prepared or knowing where his head is at; who knows. Noone is with the bills during the practice week. It is all speculation at this point based on his body language on the sidelines. My hope is his head is in the game because my guess is we are going to need him sometime during the year. Until then it is anybody's guess how prepared he is. & BTW, does anybody really want Losman to be giving Edwards advice on reading defenses & how to become a better QB anyways??? Sorry I could not resist.
  12. Or maybe they are not as good as the Rochester teams. I am with the other posters; who cares. I nominate this for dumbest post of the week.
  13. To bad your dink & dunk/gunslinger theory holds no water when it comes to comparing Edwards/Losman. Edwards has thrown for 200yrds or more in 9 out of his 13 starts or a 70% clip. Your gunslinger Losman? Losman has thrown for 200yrds or more in 9 out of his 31 starts or a 29% clip. Some gunslinger. You should go ahead & route for another team egghead.
  14. Last year was a weird year with all the upsets. I think you will see the NC have 2 undefeated teams this year or maybe one undefeated & one/ one loss team which is fine. No matter what you do, it is never going to satisfy every school. I used to be for a playoff, but you know what, I kinda like the bowl system the way it is currently setup. The only thing I think they should add is a plus one game. I think that would solve alot of the problems. Take the top 4 teams from the bcs ranking, play one vs four & 2 vs three & then have an added game. Take the 4 bcs bowls now(sugar, orange, rose, fiesta) & just rotate them every year so 3 out of the four each year are in on the 4 team playoff(2 in the semi finals & one in the championship). Play the 2 semifinal games on New Years day & play the final a week later(Jan 8th). You could even add another BCS Bowl(Cotton or Peach) to make up for the 2 teams that are being left out under this idea. I really do not see what problems this would cause & why it has not been voted in yet.
  15. Too bad they just signed T Bowden to an extension also. When are they ever going to learn that he will never get them any farther then Peach Bowl & even that looks like a pipe dream right now.
  16. Of course she is not going to understand. You just got to ask yourself is watching the game worth having your wife mad at you for the next few weeks? If it is then I would say blow off the wedding. If it is not, catch the highlights on Sportscenter later that night.
  17. Bullschitt - man up grow a set & tell her your staying home & watching the game & if she does not like it too bad. When the Mets were playing the Braves in the NLCS back in 1999 my wife was standing up in her friends wedding. When I found out the selfish bride refused to have any tvs on at the bar because she thought it would take away from her special day I told my wife I would stay @ the reception until 7:30 & then I am leaving. She thought I was joking but sure enough @ 7:30 I got up right in the middle of dinner when up to the head table, kissed my wife on the cheek & left. My wife did not talk to me for 2 weeks after that but till this day I do not regret it. There was a presidence set that night. She learned that when it comes to sports I will not be bullied into missing my favorite teams play. Just tell her you are not going. You will be a better man for it.
  18. Brilliant 1st couple of posts. & with your new membership we add another piece of the moron puzzle known as Two Bills Drive.
  19. Well if it is any consolation, we graduated in 96'(him from Pitt/me from SU) & till this day he hates Penn St. I mean really hates them & especially Paterno. He blames not playing each other on Paterno. Like I usuaully say, every story has three sides, your side, the other person's side & the truth. My guess is he exaggerated some of the things Paterno did to end that game. Not to feel left out, I think he actually hates anything associated with West Virginia Mountaineers(he calls them the Mountainqueers) even more. I have never seen someone so happy monday morning when he came into work after Pitt beat WV to ruin their title hopes last year.
  20. The place looked like it was jumping last night.
  21. That is a good point about the budget, PSU does carry pretty much every sport imaginable. I always though Joe Pa was loved in the whole state of Pennsylvania, that is why I was surprised.
  22. Like I said, do not shoot the messenger. He did also say that Jo Pa is one of the most if not the most hated sports figure in the city of Pittsburgh, which I kinda was surprised by that. Your budget thing holds no water though. Every big time school faces this dillemma. Do they schedule that 7th home game or do they actually go challenge themselves & play someone decent on the road & lose some revenue. We all know how Jo Pa likes to do things. Anyways, I really do not hate Penn State but I will say this, if they are lucky enough to run the table this year & find themselves playing USC in the Rose Bowl instead of the NC because of their schedule, I do not want to hear Penn State fans crying saying we got robbed. Maybe they should of thought about that before they scheduled Coastal Carolina opening weekend.
  23. Do not mind Alaska. He is what you call a Grade A Dickhead. He is the master of suspending people for saying supposedly rude things to other posters but because he is a big bad moderator he can say stuff twice as ignorant & nasty to other posters & nothing happens. Just ignore this ****, his dick has been frozen up in Alaska for far too long. & BTW, the Rams have very little talent & have one of the worst head coaches in the entire league. If the bills do not shoot themselves in the foot over & over they should win by at least 2 scores. Bills 24 Rams 10
  24. Please do not say that. I do not want to see Ohio St anywhere near the NC this year. But you do make a good point, Ohio St has some marquee matchups left with playing Penn ST & Wisky, assuming both of them remain undefeated at a time when they play OSU, they will certainly be top 10. Win those & we see the chaos that happened last year & I guess you never know.
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