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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Well, I guess you counted your chickens before they were hatched didnt you St Louis. I told you not to sleep on Okl St. These guys could play. After next week when you get bitched slapped by Texas, have fun in the sun bowl f*cko!!!!!
  2. Ball State is legit. My guess is they are not going to have the resume to crack the bcs party but should run the table & probably be ranked in the mid teens by the end of the year. Their QB is fantastic.
  3. Dude, I am all for the signing, it was really important for the growth of this team to get Evans signed. The bills probably did pay a little more then I would of liked but whatever, that is the going rate for doing business in the NFL right now. But please, do not compare this guy to Fitzgerald. They are not even close. Fitz is a human freak, he just creates matchup problems all over the field. You have to account for him on every play. Evans is good, but he is not at that level(very few are). There was a reason why fitz was drafted 2nd overall & Lee was drafted 13th. Stop being such a homer.
  4. I know you are one of the more respected posters on this board but this is a bullsh*t post. 30% of the season has been complete & we sit at 4-1 & are in first place all by ourselves. Our main competition lost probably the best player in the league for the year & the other two teams in the division we swept last year. To say at this stage of the game we are fighting for a wild card totally dismissing our chances of winning the division is cowardly. I do not know if you go to any of the games but there is a different atmosphere at the stadium this year. The 12th man has got their edge back imo. I have been going to the games for quite sometime & what I saw at the Raiders game was a nasty hyped up crowd. This team has the talent to run the table at home. On the road, maybe a different story. I see them losing to New England, losing to Denver & possibly losing to the Jets. I have this team at 12-4 & that my friend should be enough to win the division. I will say one more thing. It is a dam shame that Miami game is going to be played in toronto. That game could loom very large in the overall playoff picture for the bills & all the meaningless December bs games that the season ticket holders had to sit thru & pay good money for the last 10yrs, we deserved better then that. They should of made it the sf game, but I digress.
  5. Your attitude is really starting to make me root against Mizzou.
  6. The more I think about this, the more I am thinking we are probably going to see Losman against SD. Edwards is the future of this franchise, I can not see Jauron taking any risks with Edwards health. Concussions are nothing to take lightly. If Losman does play, hopefully he does not sh*t his pants like he has in the past. My expectations are not very high against SD if JP does play though. Hopefully, I am proven wrong.
  7. For a school that basically has never won anything, you sure are cocky. Do not get ahead of yourself here. I think Okl St is going to give them a pretty good game this week. Like I said, it is going to be interesting. Mizzou does not have to play OKL until the championship so that should be interesting.
  8. No offense, I think Madden has his hand on the pulse of the league & what is being said about players a little bit more then anybody @ TBD.
  9. I got to be honest, I really do not hate the guy. In fact I have his home jersey & the throw back of him. I just really think he is a lousy qb. I really do not know how you could draw any other conclusion watching this guy play for the last 4 years.
  10. Well, I am just telling you what he said. I remember when NE came here last year for that sunday night game & they asked Madden if JP is the guy to lead this team long term. He said he really did not think he was. He then said, how could everybody in the league be wrong about this guy. Look, I hope Losman plays well if his number is called, I really just do not think that is being realistic given his body of work over the last 4 years.
  11. Perhaps they will be convinced once he is out of the league & playing Arena Ball in 2 years. Paul Hamilton said something pretty interesting on the ride home from work today. Bulldog asked him if Losman does play against SD, this would be a perfect time to convince the rest of the league going into next year that he could be the guy. Hamilton first said, "I am not trying to be a wise guy here, but if Losman gets any extended playing time this year, I think he is going to cost himself some money & perhaps a chance to compete for a starting job next year because teams will have recent footage on him & be reminded how bad of a qb he is".
  12. Your boys would not drop 50 on Alabama. That is silly talk. Mizzou has not played anybody yet, Nebraska & Illinois included. I bet alot of College football & I thought Mizzou was the best pick of the day last week going into Lincoln. They were laying 11pts. Children of the corn my azz, that place has not been intimidating since Clinton was President. Easy money. With that being said, I think it is pretty obvious(at least to me) that the Big 12 is the best top heavy conference in the country this year. I think Oklahoma is the best team in the country & I think Texas & Mizzou are just a smidgene below them. You then have Texas Tech, which I will admit is a bit of mystery given the joke of the OOC schedule. Do not sleep on Oklahoma St either. I have made alot of money on them also this year. These guys could put up some points. The SEC from top to bottom is probably a better conference then the Big 12. But I would take the top 5 of OU/Texas/Mizz/Texas Tech/Okl ST over the SEC's top 5 of LSU/Alabama/Florida/Georgia/Vanderbilt. It is going to be really interesting to see how the big 12 shakes out the next few weeks with the top 5 playing each other.
  13. Happy Birthday Ramius. I won $50 on FSU this week. I thought they were going to blow that game.
  14. Have you ever thought just maybe they have to dummy down the playbook for Losman because he does not process the information quick enough. Not to defend Fairchild(I am glad he is out of here) but I almost felt bad for him last year because he was trying to run a successfull offense with one hand tied behind his back. He had to calls plays with a 3rd round rookie qb & Losman, a guy that does not have the mental makeup to be successful in this league.
  15. It is still a brilliant thought no matter how you word it. Once again well done.
  16. Actually I am more impressed with your football knowledge. You just see things about the game way more clearly then anybody else on this board. Brilliant thoughts such as why the bills losing to an NFC team actually helps them out in the long run & comparing Edwards to a China Doll. This is the type of out of the box thinking that only geniuses can think of. I am really surprised one of the networks has not offered you a job as their top play-by-play man with brilliant insights like that. Well job young man
  17. Yet another long meaningless rant by the legend known as Pyrite Gal.
  18. Yep exactly. If I am the bills I would tell Parker & Peters we are not doing anything. Play the final three years of your contract as is. Then after his contract, if he really is an all pro tackle that they seem to think he is, franchise his a**. If he does not like that, tell him to go back to Arkansas & flip burgers for a living.
  19. Great point, NE is going to have all they could handle next week. SD is basically playing for their season. This bye has come at a perfect time this year. Regroup, fix the problems & come out firing in front of what should be a juiced up crowd in 2 weeks.
  20. Who cares. If after watching JP Losman for the last 5 years you think this guy is a good qb in the nfl then I would like to sell you some swamp land down in Florida.
  21. I really do not think anyone is blaming Losman for the loss. This loss first & foremost falls squarely on the defense. They could not make a stop yesterday. With that being said though I really think what some people are trying to say & I tend to agree is that they are tired of Losman's act. The guy is just not a good qb in any system. I do not understand why it is so tough after 5 years of watching this guy play to realize that he does not have the mental capacity to play the qb position in the NFL. He just does not make decisions quick enough & does not use the whole field. If Losman plays against SD, the other 2 facets of the game(defense & ST) are going to really need to step up to account & make up for Losman's many shortcomings. I am also sick of reading "that Edwards is the better QB for the bills system". Edwards is the better qb period, in any system. I could not agree more with you about the challenge flag not being thrown. Right or wrong, DJ had to take a chance, by not challenging he basically waived the white flag.
  22. Ah whatever, nobody wants losman as a qb, & I think that is going to be pretty obvious this offseason.
  23. Your defense of JP is admirable dean, it is also futile. The guy is jot a adequate qb & probably never will be
  24. the lynch fumble was not jps fault, I never said it was. With that being said, the guy is just not a good qb.
  25. Good post, What are you going to get for him though Dan??? They could not give him away in the offseason. Nobody wants him. I really do not understand why it is so tough for people to accept this.
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