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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I agree with this post. I even said in an earlier post I do not see the drinking going on in the other stadiums I have went to like I do at the Ralph. Walk around the stadium before gameday, & every single person at the Ralph pretty much has some kind of acholic beverage in their hand. With that being said, sitting in sec 109, I do not see the chaos everybody claims. Everybody pretty much is a season ticketholder, everybody knows everybody in the section & it is the same people at the games every week. I guess my point is if you do not want to take a chance in dealing with the rift raft, try to get seats in the lower bowl between the 20s.
  2. Give me a break buddy. You ever think that you get to host final fours because the NCAA headquarters is located in Indianapolis & the city had the foresight to build a dome stadium that could seat 60K fans for a basketball game. The only reason your getting the super bowl is because you built a magnificent state of the art new Dome that is 2nd to none(until Dallas opens their's next year) & the city was basically promised a Super Bowl if they could get a new dome built. I guaranty you will not get another one there. It has nothing to do with what kind of fans you are. I will say this about the Ralph. Obviously we do have more then our fair share of drunken idiots there. But, it is one of the last few stadiums in the NFL where they have not priced out the average diehard fan. I went to the indy/bills game at the RCA dome a few years ago. It was like you were at a funeral. If that is what you call a good game day atmosphere, I will take a few drunken idiots & the gameday atmosphere at the Ralph anyday.
  3. Where 4 days away from the biggest game this franchise has played since the bledsoe debacle against the steelers 4 years ago & this is the kind of crap you post. Losman is done here, it is over, let the healing begin. Someone will bring him onto camp next year given the sorry state of the qb position in the NFL these days, but so what? He will not be a bill next year & whatever team he goes to I wish him luck. With his shortcomings playing QB, he is going to need it.
  4. I agree with the drinking part. I have been to 13 different Stadiums & the drinking that goes on in the Ralph Stadium Parking lot before the game is by far & away more then any other stadium I have went to. I am not looking down on it, I am there at 8am drinking with everybody else. I am just saying if you think the amount of drinking at other stadiums on game day compares to the Ralph, I think your wrong. With that being said, I have been a season ticket holder for 12 years. I have probably missed about 6 or 7 games in that time. Maybe it is because I sit in a decent section(109) or whatever, but I have never had a problem with the behavior that other people have experienced. Me & my friends are not thugs, but we are not choir boys either. None of us have ever come close to getting into a fight in the stadium. I just have not experienced the problems that other people report on this board.
  5. I could just tell you would be a ball of fun on a friday night.
  6. I hear that the Fruit Belt is beautifull this time of year.
  7. Kinda off topic, but after seeing the Pats/chargers game sunday night, do you still think the the Pats are a lock to win the division & the bills have no chance & our fighting only for a wild card?
  8. One thing about McCargo that always worried me was when the time he was drafted I remember some NC St Students & alums came on this board this guy is not that great & was greatly helped by the fact that he play with Super Mario & I forget the other dlineman that went in the 1st rnd that year from NC St. Their assessment turned out to be right. Still, I think the bills gave up on him a little to early. He is still very young. I would like to see them at least give him one more year.
  9. I am not saying I agree with his line of thinking, I am just saying that is what I think he meant by saying it cost us 2 1st rounders.
  10. I think he is counting the #1 pick we actually used to draft Losman also. It is kind of a grey area, they gave up a first 2nd & 5th in 05 draft & used a first pick to draft jp. So he actually did cost us 2 1st rnd picks if you look at it that way. One more point, I think Dallas drafted D Ware with our #1 in 05. He looked pretty good in a bills uniform right now, fuggin Donablow.
  11. Give me a break buddy. This is not 2003, the bills are not in this for moral victories anymore. We are leading our division by one game & this is a team that we could very well be fighting for a wild card spot at the end of the season. They are coming into our house in front of what should be a playoff atmosphere. We need to win. Bills 23 SD 20
  12. Had a nice little night last night. Won $100 on Cleve & had a $100 on the phillies +180. I read a gambling book a few years ago. One of the points it stressed is that you need to force yourself to take underdogs, especially when betting the NFL. The author basically said that the average NFL fan(which we are) gravitates when betting to the team he thinks is going to win, which is usually the favorite. He pointed out that in the NFL from his data, 56% of underdogs actually cover, however the betting public when playing the NFL bets the favorites 70% of the time. You could see just from these stats why Vegas never goes out of business. He states that try to get as close as a 50/50 mix with UD & Favorites at all times. That was one of the chapters.
  13. Fear not. Cleveland is going to win tonight. Or at least cover the spread of +7.5. Home dogs cover the spread on monday night football at a 72% clip over the last 3 years. I got $100 saying they keep this one close. It was beautifull here today too. Just got done playing wiffle ball with the little guy outside. It is still in the low 70s here too.
  14. That is good stuff LA. I love Airplane.
  15. Bama really got a bad draw this year as far as the schedule goes. I know the home & away games are every other year, but it is really unfortunate for them this year of all years to have to play @ LSU. It would of been nice to have that one at home with so much riding on that game. I agree with you on your assessment of ole miss & miss st. Not great teams but very dangerous.
  16. Anytime you have to go to the shoe, it will not be easy. OSU is a better team now that they are giving Pryor all the snaps. I have to admit, PSU looks dam good. I keep betting against them every week & they keep covering.
  17. I apologize also. I will state that typing the F8cko part was at least partially due to the fact that when I typed it I just got home from drinking at Wild Wings for 8hrs. I was trying to be kinda funny. Hey, St Louis, beat Texas this week & Saturday night will be forgotten & it will also put Mizzou right back into the National Title picture.
  18. I thought you were a bama fan???? No team has a more impressive resume then Alabama right now. The only other team that could come close is Texas. It should be Bama #1, Texas #2, Penn St #3. & you know what, I would take USC over any one of those teams on a neutral field right now. This is going to be alot of fun the next few months.
  19. Well, you have to be the number 1 team after this week. Either Texas or Alabama. i have new found respect for Colt. That guy is a flat out winner. Him & Sharply were on the same page all day. Nice performance. Watched the whole game. Ha ve one question. It is a 50/50 crowd. texas fans seemed alot louder then ou fan. & it was noticable on tv. Were you at the game? Did you notice the same thing?
  20. Relax, I was just having a little fun with you & your cocky attitude. You should not expect to talk smack like you have the last 6 weeks & not expect to get some of it back when your team sh*ts the bed. It is all in good fun. You do not have to get personal though. But you show your true colors in defeat. Your a sore loser.
  21. I like the way you think. Get it done, if it costs us a 2nd & a 5th so be it.
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