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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I think your being very shortsighted on the Italian Dressing Marinade. Give it a try sometime. For my money, it is the best marinade going. Never been a big fan of Chiavettas. To vinegary. In fact I will pronounce it with pride right now; I shiit on Chiavettas!!!!!!
  2. This is going to seem like blasphemy, especially for the out-of-town folks but your really better off marinating the chicken in Italian Dressing. Much better the chiavettas. Give it a try sometime.
  3. Why, it is supposed to be in the 60s this weekend?
  4. What are you doing, just making this shiit up as you go along. They interviewed Levy last year on GR & Marv said Walsh called him AFTER the draft & said you guys got yourself a good one. They never spoke before the draft. Stop being such a know-it-all you condescending prick.
  5. He won a game in the snow against Miami last year.
  6. Good post. You know I was at that playoff game against Jacksonville when they carted Kelly off the field. After that game I was sad we lost the game but I was even more sad because I knew it was probably Kelly's last game. I remember what one of my friends told me(who was a giants fan) a few years back. He said "enjoy kelly while he is playing, because once you lose that franchise qb it is very tough to find another one. Not in my wildest dreams did I think it was going to take 12 years. & not in my worst case scenerios, did I think that jville game was going to be the last home playoff game this franchise had. I seen the unlimited potential in Edwards last year, as a few others did(Bill in NYC, Albany & a few others) & were ridiculled by some for saying benching Losman was the right way to go & Edwards has a bright future. I hope those people that wanted to stick with Losman see the errors of their ways. Anyways, the most exciting thing for me is that Edwards should only get better. I really think the sky is the limit with this guy.
  7. The funny thing is that if Penn St wins this game I think there is a very good chance they are going undefeated this year. They said on ESPN last night that if Texas/Alabama run the table there is no question that those teams will be playing in the NC. However if one of them loses & Penn St goes undefeated they would not be surprised at all if a one loss Florida/LSU/USC/Oklahoma jumps Penn St because of their joke of an OOC schedule. Wouldn't that just be a bite in the a** to Jo Pa.
  8. I do not care if she gets a Pit Bull or not. I live in WNY, she lives in Dallas. I just know, just from my own perspective that with my 4 year old riding his bike & playing in the front yard, I would not feel comfortable if one of my neighbors had a Pit Bull. I am glad noone does..
  9. Dude, you will have no problem finding a ticket. I have been down there for the bills game the last few years & the scalpers are literally giving the tickets away. If you do not mind sitting in the upper decks, you should be able to find a ticket for no more then $20.
  10. I was trying to be kinda funny there. I agree. There are so many other breeds that do not come with the headaches/worries, I really do not understand why anybody would want to own a Pit Bull.
  11. I would think twice about it. My friend got a pit bull from a shelter, ended up breaking his chain, attacking a neighbor's dog & he had to pay for the medical bill. They ended up putting it down. If your heart is set on a pit bull, I would probably fork over the money & get it as a pup. That way you know the dog has no baggage. One more thing, not to offend Pit Bull lover's, I really do not understand why anybody would want one of these dogs. You could give them all the love you want, but they are aggressive by nature & do not get along well with other dogs. It only takes one time that the dog snaps. They are so strong that once they lock down their jaws, you are not getting them open. Plus their ugly. Get a golden retriever or a lab. You will be much better off.
  12. Penn St has looked as impressive as anyone so far. With that being said, they have are going to be in an environment that is as intimidating as any in college football. There is just something about the Horseshoe at night. PSU wins this game & I think that puts them in the driver seat to play in the NC. OSU wins & they are in the driver seat in the Rose Bowl & it will still give them an outside chance at to play in the NC(although alot of things weould have to happen). Should be a great game. I like Penn St 24-21.
  13. A few of my friends came up to the game. Got seats in the nose bleeds right before gametime for $100 a piece. Said seats in the bowl were going for $175.
  14. I asked you this question last week & you did not answer me. I will ask it again. Do yuo still think we can not win the division & are JUST going to be battling for a wild card?
  15. Oh, but I thought Favre was going to take that 4-12 team & bring them right to the super bowl. I tried to tell people before the season not to worry about this trade. At 39 Favre is not the difference make he used to be & I think people are starting to realize that last season was probably more of a fluke then anything. Your exactly right, he is playing like he did the year or 2 leading up to last year.
  16. This is exactly right. Know one knows what goes on inside the lockerroom. Maybe Losman is not the beloved teammate everybody likes to think he is. He had a bad reputation at UCLA, in one of the articles by one of the beat guys there saying that Losman was the outsider & just could not get along with the other qbs on the team, he had a poor rep at Tulane, even being called out by the rb from Minn(former teammate at tulane) saying something along the lines of he will never go to battle with this guy, he gets to b-low & the veterans immeduiately hate him because of his cocky attitude & now whitner calls him out in a not so subtle way. Who knows what is going on but it is pretty obvious from some comments by bills players & turk that Losman has checked out & it would of been better off probably for all parties involved just to falt out cut him in the offseason & go with the chroise or whatever the hell you guys call him as the backup.
  17. I said this before the start of the season, Michigan was going to stink this year. The real test for Penn St comes next week in the shoe. Next week is a great week for college football. OSU/PSU, Texas/Okl St, Georgia/LSU. Well, got to get ready to go to the bills game. See you later boys/Lori.
  18. Thanks for the read. This is the diasadvantages a team like Buffalo has competing against teams like NYs/Dallas/Philly/NE/Wash. I think after reading Shefter & the piece from Lombardi it is pretty safe to say that Gonzales was never willing to come to Buffalo. Oh yeah, one more thing, F*ck you Gonzo.
  19. That is the thing. I do not put alot of stock into these polls or articles. You get 75-80K people in one place anywhere, you are going to get a few knuckleheads. This girl in my office used to live in knoxville & she went to the UT, & she claims that even though you get over 100K people @ Neyland Stadium, everybody gets along & it is nothing like bills games. Well I went to the Tenn/Georgia game last year & the abuse that these georgia fans were taking was 10xs worse then I have ever seen at the ralph. One guy actually threw his whole hot dog at this lady(she was kind of a loudmouth). Got her whole jersey splattered with ketchup & mustard. Security came & they escorted the three guys she was with, who were absolutely doing nothing but trying to watch their bulldogs getting taken behind the woodshed. But once again, at this game, I sat in the upperdeck corner & the cheap seats.
  20. I believe it goes on, I just do not see it in our section. First of all there is very rarely opposing fans there. Last game there was a few raider fans 4 or five rows down but they did not bother anyone, & noone bothered them. I am sure this kind of thing happens in the upper deck & endzones all the time.
  21. I do not have any advice on going to school over there but I will say this. When I was 23 me & friends went on vacation in Sydney for 10 days. Place is amazing. The clubs, the booze & the girl to guy ratio at the clubs had to be like 5/6-1. If you get an opportunity, I would definately do it.
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