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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Yep I agree with this. We could not run Gilbride out of here fast enough, well he is doing a pretty good job with the Giants. Far be it for me to defend Fairchild could it possibly be he was not as dumb as everybody thought he was due to the fact that he was basically calling an offense with one hand tied behind his back because his qb options were a rookie 3rd rnd pick & a QB that still can not read a defense? Schonert is taking alot of the blame but you know what the players got to execute. Edwards hits Evans in stride instead of throwing it 3 yrds behind him Lee probably takes that in for 6. Is that Turk's fault that Edwards did not execute? As far as Trent is concerned, everybody should of known he was going to have some rough moments this year. All young qbs do. He is going to be okay,. he just has to start playing more consistently. No running game is hurting him also.
  2. I predict the bills will win the next 4 games(cleve, @kc,sf, mia). I firmly believe that. Apu is right though, the margin for error is pretty much -0- right now.
  3. Yep, any of the other 31 head coaches would of been running down the sidelines trying to get the refs attention about throwing the flag but not too cool for school Dickie J. F*ck him, and his non chalant attitude. His players play exactly how he coaches; with no emotion. As far as Edwards, I am still optimistic about his future but it is pretty apparent even to the most diehard edwards supporter, the kid has got alot to learn.
  4. Same thing Bill. I had it, could not put any weight on it for about 3 days, progressively got better & in 2 weeks I was playing basketball again. There is something more to this. That injury should not put him out for the rest of the year.
  5. Your preaching to the choir here. Totally agree. That was a true top 3 defense we had that year. But.... with that being said, in a one game playoff where the loser goes home & the winner advances & as bad as Flutie played all year I would pick him as my starting qb over Rob Johnson any day of the week & twice on sunday every time.
  6. I agree. The guy had a 22-11 career record as a starter with the bills. I think Rojo's record with the bills in that same time period was 7-10. I never was a huge flutie fan(in fact at the time I wanted Rojo to start). Over the years I have come to appreciate him more & more as the only winning QB this franchise has enjoyed since Jim Kelly. Yeah, he was a backstabber in the lockerroom & was insecure about his height/position on the team, but you know what, can you blame him? He was constantly getting screwed by NFL GMS that thought they knew everything. No matter what side you were on(& like I said before i was a ROJO guy) what the bills brass did to him in that playoff game against Tenn was wrong. You dont bench your starting qb just because the backup plays lights out in one meaningless game at the end of the season. That is not right & in the end the franchise probably got what it deserved, a mind numbing loss that IMO the franchise still has not fully recovered from 10yrs later.
  7. What do you care anyways? Are you a Boston College alum. The guy did alot for the school & not only that he was a local kid which made what he did even more dramatic. Anyways, this really should not bother you either way unless you went to BC. If you did go to BC my apologies. You have every right to be annoyed.
  8. Mr wonderfull, Paul Ordornf(sp). One time they did a segment where he went to the local gym & he is balling out this fat pig on a treadmill. He had her in tears in like 30 seconds, telling her she was a disgrace to society. Now I realize this was a setup, but it was very funny nonetheless.
  9. Seeing that the weather yesterday was sunny & 70 degrees, I did what any redblooded man in this country should do. I called my work & told them I will not be in because I am going golfing. When I got back golfing, I started playing wiffle ball with the little guy in the back yard. The thought crossed my mind to actually put the Christmas lights up yesterday being that it was so nice out. I decided to take an afternoon nap instead after the wiffle ball game.
  10. I am not so sure about that. I really think if there are a bunch of one loss teams, that the NC is going to be made up of nthe winner of the Big 12 & SEC championship game - Florida/Alabama vs Texas/Texas tech/Oklahoma.
  11. I do agree that if a one loss team jumps Penn St, that is not right, even though I have no doubt in my mind that a one loss USC/Oklahoma/Florida would absolutely run Penn St right off the field in a neutral setting.
  12. I feel if there are 0 undefeated teams this much we could rule out. Alabama/Penn St(loss too close to the end of the season). If it bama loses also my guess is that it will be against florida in the sec championship. That vaults florida ahead of bama. Penn St has no margin for error given their joke of a conference this year & joke of a schedule. A one loss texas team could get in but it would take imo Texas tech losing 2 games. Can not vault Texas ahead of tech if they are both one loss teams because tech beat them. You could say the same thing about oklahoma. That eliminates a one loss big 12 team. cant really vault USC over Penn St since USC loss to Oregon St & Penn St drilled OSU. From this logic, there is only one conclusion that I could come up with. If their are no BCS undefeated teams, the NC should be Utah vs Ball St.
  13. I doubt TT runs the table, too many tough teams left on the schedule. My guess is if Bama & Penn St are the only undefeated teams left, the pollsters will do everything in their power to make sure a one loss team like Texas/Oklahoma/USC do not jump a unbeaten Penn St. You want to see all hell breaking lose, can you imagine if that happened?
  14. Give me one solid arguement why Penn St should play in the NC over TT or Alabama if all three of them win out. Maybe Jo Pa should of thought about the possibility of being left out of the NC after an undefeated season when he was scheduling Coastal Carolina, Temple & Syracuse as his out of conference opponents. & before you say TT's OOC schedule was an even bigger joke, they had that luxury due to their strong conference schedule.
  15. Here is some perspective too. If we lose against NE next week like I suspect we will, we will be 5-4 or the same record we had last year after 9 games.,
  16. Bill seriously, you got to stop. For you to say they have neglected the lines is just pure & utter bullsh*t. They brought in Dockery, they brought in Walker & they brought in Fowler. Now you may not be happy with these guys, but they have spent big money on the oline the last few years.
  17. I dont know where to begin. The defense was awfull today. Was Mitchell hurt? Tough to tell at the game but he looked like he was 2 steps behind the play all times. Looking back, it was really shortsighted & pig headed to put Crowell on the IR just to prove a point. If he was able to play & healthy, my guess is he would be our best lb right now. Ellsion sucks. I sat in the upper decks yesterday instead of my usual seats & it is really astounishing how much of a cushion the cbs give the wrs. I mean it is like ringing the dinner bell gift wrapping 10-15 yrd passes to the opposition all day long. The offense. Bill you know me, I have been one of the more outspoken people about Edwards & how good a future I think he has. With that being said, he has sh*t the bed the last 2 weeks. Noway to sugar coat this. The losmanites are correct when they state that if it was losman playing like this the last two weeks, he would of been crucified on this board. With that being said, people need to realize that he has just completed his first season of games. We knew going in that he was going to have some rough outings. As bad as he was, he still threw for 289 yrds, or more yards then losman has thrown in a game in all but 2 of his 31 starts. The other thing is, they are putting everything on Edwards shoulders. No running game, no #2 receiver with reed out. He is in a tough spot right now & until they develope a running game, my guess is he will continue to struggle. No excuse for the 1st int though. Gotta be smarter then that trent. I am not ready to label Hardy a bust since it does take wrs 2-3 yrs generally to be productive. Lynch is looking more & more like he will not see a 2nd contract with the bils I am afraid. Guy is just not a game changer. Big game this week, but I got to be honest, I really can not see this team beating NE in Foxboro. Hopefully I am wrong.
  18. I agree, I do not know how he dropped that ball. I really feel bad for Mccoy, guy was a warrior out there again last night. Best game I have seen in years. I would not totally rule Texas out either for the NC just yet. If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that some crazy stuff happens in November.
  19. If Texas tech runs the table there is no way Penn St should be ranked ahead of them in the BCS. Have you seen their next 2 games coming up? Okie ST(who is playing about as well as anybody) & @ Oklahoma. Plus, the Big 12 championship. If their is 3 undefeated football teams at the end of the year(Penn St, Bama, & Texas Tech) Penn St should be left out of the championship series due to their schedule. I know Texas Tech's out of conference schedule was even more of a joke then Penn St's but the Big 12 schedule more then made up for a weak OOC schedule imo.
  20. yep, you guys had that game wion. Would of been a huge win too. Probably would of put you in the ACC Championship if they won. & of course I had Fl St +2.5
  21. JP is not a good qb & probably will never be a good qb in anybody's system. He just does not have the mental makeup & accuracy to succeed at this level. He may have a game here or there where he plays well, because he does have talent, but it will be nothing consistent & nothing I believe any team in the NFL is going to want to hitch their wagon to. With that being said, noone knows what his mind frame is about being the backup. This is a stupid topic. If Edwards ever misses some length of time, we will know. Until then everybody is just speculating.
  22. it is not a slow news season this time of year, what the H*ll are you talking about. The NFL is in full swing, NBA just started up along with the NHL, in college football 2 of the biggest games of the year are happening this weekend, 2 games that could very well decide who plays in the National Championship in january(Texas/Texas Tech & Florida/Georgia) & the World National Championship Ping Pong tournament is in the semi final rounds this weekend. If you can not find something interesting to watch on sports this time of year, either A.) you do not like sports or B.) Your not trying
  23. Bill, I have to disagree with you. The one thing I do not think you could blame TD is the M Williams pick. Every draft mag in the country had him & Mckinnie neck & neck. It is pointless to even bring up levy Jones, he was on noones radar in the 1st rnd & the Bengals were mocked out at the time for taking. I remember watching it & the ESPN crew when Jones taken just sat their in stunned silence, & finally Berman said "that pick is why they are the Cincinatti Bengals".
  24. Oh yeah, not sure if he will get drafted but someone will bring him in for a tryout. He is a junior
  25. Well I guess so. Like I said Fox was saying the rain was not supposed to come until after midnight. Moving it up to I would guess would mean that Fox would have to agree & I do not think they would. There would just be alot of things that would have to fall in place for them to pull it off.
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