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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Although, I certainly wish the Bulls well tonight(in fact I may even bet them @ +3.5) your snide comments about the other football team in Buffalo are not necassary when promoting UB. In fact they have played so well they have the same dam record as the Bills do. I have taken my little guy to 3 home games this year, Temple, Army & Miami(ohio), I could honestly say they have only played well in one of those games(Miami). The other two games they probably should of lost. I bet alot of college football & one thing I can tell you is that Army & Temple are two of the worst teams in college football. Definately in the bottom 10. So keep up the good work in promoting UB, just stop with the snide comments about the Bills. They are going to get this thing turned around Monday night.
  2. Losman's average ppg in his 31 starts are a shade under 16ppg. Edwards is a shade under 20ppg under the games he has started. Not really an exact measuring tool considering I did not take into account special teams/defense TDS/ turnovers but I think the bills offense has been more productive under Edwards then it has under Losman. I think you would have a tough time arguing that fact given the statistics. If you can argue it & have stats to back it up I would certainly like to hear it.
  3. Exactly, the time it happened is the most frustrating thing. I could see if it was in the 2nd half & you did not want to burn a timeout. This was on the 1st drive, who gives a sh*t if you burn a timeout in the 1st half. Hesitation will get you killed everytime in the NFL. You seen what happened in the AR/SF game. The coaches were unsure of themselves & in the end it cost SF the game. Well, I think right now Dick & the Boys are unsure of what they are doing & that is why they are hesitant. Hopefully, they get the kinks ironed out. The season is on the line monday night.
  4. No offense, but Don Paul is usually the most accurate guy to go by. I know he did miss twice this year(seatle game & oakland game) but usually he is dead on. The problem with the national weather service is they generalize. There maybe 5-7 inches in ski country & the higher elevations sunday - tuesday my guess is the city & the surrounding areas will get a dusting at the worst. Just not cold enough right now to have anything stick. As usual though outside folks think the weather is going to be 10xs worse then it really is going to be. Jaws last week assumed we were having snow @ a time when the temps were in the 70s. I golfed twice last week. Perfect conditions. My guess is if anything the percipitation is going to be that annoying half rain half snow that sucks sitting watching a game in. Anybody that is going to the game(like me) should hope that it remains dry & the showers hold off.
  5. Actually the real moral of the story is dont ever take your wife to Vegas. Since that incident I have learned my lesson, I have went to Vegas four times, everytime without her.
  6. About 5yrs ago I was down in Vegas with my wife. The first night I was there I started playing blackjack with these three guys from Phoenix. We won quite a bit of money, drank quite a bit of booze & they took an instant liking to me. So the next night I meet them again at the BJ table & the one guy goes to me "Buffalo,(they called me buffalo because I was from Buffalo & I guess they thought it was funny), at the end of the night I get three escorts that come in my room, why dont you join me tonight. It is on me". I said, I dont know if my wife would approve. He laughed & said hell bring her with you. So, I ran the idea by her(I was pretty much kidding at the time, knowing she would be disgusted by the idea); well she did not think it was so funny, did not talk to me for the rest of the trip & I was not allowed to play blackjack with those guys the last night I was there. Moral of the story is do not tell your wife anything that goes on in Vegas even if she is there vacationing with you.
  7. I hear ya, but looking at our schedule I think there is a very good chance we at least get to 9 wins this year & decent possibility that we could get to 10 or even 11 wins. You got to remember for as bad as we played last week, the jets & Miami game were more about us giving them the game. I still have faith, although your points do have very good merit.
  8. Didn't they make the playoffs & got beat by Indy, or was that 2006? Alright, were scr*wed i guess.
  9. There has only been 2 teams in the AFC since the playoffs were expanded that have not gotten into the playoffs with a 10-6 record, one of them last year being Cleveland the other being Miami a few years ago. Last year if you recall the AFC dominated the NFC in interconference play. Teams are going to lose. Take the jets, they play @ NE & @ Tenn next 2 weeks. I really do not see them winning either one of those games. Baltimore still has to play the whole NFC East. They will be hard pressed to go 2-2 in those games imo. We already have tie breaker over jville & sd. If we beat denver we will have the tie breaker over them. I think we could make the playoffs @ 10-6 if we beat Jets/Miami & possibly Denver. Chances are although not guaranteed, we will get in with a 10-6 record. Bottom line, if we win these next 4 games(all very much winnable imo) we will sit at 9-4 & will control our own destiny. If we lose to Cleveland this monday, then we could start talking about next year.
  10. I totally agree, that is why I am not that upset with the record being 5-4. If we play to our potential we should beat the next 3 teams. I will even take that one step further & say we should beat Miami also. That would put us @ 9-4. That would not be too bad. One game at a time though. Can not take anything for granted in the NFL these days.
  11. Thanks for the info, both you & BMwolf. Anyways, hopefully Tom will make a speedy recovery.
  12. Well, if they have them, they should at least be accountable for making them safe. I am surprised some of them pass safety codes.
  13. I am not a reporter or anything, but do high school football stadiums seriously need a press box???? Can't the media just sit in the bleachers like everybody else? I remember the press box in my old high school. I always thought to myself this thing is going to give way any minute. If the school can not afford to maintain & make access safe for all who go there, then they should not be allowed to have them. The harvard cup schools can not even afford to chalk the lines for the baseball games, I could not even imagine what the press box looks like at their football games.
  14. It is really not that hard. Find a sports book at a casino. Harrah's is two casinos down from the flamingo. They just redid their sports book. It is small but it is nice. If you put a bet in & tip the guy a few bucks he usually will give you 4-5 drink tickets. Put 2 or 3 bets in you wont have to pay for a drink all day. Caesars is right across the street from Harrahs. Much bigger sports book. Not sure about the free drinks but I am pretty sure it probably works like it does @ Harrahs at every casino. I always stay at Harrah's because my father-in-law gets comped for everything.
  15. I dont underestimate them. In fact I had $50 on them minus 3 against LSU saturday. I just think Florida is playing incredible right now. It is going to be a great game; game of the year. Flip a coin, I have no idea who is going to win.
  16. You know when the bills traded up 3yrs ago in the draft I thought great, they are going to take Mangold. Good pick. Then, in typical bills fashion they surprise everybody & take Mcgargo, a guy noone even had on their boards in the 1st rnd. Why does it seem the bills always have to go for the surprise pick, instead of just taking the logical pick. Mangold would look pretty good right now on this team. If an average joe like me could see that should of been the pick, why can't the bills front office who are being paid millions of dollars see it. So aggravating.
  17. Well, like I said, if they win out they will not need to campaign for anything, they are in imo. Texas & Oklahoma are the ones that are going to have to do a little campaigning.
  18. Yeah god forbid he actually shows a pulse & runs down the sideline making sure the refs see it. F*ck Dick Jauron & his Yale education.
  19. I dont buy it. Every team has injuries, if Josh Reed being out is going to break your offense the O is even more F*cked up then I thought it was. Runthedamball, that avatar made me spit my pop out on my computer screen. First time I noticed it. Thanks for the laugh man, I needed that.
  20. Whenever there is a team on the outside looking in, their coaches usually piss & moan to the media. Pete Caroll has been bitching this year ever since he figured out that even if his Trojans win out, they are not going to be playing for the NC. Mack Brown did it a few years ago @ Texas to get his team into a BCS game, jumping a more deserving Cal team to play in the Rose Bowl. Just the nature of the game. My point is, the way it is setup there is noway Florida can back into the NC like they did a few years ago. If they get in there this time, they are going to earn it on the field by beating FSU & Alabama. If Florida runs the table, their resume will consist of wins against Miami, LSU, Georgia, Fl St & Alabama. I think any team in the country would have a tough time having a more impressive resume then that.
  21. If Florida gets in the National Title they are not going to squeek thru anything. Since they lost to Ole Miss, they have been the best team in the country, blowing out LSU & Georgia. If they are fortunate enough to get in the National Championship, that would mean they would still have to beat #1 ranked Alabama in the SEC championship & also beat your Seminoles in Tallahassee. Sorry, if they do accomplish this, they will earn a trip to the NC. Do not let your hatred for the Gators cloud your vision.
  22. Does it really matter what teams he did this against? Losman has thrown for under 100yrds 8 times in 31 starts & has thrown for under 200yrds 23 times in 31 starts. Everybody critizised Edwards last week(& some of it was justified) but when it was all said & done he still threw for 280yrds or I will put it in another way more yards then losman has thrown for in a game in 28 of his 31 starts. Edwards, is struggling & needs to improve but lets not kid ourselves that there is even a chance that Losman could save this offense. That trainwreck pulled out along time ago.
  23. & another brilliant post by 1billsfan. He has had other brilliant posts before from the time he said he would not trade Fred Jackson straight up for Larry Fitzgerald to other beauties like the Bills front office are racist & only give big contracts to white guys & would never sign Lee Evans to an extension because of this. I salute you. Your Legend continues.
  24. Dude, dont kid yourself. Florida is a totally different animal then those three teams listed above. I see bama winning their last 2 games & Florida winning out also(although FSU is going to be no pushover, game is in Tallahassee also). That is going to setup an epic SEC Championship game, with the winner writing their ticket to the national Championship. I honestly do not know who will win that game either. I give the slight edge to Florida because I think Tebow is better then Wilson. I do think Bama's defense is a little better the Florida's though. As far as texas Tech, my guess is they get beat by Oklahoma in Norman in two weeks. That will open the door for either Texas or OU to get the other invite for the NC game.
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