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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I hear ya. I had my little guy 4yrs ago & it does add perspective in your life. I really now only get upset about losses like Monday night. I am tired of feeling this way though. I know it is only a game but I have been depressed all week. Plus, we deep fried a turkey on monday night. To make a long story short I wanted dump the greese out @ the Ralph in a bag. This security guard who was in the parking lot sees me trying to do this & says if I do this & throw it in the bills dumpster I am getting arrested. I dont know what for but he seem serious. So of course I put it in the truck & took it home. Well, being the fact that I had too much to drink monday when I got home I accidently spilled the grease all over my driveway. I am going to try to scrub the stains off this week but I dont even know what I can do. My wife is so mad at me she has not talked to me all week. Some times I ask myself is it even worth it. I have had it with this team.
  2. My father-in-law worked at GM/American Axle until he reitred 4 years ago. His job was to ride this machine once every hour or so to clean the floors. Because he had the most senority at the plant he would basically get all the overtime he wanted. He would often brag to me that he would go in on sunday, work 12hrs, get paid double time(which was I believe $66 an hour) & most of the time play cards with his buddies. He was basically a glorified janitor & he made well over $100 grand per yeat. GM did/does have bad managment, but alot of their problems stem from having their hands tied by a Union that was too strong for too long. I do not begrudge the employees for taking advantage of this, but you reap what you sow. Now most of them do not have jobs. I could see this one coming a mile away & even got into an arguement with my father-in-law back in 1998 when I told him that GM is going to be in a world of hurt in the next 10yrs if they keep running things the way they have been.
  3. That is right. I read this article before Penn ST lost to Iowa(it assumed PSU was going to the NC). Penn St/USC does not do much for me either. USC should roll them. I agree with your statement on the big 12. Tough to tell where they stand since none of the teams in the Big 12 have been challenged in their out of conference play. It will be interesting to see how they matchup against the speed of an SEC defense.
  4. Ball ST would give Penn St all they could handle if they met up in a bowl game this year. Too bad that will not happen. As far as Ball ST, this team is legit. I bet the MAAC quite often & there is one very good team in the MAAC this year; Ball St. There a 2 pretty good teams in the MAAC(Central Michigan & W Michigan). After that UB/N Illinois are the best of the rest. Ball St better not sleep on WMU or they will get beat. Being that they are at home, I do not forsee such an upset. If they were playing on the road it maybe a different story. I will say this though. It will be a bigtime injustice if Ball ST runs the table & they are forced to play in the Motor City Bowl when inferior teams like Notred Dame could possibly play in a New Year's day bowl.
  5. You must be really bored this afternoon. I am sure you will get a couple of morons to argue with you on this topic but this was not one of your better attempts to reel the suckers in.
  6. I actually read where if Ohio St wins & Oregon St loses one of their last 2 games that will open up a wildcard spot in the BCS for Ohio St to go in. They then said the Rose Bowl would pick them to have a rematch against USC. If the Rose Bowl officials have the nerve & the audacity to subject us to another USC blowout of Ohio St to keep the stupid tradition alive(pac 10 vs Big 10) instead of giving the viewing public a matchup that might be interesting to see(USC vs Texas/Oklahoma/Texas Tech) it will be a travesty. F*ck the big 10. No other conference is more overrated year in & year out.
  7. Coming from an SU alum, that coaching vacancy I think is going to be more attractive then most people think. First, your in a BCS conference, 2nd, the Big East is wide open every year so the possibly of being successful early is there, 3rd, you play in a climate controlled building(could sell recruits on not playing in the elements). I think with the right hire SU is going to be a factor sooner rather then later in the Big East. I also believe Turner Gill would be an excellent hire. Hopefully they get it done.
  8. I really do not think Butler was that great of a GM. He rode the team Polian built for his first few years as GM & then when it was time to put his footprint on the team, they could not win a playoff game. Also he could not of F8cked up the cap anymore. Giving guys like Sam Rodgers big contracts was insane.
  9. I like the post. makes sense, but if history has taught us anything is that what will happen is that all the teams that need to lose for buffalo to make the playoffs will, but our beloved bills needing a win to secure a playoff spot in the season finalle will lose to NE's 4th stringers as the FG kicker for NE hits a 65 yard fg into the wind as time expires to beat us.
  10. I disagree with #6 & #8. I do not think it was Turk's or Jauron's fault. Evans was open a few times down the seam. Edwards just refused to throw it. I think Mitchell has been our best defensive player this year.
  11. You know I have been critical of you in the past however unfortunately you were dead on in your analysis of Dickie J & it is starting to look like your concerns with Edwards are correct also. This team is no closer to competing now then it was three years ago when Jauron walked in the building.
  12. I was actually relieved when they lost last night. I could free up my sundays to do other things. Told my friends last night I am not going to the last 2 games. 3 of the guys agreed with me. I was going to give my tickets to the orphanage but then I thought havent these kids suffered enough?
  13. You think the Bills are a real NFL team???? Us & the lions are pretty much the laughing stock of the league. I lumped the Texans in their too but at least they have an excuse. Their an expansion team.
  14. Mediocrity??? Jauron has like a .400 career winning %. This guy is bonafide loser.
  15. I can, last year on monday night when we played the cowboys.
  16. should he could of, all you need to do is look at some of his starts in 2005. With that being said, I think it is pretty accurate to say & Edwards & Jauron lost the game for the bills today. I just do not understand how Edwards can play so bad. I just hope these are growing pains. Even if Edwards does not pan out, I still do not Losman as my QB. As far as Jauron, I dont know where we go from here. I am really starting to hate the guy. It is almost like the bills are playing with one hand tied behind their back because we have a retard for a headcoach. Take your Yale Education & shove it right up your ass.
  17. I was there too. I have had season tickets for 12 years & I could honestly say for the first time ever believe it or not I was scared for my safety. What chaos. This one sherriff started hitting this guy with the club & all the guy was doing was being pushed into the gate because of the chaos. He could not help it. The sherriff pulled him aside & I thought he was going to arrest him. But nothing came of it. Embarrassing situation. Why change it up for a night game?
  18. There is not nothing in Lancaster & nothing downtown. Eberybody is getting a hearton because they think it is going to snow but if you read Don paul's forecast he said the forecast is going to stay well south of the city. Erie & south. Unfortunately, I do not think it i8s going to make it's way up to Orchard Park & if it does it probably be just a dusting. Like I said before the Weather Service generalizes, their report makes it sound like the whole region is going to get pounded. That is not the case today.
  19. Awesome man. I will not eat all day. Just give me a holler when it is ready to come off the bbq. We are deep frying a turkey. First time I have ever tried doing this. We will try not to blow up lot 5 in the process.
  20. Why do you have such a bleak outlook on life? If you hate the government that much why don't you just move to Canada?
  21. I heard the other day on the radio that there are now complications of the Aud being torn down. I guess the contractors that won the bid had a low bid with the contingency that they could keep all the steel. Now that the steel prices have dropped significantly they want more money. Anybody else hear or read about this? If it is true, man that is just typical. It will probably be in the courts for another five years. Can't this city accomplish anything without f*cking it up?
  22. Probably smart, I do it more or less for entertainment purposes & never bet more then I could afford. But sadly in the end, when it is all said & done pretty tough to beat the book & dam near impossible to beat Vegas.
  23. Good win by UB last night. Had them @ +3.5. Won $50, I guess that makes me a moron. That will be a good game against Bowling Green next week. It is too bad it is not here. BG likes to spread you out, they have a pretty solid qb, I think his name is Tyler Sheehan & they have a reciever; Partridge I think his name is, that seems like he has been there for 10yrs. Last team that has the ball in this game just may win it. Looking forward to it.
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