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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Sorry cable lady, your support for Loserman is admirable but it is also futile. This guy is a total joke. I said before the season that the worse thing that could happen to loserman this year for a contract next year is that he gets an extended chance to play. Well, I will say one thing, I have not heard any word on the extent to Edwards injury(I just got up from passing out from the game) but if Loserman has to play the rest of the year he will play himself right out of the league. Oh yeah, this just in, Jauron sucks.
  2. Please tell me you are kidding around.
  3. Bill I was just kidding around. I see hot girls at the bills games all the time.
  4. Go to 2 or 3 games & then sell the rest of your tickets on ticket exchange. The money you make from that will probably cover your season tickets. I sold my jets tickets on their & I got $150 a piece for them. Face value I think was $70. If you do this you really should be able to recoup most of the money you spent on season tickets.
  5. Yeah maybe your right. Buffalo does have it's fair share of sweathogs at the bar scene. Just go to a bills game at the Ralph and you will see that. It is a real pigfest out there. Maybe it is all the fried food everybody seems to eat up here. I am a little older(35), married, have a 4yr old boy & have another little one on the way, I really do not go clubbin anymore. If I go out to a bar I would rather just go to a sports bar or a little shack where my friends & I could just sit back & pound them back. To each their own I guess.
  6. I hear ya. Those cities you mentioned are world class cities. Buffalo can not compete against them, neither can 99% of the other cities/regions in this country. But when you say there is not much to do here I do not get that. We have skiing; is it Killington or the Rockies? No, but Ellicottville is still pretty neat. We have casinos, is it as good as the main strip @ Las Vegas? No, but it will get the job done. We have musicals at Sheas. Is it broadway, no, not many places are. We have Art Galleries, museaums, several bar districts, beautifull golf courses(I would rate the upper @ Peak n Peak against any public course in the south), we have a beautifull fresh body of water, that is just awesome in the summertime for water recreation, Lake Erie is one of the top notch fishing places for Bass fishing in the entire country, we have an abundance of deer/wild turkey here if hunting is your thing to occupy you in the fall/spring, we have one of the great wonders of the world in Niagara Falls just a long 3 wood away from the cities skyline, we have a collection of the best strip clubs in all of North America just a short drive over the peace bridge, we have some of the best bar food in the country(I will agree if you want some international cuisine from india or something buffalo is not the place to be - who wants that crap anyways), & most importantly we have something that no other city could compete with..... THE BUFFALO BILLS!!!!!! I just do not understand when people say there is not alot to do here. There is more to the WNY region then just the eastside that you out of town folks seem to concentrate on when putting down the city.
  7. I do not look at it as a slap in the face. I just think it is ignorant to say there is nothing to do in Buffalo. There is just as much to do here as there is in most cities.
  8. Dont act like Atlanta is Miami north. Been to Atlanta a few times, that city could not hold a candle up to Miami as far as nightlife & clubs go. Not many cities can. If you want traffic & lots of it Atlanta is the city for you.
  9. I do not understand this either. I have been to alot of cities & there are only a few that their bar district could compare to the Chip Strip. I mean sure it is no Miami or NYC, but what cities are like that anywhwere. We were in Dallas a few years ago & their bar district was pretty weak imo. Same with jacksonville.
  10. I think what it really tells you is RBs hit the wall pretty fast. Alexander was the league MVP just a few years ago. I think your seeing this with LT too. While LT is still pretty good, he always has some kind of nagging injury. Faulk & Priest Holme's production fell off pretty quick also. That is why if I was a Gm I would very rarely give my RBs that 2nd contract. Run them into the ground for 5yrs & then just draft another RB.
  11. Sorry but I think your Longhorns are sh*t out of luck. If Oklahoma beats Okl ST they will jump Texas in the next BCS Poll. I think that is pretty safe to say. If they lose, Texas still maybe out of luck because then Tech gets to the Big 12 championship game. I think unless something unforseen happens, I think Texas will playing USC in the Fiesta Bowl. Is it fair? Probably not. Does Texas have a legit gripe? Sure. But I would argue that if a one loss Oklahoma team was left out of the NC they would have a pretty good arguement also. This is one of those years where a plus 1 game would be perfect.
  12. Hardy will be fine. He is just not going to help us much this year.
  13. I could only tell you from my father-in-law's & brother-in-laws experience this is what happened at American Axle. First my father-in-law. Like I said earlier, he had high seniority so when things were going good he could basically work any overtime he wanted. He would work 13 straight days before they would make him take a dayoff. I once asked him how he could work so many hours & said it was not really work, we had bbqs, played cards stuff like that. I am not exaggerating. He was classified as a janitor yet he would often brag to me that he was making well over a 6 figure salary. Never paid a dime for medical or dental. Now my brother-in-law. I love him & he is a good guy. He barely got out of high school, no education, no skills, but there GM/American Axle was welcoming him with open arms making 60-70k per year; as an uneducated 18 year old!!! These jobs were not open to the general public though, you had to know someone to get in. That is why I get a kick out of reading these stories where GM has had 4 generations of families working for them. No sh**t because if you did not know somebody you could not get in. They do not care about hiring the best, & hiring people that take pride in their work, just lets keep it in the family. Towards the last 4 or 5 years my brother-in-law would get laid off 4 or 5 months at a time. You would think that would put him in a tough spot right? Not at American Axle. He would get sub pay so after his unemployment AA would kick in the rest & when it was all said & done he would get 95% of his pay. Name one other company in the private sector that would do that. He did get let go for good last December. But even then AA keeps giving, even when facing financial ruin. He got a $100K buyout check & 1 full year of benefits. Plus they would pay for his school for up to a year. I used to pretty bitter about the whole situation. I mean I got my 4yr degree from Syracuse, got my MBA from Canisius College & my first job right out of school I was making 1/2 of what my uneducated brother-in-law was making. Moving up the company ladder & making a decent living myself now, I am no longer bitter at the situation but I must say that the greed of the union & their employees have really put GM behind the 8 ball. You will never convince me otherwise. The problem I have with Union people like the UAW is they think that GM owes them something. GM does not owe them a God Dam thing. Having a well paid job is not a right, it is a privledge. Anyways, that is my 2 cents.
  14. I hear ya, I know it is better for the program that they win & the money aspect(I was really surprised to see that the payout for the hawaii Bowl is about half of what the GMAC & International bowl are) but from a reward/player's perspective, I would rather obviously go to hawaii.
  15. I was thinking about this saturday. They kind of screwed themselves by winning friday. I think if they would of lost friday & won against Kent St this week they were headed to the hawaii bowl. I know if I had a choice between Detroit/toronto in the dead of winter or hawaii you do not have to ask me twice where I would rather be.
  16. My father-in-law retired when he was 58. Got a $50K buyout also to retire early. Not sure what the pension is but I do know he gets one. I also know that him & my mother-in-law get full medical & dental for the rest of their lives. Tough to run a company & keep it profitable when your fighting that kind of overhead.
  17. That would be something. I really do not know the answer either. My guess if that if it were to happen you maybe looking at an Oklahoma/Texas NC or one of those teams vs USC. I know USC did not win their conference(if OSU) wins against oregon) but there has been a presidence set for a non conference champion playing in the NC(remember Nebraska playing against Miami). Either that or a 1 loss Penn ST team plays for the NC. I do not think the BCS has enough hair on it's balls to put Utah or Boise St in the NC if this scenerio played out.
  18. Like I said, that maybe so but win their next 2 games & my guess is they will end up in the Fiesta Bowl against the Big 12 runner up. The Rose Bowl must be cringing at the real possibility of a rematch of Penn St blowout of Oregon St. At least their precious tradition is still alive.
  19. As long as USC beats Notre Dame & UCLA(highly likely) even if Oregon St wins the PAC 10 USC is getting an at large bid. Noway an 11-1 USC team gets left out of the BCS. Fair or not, sorry that is just the way it goes.
  20. Didnt they lose to the steelers the first time?
  21. Dont get too excited Bill. Kansas City showed why they one of the worst teams in the league this year. It makes me sick to think of how the bills pissed away wins this year. They should be at worst 8-3 right now. Oh well, Edwards looked good.
  22. i think your right. I am starting to think we will never be a consistent winner with Jauron.
  23. Easy for you to say, you live in San Diego where the weather is not 28 degrees right now.
  24. I also forgot to include Mcdipshit. So that is one out of 6.
  25. The thing I get out of the Losman tradeup is that Blow missed a chance at picking up Demarcus Ware with the pick we shot over to Dallas. The pick we shot over to New England for Bledsoe I think they either Wolfork or Ty Warren. We missed with the 4th pick on Mike Williams. A team like the bills who refuse to spend to the cap & has limited resources can not miss on 1st rnd picks. I do not know who is responsible for Losman being a bust & I really do not care. The fact is he is a bust & the bills missed out on getting a good player. One of the main reasons for the bills lack of success this decade is their lack of success in drafting players in the 1st round. If you look back at the last 8 drafts(since donahoe was hired): 2001 : Nate Clements - Not with the team anymore 2002 : Mike Williams - Not with the team anymore 2003 : Drew Bledsoe - trade away the pick. Bledsoe is no longer with the team 2004 : Lee Evans/Jp Losman : Evans was a solid pick, could of had Tommie Harris though(perfect cover 2 DT). Losman has been a bust, will no longer be with the team after this year 2005 : Traded pick for Losman - He will no longer be on the team after this season 2006 : Donte Whitner : seems like a decent pick, maybe a bit high for #8 but that is for another argument 2007 : Lynch : book is still out on him. Will need to produce more if he is to see a 2nd contract with the bills 2008 : Mckelvin ; To early to make a judgement on this pick. So from 01-05 our first round picks are no longer on the team(or Losman's case will be gone after this year). Only Evans will still be with the club. 1 out 5 guys from those drafts. Not very good.
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