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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Well fat ass wade is still searching for his first playoff win with a team that is arguably the most talented team in the league. My guess is when the cowboys sh*t the bed again in the playoffs this year, he will be shown the door. Phillips sucks. How he never won a playoff game with the talent he had on the bills is beyond explanation. Killdrive I think is a different story. My theory is that an OC is only as good as his QBs. Killdrive's QBS here sucked.
  2. That very well could be but I am not ready to close the book on Hardy yet.
  3. So your saying there's a chance I hear ya, I hear ya.
  4. I really can not argue with any of this. That is what is most frustrating. This team should be no worse then 9-3(should of won cleve/SF & either Jets/Miami) & with a decent coach & competent QB play they could of easily been 10-2. Oh well.
  5. We all should of known that wrs take a little while to develope. i know their are exceptions over recent years(Royal, Boldin etc..) but those are few & far between. I really do not think the kid understands the playbook right now & the coaches do not trust him. They had to burn a timeout sunday because he was lined up in the wrong spot. Hopefully he will improve next year & he will be a nice compliment to Reed/Evans. In hindsight it was naive for the bills brass to count on a rookie receiver to bolster the passing game. Next year should be a different story. I have watched Hardy play in college alot. The kid could play.
  6. That is what I am thinking as well. & your smart for not betting, I got my ass handed to me this weekend betting college football to the tune of $545. Nice, right around Christmas time too.
  7. Parrish should of made that catch. A stronger more physical receiver does. With that being said, I thought the pass should be lower so Parrish could slide & make it & the only way the defense could defend it is to interfere. With that being said though, it was not a bad pass.
  8. You must not bet college football. Noway should florida be a 10pt favorite especially if Harvin is going to be out. Alabama has had the top defense in the country all year. Florida's only advantage is Tebow over Wilson. I give Bama the advantage in every other matchup. This should be an even game or a 1 or 2 pt line. It is almost like Vegas is begging people to bet Alabama which tells me one thing. Florida is going to blow the tide right out of the georgia Dome saturday afternoon.
  9. It is good to think positive & stay upbeat. With that being said, I really do not think this team is going to win another game all year& if jauron is the coach next year I am giving up my season tickets.
  10. Unless the Buffalo news is wrong, how the hell is Florida a 10pt favorite over Alabama????? Is Alabama a suckers bet? This line seems to good to be true & in my experiences with gambling, when the line seems to good to be true, it usually is.
  11. It really is unfortunate the way it is going down. Championship games sometimes are weird birds, maybe OU gets upset by Mizzou.
  12. & they scored 61 points. Texas was lucky as hell to get out of dodge with a win at home against Okl St.
  13. They just do. You guys lost a game to a top 10 team & so did they. If you wanted there to be no controversey, Texas should of went undefeated. There is no right answer here & the sad fact is that one team is going to get the shaft. I will even throw in USC & Penn St in the mix. If there was ever a year that needed a playoff this is it imo. I feel bad for the teams. Interesting side note. Stoops does not have a vote in the polls & Mack Brown does. I wonder if that is going to have an effect in the rankings.
  14. The one thing I will never understand is Wilson has no problem dishing out $5mill per year for a bum like Kelsay but he will not pony up the money for a decent headcoach.
  15. The problem is there is no right answer here. Both teams have legit claims. I know that probably hurts to hear that but that is just the way it is. Nobody is playing better then Oklahoma right now.
  16. I feel your frustration & do feel for you but if you are going to use this arguement then Texas tech trumps you. Sorry, you want to play the game of who beat who then Tech should get the nod over the horns. Can not have it both ways.
  17. No it is not. This has got to be the BCS' worst nightmare. There really is no right answer here. Too bad the comish for the Big 12 can not step in & boot Mizzou out of the Big 12 title game & pit Oklahoma vs texas. Then along with Alabama/Flordia you would have your 4 team playoff. BCS is in a nowin situation this year. OU & Texas have legit arguements for being in the NC.
  18. It does not really matter anymore anyways. 4 more games & he will be someones else's problem. Just remember this post though. I would not be surprised if he does not make it out of some teams training camp next year.
  19. Right about now I am pretty happy they put the game up there next week. I really did not feel like wasting another sunday freezing my ass off watching these losers play out the string.
  20. Nope Im not Gary. I would not be surprised if Losman is out of the league next year. The guy sucks.
  21. Whenever Jauron gets fired, whether it be this year or next year, the next time we hire a headcoach I am going to go onto the teams message boards where the coach came. I remember when we hired Meathead, the pittsburgh board was laughing their asses off. I called it sour grapes at the time but they obviously knew he would be a collasal failure. When we hired Dickhead, the bears board was laughing their asses off. Now we know why, this guy sucks.
  22. My biggest fear is that we do not have ananswer at qb right now. Still not ready to turn the page on Edwards, still some upside. I think Loserman might have played himself right out of the league today.
  23. My apologies. Maybe I should have another beer.
  24. The thing that kills me is that all we had to do was beat fuggin Cleveland & SF at home & we would be tied for first right now. Man supporting this organization is depressing.
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