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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I will renew them also however it is going to be really hard to write that check if the Skeletor is still our coach.
  2. sorry, make excuses for him all you want but he is simply not an NFL qb. He actually is one of the worst qbs I have ever seen.
  3. Noway they can bring Jauron back now; 3 yr extension or not. He is done.
  4. best wishes to you & your family Rock. I know you will pull thru this. Keep your chin up bud!! Things will get better.
  5. i think your wrong Promo. I see where you are coming from but if they accepted this bowl bid it would of been the most talked about, highly anticipated non bcs bowl game ever. Would the odds be stacked against them? Sure, would they probably lose, sure, but now they are probably going to be relegated to the GMAC where they are going to play a middle of the rode ACC team such as NC ST & noone is going to give a dam about the game. They could of brought some great free marketing & credibility to the MAC if they would of won. Boise is probably is going to go out to SD to play TCU which should be a great game also. The one other option I heard is the Liberty Bowl might be able to get these 2 teams together. They should play. All the crappy bowl games that we are endured to, this is one I would like to see. BTW, I like Ball St to win tonight in a closer then expected game - 34-27.
  6. This was in the making years ago when they actually tried to get Pettrino to come to Auburn while Tubby was still the HC. Classless move by the Auburn AD & the boosters. TT downfall this year was bringing in the guy from Troy to run the spread offense & what Cynical posted about him still leaving the same BBQ staff on that had no idea what the spread was about. TT will land on his feet, he is a good big game coach.
  7. I really do not hate the guy. If he plays this week I will be rooting for him. I just do not think he is a very good qb.
  8. Me & my friends are all in our mid 30s. We all got married but three of my friends ended up getting a divorce. You should see some of the hags these b*stards bring home now. if that is single life in your 30s you could have it. Some of these hags I would not touch with a 10ft pole & just a short 5-6yrs ago we would laugh these hags right out of the bar. If that is what the single life is all about in your 30s thank god I am married. I will take single life in my 20s when me & my firends were scr*wing hot girls with rock hard bodies on the beaches of Cancun during spring break! More power to you & the dean if your still bringing 20 year olds home. My guess is you probably have alot of money.
  9. it was not just a single mistake though. this guy has been brutal for the better paret of his career. I have outlined before & I will do this one more time. In his 31 starts, losman has thrown for less then 200 yrds 23 times. He has thrown for less then 100 yrds(an inconceivable figure in todays NFL) 8 times. He has a career record of 10-21 or a 32% winning percentage. In that time frame(05-present) the bills without JP Qbing are a respectable 15-14 or a 51% winning percentage. Yeah yeah, I know wins & losses should not come down to the qb. BS, qbs in this league are judged by wins & losses. You guys do not want to judge losman by wins & losses, you do not want to judge him by yards thrown, what do you want to judge him by? The guy is just not smart enough to be an NFL qb. That is not going to change if you give him 200 starts. Perfect example was the 4th down play last week. Game on the line, 4th & 15 & what does he do. He throws a 3yrd dumpoff pass to Lynch. I do not care if anybody was open or not, you have to throw the ball pass the yard marks in that situation.
  10. Who cares, the season was lost when this fuggin team could not close the deal against the browns & the 49ers. All this injury does is prevent Lynch from taking a further pounding this year in a meaningless game.
  11. That sucks man, sorry to hear it. My father-in-law is in vegas right now & the BJ dealer yesterday told him he has been working here for 25 years & this is as slow as he has ever seen it.
  12. It is really a make or break year next year for Edwards as far as his future with the bills is concerned. He really needs to show improvement & if does not & regresses like Losman has for the last two years I guaranty you the bills will bring another qb in to compete with him for the starting job in 2010.
  13. Okay, maybe that was not the right way to put. He may have been mishandled but eventually the qb has got to start producing in the NFL or that qb is going to be out of a job. I think that is what happened to Losman. if he would of played half way decent last year in games against denver/Pittsburgh/Miami/Jacksonville/Ne he would not of been benched. In his first year starting if he played better he would not of been benched. Some of those games his first year starting were some of the ugliest Qb displays I have ever seen. He was downright brutal.
  14. It says in the buffalo news today that even though there are 2K tickets left it is expected to be announced a sellout by 4pm today to lift the blackout. It says going forward after this year the games will need to be sold out for the blackout to be lifted in buffalo. Maybe, if they priced these tickets at a reasonable price & were not so dam greedy, this game would be sold out.
  15. It is stupid to rehash this whole thing. You guys think losman is good/has potential/was mishandled; I do not. I think he stinks. Losman will be gone in a few weeks & we will see who is right in the next year or two.
  16. I have said this earlier & I will say this again, the best thing thing for Losman's career right now is that he does not play. He plays the next 4 games due to Edward's injury my guess is he is going to play himself right out of the league, if he has not done that already.
  17. You hit the nail on the head with this post. Anybody ever think just once that we as Bills fans with our lack of patience & behavior to run everybody out of town the moment they are at a crossrodes or the moment they do not pay immediate dividends to the team are getting exactly what we deserve? Mort is just telling the truth. Although he could of been a little more tactfull about it.
  18. LOL, believe me, she has gotten her money back 100xs over these last 8yrs!!!
  19. When I was in college, being the gambling degenerate that I am I got in trouble with the book & owed him $900. being that I was a college student basically working 10hrs a week for beer money I really did not have that kind of coin. I was down $450 going into the monday night game. Eagles/Oilers. This was back when Cunningham was the qb for the Eagles & I forget who the qb was for the oilers but it was right after Warren Moon & the guy sucked. I think he played his college ball at texas A&M but anyways back on topic. the Eagles were pretty good, the oilers were bad & of course I took the oilers plus the 10pts, putting $400 on it. I rember making the call that night from my dorm room, sweating on the phone as I placed the bet I knew I could not pay. So anyways, the game was going pretty good, Oilers hung tough & were down by 6 with about a minute left, Eagles were on their own 20yrd line just trying to run the clock out. I am thinking to myself, OMG I am actually going to win this thing. Just then, Charlie Gardner I believe runs in the middle of the line & comes out of the pack & breaks off an 80yrd run. I threw a baseballl that I had autographed by Dwight Gooden right thru the TV screen. Now I am in panicked mode. I go to my girl friend's(my wife now) dorm room, wake her up & tell her the situation. She tries to calm me down & says it will be alright. Next morning, there is a knock on my room. I answer the door & there is my girlfriend standing with an envelope with a grand in it. Right then & there, even though we were only dating for 6 months I knew that was the girl I was going to marry. She gives it me on one condition. That I never gamble again. Needless to say, I really have not kept my end of the bargain on that one. The point of my story to the younger guys are, looks are important, which is to say that I was attracted to my wife the moment I saw her, but a girl's inner beauty & what lengths & heights she will go for you, not to mention the level of her patience for the crap you will put her thru over the years is just as important. That day she brought the money over to save my ass was over 14 years ago & I have been married to her for 8yrs now.
  20. You should quit your job, give up all your hobbies & devote all your time into stalking the sh*t out of her.
  21. Chophouse is overpriced & overrated. Been there twice & have not been impressed. EB Greens is 10xs better imo.
  22. Seattle made the playoffs that year.
  23. Parrish should of made the catch but the ball should of been thrown lower also. The defender did get a hand in on it but if Losman throws that ball low where parrish has to slide for it the defender would not be able to make a play on it without interfering. With that being said Parrish should of had it & I really can not fault Losman for the throw. Pretty obvious that Parrish is a one trick pony & that is punt returns. He is not a reliable receiver.
  24. I really do not know what the answer is but what I do know is that flipping coaches every three years does not work in the NFL. I just wish I had more faith that Jauron could get the job done.
  25. You obviously do not follow college football too much. Ask Bluefire, A&M was left a mess under Coach Fran. I do not care what their record was last year. Franchione was cheat, a liar & he had boosters in on it as well. Sherman knew going in it was a bad situation. He may not succeed there but this year he definately deserves a mulligan due to the horrific shape Franchione left the program.
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