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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. They went 3-13 in greggo's first year. That team sucked just as bad as this one.
  2. He is the worst qb I have ever seen. He is not a starter, he is not a backup & he is not a practice squad player. He should not be in the league. I think he is that bad.
  3. I really hope Losman plays this week. I could use a good laugh.
  4. That is the thing. The fins have been pretty bad for the last 4-5 yrs or so. It is tough to despise & hate the village idiot. I am going with the phins. I think it is pretty clear now we have been the village idiot in the division for the better part of 10yrs. I am tired of Favre & I can not root for Cheaters. I also have a feeling if the jets implode these last 3 weeks & do not make the playoffs, Favre is going to retire & if that happens the jets will probably be almost as bad as we will be next year.
  5. I hear ya on that. Is there any doubt in your mind that the year the bills drafted Evans/losman, if they were somehow aboe to jump ahead of Pitt & get Big Ben he probably be out of the league next year his play would be so bad.
  6. I know, only us would think this would be a practical good idea. Most fans of other NFL cities would just say "f*ck it, it has been a bullsh*t year, I will just eat the tickets & go Christmas shopping". Not bills fans though. We are nothing if not consistent.
  7. I was laughed at in the beginning of the season when I said it would not surprise me if Losman was out of the league in 2 years. After the Arizona game when Paul Hamilton on the radio said "really the best thing for a contract for JP next year is he does not take another snap for the rest of the season, he is that bad" people said Hamilton was an idiot & did not know football. He hit the nail on the head with that comment.
  8. I like the part after the game when he said "I was scared I was going to be rusty but everything turned out alright." What the f*ck game was he watching. This guy has to be the dumbest qb in the entire NFL.
  9. I have. Just look at about 15 other of his career starts. He has looked just as pathetic as he did yesterday.
  10. The day I really turned on Skeletor was the Cleveland game. I thought to myself that this was like the 6th or 7th game in his 3yr tenure that the bills have lost solely imo to his boneheaded coaching & game management. The Bills(like most teams in the NFL) do not have enough talent to overcome these coaching shortfalls.
  11. I was thinking the same thing watching this game tonight. Watching these 2 teams go at it, it is like they are playing a totally different game then the bills.
  12. Evans is not in Steve Smith's class, he just isnt. This is not a knock on Evans & I have no problem with the contract that was offered(if we let him walk we would probably just draft another receiver in the 1st rnd next year). Let's call it like it is though, he is not a top 10 receiver in the league.
  13. Great post. Tired of the company line. Watched the game sunday night & you know what, I think Ngatta would be a player in any defense. & if you need your defensive tackle to be that unique of a player the cover 2 is doomed for failure. A Tommy Harris or Warren Sapp are few & far between. FU Skeletor & your BS defense.
  14. I think we could all agree due to Ralph's lets just say frugal ways this team needs to be built thru the draft. It occurred to me on the drive home from work that the bills have traded up twice to get back into the 1st rnd in the last 5yrs. For their trade up they got Losman & Mcgargo. I think we could all agree now that these 2 players have been big time busts. So basically the bills have thrown away 4 first day draft picks in the last 5 years on players that are not going to be on this team next year.
  15. Remember when lonnie Johnson got lit up in that packers game when he forgot the punt returner was back there on that fake punt? I just started laughing out loud in my office.
  16. Next week, I think we should put parrish under center & run Lynch/Edwards/Losman out of the wishbone next week. The possibilities are endless. Fuggin jets wont know what hit them.
  17. They actually said it was a run play & Losman audibled out to a pass play.
  18. Does it really matter? This team loses at home just as much as it loses on the road. This team sucks.
  19. Yeah I wonder how they are going to spin this offseason to get the fans all jacked up. One thing the bills are the best in the league at is selling hope to a gullable fan base with smoke & mirrors. You want to market this team, how about win a game or two once inawhile.
  20. I agree with everything you have said. For the great arm Losman has, he is just about the most inaccurate qb I have ever seen. The way he overthrows receivers is downright embarrassing. Has no touch, no feel for the pass rush, can not read a defense to save his life & continuosly scrambles right into the DEs arms. These def cordinators must laugh their asses off when game planning against Losman.
  21. Yep, he is a likeable guy. Unfortunately, that does not translate into being a good qb. Him & his agent are going to have a tough time finding a team for him to play on next year. I really believe that. I laugh when people say he may go to Minn or tampa & start next year. Really???? Those teams are going to the playoffs & have qbs that know how to run an offense.
  22. Yep, watch the end of the Steeler's game & saw Tomlin doing chest bumps with the players. The skeletor does not even realize there is a football game going on. This guy is a pathetic excuse for a coach. I would fire him first thing monday morning if I was Ralph.
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