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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You can not expect your 5yr veteran QB to know enough about the situation to roll out & just take a knee if there is nothing open or dive for a few yards? Like I said before, it was a bad situational call because Jauron should of known who he was dealing with in concerns to the moron Loserman, but in any event, Loserman could not of f*cked that play up anymore then he did. It looks actually like once he gets hit from behind instead of tucking it in he tries to throw hit which actually causes the fumble. The New York Post said it correctly. This guy(Loserman) is the worst qb in the league. That is your idol.
  2. You guys are so easy to pick out. The losman lovers, you, Ramius, La Billzfan, Gary M, Cable Lady, keepthefaith, 1billsfan, bluefire, AKC. This guy is going to go down as the worst qb that has started at least 30 games in the history of the NFL. Once again he fails to throw for over 200yrds. That makes 25 times now in 33 career starts. An unheard of stat. I laughed my ass off when I heard the announcers say he is going to make a highlite reel to show NFL teams. What a moron. I was pretty convinced last week that he played himself out of the league. This game I think clinched it. He will be lucky to play in Canada next year. & just for the record I think it was a dumb call, not the play itself, 9 out of 10 times this play call would of got you the first down. It was a dumb call to put the game in the hands of a retard, useless qb.
  3. This is not true dean. You do make this call with alot of qbs. But shame on the coaches for not knowing their personal. JP Losman is the dumbest mother f*cking qb in this whole league. This guy is borderline retarded. U truly believe this. Shame on the coaches for not knowing this & putting the game in his hands when Lynch could of just as easily chewed up the remainder of this clock. One thing good might have come out of this. This may have been the straw that broke wilson's back in regards to Jauron. Noway he could bring him back after this debacle. As for JP the retard, he is going to have a tough time hooking onto a team next year. I do not see him on an NFL roster come next fall. This guy is just to stupid to be a qb.
  4. Just like Mularkey was a qb killer & just like Gilbride was a qb killer right? Mularkey is doing a hell of job with Ryan & Gillbride seems like he is doing alright with the Giants & Manning. The bad coaching aside, this guy does not get it & he will never get it. Just listen to his interviews & you could tell this guy is not smart enough to be an NFL qb. Saying that JP is only as good as the offense is the dumbest statement I have seen on here in a long time. It is the coaches fault that Losman takes 10 seconds to make a decision where to go with the ball, it is their fault that he underthrows a simple fade route into the endzone or overthrows a wide open evans for a td by 20 fuggin yards, or instead of 3rd three hitting the wide open guy coming across the middle for 1st down throws one long to Parrish where it would have to take a perfect pass to ccomplete. Oh yeah he overthrew that one by 6 yrds too. This guy is one of the worst qbs I have ever seen.
  5. Dilfer was not a project. He was drafted 6th overall. Stop comparing Losman to guys that were considered blue chip prospects. Losman was barely a 1st rounder, & even then alot of experts said that was too high(they were right).
  6. Losman has shortcomings that I feel you just can not teach. He has no feel for the game, has no pocket presence, has no touch or accuracy on short to medium throws & is no better at reading defenses now then he was 5 yrs ago. I seriously doubt any gm is going to bring Losman in as a starter & then it becomes a question of would you rather have a known commodity like Losman, that will not come cheap due to the vet minimum requirements or would you rather take a flyer on a qb in the later rounds that you could sign cheap & might have some upside. I really think losman is going to have a tough time finding a job next year. It is just speculation on my part, but I really think the rest of the league thinks he is that bad.
  7. Oh yeah, I could not even eat one of them @ Bbills. As soon as it hit my mouth I had to take a glass of water. Duffs, the suicidal I could eat at least 5 or 6 before I can not take it anymore. I should note though I am really not the expert on hot wings. I am more of a medium wing guy. BBills are definately hotter though & they are better also. More crispy.
  8. If your ever up here again you definately got to stop in at barbills. It is in East Aurora right off of route 20. Really easy to get to. Take the 400 get off at the east aurora exit & make a right. It is about 3-4 miles down the road. Hammer, that is some funny stuff about the guy drinking the hot sauce. Man, what was he thinking?
  9. The guy is an engineer, I am sure getting paid $10/hr for being an usher is going to pay the bills . Use your head before you post will ya? He would be better off collecting unemployment.
  10. Sorry buddy, but you really do not understand finance. While the bills revenues maybe in the bottom third of the league the bills carry pretty much zero debt. So what that the bills revenues are not what some teams are, their debt service is pretty much zilch compared to teams that are carrying millions & millions of dollars in debt service each year. What is the bills bottom line(net profit)? My guess, & it is only a guess is it is in the top half of the league. That is what really matters. Now when they sell the team, obviously the new owner is going to have a pretty big debt load but since Ralphie pays nothing for the stadium & owes no debt on the team right off the bat he is significantly ahead of most teams when it comes to their bottom line.
  11. Somehow, I think Evans anytime he feels mad about signing an extension with a losing joke of a franchise like the bills, he calls the number to his bank that gives his account balance & immediately he has a smile on his face.
  12. Yeah it is ridiculous. Basically if you have a 6-6 record you are guaranteed to go to a bowl game.
  13. Barbills is the best I have ever had. Never been to Mammosers. Barbills suicide are so hot you would have trouble eating them.
  14. What really pisses me off in that draft is Van Pelt led the bills on an unbelievable comeback over Carolina that year. I think it was a 20pt come back. If we lose we pick in Carolina;'s spot, they pick in our spot(the 4th pick). The question is does the silver fox take Peppers or does he still take Williams?
  15. His teams have made the playoffs in 10 of his 15yrs as head coach. yeah, that must suck.
  16. I think we should go after that game changing strong safety from East Idaho St in the 1st round. You know what they say, in the cover 2 you could never have enough good safeties.
  17. 1st down a run is called but Loserman reads Bonzai(his words for blitz), audibles to a pass & throws a fade route to Roscoe Parrish which is intercepted by Revis.
  18. It is good to be optimistic but reality will dictate that the bills will not taste victory for the rest of this season. However, I will say this. If they are going to win one game the rest of this season it will probably be this game. Jets are in a big, high pressured spot at home where the natives are not too thrilled with them right now. I could see the bills ruining the jets season sunday. You know what, scratch that, I forgot JP Loserman is playing. The Jets should win this one going away. NY 31 Bills 3 (might as well be consistent with the last 2 games)
  19. I think it really matters if they play on a regulation football field or in an arena field.
  20. I am afraid your right. Ohio State did not deserve to be in a BCS bowl game anyways. It should of been Texas/Alabama in the sugar bowl & Boise St/Utah in the Fiesta Bowl. Is it just me or do the BCS Bowl matchups kinda suck this year?
  21. Do you put them in the microwave before or after you get your Tetnis shot?
  22. Wont they just practice in the field house as jauron does not believe in practicing in the elements? Also, where is your trademark slogan that says 12-7 baby!!! Bills are going to the superbowl. You know it is bad when even the Senator(one of the most optimistic posters) has lost all hope.
  23. Sorry, I stopped reading when you said put the wings in the microwave. That sounds absolutely disgusting. What are you some kind of psycho?
  24. What plays did he make Dean???? Leading the offense to a season low 168 yards of total offense. Or maybe leading the bills offense to a season low time of possession. Typical JP stats last week. He once again threw for under 200yrds(now makes 24 times he has done this in 32 career starts), once again lead the team to more three & outs then in any other week & failed to put any points up on the board. As bad as Edwards has been the last 5-6 games, he has still had a better year then any other QB drafted last year. I think there is still a ton of upside in him. When are you going to realize Losman just sucks. When he is out of the league next year?
  25. I have had season tickets for 12 years now. When I was younger my mood during the week would literally depend on if the bills won or loss that given sunday. I look back at it now & I think that is kinda pathetic. Now, as we all do, I got older(I am 35), a little wiser, you get a wife & son & your perspectives change. The best part for me now is getting together with friends on a sunday morning 8 times.. err I mean 7 times a year that I do not get to see that much anymore because we all have families. We get there at 8:00, drink, grill out, talk abnout what is going on in our lives. I would not trade it for the world. Maybe if the bills were better over the year I would feel differently but now, when I am at the game I cheer like h*ll for them to win, but when I get home from the game, that is it. I do not let the outcome carry over like I used to. I am going to renew next year, enjoy them while they still are here. After all, it is just a game.
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