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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Auburn is going to regret the day they ever ran Tubberville out of town. The guy was a good coach & more improtantly he was a solid big game coach. This hiring has disaster written all over it. Think Ron Zook's tenure in Florida xs 10. & when it is all said & done & they can this chump from Iowa St three years from now it is going to take a coach as good as Urban Meyer or Saban to clean this mess up. There are not many guys like that on the market. Good luck Auburn, your going to need it.
  2. That is pretty sweet. I have a mini fridge built into my bar down in the basement. It is great. Now all I need is a bathroom built down there & sat/sun I would not have to go up stairs & have to talk to my wife.
  3. Excellent post. I have stated this before & have been ridiculed for it but this is a qb driven league. A good qb could make an average offense/team good & a bad qb can make an above average team look bad. I find it funny that we could not run guys like Dan henning/Gilbride/Mularkey out of here fast enough(myself included. But look at their success now. Could it be that just maybe they finally have a qb that they could work with & that is leading to their success. Everybody says we do not have enough weapons but to most posters here everybody loves Evans & they love Lynch. The line as it is right now is in the middle of the pack. With an upgrade in Center I really believe this could be a top 10 line. Peters/Dockery/New center/Butler/Walker. That does not seem so bad to me. Once again it will all come down to the qb. Alot depends on Edwards next year. Make or break year for him with the bills. If Edwards is good, the bills should win more games then they lose. If Edwards plays like he did the last 1/2 of this year, we will be 6-10 again.
  4. You do not trade a young pro bowl caliber player like Peters. Especially with 2yrs left on his contract. Hate him all you want, but the fact still remains he is our best olineman & he probably is our best player. Let him play out his contract one more year & then you pay the man after next year. I will be very surprised if he holds out again.
  5. You do make a good point, there are some bad qbs out there. He will get a 2nd chance, just for the simple fact of the sad state affairs of qbing in this league. For his sake, I hope he makes it count. I do not think he gets that 3rd chance.
  6. it did not look like he was trying to run to me. It looked like he was waiting for someone to get open & when he got hit tried to foolishly dump it off to someone. He should took off & ran. Would of probably gained a couple yards.
  7. Good point. That would of been an insult to Johnson.
  8. Why would he be the hero? He threw yet again for under 200yrds, was throwing high on simple 10yrd passes all day & AVERAGED 3.9yrds per completion. He did not throw a ball longer then 15yrds all day until the final 2 minutes & both of those were int. In short, he was his usual brutal self. He made 2 nice plays. The td run & the 2yrd td throw to Johnson. If anybody would of been the hero it was Lynch.
  9. No but your qb is the leader out there. I am not excusing Peters. He missed the block. Losman as usual made a bad situation worse when the smart thing to do was to take off & run or chuck it in the stands. Thinking quickly on his feet really is not JP's strength though.
  10. Let me ask you & Ramius something. Do you think Losman will be a starting qb in this league next year?
  11. I guess so, just like you would expect a 5yr veteran qb to know enough to protect the ball at all costs with a 3pt lead & approaching the 2 minute warning.
  12. Does he hate being called a poor man's Rob Johnson too?
  13. Fine Lori you vaguely know him which is to say maybe he would recognize you at SJF. Please do not pretend like you know what kind of person he is off the field because my guess is you do not. Neither do I. That is all I am trying to say. The guy is a terrible QB, lets leave all the other personal crap out of this. That was my only point.
  14. Noone is arguing that peters is perfect or that he whiffed on the block. The problem is like it or not Peters is one of the top 10 tackles in the entire league & JP Losman is probably one of the 2 or 3 worst qbs in the entire league. You have a little more patience & tolerance for your superstars & less patience for your scrubs like Losman. If you do not understand that you really do not understand how the world of sports operates.
  15. That was kinda weird. Actually if reed would of been a little more proactive I think he could of jumped in front of the jet guy & caught. It just looked like he did not even know the ball was in the air. The Royal int was all on Losman. Poor decision.
  16. I thought you said you were not going to the game? I sold my tickets on the ticket exchange yesterday. Did not think noone would buy them but I got face value for them. Probably Patriot fans. There are a million other places I would rather be then the Ralph on the 28th.
  17. I really think if we had steady, consistent qb play this year we would be in the playoffs. That goes for both Edwards & Losman. Too many game changing turnovers directly responsible by the QB. The first Miami game was there for the taking if it was not for the turnovers in the 4th quarter. The first jets game, if Edwards does not throw that pick 6 I am prett convinced we win that game. If Edwards played even an average game against cleveland we win by at least 10pts. SF game was there for the taking but the qb play was abysmal(by both guys). The 2nd Miami game Losman was once again terrible & now obviously the Jets game this past week where I think we all good agree that the game was lost in the last 2 minutes due to the poor play of the qb(poor coaching also). Those losses imo opinion are directly related to the QB play. If we even go 3-3 in those games we are sitting at 9-5 right now tied for 1st place. If we would of just split with the jets & Miami we would be tied with only NE in 1st place & the game in 2 weeks would be for the division title. As bad as it seems now, I am starting to feel a little better about this team. This team needs some tweeking & alot will depend on Edwards next year. It really is his make or break year with the bills. Do not care what anybody says, I am still high on him. Hopefully they could get it turned around.
  18. I am not trying to be a wiseguy here. How do you know he is a nice kid? Do you personally know him. B y most reports, he did not get along with teammates @ UCLA, did not get along with teammates at Tulane(look at the RBs comments of his former teammate @ Tulane that played for Minn), & he gets here & one of the most respected players in the entire league takes a cheap shot at him due to his cocky attitude. My point is noone knows him, personal feelings should be put aside. The guy is one of the worst qbs in the league & no matter how many streets he cleans, that fact is not going to change. It was a p*ss poor coaching decision to run that play, for the simple fact that the coaches should of known better then to put the ball in Losman's hands with the game on the line. When the bills ran that play in week 2 against Jacksonville, trying to ice the clock & it worked it was a great call. But the difference being they had Edwards under center. I do not want to hear about Peter's missing his block, the moment Losman saw that the FB could not release he should of tucked it & ran. Would of at least got back to the los. Watch the replay again when he first gets hit he does not tuck the ball, he actually tries to get a pass off. This guy is going to be out of the league next year. They had a national guy on the morning show this morning saying that he can not believe that Losman is not getting ripped for this play. He ended by saying, it the way the play unfolded did not surprise him because it is what everybody around the league has come to expect from one JP Losman. This guy is going to have a tough time catching onto a team next year.
  19. Someone will bring him into camp, but I doubt he makes an NFL roster next fall. He will be cut sometime in TC.
  20. After the Arizona game I mentioned that Paul Hamilton said on the radio, "that the best thing for Losman's contract next year is that he does not take another snap all year" He stated he thinks he is that bad & playing more will only remind teams how bad of a qb he really is. I said I agreed with PH. Well the usual Losamaniacs on this board ridiculed me & said Hamilton was an idiot. Well, in retrospect, Paul Hamilton hit the nail on the head with that statement.
  21. Why is it that every bills fan always want to trade down? Can we get some quality in the draft for once? Get the bluechip pass rushing DE. There are three of them available. If we lose the rest of our games like I suspect we will we should be picking in the top 10. That spot should get us one of them.
  22. I disagree with this. I think you the whole top part of the draft into the defense. Get a bookend pass rusher @ 12 & trade back into the 1st to get a playmaking linebacker. You get those two spots filled & this is a top 10 defense. Grab a wr in free agency & maybe some help on the oline. The funny thing that gets lost during this losing streak is that the oline has played it's best football for the last month & half.
  23. Why should he be better then that? It would be funny if he went into the studio & popped that pompous ass in the nose.
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