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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. The A10 stinks again this year. The only 2 decent teams in the whole league are Xavier & Dayton. Every other team in that league sucks especially the Bonnies.
  2. 1st of all if your an owner of say NE & you just put in 200 mill to help build a new stadium, why should you share the luxury suites with Wilson, who does not put in a dime of his own money for stadium upgrades. 2nd, I think where the NFL has it wrong & where Ralph Wilson is arguing about is that fine, let the teams have all the revenue for their lux boxes, but that should not count on the % of that salary cap. In other words, the salary cap should be just based on the shared revenue. Which I think is rational. 3rd, It is a copout to use the small market excuse as to why the bills have not been good for over 10yrs. They have not been good for over 10yrs because they have made horrible personal decisions, have f&cked up the draft time & time again & refuse to pay at least the average salary for a 1/2 way decent coach. How come Pittsburgh is good year in & year out. How come SD can have top level talent? As to why the bills have been bad for the last 10yrs one only has to look at the owners box to find the reason why.
  3. JP should most definately be at the stadium Sunday. After the game that Ralph parking lot is not going to clean itself you know.
  4. Exactly, Trent played pretty well but a game that means nothing to the bills as far as playoffs are concerned really can not be labelled a game where he came of age. Let him win a game in late December @ Foxboro to clinch the division & then we could say this is the game that he came of age. With that being said, totally agree with the statement if JP played Denver is hosting Indy in 2 weeks.
  5. If Peters had one year left on his contract, this idea would have some merit. But since he has two years left the bills really do not have to do anything. Try to workout a long term extension with him, if they can not then f*ck him. Let him playout his contract. No matter what way Mickey tries to spin it, Peters really does not have any leverage here. Let him holdout again. It is just hurting him in the long run.
  6. I think you guys are being overly optimistic about this. The guy just made the probowl for the 2nd year in a row, him & his agent are not going to play on an incentive laden contract. They are going to want top 5 LT money. Think the Dockery deal & add about $10 more million dollars onto it. My guess is expect another holdout this summer.
  7. He probably will be in the NFL next year. There are alot of bad qbs out there. He is one of them. I agree someone is going to foolishly give Cassel a huge contract. I could see him being like that lefty that went from Miami to Detroit, Mitchell, forgot his 1st name.
  8. Well I actually meant he would be lucky to be on a roster next year but if he is lucky enough to be on a roster next year he will in all likelyhood make the vet minimum. Comparing his potential offers to what Cassel is going to receive is rather silly given the circumstances.
  9. I found that interesting also. They must of dated this before the season started. They are talking about Cassel getting 7-10 mill a year from some team in the off season next year. Losman will be lucky to get the vet minimum next contract.
  10. That sounds right. It always seem like it was the champ of the big 12/big 8 vs a wild card. Alot of times it was either Miami or Fl St since they were usually in the top 5 year in/year out. If they are not going to have a playoff, I would just assume they go back to the old way. These bowl matchups suck this year.
  11. He has won his fair share of big SEC games in the past plus some of the big games he has won have been on the road. Prior to this year, didnt he beat Alabama 6xs in a row?
  12. The Rose Bowl is a totally different bowl then any other bowl with the tradition such. Plus I think it is probably the most interesting matchup of all the bowl games(including the NC). If your a Cincy alum or VT alum, that would be a great way to spend the holidays. Do not know why there is not more demand for this game. I really think the old way they did the bowl with all the tie ins & such. Seems like more & more we get boring matchups. If they did the bowls the old way this is how it would probably look. Rose Bowl - USC/Penn ST Orange Bowl - Oklahoma/Alabama Sugar Bowl - Florida/Texas Fiesta Bowl - Bosie ST/Utah Cotton Bowl - Cincy/V Tech Much more interesting matchups. Do not know how the ACC & the Big East would feel about this, but correct me if I am wrong but I do not ever remember them having an automatic tie in to one of the big 4 bowls before the BCS. I threw them a bone & gave them the cotton bowl all though I could surely find a better matchup/more interesting matchup then that.(Ohio ST/Texas tech)
  13. Still, I think SD would be a dangerous team for anybody to play in the playoff. + winning their division would give them a first round home game. If Iam Indy, I am rooting for Denver to win that division. Much rather go there then have to go to SD.
  14. BS Dean. Cutler played on an inferior Vanderbilt team against top SEC defenses week in & week out. Though they never had a winning record when he was in Vandy, he was pretty much the sole reason why they were even competitive. The guy had a 10xs better resume coming out of college then either Edwards or Losman. He is a football player & a true gunslinger with a rocket for an arm. Although he makes some dumb mistakes because he trusts his arm to much, he can make any throw on the field. Can not blame the coaches for everything that happened to Losman. He has gone thru 2 head coaches & 3 o coordinators, & you know what pretty much they all eventually came to the same conclusion about JP. That they can not win with him leading the ship. The book is still out on Edwards. I have high hopes for him still. Hopefully he plays better next year then he did this year. Next year maybe his make or break year here.
  15. Nope. How do you explain the Orange Bowl tickets going for $1.
  16. There are way too many bowls. This is going to be a big problem for the NCAA in the upcoming years. Filling the stadium in these bowl games. I read on CNN today that the game between Cincy & V Tech in the Orange Bowl, which is a top tier bowl game, tickets are actually going for $1 on some of the auction sites. Hey Udonkey, I hope you did not pay face value for your ticket.
  17. Makes sense. If you are actually going to go & see the game, this way makes sense.
  18. & actually probably face value for the ticket is what $600 or so so he would actually have to sell the tickets for $2,350 to make more money.
  19. You think he could sell 2 upper deck super bowl tickers for minimum $1,750 each? Man, I did not realize the cheap seats go for that high.
  20. Good thing I kept my mouth shut & did not try to correct him. LOL
  21. I was taking my son(he is 4yrs old) to the golf dome last night to hit some golf balls. On the ride over he started singing Rudolph & the part where it goes "then one frosty christmas night" he sang "then one froggy christmas night". So I interrupted him & I said "I think it is frosty buddy". He goes "dad your wrong, it is froggy". I just started laughing & said "I stand corrected".
  22. I could not agree with you more. We have probably one of the top young tackles in the entire league but bills fans want to run him out of town because he says fans do not pay attention to the lines. Who cares. The guy is still the best player on our team.
  23. I was not really knocking Zook. He is a good recruiter & has done a decent job at Illinois. The comparison is that from pretty much day one when Zooker got the job at Florida fans wanted him out. It probably made his job twice as hard as it should of been. Your going to see the same thing @ Auburn. First time this guy makes a questionable decision that does not work out, the firing squad is going to be coming out. it is going to make his job very difficult.
  24. Last year I told you what to do instead of doing this stupid thing. You would be better off putting the 86.50 down on the bills making the super bowl/winning the AFC. My guess is if you get it in before all the free agency signings(sometime right after the super bowl) the bills will be going off at about 35 or 40 :1. If they go off @ 40:1 & they by some miracle make it you got yourself $3,460. Much better bet then this silly thing.
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