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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. He is a restricted free agent. If the bills offer him a high tender offer, we will at least get a good draft pick out of it.
  2. 10-23 career record for Loserman vs 12-12 career record for Trent state otherwise.
  3. I hear what your saying & the weather this time of year is tough, but really it is not much worse weatherwise then any other part of the northeast. I always get a kick out of people from NYC that act like WNY is Siberia. I travel to NYC at least once a month & the weather IMO is worst then Buffalo. It maybe a little warmer & they do not get the snow like we do however there is always some storm front coming in & at least 50% of the time my flight is delayed because of weather issues. It rains there way more then it rains here in the summer months(may - october). I dont know. To each their own I guess.
  4. Nah, I am tired of it on this board. People from other places that used to live here just can not help but putting this area down. Believe it or not people actually like living here & it is not just because of the food. I do not know how else you could interpret when someone says "living here for Wegmans & the local Gin Mill" as anything but putting this area & the good people that live in WNY down.
  5. Okay buddie, whatever. You just happened to be there for the worst week weatherwise of the year. We did not get any snow up to last week & even as much as we got last weekend has melted in a matter of 1 week. One thing I can not stand is people that have moved away & think that all we got up here now is good food & the bills. You honestly think your better then everybody that lives in Buffalo because you moved to a place like Virginia Beach???? Went to V Beach once about 10 years ago. They were right in the middle of getting remnants of some hurricane. Streets were flooded, golf courses were swamped & we were confined to our hotel room the whole weekend. That place must suck too because I hit a bad weather week there. F*ck you jackass.
  6. Totally agree. It is almost comical. Noway in h*ll Cassel snaps that ball. It was all about Belijerk proving once again how he is 10 steps ahead of the Skeletor in Game management. I swear, take the average 12 year old that plays Madden, & my money is on them managing a game better then the Skeletor. Worst game day coach I have ever seen on a bills sideline & that is saying something.
  7. I believe 8. He was 1-7 with some of the worst qb #s imaginable.
  8. Took my dog out at 5:30 this morning, had to be 70 degrees outside. Still can not believe there is no snow on the ground anymore. Earlier this week there was 7 foot snow piles on my corner. Wind is crazy today. Glad I sold my tickets.
  9. I have power in Lancaster Deano. My neighbors fence just blew over to this other guys house. This is wild. I am sure the anti trentites will make fun of him today because he can not throw for 300 yrds in 60 mph winds.
  10. I do not begrudge the yankees either. Who I do feel bad about is the diehard fan that they are pricing right out of the stadium. Everything has a price Yankee fans, but a good portion of you will not be able to afford to take your family to the games anymore. It is the same thing with the Mets. Even though I live in WNY, I have gotten a 10 pack to Shea for the last 8yrs. I did not do it this year. Prices are too expensive & I do not feel like sitting in the upper deck. Shea may have been a dump but it was an affordable dump. I am there to watch a ballgame, not to get 1st class service by a 5 star restaurant.
  11. He probably will be on a roster next year due to the fact of the qb play in this league, but when some people are saying he is going to light the bills up next year or the jets are going to sign him & he will end up sticking it up our a** for the next 10yrs, what planet do these people live on that honestly believe this?
  12. Under this circumstance, I suppose I could buy into that, as long as they do not flame out in the A-10 tourney. Need to get at least the semifinals.
  13. Have not seen Fordham play yet but charlotte is not very good & Duquense, George washington & lasalle stink. Richmond although only 6-5 have hung tough in losses to Wake Forest & my Syracuse. Umass did beat Kansas(who is not really good this year either) but are only 4-6 & St Joes & Temple are not tournament teams this year. Looks like the A-10 is a 1 bid league this year. BTW, what do last years results have to do with anything. Umass was pretty good last year, they are not this year. Syracuse is better this year as long as Devendorf can stay on the court. All indications that I have read suggest that he will be back once SU starts Big East play. I will be shocked if they are not at least a 4 seed this year in the tourney.
  14. It is going to happen soon Promo i/m/o. Either that or your going to have nothing but corporate big wigs that could care less about the team filling the stadium. It is really sad what is happening to professional sports. I had customer in NYC the other day telling me about his situation, 25 year season ticket holder to the Yankee games. He said he has had 4th row third base side seats for 10 years now. Says he gave up the seats this year because they increased so much with the new stadium & did not feel sitting in the upper decks. You could tell in his voice he wasnt so much angry as he was generally hurt by it. It is just not right.
  15. If the jets sign losman as their starting qb that immediately will vault us into 3rd place next year.
  16. This is exactly how I feel. The guy is just not good enough to be in the NFL. Thinking the Jets or NE will pick him up next year is downright laughable. They got to see first hand the debacle known as JP Losman twice a year. Do I blame him for everything that has went wrong with the bills the last 4 years? Of course not. This organization has alot of problems. But the fact is over the last 4 years the bills are 10-23 when JP losman starts & 16-15 when Trent Edwards/Holcolmb has started. That is a pretty big difference. This guy is just not good enough. Senator, the more I read your posts, the more I start to realize you really do not have a clue about what you are talking about.
  17. One problem JP does not have is being consistent. He is one of the most consistent qbs in the entire league. Consistently bad that is.
  18. What if I told you that in that same time span as when the bills went 10-23 with Losman as the starting qb they were 1 game over .500 with any other qb starting(Edwards/Holcolmb).
  19. Well they only loss to Duke by 3pts. They still need a signature win to impress the tournament committee, not sure they could get that in the A-10 this year especially the way Xavier has tanked their last 2 games. Looking at the rest of their OOC schedule, the only teams they have left are Akron & F Dickenson. If they want an at large berth, they better only lose 2 or 3 games in A-10 play.
  20. Hey Philster, why dont we wish Jabari Greer a Merry Christmas? He probably is playing his last game as a bill also. At least he has made some plays over the last few years. But lets all feel bad for poor JP Losman, who has made millions over the last several years & all he had to do was be one of the five worst qbs in the league. It is what it is, Losman is a lousy qb who probably has set the bills back 2-3 years in their developement. This thread is stupid.
  21. I will grant you that they have more talent & a better direction then anytime since the scandal. That still does not equate to wins though & my guess is they will have a tough time finishing above .500 in league play this year.
  22. You honestly think the jets would bring in Losman, after seeing first hand his meltdown at the meadowlands a few weeks ago? You think they want that bonehead on their roster?
  23. There really is no good system for Losman, see because here is the thing; he sucks. He really should not even be in the league. He looks just as bad now, making the same boneheaded mistakes as he did 4 years ago.
  24. Yep, places like Dallas, NE, NY(with their new stadium next year) are pricing the diehard fans to the upper decks. My guess is like yours, pretty soon they are going to price the average fan right out of the stadium. It is already happening in NYC. I do have alot of customers in NYC & you would not believe the stories people tell me about how their family has been 3 generation season ticket holders for the Ynakees/Mets & how they are being forced to drop their season tickets because they are too pricey. Or they are buying & saying they are only going to be able to afford to go to 10 of the games & have to sell the rest. Or how they had 10 rows up 3rd baseline club level seats at Yankee Stadium for 20 years & now they are being forced to move to the upper deck. It is sickening what sports has become.
  25. From experience I could honestly say I would not be happy for them. Last year we were going to my wives brother's house for his birthday. She got him a card & 8 scratch off tickets. On the way over I took one of the scratch offs & starting scratching it off. My wife yelled at me & I assured her if I win any money I will put it back in the card. Well the ticket won $100. My wife is like awesome, my brother won $100. I looked at her like she was some kind of idiot, told her to keep her mouth shut & I kept the ticket. Given the cuircumstances, I thought it was the right thing to do.
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