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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I am asking a serious question here. I know the one lady on this board knows tasker personally & loves him but I have seen this several times from different posters making inside comments how referring to him being a real jerk? I really have never met him. The only time I seen him in person was I took my son to the bills store a week before the season last year & he was in the store. I did not say anything to him because I thought it would be tacky. Does anybody have any stories as to why they think he is a jerk. I would love to hear them.
  2. I used to have this popcorn machine when I was in college that you would put the kernels & oil on one side & the stick of butter on the other side. As it was popping the butter would melt & mix in with the popped kernels. I would add a little salt while it was popping. I used to love that popcorn. Used to be my dinner at least 3 nights a week.
  3. Could it be that maybe he did not have very much success up here because he had a washed up qb(Bledsoe), a never been qb(Holcolmb) & a sh*t for brains qb(Losman)? & maybe just maybe he was not very good in Miami because he had a gimp playing on leg as qb(Culpepper), & 2 guys that should not even be in the league at qb (Lemon & Beck). & could it be now he is having success down in Atlanta because he finally has a young viable smart franchise type qb(Ryan) to work with? This is an interesting trend.
  4. Good post. you do not trade a franchise LT in the prime of his career. Ever. Pay the man what he is worth & lets put this season behind us.
  5. Please save the too tough of schedule crap. I am tired of hearing about it. Noone has a clue how any team is going to do next year. In 07' baltimore was 3-13, Miami was 1-15, Atlanta I believe was 4-12, Carolina was 7-9 I believe, Arizona was 8-8, they all made the playoffs this year. I agree that this team is not a playoff team next year with these moves, but not because of the schedule, because they have Dick Moron as a coach.
  6. That would be awesome. There is no doubt in my mind if UB is bowl eligable next year even if they do not win the MAC the International Bowl is going to come calling again. I did not go to the game but from the reports I read the atmosphere was excellent & they had more tickets sold then several of the higher end bowls. I doubt SU will be bowl eligible next year. This program is a mess.
  7. The big thing we need out of a TE imo is so the defense has to account for him on every play & we need someone that could stretch the field down the middle seams. If we had this, it would open up the underneath passing game & make Edwards & every other receiver's job on the field that much easier. As of right now we do not have a TE that could do these things. I would be fine if we took Gresham @ 11. The guy is a game changer. Think Shannon Sharpe in his heyday with the Broncos. I really do not give a F8ck if he could block or not. We have tried the Dbs/Wrs/Rb route the past few years in the first round, I have no problem giving Gresham a shot at #11.
  8. The only other thing I could think of is that they were so disappointed about not being in the NC that they played flat for most of the game. These bowl games are funny. I have seen it time & time again where the better team does not win or wins by pulling out a late rally because they have no interest in being in that particular bowl.
  9. I could buy that. I really do not think SU is going to be on the bottom too much longer in football though. maybe it is just wishfull thinking on my part but for those that do not follow SU closely, you really have no idea how bad G Robinson was as a head coach. He could not of f*cked this program up anymore then he did.
  10. This is exactly right. The big difference between Kelly & the two other HOF QBs late in their career is Kelly lost his fastball while marino & Elway still had decent arms at that stage of their careers. I remember Kelly had trouble making that 15yrd out pass his last season & I think Theisman even mentioned it on the air on a sunday night game against SF at the stick. Kelly probably could of played another year or two but he was pretty much done when he retired. I think he knew it too.
  11. The more & more I think about it, the more I really think that Florida is going to lay the wood big time against Oklahoma Thursday. Outside of Nebraska, who played an average ACC team, I really do not like how any of the Big 12 teams have looked in the bowls this year. Ole Miss beat tech convincingly, Missouri struggled for most of the night against a Northwestern team that got drilled by Penn ST, Mich St & Ohio ST. Oklahoma St loses to Oregon, a team from a league that most observers say stunk for most of the year. I think it is pretty obvious that the Big 12 was overrated all year. I thought Texas was going to destroy Ohio St but after watching that game last night I am more convinced then ever that Texas would got their lunch handed to them by Florida. Could it be that after watching the Rose Bowl/Sugar Bowl, that the more deserving team that could give Florida a better game would of been USC or Utah rather then Oklahoma?
  12. If you put UB in the big east they would probably be pretty low on the totum pole most years behind WV, Pitt, Cincy, Rutgers, South Florida, Uconn. Can not see them competing on a regular basis with these schools. The stadium is not up to big east standards & would be one of the worst game day atmospheres in the league. Whoever designed this stadium was an idiot imo. The stands are way too far back for the fans to make any noise. & at least to the games I went to this year, only the one lower corner was filled by the student section. You have 30,000 students going to that school & you could only fill the one lower corner out of the stands. I doubt they would put games at the Ralph. That is not even close to any of the campuses. In the basketball, they would have trouble winning 4 games a year with Big East stacked the way it is now. I know they gave Uconn all they could handle earlier this year, but really their bball program is nowhere near most of the schools in the big east. UB is a long way away from being ready to compete in a league like the big east imo.
  13. I could testify for the food at Gino & Joe's Pizzeria. They have thin style crust pizza & chicago style. However there was an incident there 3 years ago & I have never been backed since. Me & my friend from work went there for lunch one day. So we get our food(both got subs) & across from us sure enough this lady is breast feeding her kid. Then the other kid that is with her(was 4 or 5) throws up this orange stuff(I have no idea what it was) right in the middle of aisle. The lady looks at it, picks up her kids, does not notify anybody & just walks out of the place. Me & my friend look at each other, look at our whole subs(neither one of us have taken a bite out of them yet) & get up & leave. Have not been in that place since then & even three years later when I walk by the place I get a sick feeling in my stomach.
  14. I do not care what the line is on the Arizona, Carolina is going to blow them right out of the stadium. This will be the easiest money to be made on the weekend. The other games, not sure about right now. Kinda leaning towards Tenn, NYG & SD.
  15. Dont quit your day job Jester. 0-4, that is the way to startoff the playoffs LOL.
  16. I always thought to myself if I ever had to relocate & moved to Charlotte I would really be able to get behind the Carolina Panthers. Always respected delhome & I think Fox is one of the best coaches out there. To think we hired Greggo over him. Good luck with your new team.
  17. My wife asked me yesterday if I am going to renew now that Jauron is back. I told her I am like that beaten up house wife that just keeps coming back for more. She started laughing. Plus we are expecting our 2nd little one in June. By September I have a feeling I will be looking for any excuse to get out of the house.
  18. How is the Texans situation any better then the bills? They were not a contender, they were pretty much eliminated from the playoffs before Columbus day. 2 Weeks ago they went out to the Balck Hole & got their asses handed to them by one of the worst teams in the entire league. The doom & gloom crap around here really has to stop. We are not a good team, but we are certainly not that far off from where the Texans are or 25 other teams in this league. You want to get depressed read the post today. Jet fans are irate because starting in 2010 they are being forced to pay for PSL's for season tickets. 2 things that struck me about this. The stadium was largely financed by Tax payer money, why should the tax payers have to pony up money for PSLs also? This is bad timing for the Jets. Economy is down, their franchise is in crisis mode, Favre is probably retiring, & they just had December meltdown that would make the New York Mets organization proud.
  19. You swap who you play in the rotation division. For instance the last time we played the AFC South(06) we played Indy/Hous on the road & Jack/Tenn @ home. Hence that is why we are playing Indy/Hous at home this time. In 06 also we played our west opponent @ the Ralph which was SD & our Central opponent on the road which was Baltimore. This time we play the central opponent @ home(Cleveland) & the west opponent on the Road(KC). It is kinda foolish to talk about schedules anyways. Who know what teams are going to look like next year(Baltimore/Miami/Atlanta) all made the playoffs this year & their combined record for 07 was 8-40. The only consistent thing we do know is the bills will probably suck again. Besides, everyone of the other teams in the afc east have the exact same schedule except we get to play the last place teams from the other 2 conferences.
  20. Your going to be pretty miserable next year when Edwards is the starting Qb for the bills once again & your man love is sweeping the streets of LA for a living.
  21. I do not have love for Edwards I have hope. He has shown me enough to warrant another year as the starter. Remember it is only his 2nd season. I think he is the type of player that continues to improve. The injuries I will admit are a concern. Losman his first year did not play & in his 2nd year he had one of the worst years statistically of any qb I could remember & was benched for a career journeyman not once but twice. If your comparing Edwards to losman, he is way ahead of him at similar stages of their careers which I will readilly admit is not saying much.
  22. When did I say we can not fault edwards yesterday? All I am bringing up is there records as a starting qb in this league. Based on these records, Losman is more inclined to fail then Edwards is. That is no more irrational then what GG posted.
  23. I really do not take anything that Sisyphean Bills posts seriously. His man crush towards Losman really clouds his football sense.
  24. No the difference is game situations. Losman's 1st priority in the situation he was in was to protect the ball with a 3 point lead. He failed to do it. Edwards 1st priority since the game was still undecided was to make a play. Dockery wiffed on the block & the rest they say is history.
  25. Prettysolid post deano, but you can not possibly blame that fumble on edwards. I did not know a guard could get beat that bad on the inside. Dockery should be ashamed of himself. One other thing I feel alot of people that openly route against Edwards better start warming up to this idea. If he does not pan out as the franchise qb, I believe the bills will continue to suck for the next 3-4 years minimum. It is vital for the bills winning that he takes that next step next year & improves his game. I have confidence that he will. I look at alot of the 2nd year qbs in this league & he is way ahead of the curve. I could be wrong. I thought Losman was the long term answer after the 06 season. For bills fans I hope I am right about Edwards, because the bills have no chance at winning next year if Edwards does not improve on his play. I think the kid is going to be a good one.
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