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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I had $200 on carolina minus 10 & 5 minutes before the game I called the book back & switched it. I do not know what made me do it as I liked Carolina all week. I also had $200 on Tenn(-3), $200 on Philly(+4) & $200 on SD(+7) so basically I went 2-2 for the week & lost $40 on the vig. I made a killing on college bball last weekend though. Went 9-2 & $75 on each game. Won $500. Makes up for the money I lost on the national championship when like an idiot I took Oklahoma. My advice to everybody is if you do not gamble do not start. Anybody that tells you they win money betting sporting events is either lying or is very, very lucky.
  2. I say we are more like Cleveland then anybody. Both cities are the mistake by the lake, both climates suck, both economies suck & both of the franchises probably will not sniff the lombardi trophy in any of our lifetimes. With that being said, I kinda like to see Arizona win it.
  3. I do not know man. I see your reasoning but I just do not see how the bills become better by trading away their only true blue chip player they have on the roster. Give peters his money during the offseason. They are a better team with him on the roster.
  4. I could care less if the Titans won. It was the wrong call, the back judge blew it & if you think there is no difference going from 1st & 10 at midfield in a tie late in the game then 3 & 15 from their own 27 I really do not know how to answer that. Where a field goal won the game on that drive, you really think that blown call had nothing to do with the titans losing?
  5. I am not being ridiculous. As usual, your wrong. If the back judge is standing say 10 yards behind the play, your telling me he can not see the play clock winding down & when he sees -0- can not make a determination if the ball has been snapped or not? Who cares if it did not have any effect on the play? It was the wrong call, & once again the refs find a way to f*ck it up in a big game. The play should of never counted & only a true moron would think otherwise.
  6. I have never been to LP Stadium, but if it is anything like the Ralph(whose gameclock is right below the jumbotron) a ref could most certainly look at the gameclock & the snap pretty much simultaneously, especially when the play is pretty much at midfield & certainly should know 2 seconds after the playclock expired & the ball was not snapped to throw the flag. If all refs thought like you how would they call delay of game as soon as the playclock expires, like they do sometimes? & BTW, it does not matter if it did not have any effect on the play(& for you to assume that is a very ignorant statement). How do you know if a cornerback or safety that was covering Heap thought just for a second that there was no play & let his guard down. Bottom line, it was a delay of game, it was against the rules & the play should of never been allowed. The ref blew it plain & simple & it probably cost Tenn their season.
  7. Is it too much to expect the backjudge to look at the playclock & see double 00s & look at the line & realize the ball has not been hiked & throw the flag? I could see if it was a bang/bang play but it was not. There was at least 2 seond differential. The ref blew it & it cost Tenn their season. Have you ever been in a NFL stadium or any stadium for that matter? You could easily simultaneously look at the playclock & look when the ball is hiked in every stadium I have been to. It is a poor excuse for the ref not throwing the flag.
  8. They did fail, they did not have a successfull season. The division was wide open this year. The Dolphins took advantage of it, we did not. I really expect Brady to miss a good portion of next year, or if he is in there, not be as effective & the division will once again be wide open. I do not think that is the question. I think the big question is will the bills be able to take advantage of it. My guess right now is no.
  9. Never seen Archie Manning play & from what I know is he played on some horrible talentless teams, but I find it hard to believe that anybody that has covered the NFL would say that Archie was better then Peyton. That is silly talk. P manning if he retired tomorrow would be a nobrainer top 5 qb of alltime.
  10. They are really starting to come into their own Deano & I am really starting to get excited about the success SU could enjoy in March. I really think they are a matchup problem for most teams & are going to be a very tough out in the Dance. They will lose some games in the Big east just because the B east is stacked, but their grueling schedule should have them tournament ready. I know it is still early but I really see them no lower then a 4 seed, with the slight possibility of them being a 2 seed. Most likely a 3 seed though.
  11. No excuse for not being flagged & it was not even close. I do not know what is so hard about flagging the o for delay of game. But you see it time & time again where the play clock runs out & it is not flagged. The only explanation is that the backjudge drops the ball & is not paying attention to the play clock. I dont care what the article says, if the play clock on the jumbotron was the same as the one they had on the bottom of the tv it should of been flagged & like I said it was not even close. The titans should of stopped them on 3rd down. horrible break down in the coverage.
  12. Or the refs could act like any normal competent person & when they see double 0s on the play clock & the ball has not been hiked yet they could throw the flag.
  13. I could see how you jerkoffs from FSU have so much fun ragging on "Tebag" as you like to call him. I mean he is such an easy target. He works with charities, has never been in trouble, is as competitive as anybody in college football today, makes the rest of his teammates better, in three years of collage ball he has won a heisman trophy & 2 national championships & Urban Meyer has said he is the best football player he has ever coached. Yeah, that Tebag, he sure is a loser. Keep trying to convince yourself Shamius that the sh*theads that Florida St runs out year after miserable year at qb have even a remote chance of beating Florida while Tebag is under center. If I was you & the wolf I would pray to the football gods that he does declare for the draft. That way, maybe florida state will avoid their annual humilation against the gators next year.
  14. Me four. I am 6'1 about 225. I would like to get down to my college weight of about 180 - 185. Problem is I like eating & drinking to much. I used to run alot(I am 35) but I had to quit that because I used to develope Tendinitis in my knees & ankles & the pain was just unbearable sometimes. I still exercise, I walk 5 miles a day, play basketball on tuesdays mornings before work & I actually started playing ice hockey last year on friday nights. This goes all year round. I play softball on mondays in the summer but I do not consider that exercise since it is not a great workout & you go back to the bar & drink beer & eat chicken wings. I try not to booze during the week(which I usually do not) but come saturday all h*ll usually breaks loose. Oh well, what are you going to do? Good luck to you John.
  15. You sound like you think he is going to have a ton of options. You dangle a contract like the one Levy gave Peerless Price & he will be in town to sign that contract faster then you could say Dick Moron. With that being said, I think the bills should pass. I do not think he has much left in the tank.
  16. I never said they were the 2nd best team in the state. They are relevant though & would probably be no more then a 3pt underdog to Florida ST this past year on a neutral field. I am actually giving FSU a compliment. I did not think we would ever see the big 3 give USF a home & home series. I know florida would never do it & if I am not mistaken Miami had a home & home scheduled with USF & backed out of it once they realized there was a decent chance they would get beat & be embarrassed. All 4 of though schools should play each other each & every year. it is a shame they do not.
  17. I got to give the old fart credit, this is a pretty risky move imo. They are playing @ FSU next fall & then 2012 play in Tampa. I really think this is a nowin situation for Bowden & Fisher. Win, & everybody says you were supposed to win against your younger brother, lose & all of sudden people may question who is 2nd in command behind Florida in the sunshine state. What are your thoughts on this?
  18. This is a very interesting post. Can it be that Ralph knowing full well that the fans are probably more disgusted with this franchise now since the 2-14 seasons is going to go balls to the wall in free agency & bring in some top tier talent to get the locals excited again. I doubt it but one could certainly hope.
  19. Well they do have Andre Johnson, I would take him over Lee Evans, Josh Reed, R Parrish & Hardy combined.
  20. I am no Jauron supporter, I do think the guy is a bad coach however mangini is not much of an upgrade. In fact Jauron's career record against Mangini is 3-3. Does not sound to me like Mangini owned Dick Moron the way everybody is stating in this post. Both guys suck as a coach, the only difference I see is that mangini is young enough to change his ways, the Skeletor's ways I am afraid are not going to change anytime soon.
  21. Well, if you guys both work there; there is only one solution. Pork her in the break room one last time & when your done tell her she f*cks like her mom. That will really get under her skin.
  22. That makes 0-5 for the MAC this year in bowls. What is more concerning is none of the MAC teams in bowls covered the spread this year either. Very curious & interesting.
  23. I do not think it should or will count against him either. With that being said, I will be very surprised if Reed or Wilson get in this year. Smith is a lock.
  24. He had that personal foul penalty in the Miami playoff game also towards the end of the game.
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