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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Give Boldin a contract in the same ballpark as Evans & I guaranty he would be more then happy to play for the bills.
  2. & as good as an offense as they had the Texans won a grand total of one more game then we did. They are no closer to the playoffs then we are. If I was Kollar I would be mostly excited about coaching Super Mario. He will make any d-line coach look good.
  3. I am not so sure about that. Suggs & Scott are both free Agents also. If I had a guess, I would think they would tag suggs.
  4. If you read my post, instead of always looking to correct somebody I said the year they drafted Big Ben they were coming off a 6-10 season. They went 15-1 the year after.
  5. I think they were 6-10 the year they drafted Big Ben. So he did not have a super bowl team fall in his lap. You ever think for one moment that certain players make the whole team better? Especially at qb. I am not saying that he carried the team to the AFC title his 1st year, but do not think for one moment the bills would not of been better off if they were able to draft Big Ben. He would of given the bills something that they have not had since Jim Kelly retired. A true franchise qb.
  6. I think this is all about Lewis getting one more big payday(signing bonus) before he retires. Anybody that has watched Bmore the last few years realizes that Lewis has lost a step. Fortunately for him that step that he lost is a step that most players never even had. He is twice as good as anybody we have. If the bills could get it done I would bring him in. If you show players the money, especially in the late stages of a career, they will come. I doubt it happens though. I could see him playing for the Cowboys or a team like the Eagles.
  7. I agree, I do not care what defense they run, get some heat on the qb. I remember Buddy Ryan once said, "my defense is going to put pressure on the qb & I dont care how many guys I have to blitz. If it takes 3 guys I will send 3, if it takes 4 guys I will send 4 if it takes 5 guys I will send 5 & so on." The point is get pressure on the qb is the name of the game.
  8. The problem with the cover 2 is in order for it to be successfull it almost has to be a perfect storm so to speak. You need a dominant DE AKA Simeon Rice, you need a dominant DT that could disrupt & penetrate the backfield creating havoc AKA Warran Sapp, you need a versatile LB that could run sideline to sideline AKA Derreck Brooks & you need a dominant Safety that is fast enough to cover the wrs & big enough to come into the box & stop the run AKA Bob Sanders. These type of guys are extremely tough to find. It may have worked in Tampa, where you had Rice, Sapp, Mcfarland & Brooks on the D, but we just do not have that type of personal. Not many teams do. It is a bullsh*t defense & I wish they would scrap it.
  9. How could you say he has not played anybody? Who would you like him to play? He played the #8 team in the country in penn St, played the #5 team in the country(at the time) in Ohio St, played oregon St, played Oregon, played Arizona, played Cal. All those teams were top 25 or around the top 25 all year. I am not sold on Sanchez but that is a stupid thing to say.
  10. anybody catch the press conference on espn yesterday? Carol looked absolutely p*ssed & dumbfounded that Sanchez was going, like he pretty much knows that the guy is not ready for the NFL. Then at the end, he barely acknowledge him as he hurried out. I have really never seen a scene like this before. If his own coach does not think he is ready, I would be really hesitant in using a high pick on this guy. I have seen him play quite a bit this year. Got to say I agree with carol's opinion. This guy has bust written all over him imo.
  11. Thanks for the advice everybody. If I do go into this believe me I would do a ton of research on it. I am just in the beginning stages. My buddy does do cash jobs now & believe it or not he actually works for an owner that pays him under the table for alot of the work he does. I would not feel comfortable about going about business in that manner. BTW, I did work for M&T right after getting out of college. Did not really like it there so I left after 2 years. I work for the other big bank in town.
  12. I understand your concern of risk/reward & I have wrestled with this issue. This is kind of a unique situation. It might not be a bad idea giving him the option to buy in later like you suggested. That way if it works out, I will be able to recoup some of my initiat capital that I invested but with that being said, I really do not see how that protects me anymore in case of failure.
  13. I should of also pointed out that I think sh*t is going to really hit the fan at my work sometime in this first quarter & there is a decent chance that I will be out of a job sometime this year.
  14. I have thought about this. But the thing is, I really have no idea how to roof. He is going to be bringing all the expertise to the business. My thought was I was going to work with an attorney to write the partnership agreement where I get paid back the equity I put in under a % each year of the profits. I know this is a cliche to say this but this guy really is like a brother to me. Trust is the least of my concerns right now.
  15. I was thinking about that. I just do not know how busy i will be with this thing although I do have alot of down time in my current job right now. If anything, at least I get to keep my benefits. I do not mind not having health ins for myself, but I have a 4yr old & another little one on the way in June. I would have a very tough time sleeping at night not having benefits for them.
  16. The sub division I live in just so happens to be about 15yrs old. Believe it or not most houses in the neighborhood got new roofs done last year or are going to need them this year. I just got mine done last year. I think I could at least get started with some business right in my own neighborhood.
  17. My wife works part time. She is 4 months pregnant so I really do not think having her work full time is an option. I firgured I could throw $40K into the business to get start it up & then use the other $40K for living expenses & such. I thought about starting this while keeping my other job for awhile, but if I do this I want fully commit to it.
  18. I have been thinking about this for awhile. But with the current jobn market the way it is, I think now might be the right time to take a chance. First I should tell you that, I have pretty good white collar job right now. I make close to 6 figures,full benefits, 401K package, retirement/pension etc... This last year our company has really taken it on the chin(I am in the banking industry) & I am constantly stressing over my job security. I guess I am runned down by it. You may ask why the roofing business. Well, one of my best friends is a roofer. He works for someone else but does these side jobs on the weekends & makes a ton of money. We have talked about this before where we would open our own roofing business I would handle the books/marketing/business side of things & he would handle all the roofing. I have know this guy since I was 4 so I do trust him. We stood up in each others wedding. The one problem is, since he just went thru a messy divorce I would probably have to put in all the capital. I work for a bank so I am pretty certain right now no bank would lend to a startup roofing contractor in this climate. So I would probably have to dip into my savings. I have about $80K secured in CDS/Money Market accounts that I would be willing to use. I would not be able to use all of it since I would want a little cushion in case it failed/living expenses while I do not have a steady paycheck coming in every week, but from the research I have done it looks like with the downpayment on workers comp/liability insurance/tools etc.. I think I would initially get by with about a $30-$35K equity injection for startup costs. My friend thru the years has made alot of contacts with suppliers & such & says we would not hurt for business. My wife of course is dead set against the idea which kinda complicates matters. Does anybody have any advice/experience of being in a similar situation?
  19. Not one of your better efforts again. You have really slipped over the last few months. With this half azzed effort, you will probably will only get three or four morons trying to argue with you on this post.
  20. I only usually bet $25 per game but on a saturday during college bball or college fball I usually bet about 30games. My philosphy which I always tell my wife is I can not lose them all can I? She just gives me a disgusted look. It works out pretty good for me usually. I usually win or lose a few hundred on the weekend going something like 17-10 or something like that. The 10% vig does sometime add up though.
  21. Actually Mularkey quit the year after that when we went 5-11 with Loserman & the Journeyman as our qbs.
  22. To think like Ramius does & to think it is not probable or highly difficult to throw the flag simultaneously when the clock hits double 00s is just plain silly. You illustrated exactly how a ref could do it & I would venture to say if the play clocks are located anywhere near they are located at the Ralph or the other 10 stadiums I have been too, it is not a hard task to both look at the play & the clock at the same time. What the NFL did was give up a piss poor excuse as to why it happened. But as I am sure most people are aware by now on this board Ramius thinks his opinions are always right & when someone disagrees with him they are a dumbass or a tard.
  23. That is good. Some years I kill them, some years I get killed. This year by my calculations I am down about $1,500(which is not bad considering I bet anywhere from $500 to $1,000 per week). However, I won a football pool for $2,500 in October to more then cover my losses. My book does not take money lines except for the super bowl. I would have a field day if he did. I have bett against the bills when they play NE for 6yrs in a row now. I think I am 10-2 in that time.
  24. It is not about losing the $50. If the odds are right & he hedges his bet the correct way he will be guaranteed to win say at least $1000 no matter what happens. I think that is what he meant.
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