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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. What are they supposed to do? Sweep it under the rug, pretend it never happened? Welcome him with open arms at training camp this year even though he does not talk to any of them because they had the nerve to suggest last year that he was wrong by running down some canadian Sweat Hog that had one too many whiskey sours on the chip strip? Honestly, some of you guys are such homers.
  2. Same. I decided to get a shot 5yrs ago & I got the flu 3 times that year. Ever since then I do not get it & knock on wood I have not had the flu since. kNowing my luck though, I will probably get it this weekend.
  3. Alot of the frustration with this has to do with people are sick & tired of these athletes thinking they are above the law. You say it is not a big deal that he brought in his own liquor to a bar. When was the last time you went to a bar & brought your own booze in? You want to carry a gun, why cant he just go & get the proper legal paper work done on it? If he did that none of this would even be an issue. I hope Goodell suspends him.
  4. Try throwing in minimum of a 1st round pick onto your package & maybe the cardinals will pick up the phone.
  5. One of the great mysteries of Major league is why during the whole season the Yankees beat the sh*t out of Cleveland(I assume they won the season series) yet they play the one game playoff at Municipal Stadium? Shouldnt it have been played at Yankee Stadium?
  6. I have 5 branches under me down in Flordia. So I usually end up going there 3 or 4 times a year. I am also fairly familar with their economy. Florida(at least south florida) is a mess right now. The housing market has collapsed & is not going to get straightened out for the forseeable future. It is really dragging down the rest of the economy down there.With that being said, if your going to move down there & plan on staying there for awhile, you will find excellent opportunities for properties because the bottom has fallen out of the housing market, especially the high end condos. Buyer beware down there though. Alot of the properties even the houses have association fees. Those fees were originally based on maximum capacity within the association. I have seen horror stories of the association jumping people's fees by as much as $700-$800 a month because alot of the associations are only 25% full do to all the subprime mortgages that have gone bad over the last few years. As far as the weather. I have never been impressed with South Florida's weather. Sure it is nice to go to the beach in December/January, but it is just constantly hot down there. Was there last October, & it was 90 degrees down there. Went golfing after my business meeting in the afternoon & it was just unbearable. It is one thing for nice weather, but I need a change of seasons. I have only been down there once in the summertime & you litterally would be drenched from sweat just walking to get into your car. There are nicer places to live if you want nice weather without the brutal conditions & a change of seasons like Carolinas, Virginia or even Northern Georgia.
  7. Not once did I say it was Collins fault that they lost that game. What I said was when they needed him to step up & make a play he failed to do it.
  8. Took the little guy to the game last night. I must say Canisius basketball is in a bad state right now. I always viewed Canisius & Niagara as similar schools when it came to sports, both sharing the same advantages/disadvantages when it comes to basketball. Niagara really found a diamond in the rough in Mihalich. What is even more amazing is how he has stayed at the school for so long. Canisius had a good coach in Beilein. He left after 4yrs I think. I am really surpirse Joe has not done the same thing. It is a credit to Niagara for keeping him so long. He is a good coach.
  9. Obviously I am not going to change your mind about this but you talking down to people like your some guru of football is really starting to rub me the wrong way. Anybody that has watched the bills the last 5yrs should be able to plainly see that the poor play of the qb has been one of the major if not the major problem with this team. Is it the only problem? Of course not. But when you have a qb that continues to bounce simple 10yrd outs, can not read a defense to save his life, throws into double coverage, puts his team in bad down & distances situations by taking dumb sacks & never learns from his mistakes your offense has a problem. Is Edwards the answer? I really do not know but I have seen enough good things out of him last year to give me hope. I had no hope with Losman. The teams that have been a consistent winner this decade; teams like NE/Indy/Pittsburgh/Philadelphia all have one thing in common. They all have had steady/sometime borderline spectacular performances from the QB position.
  10. The point I am trying to make is that when the Titans needed Collins to make a play in the biggest game of the year he did not come thru. & once again you are comparing a younger Collins when he played for the Giants to a much older version of Collins in Tenn. Anybody that has a clue about football would never mistake Collins as a better qb then Big Ben. & they were up 10-7 when Johnson went down, I highly call that dominating the game although certainly having Johnson healthy would of increased the chances of a titans victory.
  11. Decent point but I will say this. If you watch Pittsburgh there are usually one or two plays in the game where big ben will make a play to keep the chains moving, keep a scoring drive going. You do not need your qb to throw for 300 yards every game but you will need a guy under center that needs to step up when the game is on the line. Tenn is a perfect example of this. All year I think everyone could agree that they had a game manager under center in Collins. They never asked him to make a play. What happens? In the playoffs, when they needed him to make a play it just was not there. They got bounced in the divisional round.
  12. It might not be an individual sport, but the QB position is a hell of alot more important then you & a few other posters on this board would like to have everybody believe. BTW, Dree Brees did lead the Saints to their only appearance in the NFC championship game a few years back.
  13. I really think the problem is that we have been dealt such lousy qb play ever since Kelly retired that people have forgotten how much a franchise qb means to a team. I laugh when I hear people say "oh we just need a guy to manage a game". I do not want to settle for a game manager as my qb, I want a qb that will go into a hostile environment like Foxboro & make a play to win the game. Eventually, in the NFL you are going to need your qb to step up & win a game or two. You are kidding yourself if you do not think that.
  14. The problem with this assessment is most of the examples he gives he is comparing the qbs in their prime to same guys in the tail end of the careers. Comparing a young healthy culpepper in Minn to the old has been gimp that played in detroit, a mid 90s brett favre to the washed up version who played in NY & a young Jeff garcia in SF to the Jeff Garcia that played in Tampa. Ask a Green Bay Packer fan who was the most important player on that Super Bowl team & ask a NYJ fan what was the single most thing that held the Jets back this year. I bet 9 out of 10 fans say Brett Favre in both scenerios.
  15. But that is simply not true of the bills teams last year. Go actually watch the games. Our qbs in most of the games had plenty of time to throw the ball last year. The poor qb play last year & Dick Jauron where the 2 biggest reasons the bills did not get into the playoffs last year.
  16. Yep, excellent post. The lack of importance place on the qb position on this board is mind boggling. I have often said, find a good young qb that you could build your team around. But everybody around here likes to make excuses for our dismal qb performances over the years. Oh, we dont have a dominant line, we do not have a top flight #2 receiver, we do not have a back that can rush for 2,000 yards blah, blah, blah. It is a qb driven league. I think we have a good one in Edwards. I hope so because if he plays like he did for the most part in 08, we have no chance of a winning record next year. I have seen enough good things in him to lead me to believe he will improve this year.
  17. I tend to agree with you. Edwards has to play better this year. The play of the qb probably cost us at least 5 games this year(1st & 2nd Jets Game, 2nd Miami game, Cleve game & SF game). We even get decent play out of the qb position in those games we probably end up winning 4 out of those 5 games. I think Edwards will get better, maybe it is wishfull thinking on my part but I have seen things in him that makes me believe he is going to be a good qb in this league.
  18. That maybe so but at the stadium on game days the last few years when he has gotten in there have been alot of verbal barbs thrown his way. That is all I was trying to say.
  19. I go to down to Tenn once in awhile for business. I like Knoxville & Nashville. Memphis sucks.
  20. You have not been to too many bills games at the Ralph the last 2 years have you?
  21. Bledsoe was pretty much shot when he came to Buffalo & the Patriots knew it. Your really comparing apples to oranges here. Bledsoe was at the tail end of his career when he came to Buffalo, Cassel is entering his prime. Now if you want to argue who is going to have the better career, I could buy that Bledsoe's career, at least stats wise will be better, but noway bledsoe was a better qb when he came to buffalo then Cassel is right now.
  22. Not even close. Rojo's reputation came off of one good game which he did not even finish by the way. Cassel's body of work comes from a whole season.
  23. Interesting you say that & I tend to agree. In late march/early to mid april I will work downtown & will need a jacket. Go home at night in lancaster & your comfortable in just a tee shirt & jeans. At least a 10-15 degree difference from being on the lake to 10 miles away from the lake.
  24. It used to be the MAC was always a multiple bid league. I remember when teams like Miami Ohio, Kent St & Ball St made nice runs in the tournament. There is no reason why this league should not be on par with a league like the Mountain West when it comes to basketball. For whatever reason, it just has not happened. UB has got as good as chance as anybody to win the tournament this year. Where is it in? Cleveland?
  25. Game 5 2000 NLCS, Mets vs Cardinals. Paid $350 a ticket for upperdeck seats behind home plate. Hampton pitched a complete game & the Mets won. I have been to Shea Stadium probably 40 times in my life including a few playoff games. I have never heard so loud then that night. On the final out when mets clinched to go to the ws the stadium from the upper decks actually felt like it was shaking.
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