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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I have not renewed yet but will either today or tomorrow. I heard if you renew by March 6th you get a free parking pass for one of the games. Do not quote me on that though, I just heard threw a friend. I have not read any of the mail the bills have sent me in the offseason so far. I basically just rip it up. I am really not interested in reading Russ brandon writing a letter stating how hard it is to win in the NFL & how committed they are to bringing a winner to Buffalo. A guy from the bills called me the other day to remind me I was past due on my account. I told him the bills are a disgrace to the National Football league & the city of buffalo & I hung up on him. I will say this though, in the Bills defense, there really is not that many good free agents out there this year. I am starting to see it more & more the key to winning in the NFL is thru the draft. The draft is still the bloodlines for any good team. Hopefully the bills will have a good draft this year & the young players will get better as they get more experience.
  2. Does not suprise me. They are the one team that has a front office as f*cked up as ours.
  3. I do not know if he was a total bust here. Noone & I mean noone can pick a candbar wrapper off the street like one Jonathan Paul Losman.
  4. Lori, I have been a bills fan since I was 10yrs old. I laughed at that play also. Before the play was even hiked I said to my wife "the only way they could lose this game now is if they let Losman throw another pass". Sure enough the ball was hiked & all hell broke lose. I had to laugh at that point because it seemed so obvious to me that the best way to lose the game at that point was to put the ball in Losman's hands.
  5. I am with you. This winter sucked. Plus I bought a new set of Taylor Made Burner Iron in November. I can not wait to use them.
  6. I hear ya on the ice. My office overlooks the lake & there is still quite a bit of ice out there. Part of the inlet on the inner harbor looks open but everything at least from where I am standing looks like it is iced over. Another interesting thing, over the last few weeks they have really started taking down the Aud. You could see inside it now. Man I forgot how steep the upper orange section used to be. It is amazing noone killed themselves up there ever.
  7. If the weather cooperates I really think we could get on the golf courses in a couple of weeks. There is no snow on the ground & the ground is relatively dry. Cold as a Mother F*cker out ther today, only 14 degrees, but like you said it is supposed to get into the 40s by the weekend. If temps could creep into the 50s over the next 10-14 days or so, I think some of the courses will be open for business. At least that is what I am hoping.
  8. Your kidding right? Not much difference between the 12th & the 33rd pick????? If the Bills did something like this the media would be all over them. Bellijerk blew it big time imo. I know Peter King & all of the other jerks that kiss NEs a** could rationalize it all they want but Billy Boy totally underplayed his hand in concerns with Cassel. Either that or he let his personal feelings get in the way of business. Anyway you slice it though NE screwed the pooch on this one. Any other organization would of been raked over the coals for their lack of forsite in this situation, but because it is NE they get a free pass. I guess they have earned getting the benefit of the doubt, but it is aggravating nonetheless.
  9. If noone cares about college basketball in this region why are they always the first arena to sellout when they host the tournament for the opening weekend? The fact is you probably do not care about college basketball. I realize this is a football/hockey town, but it would be nice if the sports talk hosts you know actually knew something about sports.
  10. That is not the point though. They sports talk show hosts, they are supposed to know sport. Every year come March Madness they will not talk about it & they will openly brag that they have not watched a game all year. 2 years ago when HSBC Arena hosted the first 2 rounds they were openly making fun of the tournament, making statements like how we supposed to know who Drake is? It is not acceptable. There other sports out there besides hockey. I would love to have a local radio station that had competent hosts that could talk college basketball once in awhile. Niagara & Siena are playing tonight in probably the biggest game of the year for both teams. I have not listened to Schoppe & Bulldog all day but I bet they have not even mentioned the game. They would rather talk about an average hockey team that is probably going to miss the playoffs for the 3rd year in a row every fuggin day. I do not listen to them anymore. I stopped listening to them about a year ago. Do not miss it at all. Save the bs too about nobody around here cares about the NCAA Tournament. Plenty of people care.
  11. He has also had always the good fortune of having the opportunity to have a good franchise qb running the ship. If he had a sh--head like Losman running the team he probably would of been run out of Indy years ago.
  12. Sounds like these guys are average to below average & are probably just happy to collect a paycheck every week playing football at this stage of their careers. They will fit in perfectly with Dickhead Jauron & the Buffalo Bills.
  13. What the hell is happening to UB???? I had $50 on those a**holes last night. They can not even win a home game lately??? They better get their sh*t straightened out by the MAC tourney next month.
  14. Alright, well now it is 51 degrees & I think the rain has stopped also. This is downright balmy for this time of year in WNY!!!
  15. Not only are they still here, most of them got promoted. I wish I worked for a boss Like Ralph Wilson. I would have a field day being incompetent.
  16. It is a commentary article. I am no journalism expert but isn't the article supposed to be kinda opinionated & personal. Grow a little thicker skin. The bills have not done sh*t this whole decade, & alot of the same clowns that started running the ship in the beginning of this decade are still here. What else is he supposed to say?
  17. It could be alot worse in Febuary. & also it is 51 degrees out right now. Looking out my window at the temp clock. Stop trying to exagerrate how bad the weather is here.
  18. Big game tonight, are you going? Siena could pretty much lock down an at large bid with a sweep this weekend. Niagara could send a message to Siena tonight that it is not going to be a picnic playing then in the MAAC tourney next weekend.
  19. How is that article not dead nuts right? Guy's track record of bringing in FAs has been horrible & Modrak's draft history with the bills is less then stellar. Alot of people here do not like Sully because he tells it like it is. Over the last couple years he has kinda grown on me. His opinions especially with the bills are usually more right then wrong. If anybody is a moron at the news it is Bucky Gleason.
  20. Both you & Uconn make sense. I really do not know what the answer. I know the NY Post used to make you register to get into an article but they stopped doing that awhile ago. BTW, I buy a Buffalo News everyday at the news stand before I come into the office. I really do not know why I do it. Habit I guess. But everyday, like the idiot I am I plop down my 50 cents, um excuse me 75 cents & take my paper.
  21. What do you expect. I do not know how any newspaper can compete with the internet anymore. Let me ask you something & I am asking this in all seriousness. Why would anybody buy a buffalo news or any paper for that matter when they could get it for free on the internet on a daily basis?
  22. With a TBD name of Tim Anderson my guess is your standards are not very high.
  23. I do not know if your being sarcastic or not & if your not I apologize but your point is well taken. The Patriots went 18-1 with Tom Brady at the helm in 07 coming 1 minute short of being crowned the best team in history to 11-5 & MISSING THE PLAYOFFS with a non experienced playoff qb in 08.
  24. Can you stop calling him a gunslinger? Anybody that throws for under 200 yards in 26 of his 34 starts(8 of those 26 starts he actually threw for under 100yrds) is no gunslinger. He is a gunslinger only in his own mind & about 10 delusional posters on TBD.
  25. I got to be honest, I do not like this move. This is why the bills never improve. They make holes in the roster when they do not have to. Say what you want about DD but there is not a guy on the roster right now that could replace him in the starting lineup & be an upgrade. I understand making the move to clear salary but why not wait until they bring in another guard & then cut him? With the bills it is always seems like it is one step forward, two steps back. They are constantly every offseason making moves that create holes in the roster that do not have to be made. That is why we never improve from our usual 7-9.
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