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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. URI better win the A-10 tourney. I do not think there is anyway they get in as an at large. Now take away another at large spot due to Cleve St win last night & the field just got tighter. I really do not even think Dayton is totally safe at this point. Should be an interesting weekend.
  2. Hey I never said they were models. Picking up a sweat hog at the Pier when you have $3 in your pocket is still pretty impressive imo.
  3. Back in my college years when they used to have the Pier open in the summer Kelly & all the boys would be there on saturday nights. They would all come in their own limo. Kelly, Bennett, Odomes, Smith, Tally, Tasker, reed, Thomas. Some of the hockey players would hang out with them like Mogilny. Say what you want about buffalo's nightlife but when the pier was hoppin their was some money being thrown around in that place. Being the poor college kid that I was, me & my friends used to drink a 12 pack each in the parking lot & would usually only have enough money to left to pay for the cover & by a round or two each. Looking back, not having much money in a place like that, I do not know how we did it but we always ended up bringing some girls back to our apartment from the Pier.
  4. There were only 37 homicides in Buffalo in 2008.
  5. The places on Baltimore's harbor are pretty cool. The rest of the city sucks. Much rather live in WNY.
  6. Dallas does not have a great bar scene. I was there 4 or 5 years ago. Everything is really spread out. There strip clubs suck compared to ours across the border, although the one I went to did let you bring your own booze in which was kinda cool. As far as the Miami/NYC//New orleans/SF, these are world class cities we are talking about as far as celeb nightlife goes. Buffalo obviously can not compete with these citie's nightlifes. Neither can the other 28 other NFL cities.
  7. Do not worry about UNC, they do not rebuild they just reload. Old Roy has really got that program humming. I used to be a big NC fan(my older sister went to undergrad school there). Last few years I have really found it hard to route for them because they are just so dam talented & good. It almost seems like routing for the Yankees. If they play their game in the Dance I can not see any team beating them.
  8. & all I am trying to say is Duke's only chance to beat an elite team(UNC, Oklahoma, Memphis, Uconn, Lousiville, Pitt etc...) is if by some chance they shoot lights out from the three point line. They just do not have the athletes to compete & make long runs in the tournament the last 4-5 years. Remember this conversation next weekend when Duke gets bounced out by some some 11-12 seed with a very good point guard & a few very physical, very good athletes on their team.
  9. We will have to agree disagree that WR was not a position the bills needed to upgrade. I thought the pass protection for the most part last year was decent. IMO, the biggest problem with the offense last year was guys were unable to get open & when they did get open the QB for whatever reason failed to deliver the ball. Hopefully that improves now that Edwards has a full year of starts under his belt.
  10. You think Singler is a better basketball player/athlete then Henderson? Have you even watched a Duke game this year? Paulus has no business running the point ona major college basketball team like Duke & Scheyer resembles the pure defination of a streak shooter. If he is on, he is valuable to the team, if he is off, like he was the whole month of Febuary, he is useless. Trust me, this has nothing to do with race.
  11. Can not argue with any of this. ACC teams like Florida State/Clemson/Wake Forest, hell even Miami/Maryland if by some unlikely chance get in have a better chance of seeing the 2nd week of the tournament then Duke does. The only way I see Duke making a far run is like you said if Henderson plays lights out(which he can do) or they shoot over 50% from the 3pt line. Like you said, if they get an unfavorable matchup against a team like St Mary's or VCU in the first round they could get beat.
  12. Your contradicting yourself. You say it was an upgrade but in the next sentence say it was a shameless PR move. Sometimes the bills just can't win with some of the fans. Do nothing & they get ripped for standing pat, bring in a guy like TO & they get ripped for making a PR move. I look at some of the receivers still out there & guys like Joey galloway & Amani Toomer are not much upgrades then what we have now. TO certainly is. All I know is the Buffalo Bills are a much better team, at least on paper, today then they were last week.
  13. By all accounts going into this year Josh reed was going to be our number 2 receiver. Over the last 3 years he has caught a grand total of 3 td passes. Over the last 3 years TO has caught 38 td passes. How anybody thinks this is not a major upgrade I really have to question whether they even watch football.
  14. That is exactly why they have it in Albany most years. I think the complaint having it at the Arena is it is not centrally located to all schools & if Canisius or Niagara do not advance the tournament does not draw d*ck. Although, one could also argue if Siena does not advance the attendance would most certainly suffer also. It helped too this year that Siena is a legit top 25 school. My guess is they will be an 11 seed & are going to give whoever they play all they could handle & I would not be surprised if they even make it out of the first weekend. As for Niagara, they really should be mentioned among the teams on the bubble now, but they will most likely be left out. They had 26 wins this year & 6 wins I believe in the top 100 RPI. The only difference really between their profile & Siena's is Siena was able to schedule 4 or 5 high profile high RPI games. They did not win any of them but it helped push their RPI into the twenties. That is the one problem I have with the tournamnet. I would much rather see a team like Niagara in there then the 6th place team from the Big 10. Put Niagara & Penn St/Wisconsin/Minnesota on neutral floor & I bet Niagara wins that game 6 out of 10 times.
  15. Paulus really stands for all that is wrong with Duke over the last 5-7 years or so. He is not athletic enough. Duke's team has not been athletic enough since the Elton Brand/Meggette days. How do you expect to ever beat North Carolina when Paulus is going head to head against a guy like Lawson. NC will win that matchup every time. Duke has been bounced out of the tournament lately by teams that are just more physical & athletic. It happened last year against West Virginia, it happened a few years ago against a low see VCU, it happened when they played LSU in the sweet 16 when LSU made their run to the final four. I remember the day the brackets came out that year one of the analysts said watchout if Duke runs into LSU in the sweet 16. Noway could they match their atheletes. I mean Duke gets nice players, but they are too one dimensional. Guy Scheyer, Singular(sp), Paulus, these guys can not matchup against the big time athletes at schools like UNC/Uconn/Memphis. I do not know if coach K is scared of recruiting these types of athletes & then running the risk of losing them after 2 years or what. Henderson is the only guy on that team that is a true difference maker. If they are not hitting at least 50% from 3 point line they do not have a chance. They will not make it past the sweet 16 this year & I would not be surprised if they do not make it out of the first weekend.
  16. That is not true Promo. In the the 70s Boneventure was certainly at the forfront with Bob Lanier. They even made it to the final four & lost to Jacksonville St. lanier was hurt. They probably would of won the national championship if he did not get hurt. In the mid 80', Canisius was certainly the team to beat in WNY when they had Ray Hall & Mike Schmrek(sp). In the mid 90s when I went to grad school @ Canisius they were clearly the class of WNY as they made 2 NIT Tournaments, an NIT run to the final four & an NCAA Tournament appearance in a 3yr span. The late 90's, Bonaventure was once again the class of WNY as they made the NCAA Tournament as an AT LARGE team & nearly & should of knocked off Kentucky in the first round. They lost in overtime. This decade Niagara obviously has been the class of WNY when it comes to basketball, but to say they have always been the class of WNY is not giving the other programs the credit they deserve.
  17. The budget maybe a concern but my guess is they went back to a traditional league schedule because the AD & the coach realized this was not going to be one of their stronger teams & they would have a tough time competing against the elite competition they have played in the past. Even though they are undefeated, they are not nearly as good as the teams they have had in the past. Although, they are still pretty dam good as their record indicates.
  18. Excellent analogy with the Mets. pedro may not of lived up to his contract on the field but he brought credibility to that organization. As far as Owens, noone can ever accuse him of not playing hard. The guy maybe a diva but he has always played hard & he wants to win. I think it is a no lose signing for the bills.
  19. this guy is twice as good as anything we have including Evans. With this signing the offense just got better 10 xs from last year. Plus signing him to a one year contract is good imo. We are not married to the guy & he will be playing his a** off for that last big contract. If the line can give Edwards time I really do not know how the d is going to account for both guys. Cant double them both.
  20. Do you really think those are viable options????? The boat fuggin capsized. What good would a covered hatch on the bottom of the boat that opened to a sort of padded bed that has a heater for the padding and several gallons of fresh water that can be sucked out through a straw and a little closed cabinet with some food stored away do???? What would they do. Swim underneath the boat & pry the hatch open under water get in & not let any water in?
  21. Well said my good man. Hey, terry Hills Golf Course just sent me an email saying they are open for business this weekend. Thinking about going out there tomorrow if I could get an early enough tee time.
  22. I like the UB & I think Gill is doing some good things, me & my son even had season tickets last year. He loved it. I am going to get them again this year. But really your comparing apples & oranges. There is no comparison between an atmosphere of a Bills game & the atmosphere/fun for a UB game. Bills games are 100xs more exciting & fun to go to.
  23. I understand where you are coming from. I live 10 minutes away from the stadium but I always admired people that drive great lengths to see the bills. I never bought into we have the best fans crap though. It is just not true. I think there were 7 games last year IN THE ENTIRE LEAGUE that were played without the blackout being lifted. I got news for everybody. Every city is packing their stadium on Sundays. & contrary to what people want to think, we are far from the worst team in the league. We are what we are. An average team with really has no marquee players on the roster & a moron for a head coach. I have renewed my tickets for the 12th straight year but for me over the last couple years I really have not gotten that upset when they lose. I actually expect it. Kinda sad but it is what it is. For me it is more about the tailgate then ever & seeing good friends that I really do not get a chance to see that much anymore since we all have families. With that being said, especially in this type of economy, I really can not blame anybody for dropping their season tickets especially if you live out of town. It seems like the circle jerks do not care anymore, why should the fans?
  24. yeah your right. He doesn't belong here. This guy actually scores TDs.
  25. I don't know. That is what I heard. Not much of an incentive, I know. You think Rhode island has a chance to get an at large. I think if they could beat Umass saturday(which they should) then get to the semifinals & beat Dayton I think they have a solid chance. With all other bubble teams playing themselves right out of the tourney(kentucky, miami, v tech, florida etc...) even without a real signature win I think that maybe enough.
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