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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Happy tournament day to you. Took the next 2 days off so probably will not be on this board as much as I usually am at work. Hanging out with the little guy today & then tomorrow I got about 10 of my friends coming over. Anyways, back to business. I think I am going in the early games, LSU -2 over Butler, Tenn Chat/Uconn under 144.5, Memphis -20. I also like Northern Iowa +8, wah/miss st under 148.5, Texas -4 over purdue, Cal -2 over maryland. Not sure about the BYU/A&M game. I got it at -3 right now. A&M is more athletic but I have seen quite a bit of them this year, they are sloppy a times. What are your thoughts?
  2. Totally agree. I stopped reading his posts. It took him two pages to say what most people could say in 2 sentences. Had some decent points but was wrong more then he was right about the bills imo. BTW, Pyrite Gal was a guy. I always thought he was a girl.
  3. From what I have heard, & I have just heard, never experienced it, so it may not be true, but I have heard that in the past when both Duke & Carolina were both bracketed in the Greensboro Pod that the crowds tend to be anti duke because there are so many Carolina fans in attendance.
  4. I love Memphis. I once in awhile bet that league(Big West) & from watching it once in awhile I could tell you first hand that the league really stinks. Like WKU due to the fact that Illini PG is probably not going to play. I also think the big 10 outside of Mich St, Purdue & maybe Ohio St stinks. Do not know much about American. Got to like Villanova playing for all intents & purposes is a home game. Like Arizona. This team has sweet 16 talent. They need to get their sh*t together. Not crazy about Utah. Like Portland St as outlined before. Clev St WF - I am not sure. Cleve St is good however WF is one of those teams that could run an inferior team right out of the arena. Love FL St. That is my pick of the 1st round.
  5. Yeah, looking at them now. If it goes anything like it went this weekend, just take the opposite of what I say. LOL
  6. Early line on Utah St is +5. I like them too. Game is in Boise like you said, should give them some kind of home court advantage. Keep me posted if anything sticks out to you.
  7. You like Portland St over Xavier. The early line is +11.5. I have watched Portland a few times & it seems if they are knocking down there 3s they are competitive. I am really not that high on Xavier. For some reason I also like UCLA minus the 7 over VCU. Everybody is on VCU's back right now. Line opened up at 9 & now it is down to 7. I imagine by game time it will be down to 4 or 5. When everybody is on an underdog like this the opposite usually happens. Any of the early lines stick out to you. Need some advice. I got taken behind the woodshed with the book this weekend for the tournament games. Got to make it up this week.
  8. My son was potty trained by the time he was 2. & when I say potty trained I could count the times on my one hand since then that he has had an accident in bed. He is going to be 5 in April. We did not do anything special, he just decided one day he did not want to wear diapers anymore & that was that. I guess we just lucked out. Made our life a hell of alot easier though. & no, my post is not to indicate that my kid is somehow some super intelligent kid for figuring out how to go to the bathroom on the toilet. Reading these post just made me realize how lucky we were with our son when it comes to potty training.
  9. Villanova is an interesting team. By playing in Philly, they basically are guaranteed to at least get to the sweet 16 imo. if they get that far(& they should) they will probably meet Duke or maybe Texas. Texas smacked them around pretty good earlier this year. Duke, if they are not hitting there threes they could be beat, although I think Duke would matchup failry well with a smaller Villanova team. They already have proven this year that they can beat Pitt. I guess what Iam trying to say is that they have as good as chance as anybody coming out of that region. I got louisville, memphis also. I got Oklahoma coming out of the south but that is more my heart picking(you may recall I have a futures bet with them winning it all). I honestly could see them getting beat in the 2nd round by Clemson. If Lawson is ready to go, Carolina is going to be awfully tough to beat. SU may give them a decent game.
  10. They should of got a 4 seed. Keep in mind though they beat UNC without Lawson. That might of been the thinking. Dont be too concerned with the seed Ramius. Looking at the brackets just now, Florida St got a pretty favorable slot. They play a Wisconsin that I really do not think should of even made the tournament. I know Bo Ryan's teams have some success in these kind of tournaments, but if FSU does not let Wisky dictate tempo, they should beat them by double digits. This is not a good wisconsin team. My guess is then they will probably get Xavier. This is another very beatable team imo. I think they have been a little overrated all year. I think FSU at worst is in the sweet 16 if they play up to their potential.
  11. I am always confused about this too. When I went to the NCAA tourney they did not sell any beer. They do not sell any beer at UB. But my friend said when he goes to Pitt football games they sell beer. I think the rule is that if the stadium/arena is off campus they could sell booze. They do not sell it at the tournament because I think the NCAA put a rule in about that.
  12. That is the worst trade idea I have ever heard of. Your going to be happy with dropping down 10 spaces in the draft, give up your 2 time probowl left tackle & all you get out of it is the basicaly the 28th pick in the draft. I am glad your not our GM. & the poster that said limit the guaranteed money really has no idea how NFL contracts work. I am sure Parker & Peters are well aware that the non guaranteed money on a NFL contract is not worth the paper it is written on. It is all about the guaranteed money. 6 yrs, 64 mill with a signing bonus of 15-18 mill & guaranteed money of 30 mill seems. Alot of money, sure. But that is the price of keeping your franchise tackle happy nowadays.
  13. Totally agree. There is nothing like a good old fashion Gang Bang to promote team unity.
  14. Little bitter that UB still has a chance to make the dance?
  15. Unbelievable game last night. The amazing thing is they had pretty much everybody fouled out towards the end. I do not see how we could beat WV tonight but U really do not care. They cemented no worse then a 4 seed with this performance last night. If they somehow win tonight I could see them getting a 3 seed. I got to be totally honest, I would not be totally disappointed if they lost tonight. Next week is what I am concerned about. I think this team has the makings of a real nice run in the tournament.
  16. I put another $50 on UB today. The last 3 times I have bet them they lost. Hopefully today will be a different day.
  17. Good info Tenn. I will keep my eye out for them next week. Hopefully they get a favorable draw. I agree with ya about the automatic bids. That is what makes the first weekend of the tourney the best sports weekend of the year. You never know who is going to get upset. As the rounds go on, the big boys usually separate themselves from the mid majors but there are usually one or two teams that make the sweet 16 from the mid majors that noone expects.
  18. Your probably right, it will be a 15 seed. I know even the years Princeton was pretty good they usually got stuck with a 15 seed. I want to say the one year Penn was something like 26-2 & they were like a #11 seed.
  19. Totally agree, hands down the NCAA Tourney is the best sporting event of the year.
  20. if you got a 14 seed last year you will probably get a 14 seed this year. It has always been my thought unlesss a team wins almost all their games, that the 15 & 16 seeds are reserved for 8-10 conferences every year. If your not playing in one of those conferences & did not by some big upset win your conference tournament, you will be no lower then a 14 seed. Of course 2 years ago they stuck Niagara in the play in game so it is just a guess.
  21. Thanks guys. Interesting. Belmont gave Duke all they could handle last year so their conference does have some recent success against the bigger schools in the tourney.
  22. I like them. They are kind of a wild card. I see them being either a 4 or 5 seed. If they win the ACC tourney, they could move down to a 3. I put them & Clemson on the same tier. Both real athletic teams that could create mismatches all over the floor. Alot of teams are going to have a tough time matching up against them. They have been playing pretty solid the last month or so. They could lose in the first round because being a 4/5 seed their 1st round matchup will not be a cake walk but if they get a decent draw, I could easily see them making it to the 2nd weekend of the tournament(sweet 16/Great Eight) & once you get that far, all bets are off, who know how far they could go.
  23. Funny just went on CNNSI(really bored at work today) & the guy that writes the bubble news for the tourney basically said the same thing that the 3/4/5 seed that gets Cleveland St is going to have their hands full. He mentioned San Diego St as being the team bumped out. I never had them in unless they make a real deep run in the conference tourney. Do not know too much about East Tenn ST. They are in the conference with Tenn Martin & Austin Pea right? I will definately keep that in mind next week when filling out the brackets & putting my bets in.
  24. My guess is if one team got bumped out last night by CSU upset of Butler it was Creighton. Just a guess though. I think Florida & Kentucky for that matter are out unless they win the SEC Tourney. BTW, anybody filling out their brackets next week do not underestimate this Cleveland State team. My guess is they are going to be an 11/12/13 seed & are going to give some 4/5/6 seed all they could handle in the 1st round
  25. Exactly. No matter what we do we will always be considered by most of the nation the arm pit of the country. We might as well embrace it.
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