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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Had a nice night last night. After going 1-1 sat;had mich st but had the over on carolina game) had $100 on the money line for Carolina last night, plus $100 on Carolina straight up & $100 on the over. All in all, made $650 on the tourney this year. Not to bad. Now onto the NBA playoffs.
  2. As you may have guessed, I have been to vegas many times. I always stay at harrahs because i get free rooms there & pretty much everything comped. Let's just say my father-in-law is a very, very good client of theirs. I stay there because everything is free but there are much better places to go. As far as sports books, Ceasars has a nice one, but my last trip there(I go there for the super bowl every year) I was really impressed with Planet Hollywood's Sports book. All class, leather recliners, large screen tvs around the place. Only stayed there for a few minutes so I really do not know how they do their drinks. At Harrah's, you put a bet in at the SB & tip the guy a few bucks & ask him can I have some drink tickets. He usually gives you about three or 4. I never pay for a drink. If you play the slots or the tables the drinks are free. Order 2 because they usually take awhile to get there. As far as going out, I know the Hard Rock is pretty good for hooking up. Especially if your young & single. Me & my friends used to go there all the time in my younger days(I am 35 & unfortunately married lol). Stay on the strip, dont stay in the old downtown(where the golden nugget is) that place is for the geezers that like to sit there all day with their $20 in their pocket playing the minimum on the penny slots. If your going to play the games & not just spend all your time in the sports book I would stay away from the slots. Unless they improved since I was there in Febuary, they were super tight. Slots are for the old ladies anyways, be a man & play some Blackjack & Craps for christsakes!!!! Start drinking from the time you get off the plane until the time you board the plane & I am sure you will figure out the rest.
  3. BTW, Greensboro sucks if you ask me. Have 2 friends that live there. There is nothing to do there. Charlotte is much better imo.
  4. If your worried about the weather I would probably have to say Rochester should be out. Although the weather is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be(buffalo has only gotten 5 inches of snow since feb 1st & I have actually been out golfing 3 times already this year) your coming from a place where the weather could not be nicer. I think Rochester maybe too much of a culture shock to you. Hell NC weather maybe even a bit of a shock to you. If you have family all over the east coast, your better off going somewhere where it is warmer.
  5. I was going to say that but it is Friday & I am in a pretty good mood.
  6. Some of those jerseys look pretty bad. I will say this though, last football season someone posted a website on here that made jerseys that were shipped from China. They looked pretty good in the picture & the shipping was not crazy as it is here. I think the jersey cost $45 & the shipping was $5 or so. I thought ha, for $50 bucks what do I have to lose. I ordered a home whitner jersey. When it did not come after 2 weeks. I emailed the guy, you could tell he was a foreigner. He said they ran out of them & I need to pick another player. So I am alright I will play along. I told him I wanted Edwards & if my jersey was not at my house by the end of the week there your going to have a problem.(I was not really going to do anything, I was kinda liquored up when I wrote the email & I was trying to be funny. I already pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I was going to be out the $50 & this guy was a con artist.) To my surprise the jersey did come & even bigger surprise it looked really good. It was thick material, the lettering was perfectly sewn on, had the NFL tags & the sleeves just like the authentics. Did it look as good as an authentic, no, but I will tell you one thing, it looked a hell of alot better then the screen print replicas you pay $80 for in the bills store & it even looked better then the in between jerseys the bills store sells. I am happy I made the purchse. I get a kick out of you jersey snobs that have to have the authentics & look down at people that do not want to plop down $250 for a player that probably will not even be here in 3 years. IMO, you guys are the real suckers.
  7. Old Fat F*ck's demands probably just went up to $13 mill per year.
  8. You mean the same Orlando Pace that the Rams with an awfull oline last could not jettison out of town fast enough. On these boards, you should stick to what you do best. Bashing Edwards.
  9. Really???? They both missed the playoffs LAST YEAR did they not?
  10. I have watched alot of K State games also & I have to agree with this assessment. I am really not in love with any of the first round qbs. Sanchez I think would of been better served staying in school one more year & Stafford seemed at least to me to always come up small in big games. I suppose if I had to take one it would be Stafford. He does have all the tools.
  11. What are you talking about??? He probably learned how to juice from his father & his uncle.
  12. Exactly, more & more schools from the big conferences are doing this. The SEC just does not seem to be following it. That is fine, but do not cry when an undefeated Auburn gets left out of the NC like they did a few years ago because of their NC schedule. Stop scheduling home games against sun belt teams & Tulane & maybe Auburn would of been the ones getting their a** handed to them by USC instead of Oklahoma.
  13. Really, I do not remember any fans or media for that matter being unhappy with that pick at the time. Hindsight is 20/20.
  14. Nobody noticed it. You could blame the silver fox for alot of things, but choosing fat mike with the 4th pick is not one of them. Sure you could argue that they should of took Mckinney, but really everybody had them neck & neck. Mckinney although turning out better then williams, has not been the perenial pro bolwer that alot of people though he was going to be. I still do not understand what happened to Williams, I saw him play in college on many occassions & always came away impressed. The guy should of been our bookend tackle for 10 years.
  15. Yeah he went to welding school(of course gm paid for that too) but that was only 10 weeks. He took that 100gs & paid off alot of his debt. Plus his wife still works too. He is kind of a bum. I get in arguements with my wife once in awhile about. The funny thing was I used to always get in arguements with my father-in-law saying that GM is overpaying their employees & that if most of the gm employees were forced to find a job in the market the market would dictate that they would be making less then 1/2 of what they make now. He always would tell me, those kids bust their a**es, their worth the money. Well he has been offered one or two jobs in the last year & both of them were like $10 an hour. He was paid about $30 an hour at gm.
  16. I don't know. All I know is he started collecting it back in June of 07 & he just got another extension until this june.
  17. When my wife was in Labor & she was getting her epidural I ran out of the room(I have a fear of needles). I wnet to the lounge area where they had a fridge & they had these awesome popcycles. I took an orange & I brought her a cherry flavored one. I thought she would appreciate it. I come back eating my popcycle & was like "here is a cherry popcycle, see I told you the epidural would not be so bad". She took the popcycle & crushed it over my head.
  18. My brother-in-law has been on unemployment for almost 2 years now & he seems like he is doing alright. Of course he also got a buyout from GM for $100K. I think his unemployment just got extended again until June. How does NYS justify paying someone unemployment that long. No wonder why the state is broke.
  19. I understand, but I got to imagine the majority of people that collect unemployment probably take their chances & drop their health insurance all together. That is all i was trying to say.
  20. Let me get this straight, you lose your job & they expect you to pay when your only getting unemployment 100% of the premium that your company was paying? I think I pay around $100 every two weeks or $200 a month for my son, my wife & myself. My guess is(& it is only a guess) is that my company probably pays about $1000 a month. So not only do I lose my job but my monthly expenses go up about a 1,000. I got a question, how does anybody make it on unemployment.
  21. let me ask you something, how does Cobra work. I think it works that you pay what your employee pays to insure you & your family correct?
  22. absolutely. This is kind of a unique situation. No matter what anybody thinks, all the cards point to the bills having the upper hand. There is no doubt in my mind that if they do not get a contract done in the next few weeks, the bills are going to put the word out(if they have not done so already) that Peters is up for auction. Here we have the perfect scenerio for the Bills in that Peters plays the permier line position(lt), has 2 years left on a reasonable below market contract, & peters is only 25 years. If they put him up for trade, my guess is the bills will get a minimum of a 1st & 3rd, maybe even a 1st & a 2nd. If they do not get that, they hold onto him. The important thing to remember is the bills really do not have to do anything with Peters for he is under contract for 2 more years.
  23. It is not so much trading him I am opposed to, it is the trade you presented does not make sense. To move up to the 11th spot Philly would probably have to give up both of their #1 picks or at least a #1 & their #2; no? Look what we gave up for Losman 5 years ago. Why would we ever consider throwing in Peters when we could probably get another team to trade their #1 pick for peters straight up & we could stay at 11. BTW, he may be viewed as overrated among bills nation, but make no mistake about it he is viewed as one of the top 5 young tackles(under 30 years old) leaguewide. Just because we do not appreciate what we have around here does not mean Gms around the league share our opinion.
  24. If the deal goes down the way you say it is, giving Philly the 11th & Peters for their 2 late first round draft picks I will give you my season tickets because I will never watch another bills game again.
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