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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Why do you say that? Never sat there, just curious. On another kinda runoff from this topic, what age do you think it is appropriate to take your son to the game. My son just turned 5. I did not get him tickets this year & probably will not get him tickets next year but I am kinda on the fence about. I got season tickets for us to the UB games last year & he absolutely loved. I have taken him to several preseason & he really enjoys that too. I know once I get tickets for him I am going to have to tone down the tailgate. I go with 5 guys now, not that we get that crazy anymore(no compared to when I was in my 20's) but we do get there around 8:30.
  2. There is a guy in my office who is on 1 year project here & he is from Vancover. He is a hockey fanatic like most fans around here are bills/nfl fanatics. Knows everything about the NHL. I could tell you this from talking to him the last week, he did not want to see the Blues in the first round. He wanted columbus. Says it is going to be a really tough series. Says if it goes back to Vancover for game 7 he is flying there for it. Does not care what the cost is.
  3. The police officer's in buffalo & the surrounding suburbs make very good money. Like the previous poster said, could make $100K + with overtime. But your right, it seems especially down south that these are low paying high risk jobs. The less compensate the police officer's my guess is the more bad/corrupt cops you get.
  4. I agree with this. In alot of ways, my college years was the most fun time of my life. I got to say though in this post & several others Canisius gets a bad rap. I went there 2 years for my graduate degree & I had a ball there. Had an apartment with 3 other guys right off campus. At least when I went there we used to take drinking pretty seriously. We usedto have this quad party at the end of the year(always first friday in May) & that was legendary. Every apartment on the street(I lived on Loring) would get a keg & you would just go from house to house boozing it up all day. Kids from UB would show up & say nothing like this happens at UB. The cops & the public safety police would always turn a blind eye. I heard unfortunately alot of that has changed now(I went there in the mid 90s) & now they crack down on it & it is not as big. As far as the school work goes, sounds like your a good student & will take care of business anywhere. I never had real good grades. The job I have now the only reason why I got the job is because the manager who was hiring was an alum from Canisius. She even told me in the interview I was not qualified for the job but she was going to consider me anyways because I graduated from Canisius. With that being said, UB is really a special college. Just in value for your money, I truly believe it is one of the best values among colleges in this whole country. I shudder everytime someone tells me how much Canisius costs now per year. I think it is around $28K with room & board per year. Blows my mind how anybody affords it nowadays.
  5. Fair enough & for the record I hope your right. Lynch is a good young back. Hopefully he could stay out of trouble going forward.
  6. Could be & I certainly do not take their word as the gospel. One thing though is he has had 2 runins with the laws going into his third year here. It was also reported in the news at the time of the hit & run that the Hamburgh & Orchard park police have had some incidents with Lynch that have not been reported. Hope I am wrong but I tend to think that my friends coworkers at ESPN are probably more right then wrong on this one.
  7. Take this for what it is worth & I usually do not post this kind of stuff because all you get is mocked out & ridiculed for it, but my one friend works at ESPN & he has told me that several of the NFL analysts have told him that Lynch is just a bad seed & thug, & he is a time bomb waiting to explode. One analyst(I wont mentioned his name) told him that the coaches at Cal could not wait until Lynch left school because they never knew what was going to happen next. He said the coaches & administration at Cal covered up alot of stuff that Lynch supposedly got into in his time at berkley.
  8. If the bills were going to do this, why not just pay Peters the money. At least you know what your getting
  9. Dean, I think you are underestimating Crabtree quite a bit. There is not a receiver even close to this kid as terms of talent in this years draft. With that being said, if he falls to the bills they really should give a long look at taking him, or at the least putting the pick up for auction.
  10. You have some pretty big stones placing bets like that. Last year I saw a guy put down a grand, lost that, put down 2 grand, got 7s against dealers 6, split the 7s & doubled down on one of the hands with a 10(7/3). So he has 6 grand on this hand. He pulls to 6s & stays with a 13 & a 16. You just know what is coming next. Dealer pulls a 4 & an ace for 21. Looked like the guy was going to burst out crying right at the table. Banged the table with his fist & stormed out.
  11. yeah, I cant complain there. She is really good about letting me do things(golf on saturday, season tickets for the bills, going out with the guys on the weekends). Last month or so one word can describe her mood though. MISERABLE.
  12. I would love to. I do not know if the wife would approve. Something about women in theiir 3rd trimester of being pregnant that they get really cranky whenever their husband wants to do something fun.
  13. Did they even have the pools open in any hotel a month ago. Rest assured, when the weather starts heating up(like right now) they will have that pool open. Alot of people do not realize that the pools are shut down for about 3-4 months in Vegas because the weather is too cold. When I go there in Febuary every year all the hotels have their pools closed. The temps are usually only in the 50s/60s sometimes 70,s. Not warm enough to swim though. When Knockout is going, the temps are probably close to 100, the margarittas will be flowing by the poolside, & 20 years old hot girls will be wearing nothing but string bikinnis & looking for a good time. Man, I wish I was going with him.
  14. Have to try it next time I go down there. Do not know too much about it. I will have to read up on it.
  15. Had my son's birthday party last night got home & watched about 5 innings of that game also. He pitched a real nice game. Life is funny, this kid was supposed to be sent down to start the year in triple but because he pitched so well in the spring they decided to keep him on the roster. He was probably thinking this was his big break. If he was sent down to the minors, like the original plan was, he would still be alive today. Man to bad. Alot of careless drivers out there. I am glad they got the other driver. Jerk drove off after he ran the light.
  16. Never played switch blackjack either. For me it is usually blackjack/craps & of course the sportsbook. I have been kinda down the last few times I have been there on the blackjack. It just seems to me more & more people just do not know how to play. I am strictly by the book blackjack player & I know it should be random(especially using 4,5,6 decks) but most times I see someone at the table making a dumb move 9 times out of ten it ends up costing the table the hand. One a**hole even split kings last time I was there. Could of punched him right in the head. That is why when I do play blackjack now I usually stick to the $25 min tables. At least there usually, people have a clue about how to play the game. The $5 tables, anything goes on those. Problem is with the $25 tables, you get a bad shoe & your down 3-4 hundred in about 20 minutes. Played very little Blackjack last time I was there. Mostly stuck in the SB & the craps tables.
  17. I thought the home games were in HD & the away games are not? Has that changed? I really have not watched many sabres games down in my basement(where i have my hd tv lately.
  18. Jesus Christ, I was just trying to make a joke, take it easy. Maybe it was poor attempt at humor, but nonetheless, do not take it so personal. I have known a few friends that have vacationed in Alaska(always in the middle of summer) that have told me it is the most beautifull place they have ever seen. All places have there good & bad features. As far as Alaska D, you have not been around here long enough. The guy is a flat out jerk. I have seen posts that he started that he shoots insults to another poster, continued the insults & the moment said poster fires back, AD takes it upon himself to suspend the poster. Dr Negativity comes immediately to mind. I was half expecting to be suspended today. Apologies for insulting where you live even though it was taken way out of context by you & AD.
  19. I knew you would turn up in this thread sooner or later. How is your property value doing out there on the left coast? Just read an article on CNN a few days ago that said out in Riverside houses that were going for $500-$600K just back two years ago are selling for $200K - $250K today.
  20. Once again, appreciate the insight. You guys really painted a nice picture why you guys like living in Alaska. Well done dickhead.
  21. Since we are getting personal here, I got a question for you & Anchorage Jim, "Why the hell would you want to live in Alaska". From the cold weather, to the Violent Crimes, to the 6:1 guy to girl ratio, to paying $1,600 a month in heating bills, to the 45 minutes of daylight you get 6 months out of the year, I really want to know, unless you have an extremely high paying job, why anybody would want to live in Alaska? Are you one of the captains on Deadliest catch?
  22. Give me a break buddy. I got a novel idea. We have had one of the worst offenses the last 4 years & this team has no true playmakers. Owens is one of the top 10 playmakers in the league & still could bring it. I love the fact that TO stands for everything your against & foolishly bought into the notion of "Buffalo Bills football". Buffalo Bills football has stood for just about the most boring nonplayoff brand of football the last 9 years. How can you not like this move when our slotted # 2 receiver this year before the owens trade was going to be Josh Reed, who has caught a combined 3 td passes in the last 3 years. TO has caught 38 in that same time span. Get over yourself, it is just a game & TO brings in an excitement that has not been around here for quite sometime.
  23. As usual Bill you make some good points. With that being said, it is looking more & more like the bridge has been burned & Peters just does not want to be in Buffalo. I do not care how talented you are, you just can not have a guy like this in the lockerroom. I said last year & I think you could agree with me that it was a mistake to bring Losman back. Losman lost his job & clearly wanted a new start. They brought him back anyways. This was a mistake. Now noone in their right mind would ever confuse the talent between a guy like Losman & a guy like Peters & the importance that they mean to the Bills, but the point is if a guy does not want to be here then management should get them out of here, especially if you are going to get fair market value. Let me ask you something, say they keep peters, he holds out again all summer, is not ready to play at the start of the summer & his play throughout suffers because of the holdout. Are the Bills really better holding onto him. If you get the right deal(& by right deal I mean minimum a first & a 3rd) tough decision but I say you have to take it. if that happens, my guess is they will go Andre Smith with the 11th pick & focus on defense with their next 2-3 picks. I know alot of people have been sour on Smith & with good reason, but this guy does have talent. Forget about the other crap & watch the game film. He was the best lineman in the country for the last 2 years playing in the toughest conference in the country. If he is there at 11 I say you have to grab him if peters is traded.
  24. Be carefull if you go the Hooker route. Last Febuary I seen three times(in 4 days there) on the strip cops busting guys that were getting hookers. I do not know if they are cracking down on it or what. This one guy that went down with us(I really did not know him, he was friends with one of my friends that brought him down) told me that that the hookers were really cheap due to the economy. Told me he usually pays about $300 but was getting them for about $100. I actually ended up taking my wife on this last trip for the first time. My friend warned me this guy is going to get probably going to get a hooker every night so I kept my wife the hell away from him at all times. Luckily those 2 guys stayed at Ceasars. If she ever found out that any of my friends even thought about briinging home a hooker that would be the end of my trips with the guys.
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