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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. sanchez - Seatle Crabtree - Cleveland Pettigrew - Atlanta Raji - Jacksonville Orapko - Oakland
  2. On the away I usually go sunday morning. The church I go to St Gabriels on Clinton has masses from 6:00, 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 & noon so there is plenty opportunity to go. On the home games it is a little more challenging. Me & my friends are on the road by 8:00 am so unless I get up at 5:30am(which sometimes I do) I usually do not go. Plus, I am the chef of our tailgate so there is usually not much time in the early morning to go to Church. I usually get up at 6:30 & take a shower, crack the first beer & pack the cooler, try to read a littlebit of the paper & by bthen my friends are usually at my house. God understands, he is a football fan also.
  3. I heard that to. What struck me was wiley specifically said he spoke to a member of the team stating & made it sound like his teammates were growing tired of his act too. More & more I look at it, the more I realize the bills had no choice. The bills should of held tight for the 21st pick & a 3rd rounder though. Philly would of caved imo.
  4. You have a long way to go if you want to be considered Crayons Part II.
  5. Yep, the Bills motto should be "just be mediocre baby"
  6. Wouldnt that just be a kick in the nuts if they decided to move Walker to Left tackle & he holds out because he was signed to "right tackle" money?
  7. Now all we have to do is draft jenkins with the #11 pick & this whole board will explode.
  8. I dont know. I am kinda in shock right now that it got to this point. What are you going to do. They got Philly's 28th pick & 2nd day pick(could be a 3rd rounder with the new format on the draft put in last year I think). I guess in the end with the inner circle Peters was just not worth the aggravation. Well, they better havea plan going into next saturday. I would not be surprised at all if they took the top LT remaining on the board @ 11(probably Andre Smith) & took Pettigrew with Philly's pick. Maybe even trading up for Pettigrew. I guess worry about the defense in the 2nd & 3rd round. What a fuggin mess.
  9. That is not true. Walker, Butler & the guy we got from carolina are all capable starters.
  10. Meet Andre Smith, your new LT for the buffalo bills.
  11. I really can not argue with your point. This team continues to create holes for themselves. They have done it time & time again. That is why they never have a winning record. With that being said, peters expectations & demands were a bit unrealistic. I have a friend at the nws who told me that the bills offer was pretty close to 10 mill per year. If that is not enough money for him, I say let him walk. He obviously does not want to be in buffalo.
  12. Man, I got mixed feelings about this one Lori. I hope they get at least a 1st & 3rd out of it.
  13. Looked at my schedule D on my tax returns last night. Your right, my accountant wrote off $3 grand even though I had $4,800 in capital losses. Never knew that was the most you could write off. Guess that is why I hve an accountant doing my taxes lol.
  14. It was not much. I think it was around $5 grand. The majority of the money I have in the market is tied up into my 401K. Other then that I really do not have much money in the market, especially compared to some of you investment high net worth guys. I did get to write off 5,500 in property/school taxes & also my interest was pretty high on my house(3rd year into a 30yr mortgage). All in all I got back around $7 grand from federal.
  15. Noone is saying that their significant others are super models but I will tell you one thing if I am going to take a knife for a broad or going to spend the rest of my life in prison over a jealous rage you better believe the girl is going to be a hell of alot better looking then that Gargoyle.
  16. you still think Losman is going to the Jets
  17. The jacksonville game was not a sellout & was not on local tv.
  18. I really do not put anything past the circle jerks anymore. It seems, dating back for the last 10 years, we always try to get cute on draft day. I could see them shocking the hell out of everybody & taking Jenkins or Davis @ #11. It would almost be worth it just to see the reaction of this board.
  19. I hear what your saying. But like any jilted lover, sooner or later the bills have to start returning some of the love or what is the point. In the NFL, to go 9yrs without even being in the playoffs is not only unacceptable but it is unheard of. I just ran into a guy that works on the 24th floor of my building & he told me he dropped his tickets this year after 25 years of having ST. He would come by our tailgate once in awhile. This guy had lower bowl 50yrd line tickets 20 rows up. He said I just got to the point where I was just not enjoying myself out there anymore. He told me he left at halftime of 49ers game & said that is it for me. I am not saying i am there yet, but rooting for this team is heartwrenching & thankless. It really is. After the Cleveland game last year me & my friends sat in the car waiting to get out of the parking lot & I said "how does dawson kick a 58 yard fg on a night when it is 10 degrees outside? Only Buffalo" My friend then said, "this team really makes you want to hate it" With that being said I am cautiously optimistic this year. If Edward's play improves, they have a good draft & some of the teams in the division struggle(Brady's knee is not right, Miami takes a step back, jets struggle at the qb position) I think we could make a run at the division. I admit, jauron is real sore spot with me. With that being said, the day I can not get excited about the bills chances for the upcoming season 10 days before the draft is the day I will drop my season tickets.
  20. I never said anything about trading away Peters. Sign eters, if Smith falls grab him. Move Smith to RT & you got your bookend tackles set for the next 5-7 years. By doing this your already 5 steps ahead of 90% of the teams in the league. Move Walker to LG & you should have a top 10 offensive line assuming Smith is not a bust. Grab DE in the 2nd round. Hopefully Ayers or English are still on the board.
  21. I perfectly understand it. I just like the big lump sum return at the end of the year instead of getting more in my pay every week. Alot of the guys in my office make fun of me for doing it this way, but to each their own I guess.
  22. Am I the only one that claims -0- around here & with the writeoff on the house & capital losses in the market this year that have beaten the sh*t out of me got a big fat check from the federal government?
  23. Here is an idea, why dont you actually watch the game tapes before making a stupid comment. Smith was the best offensive lineman in the entire country the last 2 years. Let me repeat that. He was the best offensive lineman in the country the last 2 years playing in the toughest conference against the best competition. I am so sick of people falling in love with these workout warriors. I want guys that produce on Saturdays/Sundays. If he falls to #11 the circle jerks should all get on their knees & thank the football gods for their good fortune. Then they should write down Smith's name on the card & run up to the podium & give RG their pick. Does he have some baggage, sure. Is he a little immature, probably. The fact is though this guy's upside is unlimited. Probably has more upside then any player in this draft imo. BTW, the Sugar Bowl game he got suspended for talking to an agent. Not what I would call a horrible career ending offense. Alabama's line sucked against Utah without him.
  24. when I was 18 I was as horny as the next guy but for christ sakes I would not touch that thing with a 10 foot pole.
  25. I was at that game in the tunnel endzone. Me & my friends were all in college at the time. We were the crazy bastards that kept banging on the metal bleachers & swearing at Brunnel. If we were the ones that scared your daughter, my sincere apologies 12 years later.
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