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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You make alot of good points. I follow college football very closing(mainly because I bet a ton). i follow the MAC quite a bit. The one thing I lost alot of respect for Ball ST last, & correct me if I am wrong, when they were 11-0/12-0 they openly refused to go out to San Diego & play Boise ST/Utah/TCU I believe(whoever was going to be left out of the BCS in I believe the Poinsietta Bowl. I thought that was a cowardly move by the AD & the coaching staff & right then & there I knew they were not as good as their record & UB had a chance against them. I put $500 on UB in the MAC championship, I think I got them at +10.
  2. This is what I was thinking also. Sanchez looks like he could make all the throws, & if you watch him he is very accurate on the run. Pennington hs been an effective qb over the years but is really limited in what kind of offense you could run with him. A guy like Sanchez, especially picking him @ #5 & giving up what they had to get him, the Jets better hope that he is a better qb then Penny. Bill, I think your underestimating the talent of Sanchez. & just for the record, with that being said, I think he has bust written all over him.
  3. The lakers could beat them. But other then that, I really do not see any other team beating them let alone giving them a decent series, especially in the Eastern Conference.
  4. Not to question your college football knowledge, but how can you possibly compare Sanchez to Pennington?
  5. Not to nitpick here but he will be lucky to make the practice squad let alone be a bcakup. No team he went to was going to give him a chance to start.
  6. You make some decent points sometimes but you really have to tone it down with the name calling. Come man, we are all in this together. BTW, I love Maybin as the pick. Best pure pass rusher in the draft.
  7. I do not see him falling much further either, but if he is you pounce on him. Cant complain so far though.
  8. It does not make any sense though. They would not give a proven tackle like Peters that kind of coin but are basically willing to give an unproven rookie the same exact contract that Peters would of signed. So basically if we did this we would not save any money(in fact it would probably cost us a few dollars more), trade a proven bookend tackle for unproven rookie & dropped our first round draft position from #11 to #28. Plus probably trading our third round in exchange for Phillies 4th round pick. Does this make any sense at all?? They can not be that stupid can they? The only way that this would make sense if they really thought Peters sucks, which we know is not true since they did offer him a sizeable contract.
  9. I think that is where you are wrong. If Edwards looks & plays like he did for the 2nd half of the season last year, or like Losman has looked pretty much his entire career, I would hope that the bills look into a different direction at qb in 2010.
  10. Yeah, most of my friends when their kids turned 1 year old, bought them the DVD "Baby Einstein". Not me. I bought my son "Casino Table Games 101 - Learning how to take Advantage of the House". I am telling you the kid could hold his own at the craps table & is a master Blackjack player. This weekend, if the mood strikes me right, I just may teach him the finer points of Texas Hold Em.LOL.
  11. I would not have a problem giving jacksonville both 4ths, or maybe a 3rd & fith like we did with stroud.
  12. Yeah, my wife is praying for a daughter for our 2nd one in June. LOL figure I will bring him up in the handicapping business at a nice young age. Being a good handicapper is a recession proof job. It always has been a dream of mine that me & him one day will go into the bookie business together. I will supply the financing & he could supply the muscle. it will be a nice little nest egg fo me in my golden years.
  13. I dont know if it is so much laziness as he tends to disappear in the big games. Watch the Ohio St bowl game last year. he mad a few nice plays in the beggining & then you did not hear from him te rest of the game.
  14. The draft starts at 4 this year. My guess is the bills first pick will be between 5 & 5:30, but that is just a guess.
  15. The problem with Baldo's post is that he over emphasizes all our problems. He says that we have the worst line in the league. I suggest he stops watching so much college football & perhaps buys the NFL ticket. I am pretty confident in saying we are not even close to the worst line in the league & that is even without knowing our left side yet. 2nd he says TO is not going to make a difference/downside of his career(paraphrasing). I really have to question his knowledge on this. TO has caught 33 td passes the last 3 years, 10 last year I believe. The guy he is replacing has caught 3 td passes in that same time frame. How can this not be an upgrade? I am not crazy about Jauron either, but to say he is the worst coach in the league is just nonsense. Like it or not, the guy is respected throughout the league. Once again he is exaggerating.
  16. Yeah it is a fun weekend. When I was a litle younger, me & my friends used to do it up right. We would go golfing in the morning, meet over my house in around 11:30, drink all day, grill burgers in the afternoon & throw some stip steaks & lobster tails on at night, bet some NHL & NBA playoff games & make a day of it. We would usually get a 1/2 Keg for about 8-9 guys & by the end of the night we would have to go on a beer run. Now, we all have families(Im 36) & unfortunately alot of my friends wives are not as understanding as mine & they dont let them come over & drink all day. Oh well. Last few years it has been just me & the little guy(my 5yr old son) down in the basement watching the draft. A friend or 2 will stop over throughout theday. It is just as fun though, we will watch the draft down in the basement, play some mini basketball bet a few games for the playoffs/baseball & make a day of it. If I am not too drunk, I will usually make a fire with the fire pit in the back yard at night, making smores for the little guy. One of the days I really look forward too. I have a real strange feeling they are going to announce the bills aquired Henderson this weekend also.
  17. I am not as positive & upbeat about the team as C Biscuit is but if you can not get excited about the team 2 days before the draft with us having 2 first round picks I really have to question why you eve follow the Bills. You say they are bottoming out but if you look at last season, I mean really look at how they lost most of these games I could pin it on one thing, the play of the quarterback. This team with even average qb play wins minimum of 11 games last year & probably 12 games. The qb play of the bills last year was not only bad in te 2nd half, it was a downright game changer. I will go over. 1st game against Miami, Bills are 5-1 at this point & have a 9 point lead in the 3rd quarter. They let Miami back in it & Edwards throws bad int after int with the game still in balance. he fumbles on a qb sneak. Against Jacksonville 2 years ago I was very critical of Losman fumbling on that same exact play, stating at the time I have never seen that before. NYJ 1st game - 5-2 at this point. We are going down to take a 10-0 lead when Edwards throws a pick 6, similar to the one he threw at dallas. If that play does not happen, I guaranty we win that game Cleveland game - I think we could all agree that i edwards even has a slightly below average game we win this game by at least 10pts. It was one of the worst qbing performances i have ever seen & that is saying something considering I have watched Losman for te last 5yrs. SF game - SF could not do anything on offense. Edwards & Losman were even worse. The 2nd jets game - No need to rehash this one. Losman slides for a yard or 2 like he should of the bills run out the clock & win the game. I will even throw in the 2nd Miami game. Losman once again was horrible. He had Evans open down the left seem for an easy toucdown & overthrows him by 20yrd. I never thought an NFL qb could be as inaccurate as Losman was. My guess is that is probably why he will be out of the league this year. Tht is 6 games right. Win even 5 of them & yor 12-4 & you win the division. I have been criticized before stating how important the qb position. In the NFL, everything feeds off the qb position. I liken it to an ace pitcher in baseball & a super hot goalie in hockey. The qb position is that important. A good qb will make an average team good & a good team great. A bad qb will make a good team average & a average team bad. Wit that being said, I think Edwards has a chance. I love his quick release, his mind for the game & contrary to what anybody says, he has a good enough arm to make all the throws. He has to take his game up about three notches from last years play & if he does that the Bills will win their fair share of games & be competing for a playoff spot. I said last year that if Edwards plays good they will make the playoffs. He played well for the first 5 games he played in. They were 5-0 in those games. I will stand by that statement once again. Alot of this is on Edwards shoulders. If he plays like he did the first 5 games he played in(not including the Arizona game) the Bills will be tough to beat. If he plays like he did the 2nd half of the season, the bills will not win more then 7 games again(probably less) & the we will once again be looking for a qb next year.
  18. These are the types of comments that I have a real problem with. This current bills team is not even close to the worst team in bills history. My guess is they would not even make the top 10. Get a grip buddy. As Denny green once said "they are who we thought they were", in thiscase the bills who unfortunately have been a middle of the road team for the better part of 10 years.
  19. I actually think the start of mediocrity came when Wilson caught Polian porking his daughter in the press box back in the fall of 92'. In alot of ways, that was the beginning of the end of winning bills football.
  20. Nice scenerio but dont you have to have a competent front office to do something like that. I really do not think the inner jerks have it in them to pull something like that off.
  21. The bills select Malcolm jenkins at the #11 spot to man the safety position alongside Whitner & then @ 28th, the bills select Vontai Davis because they are concerned with mgee's pending FA. There is one more surprise though. Sunday morning, Bill from NYC, is spotted straddling the Brooklyn Bridge, still boozed up from drinking his sorrows away from the night before, goingto commit the big act after finally comming to the conclusion that he can not live in a world anymore in which his beloved Buffalo Bills are run by Dick Moron & the inner jerks.
  22. You make a good point. The lack of silence by the Bills front office after the peter's trade is disturbing. Shortly after the peters trade would of been an excellent time for brandon to have a PC & tak about the pride of the franchise, maybe stating something like "it was clear from the beginning that Peters did not want to be here & we do not want anybody here that does not want to be here. It should be an honor & a privledge to play for this organization & if you dont want to be here, we dont want you here.". It might of been mostly lip service but for christ sakes it would be nice if the front office/coaching staff showed some pride & showed the community they indeed have a real live pulse at One Bills Drive.
  23. Like Dice Clay used to say "you never know these days, you take a girl out, you wine her, you dine her, you put your hand up her skirt & your holding a tree trunk, what are you supposed to say? Hey for a chick you got some set of balls."
  24. Who cares if it is a copyright violation???? You people are unbelievable. Your worse then the grammar police. The guy tries to do everybody a favor & post from an insider source & you guys that have nothing better to do throughout the course of a day can not wait to jump all over his ass. That is just fuggin great.
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