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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. If Mckelvin is not penciled in & entrenched as the starter from day 1 of training camp, Jauron & Fewell should be escorted off of the practice facility at SJF immediately by security.
  2. I have my doubts about Delgado. Last season was wierd. I am a big Mets fan & watch alot of games. Noone looked worse then Delgado the first 2.5 months last season. I mean he was the worst hitter in the league. Totally lost, late on even average fastballs, no bat speed. I honestly thought the Mets were going to just release him & eat the rest of the season with his contract. Then sometime in June, he just exploded. Even with his bad start, he was so hot around the allstar break on he was even mentioned as an MVP canidate. Someone just does not look as bad as he did & then just turn it on. He might of been feeling pressure too because it was a contract year for him. Whoever said they do not think Ortiz was a user, I think he was one of the more obvious users. I know he is getting up there in age but after hitting 40 + hrs every year for the sox, the guy has warning track power now. Plus he was best friends with Manny.
  3. Strawberry a few weeks ago on SNY said if steroids were around when he played he would of done them but they just were not prevalant in baseball at that time. Every once in awhile I pop in the 86 playoffs/worldseries & it is just amazing to watch it & see how small these guys are. They look like normal average looking people. I bet most of them weighed 170-190.
  4. Okay, I guess we have to agree to disagree. I travel quite a bit for my job & I really do not see where this high quality of life that people think they have in other cities is coming from. I was in NYC last week & this branch manager took me out golfing. Private course, it was nice, but the branch manager made it out to be like it was the second coming of Augusta. I would compare it to a slightly above average Public Course in WNY. I wish I could remember the name of it. Then he takes thru this neighborhood & says "aren't these house beautiful, I bet you do not see anything like this in Buffalo". I felt like telling him there are way more nicer houses then this in buffalo." I go to south florida 2 or 3 times a year. The place if you hit the right spots are beautifull & awesome & there are no town like it in this country. But venture a little bit off the beaten track & it truly looks like a 3rd world country. The lower/average end houses there are disgusting.
  5. I have said this before, but I guess I will say it again, the notion from out of town folks that the good people of WNY have no disposal income & that we live like a third world nation is complete bogus. People make money around here & live pretty well. Take a drive thru some of the suburbs & there are new sub divisions all over the place. These developements would be considered nice in any city. I am not trying to argue that WNY has the corporate presence like some other cities, but the notion that people are barely surving around is just not true imo.
  6. It has been a long time since I was in middle school but I did not know any girls that got into fights, especially with boys. John, I guess my final advice(not that you really care what I think) I really do not believe in home school, however with that being said, you know your daughter as well as anyone, if you & your wife think it is the right thing to do then make the decision, make the best situation possible for your daughter, & once you made that decision, do not 2nd guess yourself.
  7. I know a few of my friends do it. Personally, I do not agree with it John. Part of going to school is your grades & learning how to study etc.. but just as important imo is developing the social skills. Kids for the most part want to be around other kids. Especially at that age, they dont want to be around their parents for social activities. Some of my fondest memories are of me hanging out with my friends at school. I would think twice about this. I never got really good grades in school but I somehow got into Syracuse, graduated from there in 4 & 1/2 years & then went on to get my masters at canisius. In my 6 + years of college I had 3 or 4 A's in that time. Everything else was mostly B's & a few C's. I plugged thru it. It was a grind but you do what you have to do. To say that your daughter is not going to college when she is only in 8th grade, I think your being pretty shortsighted & maybe not giving your daughter enough credit. Couple times I wanted to drop out of college & my dad & mom were always there for me telling me to stick with it, & they know I could do it. What kind of message are you going to be sending to your daughter if you tell her that we are taking you away from your friends, home schooling you, because we do not think you are a good enough student? What if the music thing does not work out?
  8. What QB pre 1980 was better then Montana/Marino/Elway/Kelly? I am really curious as to what your answer will be. Keeping in mind I just turned 36 yesterday, & really did not start watching football the early 80's, the only qb I think you might have in mind is Tarkentin(sp)/Unitas. BTW, my vote goes to Montana & then Manning/Brady with the class of 83 being right behind them.
  9. Thanks for the update. That is too bad. Sounded like a good loving family man.
  10. Probably because the bills did not want to pick up his contract. Didnt he sign an extension back a few years ago something like 6yrs, $40 mill.
  11. You should do what I do. I am 6 ft around 205 pnds. Drink lots of liquids 2-3 times a week. & by lots of liquids, I am talking about 12-15 beers at a sitting. Eat chicken wings late at night, hit all the fast food restaurants & take your son to Dairy Queen at least twice a week. You may not develope muscles or get cut, but it is a hell of alot of fun.
  12. One more thing, as much as this kills me to say this, you can not foget Nore Dame. The networks would have a heart attack. Have a stipulation if Notre Dame finishes in the top 15(maybe top 20) of the BCS polls they automatically get one of the wild cards.
  13. Good point. You have to keep the seed structure the way you suggested in fairness to the top 4 seeds. As far as the attendance, if there is an alternative sch UB to play at the Ralph that would be great. My guess is UB woul have no problem getting 70K at the ralph if they were to host a team like Texas. If there is no alternative that is just the way it goes. This makes too much sense. I do not understand why they do not do it. it can not be about the money. The networks, the schools & the NCAA would make more money doing this then what they have with the current bowl system now & your really only tacking on 1/2/3 extra games each year & it is only affecting a small % of the schools anyways.
  14. One more thing, no matter what their seed, wildcard teams need to play on the road in the first round. That would setup some unbelievable environments at some of these mid major campuses, that otherwise would never be able to convince a Georgia or a Florida to play a game on their campus.
  15. So by math, you have 11 conferences. Each one has a championship game. Winner gets an automatic bid into the playoffs. You add 3 wild cards to give you an even 14 teams. When teams that are left out argue that they should of been one of the wildcards, the NCAA could tell them you should of won your conference. The top 4 teams draw byes the first round(conference winners o the top 4 conferences) & the 1st round will be played on campus sites of the higher seed. The 2nd round will be played New Years day at BCS Bowls(Sugar, Orange, Rose & Fiesta). Semi finals will be played the week after & the NC will be played the following Monday. The BCS bowls could rotate who hosts the the semifinals & the finals. By having this format, I think the regular season would be more important then ever. One could argue that this would make the 2nd tier bowl games irrellevant but lets face it, they are pretty much are irrelevant anyways. & the BCS bowls besides the Rose Bowl & the NC are becoming irreleavant also. Orange Bowl tickets between Cincy/V Tech were going for $5 a piece on ebay last year.
  16. Here is my story saturday. My dad is really into the horses & I will meet him at otb once in awhile, but I really do not follow the horses myself, I usually just bet what he bets. He does alright. So on saturday on the way home for my hockey game I said to my wife & the little guy lets stop at the OTB & put down a bet for the derby. When we got there, Ryan(my son told me to put down $2 on his favorite number 8.) So I played an exacta with the 15 & the 10 for me & my wife(Iput down $6for that) & I put the $2 down on the number #8 to win for Ryan. His reasoning. 8 is his favorite number. Sometimes you can not argue with that kind of reasoning.
  17. That is exactly right. Just because there are 13 pages about the show does not at all indicate that the dope is doing his job. That is a stupid conclusion.
  18. What was wrong with jimmie B? I kinda liked him. Same with Gaughn. At least he talked about gambling on fridays during the college football season. I won alot of money going against his picks of the week.
  19. Goodell continues to try to fix things that are not broken. He should of first of all left the draft at noon. For alot of people it is an allday event. Putting it on thurs, fri, sat is stupid if you ask me. Just like he was trying to get the super bowl played in London. he backtracked on that real quick once he saw the negative feedback.
  20. Wait a second Lori, MS has gone out of his way on numerous saying that he is not a bills fan & really does not care if they win o lose. I have heard him say this numerous times. He claims he is a Sabres fan & somehow he suddenly converted over to a Cleveland Indians fan when they made their playoff run a couple years ago. I think he was a lifelong Mets fan before that. This guy should not be doing talk radio Lori, especially in a market like Buffalo. My wife has sattelite radio in her car & I love listening to the national broadcasts. They are just so much more interesting & knowledgable. I know it is comparing apples to oranges but it is what it is I guess. When the draft is coming up, & neither one of those 2 morons in the afternoon can not even hold a conversation about the draft prospects because they are more ignorant on the subject then my 91 year old grandmother, somthing is wrong there Lori. When the NCAA tournament comes up in March & Schope openly admits a few years ago that he never heard of Drake & has not watched a college basketball in 5 years, something is wrong there Lori. I disagreed with Coach Dickerson about alot of his views but at least he talked sports & tried to breakdown the matchups & the games. Neither one of these guys should be on the radio on the drive home talking sports. I actually feel sorry for Bulldog. Once upon a time, years, he was actually a pretty good sports guy, you could tell he was passionate about the local teams. Now he is basically paid to be the dope's sidekick, laughing at all his stupid ass jokes. He knows if he gets out of line with the dope, he will probably find himself on the unemployment line. Here is a telling story of how much the Dope & dipsh*t turned me off to sports talk radio. My car radio was broke back in the fall. I need the factory code & I was just too lazy to look into it. I would listen to nothing on the ride home. Just last week, I finally got it fixed & sure enough I tuned into the Dope & Dipsh*t on the ride home thinking they woul be talking draft, maybe have Gil Brandt on or Tim Florio. Nah, not them. They were playing some stupid they invented & every once in awhile they put on the song from the Jefferson & they had one of the guys singing over it. I have not listened since.
  21. Been to alot of NFL Stadiums here. I am not going to lie & say the Ralph is a Palace but it has it's own unique charm. First, at least from the stadiums I have been to, the parking lots at the Ralph, bar none arethe best for the talgating experience. You really just do not see, at least from the stadiums I have been to big open parking lots like you find at the Ralph. Once inside the stadium, the Ralph has it's own charm. The sightline are pretty good, the atmosphere is good, the scoreboard is nice(it would be better if they had one on each endzone. The negatives, I would have to say the concourses should be wider, the restroom should have easier access & the food pretty much sucks. Other then that though I really can not complain. BTW, the stadium in Jacksonville is a much bigger sh*thole then the Ralph in my opinion.
  22. I have watched alot of USC games also. This kid has got bust written all over him. Check out his numbers away from the colliseum. They are down right pedestrian.
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