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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You, know, that was exactly what I was thinking when I read the article. It sounds almost made up. It is not even close to April Fools day so I am thinking it is legit.
  2. So I am getting a haircut before I go to work today & as I am waiting I pick up SI magazine & they have this article on this high school baseball player in Las Vegas. This kid sounds absolutely amazing. He is only 16, plays catcher, pitches reliev once in awhile(dad does not want him pitching full time), he has been clocked at 96 mph. Played in a tournament at Tropicanna Field & hit the longest homerun in THE HISTORY OF THAT STADIUM. Hit another homerun in playing back in las Vegas that was measured at 570 feet!!! Earlier this year, was in a tournament where he went 15-16 with 14 homeruns. Scouts have said he is probably major league ready right now. They grade him higher then they did Junior or Arod when they were 16. A scout said if he went out for the draft this year he would of been selected #2(right behind the pitcher for SD ST). No pitchers will even pitch to him when he plays in the high school games anymore. His parents are trying to get the major leagues to waive the minimum requirement age for the draft or they were going to let him get his ged & sign him up for Junior college next year, where he would face pitchers that would not always intentionally walk him. Article states he is super fast also, scoring from home on wild pitches 6 different times this season when he was on 2nd base. Anybody live out in Vegas or out west? I would just like to know the buzz going on about this kid or if anybody has seen him play. He sounds like he is a once in lifetime player.
  3. I remember after the game when a reporter asked shula, "how tough of a loss it was" All he said was "it is enough to make me want to cry". Right then & there I knew the bills were in for a nice run in the afc east. They got into Miami's heads that day & back then they were the main competition for the division.
  4. I guess you prefer an offense that averages 18 pts a game, consistently goes 3 & out more then any other team in the league, averages .75 td passes per game & has ranked in the bottom half of the league the last 4 years. Yeah lets stick with that offense.
  5. I agree. I have no affiliation to UB. I went to Syracuse & Canisius for grad school. I mean I am glad UB had a good year, but I would not lose any sleep over it if they did not. Promo, if Canisius won their conference & went to the NCAA tourney, I bet you could care less right? Same thing with most people around here & UB if you did not go to that school.
  6. Yeah I am not sure about draining it. All I know is the guy at majestic told me that under no circumstances drain my pool(linar) because the linar will collapse. i thought you could drain them but I guess I am wrong. That is surprising about the price. I never looked into prices really because the house I bought had a pool in it already. I just know my friend bought a fiberglass one & paid a sh*t load of money for it last year. If those were the cheapest, can not imagine what the other types would cost.
  7. They are not as popular anymore but you could still get them. The popular ones are the fiber glass now. Just dig a hole & they drop them in, one piece, they are pricey though. My friend just got one installed, pretty much just your basic model with 4 yards of concrete all the way around. Got a nice saline solution filter(no chemicals needed) Not totally sure how it works. Told me he paid a little north of $35K. When you consider it will be june 6th tomorrow & I have been in my pool once this year so far, that is a steep price to pay for the weather we have in WNY.
  8. I never said I did not deserved to get fired. It has helped me out in the long run. Every once in awhile when I have had a real bad day I think back to the look on that guys face when he opened up his whopper & saw 2 bites out of it. 20 years later, I still find it hillarious.
  9. jesus christ are you miserable. I would wish you a good weekend but what is the point. With an outlook on life & this country like you have I know you will not have one no matter what I say.
  10. Who said anything about not getting what you ordered???? You really think some pimple face 16 year old kid making $60 bucks a week flipping burgers really gives a sh*t if you walk out of there satisfied?
  11. The fiber glass pools are different. At least with the new ones there is no linar to them. You can drain them. I wish I had a fiberglass one, those are sweet. Plus I heard they keep the heat in better.
  12. You got that right my man. My colon has never been the same since.
  13. Really not siding with BK on this one. Common sense says they should of cut the sandwich. Just saying the guy did not have to make a big stink about it.
  14. I agree they should of cut it. When I was in high school I worked at BK for a year & I used to cut sandwiches all the time. It would not of been a big deal. I hardly doubt the employee would get fired too. I used come in on the morning shift reeking of booze, I even got caught one time steeling a whole box of whopper & bk broilers for this party later on that same night. The manager just told me not to do it again. One time this guy was giving us a real tough time. Brang back his whopper three times saying we did not make it right. The 3rd time he brough it back me & my friend went in the back room & both took a bite out of it & wrapped it back up & gave it to him. We did get fired for that incident. Like I said though, maybe not this guy, but people go into a place like BK & expect 5 star restaurant treatment.
  15. Like I said i am going to start doing it because there prices are crazy($220 for the opening & the closing). Just do not want the pipes bursting in the winter because I did not blow out the lines correctly.
  16. Did he really need his sandwich cut? I mean I have eaten a whopper before while driving with one hand. I agree that they probably should of cut it but this guy did not have to make a big stink about it either. These kids are getting paid $7 an hour probably for drinking money later on that night with their friends in high school. Just leave them alone & let them get thru their shift.
  17. If it is an inground pool & he has a linar, it will collapse I believe. Above ground, I think you could do that. Like the new avatar.
  18. I agree. I paid Majestic 3 weeks ago $220 to blow out the lines to open the pool. They were there a grand total of 10 minutes. One of these years I am going to learn how to do it myself. The problem is, if you do not get them to open & close the pool(another $220) you lose the guaranty that pipes will not freeze in the winter. I know I could open the pool myself but not totally sure I would not f*ck something up to close it. If I had Majestic over 5 times the bill would probably be about a grand by now. Sounds like something is wrong with your filter. I was having pressure issues a few years ago & the problem was there was a piece of plastic inside the filter that the basket did not catch. It was blocking the pressure. I had to take the filter apart & get it out. I use the creepy crawler too but you should vacuum it yourself once in awhile. I am assuming this is an inground pool right? The other thing that could be causing the loss of pressure is the air valve is not tight enough. I doubt it is that though because the pool guy would of been able to figure that out in about 2 seconds.
  19. I could buy the last 2 posts. I tend to agree with both of them. I have had season tickets for 12 years & have also been to alot of road trips(Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Carolina, Meadowlands, Pittsburgh, SD, Dallas, Kansas City. I really have to say the only tailgating/game experience that even comes close to the Ralph is KC. KC might have changed. I was there a long time ago when ROJO played for us. The tailgating was pretty intense there though. The different types of grilling there was unreal. It was not three drunk aholes with a little hibatchi cooking hotdogs. Some of the food that was @ KC was incredible. Plus it was kind of a big game for both teams & the fans were pretty decent as I recall.
  20. got right in, no problem. I did not have a problem last year either. I called the ticket office both times. Last year was a little longer wait.
  21. Yeah, it does not seem like Denver is one of the scarier places to play anymore. I just remember back in the Elway days you cringe when your team had to make a trip during the year to Mile High. It usually resulted in a loss. The number of no shows are really surprising. I remember seeing an NFL highlight film of the broncos back in the late 80s/early 90s & at one point the PA announce announced the crowd & then said there were 14 no shows & the crowd started booing like they expected there to be -0- no shows. I thought that was pretty impressive.
  22. I agree, Denver lost alot of their homefield advantage when they moved out of Mile High. With that being said, the fans seem like they are very passionate towards the broncos. Maybe if the tickets weren't so expensive they would not have all the suits there.
  23. As much as it is popular to put down the cowboys & patriots fan bases, the cowboy have had 145 consecutive sellouts or in another word, they have been sold out since 1991. Admittedly that was the start of their super bowl runs however keep in mind I believe they have not won a playoff game since 1997. To keep selling out is pretty impressive. As much as we like to rag on Pat fans for being fair weather, they have a sellout streak of 126 or the last 13 years. Not all of those have been good teams & the golden boy did not start playing for them for a few years after the sellout streak started. As much as we like to think the bills fans are the best, there are a few teams ahead of us. Some teams have waiting lists. My friend lives in Pittsburgh & says the waiting list is like 25 years for season tickets. Giants have a waiting list, Green Bay has a waiting list, Denver has a waiting list, KC I believe has a waiting list, Wash has a waiting list. So do not get me wrong, we are good fans, but I really can not say we are the best or even top 5. I think we are right where we should be. Maybe even a peg or 2 down.
  24. Plus his wife is a fat ugly haag. We have enough of those in this town already.
  25. I really can not defend jauron. History tells us he will probably cost you 2-3 games per year. With that being said, more then anything else last year, I think the thing that cost us was the play of our qbs. Things started going in the tank when they started making game changing turnovers. Edwards imo gave the game away to the dolphins the first time, the jets game when Edwards throws a pick 6 when they going into the score, the 49ers game when neither qb could do anything, the Cleveland game where Edwards gave one of the worst/most cowardly qb efforts I have ever seen, not to be outdone, the 2nd Miami game where Loserman made some throws that were so bad that I did not think it was possible for an nfl qb to miss his target time & time again by that much, to finally the jets 2nd game. DJ was not being conservative at the end. All he asked was that his egghead qb to do a simple rollout & if the play is not there take off & slide for a few yards. As we all know (*^*&%^$^#choked & fumbled the game away. No coach in the league could take a team to the playoffs with the quality of qbing we have gotten the last 3 years. it is actually a miracle we have won 7 games each of the last three seasons. See, I know it is popular on this board to say the qb position is just one of 11 positions on offense that equally contribute to the success/failure of the unit. It is just not true. The qb position is on par with a goalie in hockey & a pitcher in baseball. They are the great equalizer. You really think indy/Ne have been so good these last 10 years because they have better personal then everybody else? They just have better qbs then everybody else. Give Jauron a qb & maybe he will get you 10-11 wins & the playoffs. Hoepfully Edwards is the guy this year(cautously optimistic). Because if he is not, it is going to be 10yrs in a row without the playoffs & nothing Jauron can do will change that.
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