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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Okay, point taken. I guess what I was trying to say is that I bet if you polled the players in that lockerroom most of them wanted the flute to be their qb over RJ, which I know is not really saying much.
  2. You touch on some good points. The notion that Flutie was hated in the lockerroom & Johnson was this super popular guy was BS. I was watching NFL Network Sunday & they had one hit wonders - top 10. Well RJ was #8. Vic Carrucci, who I think we could all agree has some very good inside knowledge said that most of the teammates did not like RJ & in fact wanted Flutie to play. It is kind of like the same thing with Losman. Everybody thinks he was this great teammate & such, I have 3 inside sources, one of them that is very reliable & he has given me some good information before that have told me most of the players on the Bills could not stand Losman & wanted him out of here. I could care less if anybody believes me on this board but I tend to believe it.
  3. Wow, with those conditions on the green I guess someone will probably break par. I just remember last time they played there & it was wet they were pretty sure anything under par was going to win the tournament. I think woods was the only one that finished under par at minus -3. What is making the course easier now then when they played it back in 02? It is longer now isnt it? Should be an interesting weekend. They are calling for even more rain tomorrow. My guess they are not going to get this thing done until monday.
  4. I was not aware that they get free drops. That is intersting. Still that course has got to be playing awfull long with all the rain they are having. My friend went there last time they had it at Bethpage & he said that the stands were more rowdy then an NFL football game. Got to love New Yorkers!!
  5. The rain is certainly going to make the greens playable, but with the amount of rain they are having hitting it in the fairway is a must. With it beinmg this wet, hit it in the low cut ruff & your going to be hitting a high iron just to punch out, hit it in the high ruff with the way the conditions are & it is just as bad as taking a penalty stroke. I love the US open.
  6. I think you are thinking of the US Open a few years ago at Pinehurst. Those greens were ridiculous. You hit 3 yards short of the pin & you were rolling back 30 yards into a sand trap. With the rain that they have been having, I can not see anybody breaking par over the course of 4 rounds.
  7. Noone knows what would of happened had Flutie he played that game. I remembered the line was really banged up & the titans were pounding Johnson on pretty much every pass play. To his credit he hung in there & put the team in position to win the game. With saying that, & please keep in mind I was an RJ guy at the time & glad he was starting that playoff game, looking back at the benching of Flutie for that playoff, a qb that was 10-5 as a starter that year, was one of the most classless moves I have ever seen a team do in the NFL & really think it is one of big black marks on Wilson's legacy. I remember watching one of the post game shows & I forget who said it, but basically said the same thing & then said "in the end the Bills got exactly what they deserved". It is very ironic that we have not been to the postseason since that game.
  8. That maybe true, I am not disputing that, but sadly enough he was the last winning qb we ever had. I guess people would rather root for a guy that goes 11-25 in his career but picks up trash around the fruit belt.
  9. Mine too. I took my dad to that game because one of the guys could not make it. My dad was a big Flutie fan & all game my dad kept saying the Flute was going to do something to win the game. I remember when he score the stadium was going wild & the scoreboard was playing the song "do you believe in majic". I remember walking out of that game to our car thinking how the hell did we win that game. The funny, I never got this confirmed but if you watch the replay I do not think he told anybody in the huddle he was going to run a bootleg. I think the play call was to go to Thomas up the middle. I think Flute wanted noone to know so the play would look like it was going up the middle. One of my best memories of being at the stadium.
  10. How could you look at those stats & say his 2nd season in Buffalo was better then his first? You realize he only started 10 games in his first year & 15 in his 2nd year right? As far as Flutie goes, I never understood the hatred by Bills fans for the guy, the same Bills fans that will go to their grave supporting guys like Rob Johnson & JP Losman. He really was the last winning QB the bills ever had. You could say he had a great team around him but keep this in mind. The three years he was here I believe he had a 23-12 record with the bills. Rob Johnson with that same team had I believe a 6-8 record with the bills. I am not going to lie to you, back in the day I was an RJ guy, but over the years I have seen the errors of my ways & it is one of the reasons I was so quick to turn on Losman. i seen his act before & knew he was never going to get it. Plus, Flutie had his hand in saving the franchise when he gave the team that spark after getting of to an 0-3 start by spurring interest(particularly Canadian interest) in buying the club seats. I am not saying that the Flute was a hall of famer, but there have been alot worse qbs that have come thru here since kelly retired & it seems like there is still alot of hatred among fans for the only winning qb we had here since Kelly retired.
  11. Oh BTW, out of the top 68, I would have to say the only places that have an average lower climtae then ours are Chicago, Milwakee & Minneapolis. With that being said, there are probably another 15 cities that are with 5-8 degrees of the average for Buffalo.
  12. I agree, you do get a bit longer spring & fall & the 5 extra degrees they usually get keeps from any big snow accumlation. But in NY, it rains a hell of alot more then it does here. It rains more in the summer & it rains more in the fall. I travel alot to NYC & I am always having my flight delayed in the summer because some thunderstorm is coming thru.
  13. I have lived here all my life which is to say I have lived here 35 years, like mentioned earlier the only other place I have lived is Syracuse; which is pretty similar to Buffalo weatherwise expect they get a hell of alot more snow. I am not defending the weather in Buffalo, I know there are alot nicer places to live weather wise then Buff, all I am saying is the weather is not as bad as people like you make it out to be. I always tell my wife that if I ever decide to move away the main issue is going to be the weather. See I love to golf. I usually golf from April to Thanksgiving. This year has been unusually dry & I actually got 3 rounds played in March. I have left home plenty,. Have been to NC, SC, Knoxville, New orleans, Dallas, Arizona, Vegas, Chicago, Cleveland, pittsburgh, Philadelpjia, DC, South/North/Central Florida, Atlanta, NYC, LA, Seatle, other places I am sure I am forgetting. I have just never lived anywhere else. The only place I have ever visited & when it was time to leave I said to myself "man, I wish I lived here" was San Diego. BTW, I am sure it has but I do not ever remember it snowing in May & if it did it certainly melted the next day.
  14. Agree, I do not know why I try. You will just never convince some people(even some people that used to live here) that we do not have 8 months of winter, we do not get snow in May, the lake does not unfreeze sometime in June & the only nice day of the year around here weatherwise is the 4th of July. It is funny, it is okay to make fun of buffalo & WNY because people feel entitled because they once lived here, but make fun of other poster's current hometown & the same people that say Buffalonians have thin skin get really defensive.
  15. See this is the kind of post that aggravates Buffalonians & it is the reason we have thin skin when the rest of the country makes fun of our weather. We do not have the worst weather in the country & we certainly do not have an 8 month winter. BTW, just checked weather channel, Averages for Buffalo 31/18 for Jan, 33/19 for feb, 42/26 for march, 54/36 for april, 66/48 for may, 75/60 for june, 80/64 for july, 78/60 for august, 70/55 for september, 59/53 for octber, 47/43 for nov & 38/24 for december Averages for NYC - 36/23 for jan, 40/28 for Feb, 48/32 for march, 58/42 for april, 68/53 for may, 77/63 for june, 83/68 for july, 81/66 for aug, 74/58 for sep, 63/58 for oct, 52/47 for nov & 42/28 for december. That sure does not look like a 15 degree difference to me. Thanks for proving my point about how people exxagerate about how bad the weather is in Buffalo.
  16. That is interesting, I was just going by the Buffalo News today. I do not think anyone that lives in WNY would ever say that Buffalo has nicer weather then Florida. That is crazy, what I do think people get upset with is the exagerations that are made about our weather. It is not as bad as people make it out to be. I will tend to agree with the sunny days because even when the sun is out here there are usually clouds.
  17. I will further this point by stating the buffalo news has a part in their weather section that shows sunny(they measure this by at least 50% sunshine as a sunny day). Year to date Buffalo has 78 sunny days & Orlando has 77. Like I said the weather is not great here but it tends to get overexaggerated how bad our weather is. Yesterday was the first day I could remember that it really rained hard here since very early spring. I have not been rained out on golf any saturday since I started playing in mid march. I just reading about the US Open @ bethpage & it said that it has rained there 30 out of the last 43 days. Noone ever says that NYC weather stinks though. It rains a ton more there then here from the months of April thru October.
  18. Well put. Everybody knows how I feel about Buffalo. The only other place I ever lived was Syracuse for 4 years of college so I am really not an expert about other places to live. My big complaint here is the weather & but with saying this the weather is not as bad as people that do not even live here make it out to be. I have been golfing since the middle of march & we really did not get any snow here since early feb. I mean it is frustrating when it is the middle of May & the high still is only low 60s but what are you going to do. I like it here & do not buy into the notion that there are alot more things to do in other cities & all we have are "chicken wings & the bills". My sister lived in NYC for 10 years & just moved back. She could not be happier. Taxes are high & it sucks but with that being said the affordable housing makes up for it imo. I realize the taxes do not add value to your house & you would rather be putting towards your property but if your going to live in your house the rest of your life what is the difference. You mentioned 300K for a 1,300 sq ft house. When I hear this that just blows my mind. Here $300K gets you a 3,000 sq ft house in a subdivision in the suburbs.
  19. Thank you everybody for the well wishes, much appreciated. My wife would never admit it but she really wanted a girl. I really have never seen her this happy. Definately a different feeling with a girl then a boy. Like Damj said, you get really in protective mode. BTW, Deano, I will make sure she will never step foot in the state of florida as long as your still around.LOL.
  20. Well, we had our second child on saturday. Little baby giirl. 7.3 pounds. Alexis Shea(middle name is in honor of the recently demolished Shea Stadium, wanted it for the first name but mom would not budge). Mom & baby are doing well, even got a decent night sleep last night, hope that continues. Took Monday & Tuesday off & working at home today however, the inlaws have pretty much moved in this week so I will definately be in the office tomorrow. Can not take much more of them at this point.lol. Anyways, very happy & we have added another bills fan to the clan.
  21. You make a good point. Something must of happened in the 06 season that Losman lost the trust of the coaching staff. Drafting Edwards in 07 just confirmed that suspicion. People stated at the time Edwards was such a value that the bills could not pass him up. BS, if they were sold on Losman like everybody going into that offseason thought they were noway do they ever draft Edwards with a first day pick. The moment they drafted Edwards, Losman's days were numbered as a bill.
  22. Agreed & good post. The bills certainly did not do Losman any favors, but he certainly did not do any favors for himself either. The guy was eratic at best & down right putrid when he was at his worst. I really believe that I do not think any coaching staff would get much more out of him then Jauron & the merry band of morons did at 1 Bills Drive. I remember back when they got rid of Bledsoe & annoited Losman the starter. I was at the gym running on the treadmill next to Van Miller & I asked him about JP. He said with such conviction that he will never make it as a starter in the NFL because he is not accurate & he has no mind for the game. I laughed it off at the time but looking back, man did Miller nail the hammer on the head with that predicition.
  23. I once posted the offseason after Fairchild left for CSU that he was not as bad as everybody made him out to be & he was dealt a lousy hand to work with because he could not trust his qb to do certain things you need to do in a game for an offense to be successful. Fairchild has done a nice job so far at Colorado State & he had success in St Louis. The problem was not Fairchild for the most part.
  24. The story in SI praises the kids attitude & work ethic. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  25. Looks like Losman is going to have a hell of time making a roster this summer if he even gets that chance. I take no satisfaction being right on this one, but it just goes to show how bad our qb situation has been with this guy under center the last three years. It was almost like we were playing with one hand tied behind our back with Losman as our qb.
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