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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. It is interesting, NFL Network ran a thing on one hit wonders & RJ was #7. Some interesting things were said. First, Vic Carrucci said as time went on & it was apparent Flutie was the better qb, guys in the lockerroom started resenting Rob Johnson & started siding with Flutie. Wade Phillips comes on & he hesitated at first when asked if they would of won the Tenn game with Flute under center & finally relented & said "yeah we would of won if Flutie played in that game". Noone is stating that flutie was not a self promoter, did not accept blame & was a divisive force in the lockerroom. What I think people are saying is he was a good qb for the 3 years he was here, had a hand in saving the franchise, & putting aside his personality/disposition/accountability, he did indeed get a raw deal here. No matter what he did in that lockerroom, he did not deserve to get benched in that playoff game. One of the most classless thing I have ever seen a professional organization do & the one true event in the history of the bills that really made me embarrassed to be a bills fan.
  2. Can not argue with that but I will bet if you ask any one of them in a must win game who they would rather have under center; R/J or Flute they would all say #7.
  3. It was one of those games where the bills were well on their way to victory, me & my friends really started boozing it up in the stadium not paying attention to the game & the next thing you know Tony banks is running in the endzone for the go ahead td with less then a minute left.
  4. You know bandit, they did not sell that game out. The actual attendance was 65K that day. Considering that the Ralph's capacity at the time was 80K & that it was the home opener & it was a beautifull day out the attendance figure for that game says all you need to know about the fan's mood of the franchise at that particular time imho.
  5. You think the players are going to stay out to doomsday????? This is their livelyhood, these players are used to a certain lifestyle, a lifestyle that can not be supported by any other profession that they would have an opportunity to get into. As stated earlier, 50% might of been a bit low but it is certainly going to be closer to that figure then the figure they have now. I really do not see how you & John think the players have the upper hand here. The only way they come out on top is if there is infighting among the owners(which very well could happen). I really do not see how the retired players even factor into this. They have been ignored & put on the backburner for so many year but now they are going to be a force that tips the chips in the players favor????? I just do not see it.
  6. Okay, 50% might have been on the low side but I think we could both agree it certainly not going to be the 58-59% that it is now.
  7. Dean, come on your better then this. I am not saying that Flutie was the saint that alot of the flutie maniacs thought he was but this article by Gleason was totally unprofessional. Notice, he did not quote one player or anybody associated with the Bills about Flutie's act. He loses all credibility with this article by stating "you better warm up to Johnson because he is going to be around here for awhile". Yeah, 3 months after this article was written he was cut from the bills. This article makes it sound like he had a personal vendetta against the flute. Once again no sources were quoted in this article. So if you want to believe everything Bucky Gleason writes be my guess. My thoughts are the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. I am not saying they should of kept flutie, as his stint in sd showed he was pretty much shot at that point. But this myth that RJ was this beloved player in the lockerroom is laughable. It is the same myth that fans today think that Losman was this loveable teammate in the lockerroom, when I have stated before that I have several sources inside the Bills that have told me alot of the players could not stand Losman & were happy the day the bills sent him packing. I do not really carew if you believe this but these friends I know have no reason to lie to me. In the end, TD did make a mistake by chosing RJ over Flutie, when in fact he should of kicked them both to the curb.
  8. The bottom line here is that they have an agreement in place that simply does not work. The financial structure has been broken with the current CBA. I could careless how much of a pitbull attorney Smith is, he is playing with a losing hand right now & my guess is right now he is smart enough to know this. My guess is work stoppage be dam, the owners are going to dig in & not give in until they get the deal they want. The competitive balance in the league depends on it. For every Dallas or New york there are 5 other teams like Buffalo/Jacksonville, New orleans etc... I have no doubt there will be a work stoppage & once these players start missing game checks & given the fact of the short life span of the average NFL player, not to mention some high end players(Brady/Manning) entering there final stages of their careers & not wanting to miss out on a season at this stage of their careerts, the heat is going to be turned up on Smith to get a deal done. I fully suspect the new agreement to be salaries closer to 50% of revenues & a rookie salary cap. The owners may throw a bone to the players by guaranteeing 50% of a players contract or something to that extent. BTW, Ralph Wilson was clearly an old senile fool for speaking up when he did. ESPN, Peter King & all the other moron media that ridiculed & chastised him owe him an apology.
  9. I tend to agree with you & Fl Bills fan. I watch alot of college football & I think there is noway Tebow gets out of the 1st round. This is not some gimmick player, this guy is first & foremost a football player who loves the game & 2nd he is a QB. Although his release is slow, I think he could make up for that with his excellent footwork & mobility. You got to remember with a guy like Leftwich, he had a horrible windmill release but what made it 10xs worse he had slow feet & no mobility. Tebow does not have this problem. I do not know where these accuracy issues are coming from. Everytime I watch him the guy puts the ball where only his team could catch it. I watched him in the SEC championship game & time & time again Alabama had perfect defense on Florida only to have tebow thread a pass the one place where it could be caught by a florida receiver. I know I am going to get blasted for saying this but the guy actually reminds me of Steve Young. Depending on how Edwards does this year, I would love for the Bills to use their first pick to draft him next year & I would definately take him over Mccoy or Bradford(which both Qbs I like very much).
  10. I remember that article very well. It basically said that Flutie was the divisve force in the lockerroom & did not want to toe the company line when TD & Williams took over basically making the decision rather easy for them to go with RJ. It was also a pretty gutless act by Gleason waiting for Flutie to go to SD before writing the article. That article should of been written when the flute was still on the team but Gleason obviously did not have the stones to wriite it then. I lost alot of respect for BG as writer fter that & really he has only reinforced those feelings with his anti Bills/NFL/Football feelings & his constant optimistic pollianna view of the Sabres over the last 8yrs. The guy is a joke & should of been fired from the snews along time ago.
  11. The only point I was trying to make was that if he is talented enough, a Div 1a or Div 1aa school would find a way to make it happen, grades be damned. The NFL thing was really not directed towards you as you are right, you never once mentioned the letters NFL. It was directed towards Ans, he stated that it is not impossible for your son to play in the NFL & I simply said because he was not recruited by a D 1 program that yes it is or at least an extreme long shot. I am going to say something without fully knowing the situation or ever seeing your son play football, but it seems like from your other posts about your son that there is something always against him. The coaches do not like him, there using him at the wrong position, the area where your from likes a kid from the other side of town better, he spends to much time with the girls(I thought all football players do that?), his grades are not good enough, even though a 2.7 GPA is a borderline B/B-. You said it yourself he is undersized. Maybe he is just not good enough to play college football. There is no shame in that, it sounded like he a had a very good career. Maybe that is where it ends. I have a son too, & sometime I catch myself dreaming of the day where he signs his National Letter of Intent to play football at some college. I know I have a better chance of winning the lottery, but that is what dads do with their sons I guess. Anyways, best of luck to you & your son.
  12. They got Florida St @ #15. The biggest obstacle for FSU this year in getting double digit wins as I see it is that schedule they are playing. What was the AD thinking agreeing to go to Provo to play BYU 3rd week of the season? I do not know too many other Ads that would have the cajones at a school like FSU to schedule something like that. Got to go to the swamp. Did not take a real great look at it last night but I did notice they are also pretty high on Georgia Tech(#22) & really high on Virginia Tech(#8). It even said for VT's writeup that if they could beat Alabama in the opener, watchout, they may just find themselves playing for the national championship. Prom, man the MAC looks like it is really going to suck this year. I think 7 of the teams were ranked below 100(there are only 120 teams in D-1. I think they had UB at 98.
  13. Well given the fact that no division 1 college offered him a scholarship & he will be fortunate to find a JUCO to play for, I would say that making it to the NFL is probably a pipe dream at this point.
  14. This was awhile ago but remember the one poster stated he had a top recipe for chicken wings that involved MICROWAVING the wings. Said it was the best wings he ever had. We really do get some ignorant f*cks on this board.
  15. Couple things here John. First, not the end of the world, after 2 years of Juco, with him keeping his grades up, if he is good enough some D-1 program will scoop him. Especially being out in California(where there are a ton of schools, Cal, UCLA, USC, Fresno St etc...) they will be right in his backyard to get a first hand look at him. 2nd what the hell is wrong with a 2.7 GPA. Unless they totally redid the GPA since I been in school. That should be more then enough to play & get into a division 1a school. Hell, I graduated with a 2.6 from SU & I was fuggin thrilled . (I have low expectations of myself)
  16. I have not been to some of the places mentioned here. Bar Bills has the best wings I have ever had. There beef on weck is amazing too as you stated. Anchor Bar is overrated. Although Duffs is better then the Anchor bar, they are overrated also(I never been to the original Duffs, just the one in Orchard park).
  17. Our softball team is sponsored by the aud. The trick there is you need to ask them for extra crispy. if not they come out half cook. The first two weeks we were there they sucked then we started telling the waitress to make sure they are extra crispy & they have been pretty good. I am not going to endorse them & tell out of towners that they should go there for wings but they are not that bad as long as you ask for them extra crispy. There are much better places to go if you want wings though, I agree with that.
  18. got up to 84 yesterday, as I look out my office window the big thermometer behind Pilot Field(or whatever the hell it is called now) says 86 & tomorrow looks even hotter. Took a while, but it looks like summer is finally here in WNY.
  19. You will not regret it. it is very interesting & alot of fun, especially for a person that is familar with the place already like yourself. It will give you a unique view into one of the truly amazing parts of this area.
  20. They do push the envelope on that thing. I assume it is safe though. The one stop is right before where the rapids are impassable & the guy told me that the rapids are so bad that any boat that gets caught in it will immediately sink to the bottom. I think he called it Devils Hole or something like that. It is alot of fun though & you get soaked too. There is one I believe on the Canadian side too. I have just been on the one in the american side though.
  21. no what is pretty sweet is the jet boat tours by the falls. Your daughter maybe too young/small for it. Do not know what the height requirements are. I think it is $50 per person but it is well worth. Usually do it once a year.
  22. BWW is not your traditional Buffalo wings but I have had some good times there watching college football all day on a saturday. I kind of like the place.
  23. Give me a break Philster. Qb is the most important postion on the football field. It is equilvalent to a goalie in hockey & pitcher in baseball. It is the great equalizer in that sport. Get a decent qb & it should allow you to compete most sundays, get a great qb(Manning, Brady) & your chances of winning on any particular Sunday go up 10 fold. I always am stunned by the lack of importance placed on the QB position on TBD. I get the feeling most posters think that as long as you have a talented roster that you could plug any qb in. BS. The QB makes the whole engine run, they dictate the pace of the game & keep the defense off the field. Not to keep harping on JP, but his 2 biggest downfalls was he consistently failed to make plays to convert manageable 3rd downs & consistently put the offense in poor down & distance situations by taking boneheaded sacks, which in turn would lead to the inevitable turnover or punt. Watch Manning or Brady. The best thing they both do is consistently convert 3rd downs, they know exactly where the sticks are & they exactly know who is going to be open to convert those third downs. The lack of importance placed on the QB position is stunning. I guess watching 9yrs of absolute garbage under center will do that to a fan base. Outside of Bledsoe's first 8 games with the bills, Flutie was the last decent QB we have had since JK retired.
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