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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. College football is 10xs better then the NFL. It is not even close. The rivalries, the atmosphere, the 12 hours of non stop football on saturdays. The NFL has become too corporate. With all the new stadiums going up, in alot of venues the stadiums have lost their atmosphere. I love watching the bills, but as for the rest of the NFL, I would rather watch college football. The arguement that there are so many lopsided games every saturday does not hold water with me. There is 50 games played every saturday, of course there are going to be some mismatches. Week in & week out though there are amazing matchups. Look at the the first weekend of the season. Thursday night Oregon has got to go into Boise St. This could knock out a favorite BCS buster right out of the gate if Boise loses. Then saturday a couple of unbelievable matchups. Georgia has got to go into stillwater & play Okl St, who is loaded onn offense, BYU plays Oklahoma in Dallas, V Tech plays Alabama, a game in which could be argued the winner has the early inside track on the BCS national championship & Illinois plays a rebuilding Missouri team. What a great weekend of college football.
  2. Interesting topic. I really do not consider myself an achoholic. I do not ever come home from work & crack a beer open, never drink during the week, never let it effect how I am to my son or my recently born daughter. My wife says I have a problem. She calls me a binge achoholic. See I can not just have one or two beers,(part of the reason I will never touch a beer during the work week). If I drink one beer I really have to have at least 12-15 beers. I can not stop. That is why I usually save my drinking for Saturdays & Sundays during football season. The other thing she gets mad about is often times, especially during college football season I will go down in the basement & watch the football games & drink by myself. Sometimes a friend or 2 will come over but I am at the age now where all my friends have families & we do not see each other nearly as much as we did 3, 4 or 5 years ago. My son is at an age now where(5 years old)where I will bring him down in the clubhouse(the basement) on a saturday & we will watch college football all day. We will play mini basketball down there & watch the games & have alot of fun. I know it is not the best influence on him but hey what are you going to do, it is still quality time we are spending together & he really likes it. I am not judging anybody as everybody has their demons so to speak in life. Good luck to the OP, it has got be difficult quitting. Although, from the sounds of it, I do not drink as much as you, I do not know if I could do it or not. & alot of posters, if they are really honest with themselves probably could not quit either. Imagine going to a bills tailgate & not drinking. I would rather not even go.
  3. I was at the game with my younger sister & my dad. After the first quarter my dad looked at me, I looked at my dad with icecycles hanging down from his mustache & there was only one thig left to say, he said "let's get the f*ck out of here" & with those emphatic words we headed to our car.
  4. From what I remember Williams/Mckinnie were pretty close & people were split on who to take. With that being said, to me this pick though reeked of Donahoe showing how much smarter he was then everybody else. I do not care what the draft pick people had to say, mckinnie should of been the choice. The guy played against the best competition, was on an absolute juggernaut, never gave up a sack in his college career & man handled & I mean manhandled Dwight Freeney that year when the cuse went down to the Orange Bowl to play the Canes. With that being said, neither one lived up to their hype. The real travesty in that draft was how we came back from like 20pts down the prior year & beat Carolina. Lose that game, & we would of had a shot at peppers.
  5. I believe it. I have a friend that works in HR there. She says they are hiring like crazy.
  6. The lake is actually almost too clean now & that does create the Algae problem. Your right about the water expenses. I pay about $45 every 3 months for water.
  7. Okay, I just called DTV. Got thru to the cancellation department no problem. I tell him I want to cancel guy immediately say you are a valued customer & spend alot of money with us & we do not want to lose you. I should say I do not have the ticket(being that I am at the stadium for half the season) but I get alot of the other sports packs(College Gameday, College Basketball, March Madness Tournament). So He says I could give you $20 off your bill a month for the next 12 months. I said no, how about a discount on the NFL ticket? He said let me see what I can do. He then comes back & says, okay here is what I can do. I can give you $16 a month off your bill for the next 12 months + I could give you the NFl ticket for 24.99 a month for the next 6 months. I am saving with the $16 off $192 & the ticket is only costing me $150 so basically I got the ticket + a savings of $42 off my expense that I am paying now for the year. Not as good as your deal skoob, but i am pretty jacked right now. I never felt so alive, ripping off DTV. Thanks skoob, & thanks LV & the rest of the posters that brought this to my attention. Oh yeah, plus he gave me the superfan crap for free.
  8. I am going to call & I will let you know how it turns out. If they call my bluff & cancel my service I am going to personally come down to south florida & beat your ass.
  9. This is the reason why over the last few years I have preferred the College football. The atmospheres are 100xs better because real passionate fans are still able to get a seat. For most cities, the NFL has gave a big FU to the diehard average fan. In cities like Dallas/NY/Foxboro/Philly/Denver etc.. the real fans have been priced right out of the stadium. That is why I love the Ralph. The real diehard fans can still afford a seat in the lower bowl between the 20s. In any other city, these same diehard fans are relugated to the nose bleeds in the upper deck. Ask some longtime Jet season ticket who for years have had lower bowl seats between the 20s & have supported their team thru mostly miserable season after miserable season, that are now being forced to the 3rd tier upper decks because they can not afford to pay a PSL how they feel about their new stadium
  10. Yeah, putting a stadium near the city is a little different though. They will be able to have more events due to their size. Besides when sprinstein or bon jovi usually play at the meadowlands don't they usually schedule like 8 or 9 concerts in 10-11 days & sell them all out. Buffalo would never be able to pull something like that off. I remember when Springstein was scheduled to play at the Arena a few years back & they had to move it to darien lake because they could not sell enough tickets.
  11. I got to agree with you & the Chef. Even though the Chef can not wait to chime in on a post & make fun of the good people of WNY & basically everything that has to do with WNY he hit the nail on the head with this. My summer party 3 years ago my one friend brings over a KJ. 5 of the guys really got into it, playing until 2 in the morning. It looked so stupid. My wife made me buy one. Everytime she brings it out I cringe. It is things like this as to why for the most part we are the laughing stock of the nation. It is your typical stupid WNY white trash game.
  12. Out of any game the Bills play this year, I have the most confidence they will win the bucs game. The Bucs are going to be bad this year, like top 5 draft pick bad. I am almost as confident the Bills will win that game as I am confident the Bills will lose to NE in the opener.
  13. Thanks, I guess I will stop acting like a cheapskate & get the Bromine. Appreciate the advice.
  14. Thanks guys. My pool is clean, I can not complain about that. I just wanted to save a few bucks. The guy said for a 50 pnd bag of bromine it was going to be $175. The chlorine was about $130 he said. I would not mind getting out of the sand filter. Had to change the sand this year. major pain in the balls. I have a pretty big pool so my filter needs 300pnds of sand. You think they would make the hole a little bigger to get the shopvac thru to vacuum the sand. It was an all day project.
  15. What is the difference between chlorine & bromine? I have an inground pool & a sand base filter. I always in the past have used bromine but I have noticed that the tablets of chlorine are a bit cheaper. I am out of bromine & have to stop up at the pool store tonight. If there is no noticeable difference I might as well save a few bucks.
  16. I do not know if she is looking at her boyfriend as a daddy. He is 12 years old also. But I agree, both of them need to get a life. As far as the NCAA 2010 can not wait to get it. Did not even know it was in the stores yet. I am going to pick it up after work today.
  17. Well the father is pretty much nonexistant. They are divorced. He will see the girls once every month or so. I see them more then he does. The mother has her hands full with the 12 year old & then has a set of twins that are 10yrs old. Tough situation for everybody but if man if that was my kid first she would not have a boyfriend @ 12 & second she would not have a phone with unlimiting texting on. That is just me though. I always tell my wife do not be surprised if she comes home knocked up in the next 3-5 years. These situations never end good.
  18. My son can not get enough of playing sports. He is only 5 but when I get home from work we will be out there until 9 at night playing wiffle ball. He has the Wii & play station but very rarely plays them in the summer. He plays in a baseball league & soccer league(wives idea I hate soccer) & just started up a begginers ice hockey league this summer. Never have to ask him twice to go to any of them. He loves it all. I just wish there were more kids in the neighborhood that were his age. Most of the kids in the neighborhood are teenagers. We probably should of thought about that before we bought this house.
  19. Could not agree with you more. We watched my wife's little cousin last weekend & all she did was text on her phone. I asked don't you want to go swimming or we go to Darien Lake for the day. She said, no I want to just text my boyfriend(I think she is 12 now). She did this all fuggin day. So at the end of the day I asked her how many txts do you send out in a month. She said last month she sent out 3,000 texts!!!! She said she has gotten as high as 5,000. I did not think that was humanely possible. That is noway to go thru childhood, plus I think she is too young to have a boyfriend.
  20. That is awesome, we used to do the same thing. My friend's backyard we used to setup these big construction lights. We mounted one on top of his garage, one of this telephone pole & the other two we mounted to these trees in the back of the endzone. You could see just like it was daytime. The lighting was terrific. We chalked the field & the white stripes in the endzone just like Notre Dame. His yard was pretty big. Maybe 50yrds long & 25 yrd wide. It was perfect for 5 on 5 football. We played every Thursday night. We would start playing in september & play until usually christmas, every thursday night. The games would start around 6:30 or so & would go to around 10. After we were done playing, we would usually egg & battery bomb a nearby neighborhood. As we got older(juniors/seniors in high school) we started incorporating booze into the equation & it only got funner with the addition of alchohal added to the mix. By Thanksgiving there was not one blade of grass left on my friends lawn. The grass always grew back in the spring though. Man those were some good times.
  21. You should of probably took the football away when the grades started slipping. That you did not take the football away tells me you put your sons sports career ahead of his academics. Ah what are you going to do. This parenting is not easy & it does not come with a hand book. You do the best you can & then hope your kids turn out alright. I will say getting him a one on one tutor is an excellent start. I would of never got thru statistics in college without a tutor.
  22. I have to agree. Maybe this will be the event that makes him buckle down in school & start concentrating on what is important. John it sucks that he is not going to play football his senior year of high school. That is what I would be most sad about. To be sad about thinking this is going to ruin his chances of playing college football, the bottom line is he probably was not going to play college football anyways since the colleges have not shown much interest in him to date.
  23. Wow, pretty impressive. Why did you end up picking Cornell over Yale?
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