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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. This is one of those trades, because the patriots pulled the trigger everybody says it was a great move. If any other franchise traded away one of their best defensive players a week before the season they would of been crucified. Might be a good move but no doubt makes them weaker this year.
  2. Yeah, I love this time of year also. With the sad state of the bills, I have been into college football even more in recent years. This years opening weekend is some must see tv. I think I like Oregon over Boise thursday, always tough to win on the blue carpet though. I am starting to lean towards Georgia saturday but that should be a good one. I think Oklahoma will kill BYU & I like V Tech in the upset over Alabama. I always have a big party the opening saturday of college football. My wife takes the kids to her dad's cottage on chattaqua(sp) lake for the weekend & about 8 of my friends come over. Most of them usually come over by 10:30 or 11, we get a keg, grill out most of the day & bet every game we can. It is one of my favorite days of the year.
  3. Hmm, I guess we will see. I think he is shot & I also think he is the most overpaid player on the Bills, which is saying something given the stiffs we have on this roster.
  4. Sorry about the that. Should of probably looked to spell his name correct before I posted. What is your feeling about Schobel right now? You think he is shot? With the money he is set to make, I could honestly see the Bills cutting him.
  5. No problem, just thought I would pass it along.
  6. It was not my wife, it was a friend of a friend's wife.
  7. Knew that was coming, just thought I would post what I heard this morning. I do not really care if you believe it or not. Definately plausible though, guys is in his late stages of his career. KO, good to see you. Anything stick out to you this weekend for College Football. I love Western Michigan over Michigan, getting 12pts. Love minn over Syracuse. Follow Syracuse closely & people have no idea how bad they are going to be this year.
  8. Ub is going to be pretty bad this year imo. They are going to get whacked pretty hard against UTEP & Pitt. They may be able to compete in the MAC, which I guess is what is important to a school like UB(not competing for a National Championship or a BCS bowl invite). They may be able to compete in the MAC because the MAC in general is going to be pretty bad this year. Western Michigan looks decent(in fact I have them upsetting Michigan opening week in the big house, going to throw a few hundred on them - they are currently getting 12pts) & Bowling Green & Northern Illinois should be decent.
  9. It was said several times last year after a game the mood in the locker room, you could not tell if the guys won or lost. This is a disgrace & it all starts with Jauron. He just does not hold players accountable. They should of never brought him back.
  10. So I get into work today & of course the guys are talking about the sad state the Bills are in. My one friend says he has a friend that lives in the same neighborhood as Schoebel & their wives are good friends. He said that Schoebel's wife was telling his friend's wife that Schoebel is really not injured, is milking it & really does not want to play football anymore & wants to just retire to his tree farm in Texas but he is making too much money to walk away. Not saying this is true, but I could definately see it. I never thought I would say this but I really hope they cut Schoebel's ass this year when cut downs come. Guy is just not worth the money they are paying him.
  11. Not to turn this into a college football post, but I see Penn St has that brutal out of conference schedule again this year. Man, with Akron, Temple, Syracuse & Eastern Illinois on the OOC slate, I do not know how they are going to run that gauntlet. & what a surprise, they are all in Happy Valley. I hope Penn St runs the table this year & gets left out of the NC. It would serve that Old coke bottle 4 eyed f*cker right for not having the balls to play anybody.
  12. Right now Snead would be my choice. Something with bradford rubs me the wrong way. Everytime I watch him his receivers are usually so wide open that it is tough to get a gage on how good he is. Tebow is the wild card in this whole thing. Everytime I watch him he looks like he will do anything on the field in order to win. I could see though where his mechanics, slow release, arm strength does not translate well into the NFL game. That being said I would not have a problem with the Bills drafting him in the 1st round. I personally think he is going to be a decent qb. Either way, it is going to be a top heavy draft on qbs next year. My guess is that was the driving force behind the decisions of Sanchez/Stafford declaring early. Both of those qbs I think are going to be big time flops, especially Sanchez.
  13. From all that I have read, Bradford is going to be the 1st qb taken, followed by Mccoy/Snead(ole Miss Qb) & then Tebow. Claussen is only a junior this year. I will be very surprised if he comes out after this year. Really have not been impressed with him so far.
  14. Good post, I think we will be okay. Big year for Edwards, he is playing for that 2nd contract. He really needs to step up. I am high on the kid but it is time for the excuses to stop & for him to be a leader & produce on the field. Here is a silver lining. If Edwards plays like he did last year chance are we will be picking in the top 10 & it will be a great draft if you need a QB. Bradford, Mccoy, Snead, Tebow all will be coming out next year. We should be able to get one of them. Plus if we pick in the top 10, most likely the skeletor will be gone.
  15. I believe they redid his rookie contract, but I agree with you, I would be very surprise if he gets cut. One of the few guys on the team that is a threat to score anytime he touches the ball.
  16. Exactly, NE has a great home record because lets face it they have been one of the bestr teams in the league for the last 9-10 years. Playing NE is intimidating, going into Foxboro eh, their fans never seem to get loud. At least on tv.
  17. There have been alot of signs about Losman not being a very good teammate & not being well liked in the lockerroom contrary to what some people want to believe on this board. One time I posted an article from a beat guy at UCLA stating as much, stating the guy had unbelievable talent but had a bad attitude & the other qbs made fun of him alot for his cocky ways. Moore said he would never play with him again, coming into the draft he was labeled by some as a coach killer & bad teammate, troy vincent, considered a gentlemen & respected veteran in most NFL circles took it upon himself to take a cheap shot at him in practice to send message, the veteran players revolted the next year when Losman was the starter, he calls out the coaching staff & of all people Ralph Wilson when he got benched for Edwards, & last year I think we could all agree he mailed in the season before it even started because he was not named the starter. Lastly, he does not even get a 2nd chance in the league. This is unheard of among 1st round draft choices. It has been almost like he has been blackballed from the league. I mean when guys like Akili Smith & Cade Mcnown get 2nd/3rd chances it blows my mind that noone could find a spot for Losman on their team. I think at least partially this is a direct result of having a bad rep about his attitude & being labelled a coach killer. Like someone else said, the guy has a bad attitude plus he is not very good.
  18. Ivy Ridge is nice, Harvest Hill is nice, Glenn Oak is alright. Harvest Hill is litterally 2 minute from the Stadium so everybody should have an easy time finding it/getting there. They are a little pricey though.
  19. Could not agree more. To call South Shore a country club is like calling Burger king a five star restaurant. South Shore is awfull & that Hamburgh course is not much better. Do yourself a favcr & take up Taterhill on his offer. Tri-County is a nice course, pretty challenging also. I usually get down there once or twice a year.
  20. I used to take the losses way harder & it really would effect my mood for the whole week. I was the same way with Mets. The tough losses would especially aggravate me. The "just give it to them" game in NE, I was living with my parents back then & I actually punched a hole in my parents livingroom wall when Bledsoe hit Coates in the back of the endzone to win the game. My dad immediately said "your going to fix that" which I brillantly replied "why dont you fix it yourself". My dad has never hit me(& I was 25 at the time) but I honestly thought he was going to throw me right thru the window when I said that. My mom had to intervene & luckily cooler heads prevailed. The music city miracle, after that happened I did not watch another minute of football that year, not even the super bowl. I actually cried myself to sleep that night. Oh yeah, I was 26 at the time. The straw that broke the camels back when I started to take the losses a little less serious was on opening day against Jacksonville when leftwich threw that last second td. I drove home from my friends that night & I gunned my car into my driveway & unbeknown to me my wife's 5yr old little cousin was playing in the driveway & I nearly clipped her. I probably would of killed her if I hit her. After that incident, I was pretty shaken up & I was like what the f*ck am I doing, it is just a game played by millionaire athletes that most of them could give a rats ass about the average fan. Ever since then I really do not take the losses that hard anymore. I get upset at the game & then I leave it there. Also, having kids gives you a new perspective & what is really important in life.
  21. Yeah I could respect that. I have often been called a fun drunk, never getting nasty with anybody so I guess my wife has put up with it all these years. She has asked me to quit a couple times but I have always refused. She does not ride me to much as I drank like this before we got married so she definately knew what she was getting into & like I said I never really cause any problems when I am drinking, since I have had my son 5 yrs ago, I could probably count the times on my one hand that have drove while being intoxicated. I am not trying to justify my lifestyle, as if I was honest specially with 2 kids now I would be the first one to say I should tone it down on the drinking, the problem is it is so much fun. You have me pegged perfectly with 8-10 beers noone know I am even drinking. The health is good, just got some extra life insurance on myself & blood tests & everything came out great. Blood pressure was fine. I am probably about 15-20 pnds overweight(I am 6ft about 215) but who isnt at my age(I am 36) which I would probably lose if I stopped drinking. I never go to hard stuff, always stick with the beer. If it ever does come down to a health issue with me, I will try my best to quit if not for me for my kids.
  22. Nice analogy, Vincent was on his last legs before he got injured & may of been cut even without the injury. Woodson was in his prime as an allpro player at the time of his injury.
  23. Yep, another young punk who has too much money & thinks the world should kiss his ass. I doubt anything will come of this legally, but he just pretty much ruined his whole reputation here in WNY over a lousy 20 cents. F*ck him, it is a**holes like him that are starting to make me turn away from sports.
  24. Now you did it, now you got me in the gambling mode. I was originally leaning to Okl St. Home crowd, payback game from last year, Georgia does not have an identity on offense, line is only -3 right now. I have read though that Georgia defense is going to be pretty good. I hope this is not a case where SEC team speed on defense just dictates the game & the bulldogs get out of there with a win.
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