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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I new a kid when I first started working at the bank that actually died in something similar. Lifting weights in his apartment, no spotter & somehow the bar fell on his neck & broke his neck. Hoepfully he will be alright.
  2. I see both your points. I have been harping on the SEC not playing strong OOC opponents on the road for years. Recently, that trend is starting to change with Georgia playing @ Arizona St & @ Okla ST, & Tenn going out west to play Cal. For whatever reason Florida has not followed suit in their scheduling practices. But here is the thing, at this point right now, they do not have to. Fair or not, they get so much respect from the pollsters that it does not matter who they play OOC, if they run the table or if they have one loss they are going to be playing in the National Championship most likely. Can not say I fault them, their strategy has worked to perfection as they have won the NC 2 out of the last 3 years. It will be interesting to see if Meyer could keep this train rolling once Tebow is gone next year. This guys is a winner & a special player & he could start @ QB for any college team in this country. Right now them & Alabama looks like they are on a collision course to the SEC Championship, winners gets to go to the NC. As far as Florida State, I do not know man. Their program is just not where it should be. They should be better then they are & losing to South Florida has to be an embarrassment to the program especially with Grothie not playing & it just validates what I have been saying all along that USF is alot closer in talent to Fl St & Miami then anybody wants to admit. FL St could turn it around but they really need to get Bowden out of there & he could take Fisher with him. They need to bring in an up & coming guy that has had success before but just maybe on a lesser scale(a guy like Urban Meyer when he came out of Utah). There are alot of these guys available. Maybe a guy like Gary Patterson for TCU or Chris Peterson for Boise St. Both those guys would probably be thrilled to coach a school like Florida ST. Get the right guy in there, get the excitement back in the student body & the alumni & being that Fl ST is surrounded by the best talent the country has to offer it will be no time before this program as where it should be & that is annually a top 10 program. Remember before Meyer came to Florida, their program was probable in as bad if not worse shape then Florida State is right now.
  3. When they were looking for a coach, honest to god I was thinking to myself, okay anybody but Jauron. So what does levy do, he hires the skeletor. Thanks alot Marv, Wilson should take your name off the wall of fame for that & then he should take his name off the wall for giving that (*^*&%^$^#an extension.
  4. I could 2nd what Tgregg says. Edwards was not even looking for TO, after awhile, mainly the whole second half, NO did not even bother double teaming him. I do not get it. The coaches should stipulate no matter how good the coverage is if you see Evans or TO single covered your throwing it to him. Poor game by Edwards, looked scared again. Reminded me of the cleveland game without all the ints. Hopefully he rebounds. We will see.
  5. Name one qb that we had in the past 10yrs that went on somewhere else & had success?
  6. Ah, Brees was pretty good with SD also. I am just amazed at the attitude of this board on Quarterbacking. I almost get the feeling that people think as long as you have a good line you could plug anybody in at qb. A good qb could make a bad line look good. A bad qb could make a good line look bad. That is how important the qb position is. It is everything in football. Find yourself a qb & you got the foundation in place. Everybody else thinks it is the other way around, I do not think it is. Manning or Brady will make any offensive line look good. Same could be said that JP Losman or Drew Bledsoe will make any offensive line look bad. We are starting the youngest offensive line in the history of the NFL yet the offense looks so far decent. Why???? Because Edwards so far has shown the ability to know where to go with the football. Hopefully it continues.
  7. Because unlike the slew of QBs that have come thru here since kelly retired(collins, hobert, van pelt, RJ, flute, bledsoe, losman) brees actually knows how to play the position. I love it when people say this franchise has ruined so many qbs. Like the qbs were not accountable for nothing. Jesus Christ himself could of been coaching the Bills & Bledsoe would of still held onto the ball too long & Losman would still be playing for UFL.
  8. Im just kidding, your advice worked like a charm. There is not a spot of grease noticeable on my driveway. Do not take it personal, your one of my favorite posters, I would not kid around with you if I did not like you.
  9. Lighten up, it was a joke, what did you forget to take your Metamucil today?
  10. You do not get to watch much college football over in france do ya? Barker has not been impressive at all. He may become a good qb someday but he certainly is not right now. That big game winning drive that he engineered against Ohio St was mostly handoffs & short screen passes.
  11. In my best Rodney Dangerfield voice "Ah, that hat is the ugliest looking hat I have ever seen. What if you buy a hat like that you get a free bowl of soup? Ah, but it looks great on you.
  12. Well the losing continues in my house. honestly can Ole Miss look any worse? What a bunch of frauds. F snead, I hope he played himself right out of the first round last night. They got Alabama coming up in a couple weeks, good luck with that. Well hopefully the other ones will come in saturday. Tentatively like Nevada +7 tonight.
  13. There are going to be no weather issues sunday. Can not go by the weather channell, they generalize too much. Any rain that is coming will be gone by noon. It even maybe sunny for the game. Winds 10-15 miles per hour. Yopu people that are banking on the weather to help the Bills, it is just not going to happen. this is not December, it is September & it should be a good day weatherwise for football.
  14. I always park in lot 5 & they make you go right onto southwestern
  15. Be afraid. I like all those games also, you may want to rethink these.
  16. Cincy has a real good team this year. It is too bad they did not schedule a high profile game this year because if they did & won they could be in the national title discussion. They are a legit top 10 team & should roll thru the big east this year. The one Rodgers brother was nursing a sprain ankle. Canfield needs to play better this week or they will not beat Arizona.
  17. I dont think the weather is going to be as much as a factor as most people think. The wind is supposed to be 10-15mph & Channel 4 says the rain is going to stop in the morning. Should actually be a decent day for football. The weather Channell generalizes a region & tries to cover their ass. The local channels are more accurate imo.
  18. I know noone is probably looking at this post anyways but I am going to keep posting in hopes of making my fellow wallers some money one of these weeks. Thursday Night Special - Ole Miss -3.5 over SC - always scary to bet against the home dog on thursday night but we are going to tempt fate. If Ole Miss is a top 10 team & have real aspirations of winning the SEC/National Championship they need to prove it tonight. Snead goes off on the national spotlight. Ole Miss 31 - SC 17 Bowling Green + 17 over Bosie St - even though they lost to marshall last week, this BG team is decent. They almost beat Missouri in Columbus & they gave Boise St all they could handle last year on the blue carpet. Boise St 24-BG 17 Auburn -33 over Ball St - The offense is back at Auburn. They should have their way this week as ball St may just be the worst team in MAC if not in all of Division 1a football. Auburn 58- Ball St 10 Pick of the week - Oregon St -2 over Arizona - Home cooking prevails. Will be a tough game but the PAC 10 is wide open after the men of troy lost last week. oregon st needs to take care of business at home as they travel to the desert next week to take on Arizona St. Oregon ST 28 - Arizona 14 Suckers bet of the week - Stanford -7 over Washington - This line just does not seem right. Wash, the team that beat 3rd ranked USC last week getting 7 against an average Stanford team. You think the boys in Vegas know something? My gut tells me they do, my gut also suggests that Stanford wins going away. Stanford 35- Washington 17
  19. definately a unique situation & your right one of them was going & Rivers was AJ Smith's guy. It would of been interesting though if Brees' shoulder was alright(not injured) if they would of still made the same decision. They did not get anything for Brees, they could of trade Rivers & at the least got a 1st round draft pick for him. Right now, all though, both are pretty good, I would rather have Brees then Rivers. With that being said, I would not mind having either one of them.
  20. I love Brees. He got a raw deal in SD & I thank the football gods that Miami was dumb enough to go for Culpepper instaed of him. Everything I read about him he is a class guy too. I put him in the same elite company as Manning & Brady right now. This game is going to be a tough game for both teams & because the game is being played at the Ralph, I like the Bills to come out on top. If it was being played at the Dome, I would like the Saints. Make sure you post here Monday after the Bills win. Win or lose though, I think your Saints are going to the playoffs this year.
  21. I hear what your saying, but times are different now. Kids get out of school with $100 grand in student loans, only to get a job making $30K a year & benefits if their lucky. Banks expect you to put down 20% down payment on mortgages, everything is more expensive. It is almost like some people look down at you because you get help from your parents. If your parents are in a position to help you, why do people look down on that. When I got married back in 2001, our parents paid for our wedding, split it 50/50. & when we bought a house a few months later my father in law & my dad each $10K for the down payment. Luckily, they were both in a position to do it. Could we have bought a house without it? Sure, but they wanted to make it easier on us. I do not think I am any less of a person for letting our parents help us out. St Louis, I say as long as they are in position to help you out, get as much money from them as possible. Believe me, they are not going to give it to you if they really do not want to. & for the people that say move as far away from your parents as you can that just tells me two things. They never got along with their parents & they probably do not have children.
  22. Do not tell me Brees did not have a bad game last year. The Saints missed the playoffs & went 8-8 last year. He must of had 1 or 2 bad games. Bledsoe's 2nd year here the first 2 games we went 2-0. We beat the patriots in the opener 31-0 & then went to jacksonville & laid the wood to them. ESPN was annoiting us super bowl champs. We won 4 games the rest of the year. Lesson is nothing is as good as it seems in the NFL. The Saints were an average team last year(much like the bills) & I believe they are an average team this year. So what they beat detroit, who has lost their last 19 games & Philadelphia without Mcnabb. My guess is if Mcnabb plays in that game, the Saints are 1-1. They were 2-6 on the road last year & our a different team away from the cozy confines of the Superdome. They are not going to face a more hostile crowd then this Sunday all year, better hope Brees takes the crowd out early because it will be a long day if he does not. With a 4:00 start, it gives the natives a few extra hours to marinate in the achoholic beverage of their choice which basically means the crowd will be a little more angry then it normally is. Should be a good game but I see the bills coming away with the victory 35-24. The saints defense does not match up well with our offense. Too many weapons & your secondary is very average.
  23. Another post about how someones life is so much better because they moved out of WNY. Last sunday was a great day, got up to the stadium around 11, tailgated, saw friends I have not seen in 6 months, drank, grilled on a beautifull day to watch a football game. I love how people think that people from buffalo are trapped in their house 10 months a year because of the weather. The weather has been absolutely beautifull here the last few months. It is raining today, which is the first day it has rained in 22 days. I love how you seem to think that going to a football game, tailgating, at the stadium is a waste of time but going to the beach is not. There both fun & to each there own. Been to Jacksonville 4 times, I like the city & always tell my wife if I had to move somewhere in florida that would probably be the place(they at least get a little bit break from the constant heat). There is not anymore things to do there then there is in Buffalo though, I am pretty confident of that. The nightlife is nowhere near as good. Went there in late October one time & as I recall the ocean there was pretty fuggin cold. We had a place right on the beach & I did not see any people out there swimming except for us one night when we came home really loaded from a place I believe it was called Sneakers. Anyways, always enjoy playing golf down there & I am jealous you could play all year round, but the courses at least the ones I played(outside of Sawgrass) are not nicer then the courses up here.
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