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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I really do not know why you bother with these guys. It is not worth it. They will never understand. I thought, maybe just maybe, the offseason where Loserman was not even offered a backup spot in the NFL & was picked over by such future hall of famers like Byron Leftwich, Luke Mckown, Dan Orzselek, Chris Simms & our very own Ryan Fitzpatrick for glamourous backup roles that these guys would finally realize that their man love is just not NFL material. But I guess with some people, they really need reality beat into their heads with a 500 pnd sledgehammer to finally see the light. What is the NFL minimum salary for a 5yr Vet? I am guessing 4 maybe 500 grand a year. Yeah he would rather be slinging footballs in the desert for $30K so he could master the fine art of how not to be a (*^*&%^$^#with the football!
  2. Bingo, anybody that has watched Sanchez thru college should know this guy is not that good & has bust written all over. This guy could not even beat out John David Booty for the starting job & then heading into his junior year he was in a very tight battle with the spring practice with 2 other qbs. I will go right out say this guy is going to have a worse career then Matt Leinart & by no means do I think Leinart is going to have a good career. Watched alot of the Jets/saints game sunday. Sanchez singlehandily lost that game for the jets & anybody that says different is lying. Your going to see more games like that this year. Would not be surprised at all if the Jets lose to Miami this week.
  3. I did think of him & then I remembered he plays in the same conference as that (*^*&%^$^#Losman did. No thanks.
  4. Can not argue with a word you said. I have season tickets & told my wife I am not going to the game this week. She was shocked. I am not going to make a statement or send a message. I just am tired of watching this sorry excuse of a football organization. I watch other games(I have the NFL ticket) & see teams flying around, chest bumping, making plays, being excited, trying to win a game. This team is just so emotionless & boring. I guess they really took on the personality of the skeletor. I turned the game off at halftime & put on the Jets/saints game last week.
  5. You forgot to a put an upcoming coordinator that was totally off of everybody's radar & will work for a salary that puts him in the bottom 1% of coaches & when he interviews with Ebenezer Wilson it will be the best interview that old fossil Wilson ever heard.
  6. Locker is a senior. Would not mind drafting him in the 1st round.
  7. Yep I seen that too. I also had high hopes for him but I am done also. The guy is gutless & has no desire to win. There is a point where you just got to break away. I reached that point with Losman after the Pittsburgh game in 07, where I said to myself this guy is just never going to get it. I reached that point with Edwards. I hoped he soaked his vagina in epson salt after this loss. I have season tickets but I honestly do not think I am going to go to another game all year. I have had it with this gutless team that plays for an emotionless prick like Dickhead Jauron.
  8. Just wait till Manning retires. That place with those prices will be 1/2 empty just like Jacksonville. I stand by the same statement for New England, when Brady is done. It is not easy replacing a franchise qb & any qb that comes in is in a no win situation. I am not saying the price of going to a bills game is not cheap, because it is, relatively speaking(where still only about $9 off per game from the league average, but just wait til manning retires because colt fans have been spoiled rotten watching that guy play for 10yrs now & sometimes you just do not appreciate what you got until it is gone.
  9. Yeah, lost sd last night so ended up losing $240 for the week. Ah, the baseball playoffs are coming up this week, maybe I will have some luck in that.
  10. I hear what your saying. Last year, my son & I watched the Mets blow the playoffs for the 2nd year in a row on the last day of the season. We each threw off our jerseys(he was 4 at the time). I had that heart to heart talk with him, saying he should really consider becoming a Yankees fan. I looked him in the eye & said " Im in this too deep to change teams now, but for you there is still time to get it right, if you want sports happiness over the years, go to the darkside & become a yankee fan". Too his credit he still routes for the Mets & the Bills. Poor kid, probably will never experience a championship in his lifetime.
  11. Guys, this is no time for panic. Once Jauron & the boys figure out how to beat this 3-4 defense we will be in good shape. Keep in mind this type of defense has only been around since football has been invented, Dickhead & the boys just need a little more game film on it to really disect it & come up with a winning game plan against it.
  12. Obviously, you miss alot of Losman's games like the time he threw for 88 yards against the falcons. This is besides the point. Losman sucks, that is a proven fact since he is out of the league. Edwards sucks too though, it has finally took me this long to realize it. I hate the revolving door at the qb position but I really think we need to go all in & take a qb with our top 5 pick next year. Who do you go with though? Bradford, Snead, Clausen, Locker, Mccoy, Tebow. If Im the circle jerks, I try to trade down from my top five pick & get to around 15(maybe very difficult that is why I would not ask for the moon on this, maybe and 2nd & 3rd rounder it will be worth it for Wilson with the money he saves) & I draft tebow. Yeah, yeah, I know slow release, not good enough arm yada yada yada. This guy is a winner could make every throw neccasary, plus with his attitude losing is not an option. He would change the whole atmosphere of the lockerroom. My second choice would be Jake Locker. 4 year senior, has lost alot which concerns me. Hopefully with a year under their belt, the line will be better next year.
  13. Since Winfield went to Minn, they have not won a playoff game. The $10mill per year Minn was giving him probably had nothing to do with his decision to go there.
  14. Well 1-4 again this week. Much like the bills I really suck, lost $240 in the college saturday. Won $110 back today. Got SD in the nightcap for a hundo, we will see how that works out. Oh yeah, one more thing, I think I am in love with Dick jauron.
  15. Could not of said it better myself. This is year 4, this is the team Jauron the (*^*&%^$^#picked. He has no more excuses. If they do not make the playoffs this year I just do not see how wilson brings him back.
  16. My wife does not like me betting & she constantly reminds me of how bad I am at it but she really can not say anything since we have been married, I have never asked her once for money to pay for my bets. I agree with the bills, they should not be giving anybody points on the road. If Penny was playing I maybe jump on the phins but I just do not know what Henne brings to the table. I always was unimpressed with him at Michigan. Maryland is bad this year(I mean they are the worst team among the BCS conferences) & so is Virginia although Virginia has been playing a little better as of late. I really do not know how Maryland got so bad but I have been capitalizing on it. They have not even come close to covering a spread yet.
  17. It is going to take me alot more losing & embarassment to kill this thread. I have actually held my own so far this year with the book. It is just that the five I usually give out here lose. Ah well, hopefully the gambling degenerates on this board(& you know who you are) have faith in me & we could all make some money this weekend. Went 1-1 yesterday. Got a miracle cover on the over for WV/Col & lost on Southern Miss.
  18. I maybe the only guy that reads this thread but I am still going to shoot out the winners.LOL Pick of the week - Bowling Green minus 3 over Ohio - Betting 101, Bowling creates mismatches all over the field on offense for this undermanned Ohio defense. BG 31 - Ohio 10 Central Michigan minus 8 over UB(sorry Promo) - The house that gill built is in full turmoil. CM is borderline top 25 team & Their QB right now is ranked 2 among senior qbs, one spot ahead of Tebow on the draft charts. CM 42-UB 27 Washington +12.5 over Notre Dame - This is going to be an up & down year for Udub bhut I see them bouncing back this week. Oh yeah, the #1 ranked qb among seniors is Jake Locker, washington's signal caller. Washington 27 - ND 24 Fl St -4 over Boston College - Getting away from Tallahassee will do the noles good. Simple case of FSU just has too much talent for BC who really do not have a qb. FSU 35- BC 20 Clemosn minus 13 over Maryland - I said last week I am going to keep going against Maryland until that fat f*ck Friedgen proves me wrong. Clemson 31- Maryland 3
  19. Never liked Dungy, to me he always came off as a phony. & like another poster said, he lost all credibility once he backed Vick. I often womdered if Dungy would of helped Vick out in this circumstance if Vick was white.
  20. I will say this. In 35 career starts that Losman has made he has thrown for under 200yrds in 26 of them. 8 of those 26 games he actually threw for under 100yrds. The thought that he is some kind of gunslinger is a myth. He is not a good deep ball qb, not mid range qb, not rinky dink qb. He is not a good qb at all. There is not one facet of his game that he was good at & that is why no team was even willing to give him a backup spot at qb. FLBillsfan, not that it was any secret what your agenda is, but you have shown your true colors with that last comment. I do not know what we have in Edwards(I think he is going to be a good one) but I am willing to give him the year to find out. Hopefully it works out.
  21. Funny, in WNY, the feeling about Miami is kinda of the same. They are really irrelevant.
  22. Funny you mention this. My friend is a high school coach so I took my son to one of his games last year. Their offense was running the single wing T, something like Notre Dame would run in the 1950s. They may have passed it 5 times the whole game & this is Varsity football!!! I told him that is the most boring offense I have ever seen & you guys should be ashamed for running it. Teach the kids something they could use in the next level, spread them out & let them have some fun. He told me the same exact thing your HS coach told you. "When you pass the ball, three things can happen & two of em are bad". Once I heard him say that I told him "man, with an attitude like that, I hope my son never plays football for a coach like you.
  23. You forgot to mention how he runs out a one legged Mgee last year to cover Ginn in the Miami game when he had a healthy mckelvin sitting on the bench. I do not care if mckelvin knew the defense or not, all you do is tell him his only responsibility in the game is too blanket Ginn. I think even Mckelvin's IQ is high enough to understand that.
  24. Pretty good analysis. I noticed this too at the game on sunday. He was only looking at one part of the field everytime he dropped back. I still think Edwards has the tools to be a very good qb, but hopefully he has a better game against the phins.
  25. One thing I noticed interesting about the schedule is that in the next 7 games we only play 1 team currently with a winning record. We play 5 out of the next 8 & 6 out of our next 10 games against teams that have not had a win & are 0-3. (Miami twice, Cleve, Carolina, Tenn, KC). Now obviously some of these teams are better then their record(Tenn, Carolina maybe, Miami maybe) but as you could see if the Bills are a playoff team, they should be able to make a nice little run here the way the schedule sets up. With these guys no win is a sure win though so I will be cautiosly optimistic as I have seen enough good things out of this team to think if they play well they could win some of these games.
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