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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You sound like a real prick, why don't you lighten up?
  2. You really do not understand business 101 do you? The 9 mill he has spent on Jauron is a sunk cost. Ralph is not getting that back no matter what. If he keeps jauron my guess is he is going to cost himself about 20,000 less tickets sold per game. At ave price of $60 per ticket that comes out to about 1.2 mill per game in loss revenues plus parking/concessions etc. Times that by 7 games & you got 8.4 mill in loss revenues in just ticket sales & then when you figure in other losses I would venture to say it would come out to closer to 1.5 mill per game. So as you could clearly see, Wilson would cost himself money by keeping Jauron unless he is planning on spending over $10 million per year on a head coach & his staff.
  3. Rumack: Randy, are you all right? Randy: Oh, Dr. Rumack, I'm scared. I've never been so scared. And besides, I'm 26 and I'm not married. Rumack: We're going to make it, you've got to believe that. [a woman passenger comes in] Mrs. Hammen: Dr. Rumack, do you have any idea when we'll be landing? Rumack: Pretty soon, how are you bearing up? Mrs. Hammen: Well, to be honest, I've never been so scared. But at least I have a husband. [Randy cries harder] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controller: I know but this guy has no flying experience at all. He's a menace to himself and everything else in the air... yes, birds too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elaine: Would you gentlemen care to order your dinners? First Jive Dude: Bet, babe. Slide a piece o' da' porter. Drinks, I run da' java. Second Jive Dude: Lookie here. I can dig grease 'n chompin' on some buns and draggin' through the garden. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [last lines] Man in Taxi: Well, I'll give him another twenty minutes; but that's it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radio DJ: This is WZAZ in Chicago, where disco lives forever... [the airplane zooms overhead the building, knocking the radio antenna down, and the signal goes dead] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs. Geline: I haven't felt this awful since we saw that Ronald Reagan film. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rex Kramer: [talking on the phone to the airport control tower] No, we can't do that, the risk of a flame-out is too great. Keep 'em at 24,000. No, feet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [with Randi's help, and as Dr. Rumack looks on, Ted is studying the controls of Flight #209 and attempting, against all hope, to understand how in heaven do these blasted things work] Elaine Dickinson: Ted! What are you doing here? *You* can't fly this plane! Ted Striker: That's what I'm trying to *tell* these people! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rex Kramer: Don't be a fool, Striker, you know what a landing like this means, you more than anybody. I'm ordering you to stay up there. Ted Striker: No dice, Chicago. I'm giving the orders and we're coming in. I guess the foot's on the other hand now, isn't it Kramer? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Johnny: Auntie Em, Uncle Henry, Toto! It's a twister! It's a twister! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [repeated lines] Steve McCroskey: Johnny, how 'bout some more coffee? Johnny: No, thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [reading newspaper headlines] Rex Kramer: Passengers certain to die! Steve McCroskey: Airline negligent. Johnny: There's a sale at Penney's! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newspaper Headline: Boy trapped in refrigerator eats own foot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Johnny: [to Mrs. Oveur] Where did you get that dress, it's awful, and those shoes and that coat, jeeeeez! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rex Kramer: No... that's just what they'll be expecting us to do! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female announcer: Captain Oveur, white courtesy phone. Captain Clarence Oveur, white courtesy phone. Female announcer: [Oveur picks up the red phone] No, the white phone. Female announcer: Captain Oveur, white courtesy phone. Captain Clarence Oveur, white courtesy phone. Captain Oveur: [to announcer] I GOT IT! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rex Kramer: All right, I'll need three men up at the tower. You, Neubauer. You, Macias. Johnny: Me, John, big tree! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ted Striker: [plane loses an engine] The oil pressure. I forgot to check the oil pressure! When Kramer hears about this, the ****'s going to hit the fan! [in the office **** flies into a fan and fall down] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male announcer: Air Israel, please clear the runway! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve McCroskey: [seeing airplane from tower] It's coming right at us! [he then jumps out of a window] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [looking at the controls of the airplane as he begins to try to fly it] Ted Striker: Let's see... altitude: 21,000 feet. Speed: 520 knots. Level flight. Course: zero-niner-zero. Trim and mixture: wash, soak, rinse, spin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack: What's going on? We have a right to know the truth! Rumack: [to the passengers] All right, I'm going to level with you all. But what's most important now is that you remain calm. There is no reason to panic. [Rumack's nose grows an inch long] Rumack: Now, it is true that one of the crew members is ill... slightly ill. [Rumack's nose continues to grow longer and longer; al la Pinocchio] Rumack: But the other two pilots... they're just fine. They're at the controls flying the plane... free to pursue a life of religious fulfillment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs. Hammen: Jim never has a second cup of coffee at home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mrs. Hammen: Jim never vomits at home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rex Kramer: [continuing to talk into the radio after Striker lands the plane] Ted, have you ever been face down in the mud, and been kicked in the head with an iron boot? Of course you haven't! No one has! It's a stupid question! Forget I even asked!
  4. Ted Striker: My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We're bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We're coming in from the north, below their radar. Elaine Dickinson: When will you be back? Ted Striker: I can't tell you that. It's classified. Rumack: You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital. Elaine Dickinson: A hospital? What is it? Rumack: It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now. Roger Murdock: Flight 2-0-9'er, you are cleared for take-off. Captain Oveur: Roger! Roger Murdock: Huh? Tower voice: L.A. departure frequency, 123 point 9'er. Captain Oveur: Roger! Roger Murdock: Huh? Victor Basta: Request vector, over. Captain Oveur: What? Tower voice: Flight 2-0-9'er cleared for vector 324. Roger Murdock: We have clearance, Clarence. Captain Oveur: Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor? Tower voice: Tower's radio clearance, over! Captain Oveur: That's Clarence Oveur. Over. Tower voice: Over. Captain Oveur: Roger. Roger Murdock: Huh? Tower voice: Roger, over! Roger Murdock: What? Captain Oveur: Huh? Victor Basta: Who? Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it? Ted Striker: Surely you can't be serious. Rumack: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley. Joey: Wait a minute. I know you. You're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. You play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers. Roger Murdock: I'm sorry son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I'm the co-pilot. Joey: You are Kareem. I've seen you play. My dad's got season tickets. Roger Murdock: I think you should go back to your seat now Joey. Right Clarence? Captain Oveur: Nahhhhhh, he's not bothering anyone, let him stay here. Roger Murdock: But just remember, my name is [showing his nametag] Roger Murdock: ROGER MURDOCK. I'm an airline pilot. Joey: I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense. [Kareem's getting mad] Joey: And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try... except during the playoffs. Roger Murdock: The hell I don't. LISTEN KID. I've been hearing that crap ever since I was at UCLA. I'm out there busting my buns every night. Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes.
  5. Just looking at his contract. Alot of money to be paid for the numbers he produces.
  6. This is Evans 6th year in the league, & to my knowledge he has never been to the pro bowl, why do you think he is a potential pro bowler?
  7. Stop, seriously just stop. The bills starting lbs for sunday are probably going to be Palmer, Ellison, Corto. I do not know how they could possible win with guys like that on the field.
  8. The guy has 2 td catches in his last 12 games. Think about that for a second. All of it can not be on the qb & the coaching. This guy is an average #2 receiver. If he had a resonable contract you could keep him. If they do bring in a new front office, my guess is their first order of business will be to ask #83 to take a major paycut & if he does not(more then likely) I would not be surprised if they cut him.
  9. You do not pay a guy 9 mill a year to run fly patterns all day. Get a fuggin clue.
  10. Yeah Lori, let's keep paying Lee Evans 9 mill per year & have him catch 2 balls for 11 yards. The guy is not a difference maker & either refuses to go over the middle or the coaches do not have conficence in his ability. IMO, Evans is part of the problem, not part of the solution. You do not pay a guy like that the money the bills are paying him. If Miami offers a 1st day pick, the bills should jump on it.
  11. Big deal, you work nights & weekends & you work your ass off. Who doesn't.
  12. I like the bills today. Unless they have totally packed in for jauron they should win this one big. May take them too.
  13. I was trying to make a joke. I guess I will try harder next time.
  14. Can a fan root against their team. I do not know. I will let you know about 12:45 sunday when I call the book & decide whether I will take Cleveland with the 6pts or not.
  15. Just be carefull, I would dump the grease out at the stadium I dont care if it is a biohazard or not. Last year for the Cleveland Monday night game we deep fried a turkey. Turned out great. I wanted to dump the grease out at the stadium but a couple of the girls that were in our tailgate talked me out of it saying there is no place to dump it. Well I get home at about 1:00 in the morning, loaded out of my mind & as I was unloading the truck I accidently spilled the fryer & grease all over my driveway. The wife was none too happy. With the help of some nice advice from cincy, I got the grease off, but it took several weekend of scrubbing it. The moral of the story, dump the grease out at the stadium let Wilson & the circle jerks worry about it.
  16. I do not know, Cardinals may have dug themselves to big of hole. I think they are the better team but the Dodgers just beat their 2 best pitchers. Holiday has got to make that catch, if I was larussa I would be steamed to lose a game that Wainwright pitches his ass off. Plus I had $50 on the cards last night, nice huh?
  17. Alright, we are going to try to get it right this week. Pick of the week - New Mexico ST +13 over Utah ST - 2 really bad teams, I will take the points. Wisconsin +16 over Ohio ST - Something tells me this fundamentally sound Wisky team keeps it close in the horseshoe Ohio ST 21 - Wisconsin 14 Ohio minus 4 over Akron - Have not had much luck in the MAC this year. Akron is a team in turmoil. Ohio 31 - Akron 10 Washington +3 over Arizona - The up & down season continues for Locker & the boys. Washington 28 - Arizona 17 Indiana + 7 over Virginia - I know Virginia won last week & they have been playing better, however they should not be giving anybody 7pts, let alon a 1/2 way decent team from Bloomington. Indiana 20 - Virginia 17
  18. I do not know where you are getting your figures from, I could only speak for myself but I pay $70 per ticket for my season tickets. Maybe if you sit in the rockpile the seats are $35. We are only $8 dollars below the league average for tickets.
  19. How do you think Mizzou will do tonight?
  20. What can we say, we are hearty bunch that likes to get liquored up on sunday mornings.
  21. You know sen, I think the most disappointing thing for me this season(well the second most disappointing thing for me after Jauron still being the coach) is the play of Edwards. I really can not believe I may have been so wrong about this guy. I know some of the posters here are from out of town, but I live about 15 minutes from the stadium & I go to every game. From what I see he has open guys & just does not have the stones to throw it to them. I do not get it. I hope he shows me something these next 12 games but I doubt it. I am sure of one thing though, Losman is not an NFL qb. I am starting to think Edwards is not either.
  22. Your right, there really is no point arguing. I do not know the facts, I am just looking at from a logical standpoint.
  23. Yankees over twins in 3 Angels over Red sox in 5 Col over Philly in 4 St Louis over Dodgers in 4 Angels over yankees in 6 Col over St Louis in 7 Angels over Col in 6 On a side noted, wanted to take the yankees today. As my 5 for thursday has indicated I have not been doing very well in the college football, however I have been red hot in the baseball. I do not bet alot of baseball but when I see a good opportunity I jump on it. Dating back to the 2nd week of september I have won my last 11 out of 12 bets. So anyways, wanted to take the skanks today, noway they lose with what Minn had to go thru yesterday. Their bullpen is shot & they are forced to throwout their 4th best starter against this lineup. Good luck. However I just got the line, minus 340!!!!! I have never seen that high of line in the regular season let alone the playoff. Cant lay that kind of juice. I do not care how good I feel about the yankees winning today.
  24. Okay lets see. If he was offered a backup job like some people seem to think he could either accept that & make $400,000 a year & in keeping in mind that very few qbs stay injury free for a whole course of the year so he would probably get in at some point during the season to showcase his craft, or he could go into this developemental league that is probably playing against talent that is probably not much better then your local highschool varsity football team & earn $30K. Keep in mind he could light this league up like never seen before, do you really think there is going to be a GM that gives Losman the keys to the franchise & gives him the starting qb gig? Losman will be lucky if he gets a backup job in the NFL next year no matter how he does in this league. One other thing. This is the first time I could ever remember that a 1st round qb, after it did not work out with their first team, did not get a 2nd chance with another team. That is all you need to know about what the league thinks of him.
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