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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. You could do all that stuff in Buffalo. In fact lake erie is probably one of the best bodies of water for water activities in the whole country. It might be a little cold, but so is the Pacific Ocean & plus you can not get attacked by a great white shark in Lake Erie.
  2. Ah yes, the old tired arguement there is nothing to do in Buffalo so that is why they are so passionate about the Bills. Been to Charlotte many times, have a friend that lives there, I think the city is boring & it sucks. Except for the year round golf you get to play down there I would much rather live in WNY.
  3. Absolutely, Edwards never even attempts those throws.
  4. Agreed, although Fitz threw some ball that were nowhere near his intended target, at least he shows the guts to throw the ball down the field every so often. He said something interesting in the news today. He said "when I see Evans 1 on 1 I am going to throw the ball to him" That speaks volumes to the confidence he has in Evans. I wish Edwards had that same confidence in his receivers to make a play. As long as the Bills keep winning I hope Jauron does the right thing & leaves Fitz as the starter. The schedule does not shape up too bad with Houston this week then Tenn/Jacksonville on the road, Miami at home, KC on the road & then the toronto date with the Jets. All those games imo are winnable. I know Jauron will f*ck it up somehow but right now there is some hope at one bills drive that they could still make something out of this season. We will see how they do sunday, this is a pretty decent Houston team coming in here.
  5. I am sorry Tennboy but these posts are stupid. I know the Broncos are 6-0 right but they have not been a good franchise this decade. They have won precisely 1 playoff game since Elway retired. & Baltimore is only 3-3 & their defense looks like it has finally hit the prverbial wall due to age.
  6. If I do say so myself, I have been red hot especially in the baseball playoffs the last few weeks. The college football I have been holding my own & have been doing very well in the NFL also. So I will try to get out 5 winners this week as the holdiay season is fast approaching & I know everybody could use the extra money this time of year. Pick of the week - Idaho +16 over nevada - this idaho team has made me alot of money this year & I do not think it will stop in Reno. Their coach has this team believing that they will receive a bowl bid this year & at 6-1 they are already bowl eligable. Still need to impress the bowl committees though. Close game, I think they pull it out in the end. Idaho 27 Nevada 24 Washington +10 over Oregon - Never easy to play in Husky stadium, getting the 10 I see great value in this line. Oregon 20 Washington 17 Toledo -2 over Temple - I think Toledo has too much fire power for Temple to keep up Toledo 35 Temple 24 Kansas St -4.5 over Colorado - Kansas with Nebraska losing last week, controls their own destiny for the right to get their asses kicked against Texas in the big 12 championship Kansas 35 Colorado 17 Boise St -25 over Hawaii - There was a time when no matter what program you were, going to the big island in all likelyhood meant coming home with a loss. Times have changed, this Hawaii team is bad. Boise needs to win & win big to stay ahead of TCU for a BCS invitation. Should be a good weekend of college football, looking forward to it. Hope everyone hits the book hard this week.
  7. so what, he is right. Jauron would not know a good offensive system if it came up & bit him on his ass.
  8. I do not like Aroid, I think he is a phony, a liar & fraud & he disgraced the game. I respect a guy like Jeter a hell of alot more then that phony. He may never put up the numbers like Aroid has, but the guy played the game the right way & always does the right thing on & off the field.
  9. Sorry, but your wrong. The Yankees are an organization that judges success of what you do in October & Arod has not produced. This year is different, but if by chance he sh*ts the bed in the WS & the Yankees lose, his critics are going to be louder then ever. Aroid was brought in to bring home numerous championships & the fact that they have not won one yet since he has been there with the money they are paying him, the move to date has to be viewed as a failure. Granted, the whole book has not been written on this story yet.
  10. Bringing Aroid to the yankees has been a collassal failure up to this point. Now, do not get me wrong, he is dialed in right now but his tenure with the Yankees so far I would judge only slightly more successfull then Giambroid's tenure with theYankees.
  11. As the Yankees have proven spending a ton of money does not guaranty championships however given the business structure of baseball, they have a severe competitive advantage over every team in the league. Which is all I am trying to say.
  12. I do not blame the Yankees, they are playing within the rules that have been laid out. I am a Mets fan, so naturally I can not stand the Yankees. The thing I do hate is fans like you that brush aside the fact that the Yankees have double/triple/quadruple the revenues of most teams which allow them to spend the money they do. It is tough for a team like the Pirates to spend money they simply do not have unless you like to see them go bankrupt.
  13. Show me where I said he is not productive. I said those receivers that came into the league with him are all out of the league & most of them have not been productive for quite sometime.
  14. Sorry Dave, but you really have no idea what you are talking about. As in football, baseball teams get a good portion of their money thru tv contracts. Unlike football, each team has a separate contract. The Yankees for instance get I believe $100 million & some change thru YES network per year. There is no team in the league that can remotely compete with that. No doubt Toronto is a big time city, but the interest is just not there, henve the TV revenue is not there either. You mention the list of teams that won & the only team I would categorize as a true low budget small market team that won the world series was the Marlins. The first time they won it(against Cleveland) they actually had a roster of pretty high priced talent(Sheffield, Lieter, Kevin Brown). & what happened the year after that. They were forced to sell off their core players piece by piece because they could not afford to keep them together. The 2nd time the Marlins won it was just a perfect storm. All the young kids got good at once & they outstanding pitching(Becket, Willis to name a few). That was the only true low budget team that has won the world series this decade. The whitesox & the Tigers, small market teams????? Detroit maybe considered a small market team, but their owner does not treat it like one. They had a big article in SI last month about how his philosophy is you have to spend money & the people will come out. The Tigers have a payroll north of a $100 million, which can not be considered small market. In baseball small markets can succed if they are near perfect. They just do not have the luxury of making many mistakes. They also have to hope their young players develop faster & they get a few good years out of them before they hit free agency. The Twins are an example of how a small market could be successfull & until recently the Oakland A's were a model of consistent winning baseball. In the end though, these teams really have to operate with a low margin for error in order to win. You better have a good front office & the twins & the A's have 2 of the best imo. In the end though it is really the Yankees & then everybody else. Boston & the Mets spending capabilities are in the neighborhood of the Yankees, but if the Yankees want something they are going to get it. When the Yankees have a $190 mill payroll & the next closest team has $145 mill dollar payroll & the ave payrool is something like $77 mill, something is not right. & please save me the bull **** about the Yankees are willing to reinvest in their team & other teams are not. It is not hard to throw that kidn of money into your team when your revenues are 7-8xs more then some of the other teams.
  15. I never said he has not been productive. But guys his age are usually out of the league & if they are not they hit the wall pretty fast. Maybe he is hitting the wall this year. It would also help if we actually had a qb that could get the ball to him on a regular basis.
  16. I love that book, I love how they describe Vince Coleman saying, "he is so miserable, he is as miserable as a guy could possibly be making 6 million dollars a year."
  17. One thing you got to remember about TO. He came in the league the same year as Marvin Harrison, Eddie Kenninson, Keeshawn Johnson & our very own Eric Moulds. What do all these guys have in common? They are all out of the league & for the most part have not been very productive for the last 5yrs outside of maybe Harrison. TO is old & it is my guess he probably hit the wall last year & the Cowboys knew it. The bestthing TO could do for the BIlls is be a 6 mill dollar decoy with an occasional big catch. Guys can not play forever.
  18. In some cases yes. Does anybody really give 2 sh*ts if the Browns were received by the NFL in 1946 or accepted by the NFL in 1950. It does not matter man alright.
  19. I am not a know it all though & I do not constantly correct people for silly technicalities on a message board. So I really do not understand how I get on your nerves.
  20. Do you always have to correct everybody?????? I am sure I will get blasted for this but sometimes your know it all attitude gets on my nerves.
  21. Just got home from watching the yanks/angels game. I will shoot these out & see how we do. Oklahoma +4 over Txas - something does not seem right about this game. I think Bradford is going to have a big day. Bowling Green -3 over Ball ST - Ball St just maybe the worst team in division 1. Oh wait, I forgot about Western Kentucky. UB minus 9 over Akron - Akron is a team in dissarray. Like UB big here. Army +10 over temple - Temple should not be giving anybody 10pts Utah -14 over UNLV - UNLV has given up 122 pts the last 2 weeks. Been on a pretty good role, won $120 over the weekend & I am 6-0 so far this week(Miami over the Jets, Louis Monroe over Ark ST, Tulsa over Boise, Philly in game 1, cincy over usf, dodgers in game 2) had $50 on each game so this could be the start of getting the money train rolling. Heres hoppin that everybody hits the book hard this weekend. I am going to bed & passing out, wife is not talking to me so looks like I am sleeping on the couch tonight. Night everyone.
  22. If you think about it, that is how it used to be when the bills made their superbowl run. There would be 4-5 teams that were a couple notches ahead of everybody, 10 or so teams that were decent & then rest were pretty bad teams. Alot of bills fans did not notice it or care because the Bills were always one of the 4-5 elite teams in the league.
  23. Could not agree more with alot of your responses. I have stated several times I really like the college game alot better. As far as the gambling, I totally agree. The NFL is the monster it is because it is the most accessible sport to gamble. You got fantasy football, football squares, casual fans betting on games. I like to gamble. With thta being said anybody that tells you the beat the book consistently is full of sh*t. They are going to get you eventually. Since I have been married(8yrs ago) I ump alot of softball in the summer & use that for my gambling fund. I usually make about $2,500 each summer doing that. For 8yrs I have been doing this only twice at the end of the gambling season(usually the end of the NCAA tournament for me - I love betting college basketball) have I come away with more then the $2,500 or so I started with. I could not watch the NFL(except for the bills & few high marquee games)without putting money on the games, so I totally understand where you are coming from there. As far as the seat licenses I totally agree. Got alot of clients in NYC & they have the same stories. The one guy I know his dad has been a season ticket holder for the jets all the way back when Namath was qb & they played at Shea Stadium. He has been going with him for 40yrs now. They got the same letter $48K I think he said for personal seat licenses. He says him or his dad can not afford that. If they want to get tickets they are going to have to be relocated to the nose bleeds. That is just a shame. The NFL is pricing the average fan right out of the stadium & your seeing less & less college type atmospheres at these games as a result. If the bills ever got good, they would be one of the few teams that would still have that college football atmosphere because the average middle class working man could still afford seats at teh Ralph lower bowl between the 20s. If the bills ever move I am done with the NFL. Will not bet it, will not get NFL ticket, will not spend one more dime that has anything to do with the sport. It is not that great of entertainment now as it is.
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