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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. One more thing, for those who are saying he is not a good qb, I just do not think that is true. I have not watched a ton of Atlanta games when he was the qb but looking at his stats, no doubt his passing numbers our pedestrian, but I think what makes up for that is his rushing numbers. I just remember when he played against the bills in 2005 I believe, just seeing him run away from one after another defender like they were standing still, I was simply amazed. Here are his career stats. I dont think once figuring in the rushing tds are too shabby. Plus he has a .570 winning % as a starter. 2009 Philadelphia Eagles 6 6 2 33.3 1.0 6 1.0 1.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 5 0 0 0 0 42.4 2006 Atlanta Falcons 16 388 204 52.6 24.2 2,474 6.4 154.6 20 5.2 13 3.4 55 30 8 45 303 75.7 2005 Atlanta Falcons 15 387 214 55.3 25.8 2,412 6.2 160.8 15 3.9 13 3.4 58 27 3 33 201 73.1 2004 Atlanta Falcons 15 321 181 56.4 21.4 2,313 7.2 154.2 14 4.4 12 3.7 62 35 8 46 266 78.1 2003 Atlanta Falcons 5 100 50 50.0 20.0 585 5.9 117.0 4 4.0 3 3.0 49 7 2 9 64 69.0 2002 Atlanta Falcons 15 421 231 54.9 28.1 2,936 7.0 195.7 16 3.8 8 1.9 74T 44 8 33 206 81.6 2001 Atlanta Falcons 8 113 50 44.2 14.1 785 6.9 98.1 2 1.8 3 2.7 52 11 4 21 113 62.7 TOTAL 80 1,736 932 53.7 21.7 11,511 6.6 143.9 71 4.1 52 3.0 74 154 33 187 1,153 75.6 Rushing Year Team G Att Att/G Yds Avg Yds/G TD Lng 1st 1st% 20+ 40+ FUM 2009 Philadelphia Eagles 6 12 2.0 27 2.3 4.5 0 11 3 25.0 0 0 0 2006 Atlanta Falcons 16 123 7.7 1,039 8.4 64.9 2 51 55 44.7 11 1 4 2005 Atlanta Falcons 15 102 6.8 597 5.9 39.8 6 32 41 40.2 5 0 5 2004 Atlanta Falcons 15 120 8.0 902 7.5 60.1 3 58 49 40.8 10 3 3 2003 Atlanta Falcons 5 40 8.0 255 6.4 51.0 1 43 14 35.0 2 1 1 2002 Atlanta Falcons 15 113 7.5 777 6.9 51.8 8 46T 44 38.9 10 3 5 2001 Atlanta Falcons 8 31 3.9 289 9.3 36.1 1 35 15 48.4 6 0 1 TOTAL 80 541 6.8 3,886 7.2 48.6 21 58 221 40.9 44 8 19 Receiving Year Team G Rec Yds Avg Yds/G Lng TD 20+ 40+ 1st FUM 2009 Philadelphia Eagles 6 -- -- -- 0.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2006 Atlanta Falcons 16 1 1 1.0 0.1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2005 Atlanta Falcons 15 1 -14 -14.0 -0.9 -14 0 0 0 0 0 2004 Atlanta Falcons 15 -- -- -- 0.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2003 Atlanta Falcons 5 -- -- -- 0.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2002 Atlanta Falcons 15 0 16 -- 1.1 16 0 0 0 1 0 2001 Atlanta Falcons 8 -- -- -- 0.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- TOTAL 80 2 3 1.5 0.0 16 0 0 0 1 0 Defensive Tackles Interceptions Year Team G Comb Total Ast Sck SFTY PDef Int TDs Yds Avg Lng 2009 Philadelphia Eagles 6 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.0 -- 2006 Atlanta Falcons 16 0 -- -- -- 0 -- -- -- -- 0.0 -- 2005 Atlanta Falcons 15 3 3 0 0.0 0 0 -- -- -- 0.0 -- 2004 Atlanta Falcons 15 1 1 0 0.0 0 0 -- -- -- 0.0 -- 2003 Atlanta Falcons 5 0 -- -- -- 0 -- -- -- -- 0.0 -- 2002 Atlanta Falcons 15 0 -- -- -- 0 -- -- -- -- 0.0 -- 2001 Atlanta Falcons 8 0 -- -- -- 0 -- -- -- -- 0.0 -- TOTAL 80 4 4 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 0 Fumbles Year Team G FUM Lost FF Rec Rec Yds Yds TD OOB Sfty TB 2009 Philadelphia Eagles 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2006 Atlanta Falcons 16 9 3 -- 2 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 2005 Atlanta Falcons 15 11 5 0 -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 0 2004 Atlanta Falcons 15 16 7 0 4 -- 0 -- -- 0 0 0 2003 Atlanta Falcons 5 4 1 -- 1 -- 0 -- -- 0 0 0 2002 Atlanta Falcons 15 9 6 -- 1 -- 0 -- -- 0 0 0 2001 Atlanta Falcons 8 6 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 0 TOTAL 80 55 27 0 8 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 Rookies Transactions Injury Report
  2. It is thinking like that, that has kept the bills out of the playoffs for the last 10yrs. I am going to make this simple for you. Look around the league & look at the good teams. Indy, NE, Cincy, Pitt, SD, Denv,Minn, NO,Philly, Dallas, Arizona, Atl etc.. all have good play from the QB position. You think that is a coincidence. Find a franchise qb & this team will make the playoffs even with all of their shortfalls. You put Brees on this team & they are no worse then 6-2 right now, probably 7-1 with the only loss being Miami. That is how important the qb position. This board has the opinion that the qb play is just one small function of the whole machine, it is just pure BS. I guess watching 10yrs of miserable qb play will do that to a fan base. Now the question is; is Mike Vick the answer. I do not necassarily think he is the answer but I will say this he is better then anybody we got on the roster & it is not even close. He will be available next year, noway with the recent play of Kolb is Philly going to pay him 5.2 mill to play a handfull of plays each game. I would bring him in, it could not hurt. I am an animal lover(own 2 dogs) but the man has paid his time. Everybody deserves a 2nd chance.
  3. He thinks he is better then everybody. I think he played high school football one year. That makes him an expert.
  4. Have you ever hear him do the NCAA Tourney. The guy is awesome with the emotion he brings. WGR makes fun of him alot but I like him. The one time Xavier was playing OSU & Xavier was big underdogs, I think it was the 2nd round. Xavier had a big lead & OSU kept chipping away, I remember the PG for OSU took a three to tie the game with about 2 min utes left all he said was when the shot was "lets it fly & he rips it!!!" I thought that was a great call. With the wine & cheese crowds that usually attend sporting, we could use more guys like gus johnson to bring some emotion back to the game.
  5. I think I had them going 11-5, so assuming that they run the table, my predicition is looking really solid right now
  6. I do hear what you are saying & you make a valid point, however there was some circumstances in that game. First, players from Alabama had their heart set on playing for the NC. When that was gone, I do not think they had much enthusiam playing against Utah. Just watching the lack of effort on Alabama's part you could tell the players were treating that bg like the Humantarrian bowl instead of the Sugar Bowl. Also, they just suspended A Smith who was the anchor of that line. Lastly, Utah was dam good last year, definately a top 5 team & would of beat most teams in the country which I guess stregthens your point about giving the lesser known teams a chance. In the end though, I really think part of the blame has to lie on the Ads & coaches of teams like Boise St for not scheduling better OOC games. I mean, besides oregon, the OOC this year was UC Davis, Miami(ohio), Bowling Green & Tulsa. I know it is tough & you would in all likelyhood give away home games some years but there has to be some BCS school that would be willing to give you a 2 for 1 deal. I mean in the end, if Boise St could something like BYU did & schedule to BCS games(Oklahoma/Fl St) & won them they would probably be in the national title talk right. Cincy is a little different, they are in a BCS & did schedule Oregon St & Illinois, both on the road I believe. It is not their fault that Illinois sucks this year. Cincy is for real though & they would give Florida/Alabama/Texas all they could handle in a bowl game. So would TCU, Boise St I am not so sure about.
  7. I had $50 on Bowling Green +3. After the 3rd quarter was over I thought, well this bet is done, not even Jauron himself could screw this game up. Thankfully for me , Turner Gill's clock management & skill at coaching to finish out a game is just a notch above Dickie Von No Balls.
  8. Totally agree, once again hindsight is 20/20 but I hated the jauron hire when it happened & 4 years later I hate it even more. This guy has sucked everywhere he has gone. So what he is respected & gentleman, big deal. He had one fluke year in Chicago where Mike Brown had like 4 ints for tds to win games & that was it. Every other year he has sucked. His style of play no matter what the talent level is will get you 5-7 wins every year but the way he coaches you will never beat the good teams on a consistent basis.
  9. I hear what your saying & it is concerning. Flynn did make this team run but he was definately NBA ready. As far as Harris & Devo, not sure if this is true or not but I heard from a couple people that Boeheim actually asked them to leave. Like I said I can not confirm this, & I really do not see the point in Jimmy B doing this so I question if it is true. In the same sense though, it did not make any sense for either of them to leave early either since neither one was going to get drafted so maybe it is true. I think if the young guys could come together they may be tough to beat once league play starts. We will see, Big East should tough once again. Uconn, Louisville, WV, G Town, Villanova all look very good once again. I think Pitt will be down a little bit this year.
  10. I highly doubt that. Do not read too much into this. It was just an exhibition. My guess is in March, when SU is playing at the Garden for the Big East Championship the Bonnies will find themselve in their usual positon of not being invited to the A-10 Tournament because they finished in their customary last place.
  11. You know it is funny, I was listening to this draft on the radio & when the Bills traded up the WGR guys thought the same as I did. Cool we just traded up to get Mangold. I thought to myself what an excellent move. Nope, we get a guy that I never heard of in Mcgargo. I know hindsite is 20/20 but draft day that year I was screaming for them to take Ngata & then thought they should of took Mangold with the trade up. I am no expert on football, but if I know this, shouldn't the inner circle jerks know this too???? How different would that draft look if we took Ngata/Mangold. The draft this decade, going all the way back to Donahoe, it always seemed like the bills were trying to outsmart everyone. Most experts said the pick should of Mckinnie, what do we do we draft Williams, even though he played LT @ Texas. We had to fool everybody & take Mcdipsh*t, even though we had Henry. The Whitner pick came out of nowhere, I never seen his name on any of the mock drafts. Mcgargo, I do not even want to go there. My friend went to NC St & as soon as we picked him, called me & said he was going to be a bust.
  12. Tend to agree, took the little guy to the game yesterday. It looks like Gill is going to have alot to work with next year. Maynard looks like a keeper & RB had a great day. They will be back in the MAC hunt next year. The one thing that could derail this program is if Gill leaves. He really is a good coach/recruiter.
  13. Hey, I will not argue with that, this post still made my morning. I am still laughing over it.
  14. This post pretty much summarizes why you are one of my favorite posters on this board. Pure genius, laughed the whole time I read it.
  15. I dont know. Yesterday we get to the stadium at 8:10 & there was no traffic & at least lot 5 very little activity. I know the lot opens at 8am but usually it would be more packed. We set everything & although it was chilly this was an absolutely beautifull day for a tailgate/football game. We started cracking the beers as soon as we get out of the truck(actually I had one on the ride there, I live about 10 minutes from the stadium). My friend commented that this was one of the first times he could remember this late in the year where there was absolutely no wind in the parking lot. We drink plenty, we have good solid conversation about our kids, work, our hockey league that we play in. The beers are going down good & we light up the grill around 10:30. We throw on some filet mignon with bacon wrapped around them & some baby back ribs, with some scallopped potatoes that I wrapped in tin foil & put on the grill. Couple of my cousins come over, my brother in law stops by, some guys at work stop by & have a bite to eat. The ribs were terrific only to be out done by the filet. The potatoes were a big hit also. The beers continue to go done & we actually begrudingely because it was such a beautifull day head towards the stadium around 12:55. We get in for a change pretty quick. The day went downhill from there, but I was kinda expecting something like this. This is just a bad football team & I am kinda numb to it by now. Even with the loss, it was still a great way to spend a sunday morning. On cool crisp sunny fall day on the 1st of november, seeing, drinking, eating & having conversations with good friends & family that I do not get to see nearly as much as I would like to anymore, it does not get a whole lot better then this. So my answer is yes, I will be renewing next year.
  16. interesting topic. how come I think my farts smell good & everybody else's stink?
  17. Not that I think this team is good enough to make a serious run at the wildcard, if they have any aspirations of doing so this game is a must win. Houston will be one of the teams fighting for that last wildcard & it is important to have the tiebreaker over them
  18. I agree, I realize this organization is probably a little gunshy with the qb position but still if Pike or Locker is on the board when we chose they better dam well pull the trigger. I like those two guys the best.
  19. That is not true. I have Direct TV & get the Sabres Home Games in high def. The road games for some reason are not in high def.
  20. I hear what you are saying about tradition/location & such where USC has the advantage but before Carroll took over this program was a mess. I remember going to a game at South Bend, might of been 95/96 where ND beat them like 50-10. I remember thinking, man the Southern Cal cheerleaders are so much better looking then the ND cheerleaders, where do they find these girls, I mean everyone was drop dead gorgeus. There football team stunk though. You always equate USC to doing good because of the tradition & how that program has been humming now, but that is probably 80% Carroll. Before he got there, for years USC's program actually mirrored what their cross town rival is today - UCLA, a PAC 10 program that has great history, great weather, beautiful girls that will be lucky to get invited to the Las Vegas Bowl most years.
  21. My point is do not say the jets are a bad team & houston is some kind of juggernaut when the Jets have the same record & they beat them in houston. Can not have it both ways, either they are both good teams or they are both lousy teams. I think we have a chance this sunday.
  22. It is funny you say the jets are bad & then say houston is good. Jets beat houston pretty good opening weak. I
  23. you could go golfing(I went golfing sunday morning before the game), you could for a hike, you go to the casino, you could go to the art galleries, you could go site seeing at the falls. Besides going to the beach this time of year, what can you do in San Diego that you can not do here? I am not trying to be a wiseguy I am really interested.
  24. When I went down to visit my friend he took me to NASCAR. It was right over the tenn border, I think it was Bristal. Small track. The tailgate was certainly impressive but it was the most boring sporting event I have ever attended. & that is saying something since I was at the Browns/Bills game just a few weeks ago.
  25. Boo hoo cry me a river, I have been a Mets fan since 1983, they have won one championship in my 27 years of being a fan. Routing for the Yankees is the surest thing in any sport, even if they have not won a ws for 8 years. You know they are going to be competitive every year.
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