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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Sorry, not buying this arguement. These kids go to school for free because they are elite athletes at a kids sport. The average college student will come out of college with a degree that does not guaranty them a well paying job anymore & $100,000 in student loans. To bad if they have to play a few more games or their season will end in a loss. If basketball could do it & DIV 11 football can do it so can they. I do not think it is too much to ask.
  2. Fear not, my guess is when the new regime takes over after the season they are going to convert Maybin to LB. He is too small to play end. I think he has a chance to be a pretty good lb though. Only 7 more games of putting up with Dickie Von No Balls & his merry band of morons. The season could not end fast enough.
  3. Do not know what you guys are talking about. Here in good old WNY we have not seen a cloud all week. Got out golfing twice this week & I am going tomorrow & sunday. Hope this weather keeps up.
  4. Besides shoppe being one of the biggest aholes there are, that is my biggest complaint. I still remember 2yrs ago when HSBC was hosting the 1st 2 rnds of the NCAA tourney & they hardly even bothered mentioning it & when they did they made fun of the tournament. Bulldog openly bragged that he has not watched a college basketball game all year & Schoppe was trying to be funny making fun of Drake being in the tournament. If that moron would of watched one saturday of college basketball that year, he would of realized that Drake was one of the best stories of the year & were a dam good team. F*ck those 2 losers. I do not listen to them anymore & the only time I will tune that station in when Schop/bull dog are on is when they have sully on because I like to hear what he has to say.
  5. My light beams were not alligned last year. I was still able to open the garage by holding down the garage door opener button(instead of just hitting it once). So that is not your problem.
  6. No they did not cover. Won $100 on Ohio. Kinda of tough though, the little guy was rooting for UB & I had to pretend like I was rooting for UB but deep down money talks. I thought Ohio was going to run them right out of the stadium but UB held tough. Maynard looked really shaky in the beginning but settled down. I think he is going to be pretty good & dare I say have a better career then Willy when it is all said & done. As far as the atmosphere, I just do not get it. UB has what 20-25,000 undergrads. You are telling me they can not get a bigger student section then that? I mean if I was in college, that would be a great way to spend a tuesday night, tailgate in the parking lot after classes, booze it up & go to the game. I guess it must be a MAC thing too because I saw plenty of empty seats @ CM last night also. The little guy loves the games though, this was only the 2nd game we went to this year, but he really enjoys them.
  7. The only problem with that is your not going to get the prices you do from putting them up on auction on Ebay/Stubhub/Bills ticket exchange.
  8. I dont understand this line at all. Why is UB giving up 2.5 pts????? Why ask???? Does Vegas know something I do not? I am thinking about going pretty heavy on Ohio tonight. Taking the little guy to the game. Looking forward to it & the weather looks to be good also.
  9. That is easy for you to say, try sitting through 10yrs of rotten football where the last 2 or 3 homes games are usually glorified preseason games. I never sold my seasons tickets but the bills let season ticket holders buy extra tickets before they go public. I did not do it this year because quite frankly I thought the team was going to be pretty bad & there was really no marquee matchup to make alot of money but in years past I have done it & have pretty made enough money to cover the cost of my season tickets. Last year I bought 6 tickets to the Monday Night Cleveland game & the Jets Game. I paid I think $50 per seat & sold each of them for a $100 per ticket. So I made $600 which covered the cost of one of my season tickets(I have 2). The year before was the best though. Monday night Dallas game, bought 12 tickets for $50 each & sold them for $180 a piece. That year after the cost of my season tickets I actually made around $300. I was hoping the NE game for the opener was going to be played here for that reason. I think you would of seen those kind of prices again with it being on Monday night.
  10. I agree, I turned on Riter the other day & had to turn it off in about 3 minutes. This guy thinks he some kind of commedian. I do not know who is worst. The 2 dipshits on 55 or Riter. Riter, if you still read this board here is my advice to you; You should probably get out of the talk show business because you suck at it.
  11. Funny thing is, my developement is 15yrs old(I bought my house 4yrs ago) & just about every house in the developement got their roof done over the last 2yrs. My friend was saying that one of the first thing house builders do to save cost is put on cheap shingles. He said it would only probably cost $500-$1000 extra to put on the 30yr shingles but noone ever thinks about that when they are building a house. I would think a roof should last more then 15yrs but I guess in our harsh winters, 15yr shingles only probably last 11-12 years in some cases.
  12. People feel the need to fix it because it is not fair. Utah, last year should of been allowed to play for the National Championship. Taking Alabama to the woodshed in what was basically an away game only reinforced that point. To date, since the BCS Bowl coalition started there has been 4 non bcs teams to make BCS bowls & they are 3-1. TCU or Boise ST this year if they run the table should be allowed to be part of the mix for the NC. It is going to take a big upset for them to get invited to the NC. Call me crazy, but I really think TCU could play with any team in the country. Boise St I am not so sure about.
  13. Your going to get mad at SU for dropping home/home series with state???? Really. Old f*ck Paterno is famous for dropping home/home as soon as his beloved nittany lions do not have the upper hand anymore. Ask Alabama, West Virginia & especially Pitt fans how they feel about Paterno dropping them like a bad habit the minute their teams proved themselves to be worth challengers to PSU on a consistent basis. The four eyed f*ck would rather schedule powerhouses such as Akron, Temple the Little Sisters of the poor to keep his bowl streak intact. I have a friend at work that went to Pitt & he tells me that after all those years of home/home with Pitt that Paterno gave an ultimatium if they were to continue the series it was going to have to be a 2:1 home away for them to consider. That is total BS. I can not stand Paterno, & my friend says to this day he is one of the most hated men in pittsburgh. Don't ever bring Jimmie B's good name & drag it down into a discussion that involves Joe Paterno. Joe Paterno is the devil with coke bottle glasses imo. I am glad you guys got your lunch handed to you by Ohio State last weekend.
  14. Bottomline, like it or not, is that Brady & Manning when their careers are all done are both are going to be sure fire first ballot hall of famers & probably are going to be both remembered as two of the best qbs to ever play the game. Anybody that says anything else clearly has a hidden agenda. Myself, I am going to be really interested to see when these guys retire how their fan base is going to react to inferior qb play. As the bills & dolphins are living proof it is very difficult to replace a franchise qb, these fans have been spoiled. Both fan bases I consider fairweather fans & it is going to see if they are going to be able to continue to sellout when the team's play is mediocre once these qbs retire. It is just going to be interesting to see. I hope their fans do not ever take these 2 guys for granted, because they are 2 of the best of alltime.
  15. I already said ND qualifies if they are in the top 25 or top 20 of the bcs standings.
  16. Really? Ohio is 4-1 in conference with winnable games against UB(tonight) & N Illinois next week. Temple also has 2 winnable games against Akron & Kent. Then the day after Thanksgiving, Ohio plays Temple at home for the right to play Central Michigan. Granted they maybe beat by Central Michigan, but didn't everybody think UB was going to get beat by Ball St last year. I think they were a 13pts underdog.
  17. I have a friend that went to Penn St, follows them religiously & the day before the draft I met him at a bar & I will never forget what he told me. He said "I do not care what they do, all I know is I hope to god that they do not waste their first round pick on maybin."
  18. I dont know what a ridge vent has to do with curling shingles either but that is what my friend told me. I am not a roofing expert, hence that is why I got my friend to do my roof.
  19. Good advice, my house is only 13yrs old however the shingles started really curling & I had to get a new roof. My friend did it but said 2 problems, first the company that built the house used cheap shingles & 2nd they never put any ridge vents in. He said that is why the shingles were curling so much. Put the ridge vents in. You will not be sorry.
  20. I watch it once in awhile but not all the time. What happened that he had to coach East Dillon? I watched it last week & had a tough time following it because I did not know why he was coaching a different HS.
  21. Bingo, I have been saying this for years that guys like manning & Brady make their lines look good, not the other way around. Brady & Manning pick their spots when to hold onto the ball but in most cases the ball is out of their hands before the rush can get to them.
  22. & yet they are 3-5 just like the Bills. I love these kind of posts that says a team is doing everything right & they are rebounding & going in the right direction but at the end of the day their record is just as bad as the bills & they are going to miss the playoffs again. My point is the 49ers suck & so does Singletary, one of the 5 worst coaches in the league. The worst coach I would probably have to say is either Del Rio or jauron.
  23. One more thing, if this ever did happen, the first round playoffs on the 2nd saturday of December would be my new favorite sports day of the year. Here are my favorite sports days of the year in order as we speak: 1.) 1st friday of the opening round of the NCAA Tournament. I have a big party at my house, get a keg, boys start showing up around 10:30am. We pretty much drink/eat/grill out all day. I get the March madness ticket so we get to watch every game. 2.) Opening saturday(labor day weekend of college football). Once again big time party at my house. Pretty much ditto to the NCAA Tourney party, weather is much warmer & we are all starved for some football at that point. 3.) New years Day Bowls - This time the party is over my friends house. 4.) Bills home opener 5.) Championship week for the NCAA Basketball. Something about watching championship week unfold. Great entertainment, especially in the smaller conferences where if a team does not win, it goes home. I love March Madness.
  24. I have said it before but I will say it again. Simple. You have 11 Div 1a conferences. Each champion from the division makes the playoff. You keep the current BCS rankings to seed each team. You obviously due to popularity/tv contracts need to throw Notre Dame a bone so I fthey are in the top 25 of the bcs rankings at teh end of the year they are in the playoff also. You then include 4 wildcard teams so you have a total of 16 teams. These 4 teams will be the top 4 rated bcs teams that are left after you got a champion from each conference. You seed the teams 1-16 based on BCS rankings with 2 caveets. If the champion of the conference is not in the BCS rankings(say the winner from the sun belt) you then take those teams & rank them based on their conference ranking. So example, Troy wins the sun belt, UB wins the Mac, the sun belt is ranked higher then the mac so Troy would have a higher seed then UB. Here is the one interesting twist I would make. 1st round would be 16 teams/8 games played on the higher seed on campus site the 2nd week of December. However, even though some wild card teams will be seeded higher then some conference champs, the conference champ automatically hosts the 1st round game. 2nd round would be Jan 1st, 8 teams left play in the 4 BCS Bowl games. 3rd round would be played on a rotating basis between the the 5th Bowl game that I would add(likely the Cotton Bowl & dallas billion dollar new home) in a double header the following week. & the championship would be played the week later once rotating sites between the five bcs bowls. You could say this way would make the 2nd tier bowls meaningless but lets face it, they are pretty meaningless already. By doing this you keep the tradition of the bowls alive, no non bcs conference team could argue they did not have a chance & no team could really have legit arguement about being left out of the wild card drawing since the BCS committee could simple say, you should of won your conference. BY my way thisa is how it would look this year. 1.) Florida, 2.) Texas, 3.) Alabama(wild card), 4.)TCU, 5.) Cinci, 6.)Boise St, 7.)Georgia Tech, 8.)LSU(wild card),9.)USC(wild card), 10.)Iowa, 11.) Ohio St(wild card), 12.)pittsburgh(wildcard) 13.)Oregon, 14.)Houston(conf usa), 15.)Troy(sunbelt), 16.)Ohio(MAC) this is how the 1st round would look. Ohio @ Florida Troy @ Texas Alabama @ Houston Oregon @ TCU Pitts @ Cincy Ohio St @ Boise ST Iowa @ Georgia Tech USC @ LSU After the first round you could either reseed or use a bracket system like the NCAA does. I would probably suggest a bracket that way fans of teams will know exactly if their team wins their 1st round game what bcs bowl game their team will be going to Jan 1st. That way there is more time to make travell arrangements & such even if it is by just a week or two. Look at these matchups, give me one college fan that would not be in their glory watching this unfold on a saturday afternoon. Ohio St going to Boise, Oregon going to TCU, USC going to travel to death valley to play LSU in a saturday night game. A higher seeded Alabama, possibly getting knocked off by a Houston that gets homefield because Alabama was a wild card. This would be amazing & it would be a tv revenue winfall for college football.
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